Super Bowl Squares Probability - Doc's Sports

super bowl squares odds calculator 2020

super bowl squares odds calculator 2020 - win

Alder Hirschain

Name: Team: Age: Gender: Species: Aura:
Alder Hirschain 17 Male Faunus (Deer) Green


Mental # Physical # Social #
Intelligence 4 Strength 2 Presence 3
Wits 3 Dexterity 2 Manipulation 1
Resolve 3 Stamina 2 Composure 3


Mental -3 Physical -1 Social -1
Academics 2 Athletics 2 Empathy 4
Computer 0 Brawl 0 Expression 0
Craft 2 Drive 0 Intimidation 0
Grimm 2 Melee Weapons 1 Persuasion 0
Science 0 Larceny 0 Socialize 3
Medicine 1 Ranged Weapons 1 Streetwise 0
Politics 0 Stealth 0 Subterfuge 0
Dust 0 Investigation 0
Survival 4


Merits # Flaws # Aura/Weapons #
Caster 0 Curiosity 1 Capacity 4
Striking Looks 4 Villager 1 Power 3
Enchanced Aura Pool 4 Insomnia 1 Weapon 1
Overprotective 1


Health Aura Pool Armor Passive Defense Speed Initiative Perception
9 20 3 / 2 2 9 5 5


Name Value Notes
Brawl 1
Ranged 4
Thrown 5
Melee 4
Aura Strike 11 2 AP
All Out Aura Strike 13 No Defense 2 AP


Supernatural Aspect
Alder channels his aura into the runes on his body, the ink glowing bright green and creating the fiendish aspect Ankou. A green runic circle appears below his feet and begins to slowly spin, picking up speed then bursting forth as the beast is created. Ankou himself is formed from the ground, leaving a large hole and split earth in its wake as if it had been slumbering under the surface. The rune etched into Ankou's head glows green, as does his eyes, as Alder's tattoos return to its normal black pigment. Alder then can command the beast by activating different combinations of his tattoos. Different runes glow with different commands then return to normal once the command is completed by Ankou. When the beast has run out of time, or if Alder is no longer able to command him, the beast slowly fades into a pile of the materials used to create it.
Health Armor Melee Ranged Speed
9 3/3 9 7 6
Name Cost Description Effect Action Attack
Runic Command: Summon 5 Alder focuses his aura into all of the runes on, completing the circle of summoning. His aura reaches deep into the earth molding any materials into the form of the beast. The earth trembles and quakes then rises as Ankou rises from its slumber, the giant bear clawing and grasping its way from the earth as it awakens. It's eye and rune glow gain the light of his aura, with Alder's tattoos returning to their normal color after the summoning is complete. The giant bear is a physical being, it can be touched and affected by the world around it. Despite using raw earthy materials in its creation, it feels like an actual bear would when fully formed. Upon completeing its duty, Ankou returns to its slumber by slowly fading back into the materials used to create it. Ankou is summoned to the battlefield, it's actions taking the place of Alder's and vice-versa. For example: If Alder uses his move action, the beast cannot move. The same applies to major and minor actions as well as any full-round actions. Ankou's health is [(Resolve + Presence + Composure], a ranged and melee armor value of [Composure], and a speed of [Resolve + Wits]. It shares its aura pool, perception, and initiative with Alder, but all of these can be affected by outside effects like rough terrain. The beast cannot attack or defend without Alder's command, and requires spent aura to perform anything larger than its movement. Ankou has no duration, but will be destroyed if Alder is unable to control it for more than 2 turns, his aura is depleted, or it's HP reaches 0. Ankou summoning also puts too much of a strain on Alder's body, requiring [15 - Power] turns to be re-awoken. Major
Runic Command: Ráig 4 Alder commands Ankou to attack, the beast lunging forward with its massive green aura-glowing claws and bringing them down on any enemies in its way. The specific runes Sigil, Hagal, Thorn, Nyd, Ur, and Feoh light up on his body in accordance with the attack. The runes return to their normal black color after the command is completed by Ankou. Ankou makes a basic melee attack with its long claws. The attack is calculated with a roll of [Presence + Power + Wits] against the target's [Passive Defense + Armor]. Major [Presence + Power + Wits] - [Passive Defense + Armor]
Runic Command: Verteidigen 3 Alder commands Ankou to form a defensive barrier. The giant ribcage on the outside of its body expands and spreads around its entire body, encasing Ankou in a shell of thick bone. It becomes incredibly solid, strong enough to withstand almost any attack but Ankou cannot move while encased. When commanded to exit it's defensive form, the beat slowly breaks the shell from the inside, the large pieces of bone falling around it in shattered slivers. The runes Ur, Is, Odal, Eoh, Elhaz, and Wynn are lit up on Alder's body while this form is in use. Ankou becomes a solid wall of bone, now acting as immovable cover. He cannot receive damage in this form but he can not perform any actions while encased. To exit the defensive state, another 3 aura with a waiting period of 1 full turn is required to change it back. Major
Runic Command: Hikari 5 Alder commands Ankou to use it's ranged capabilities, his aura lighting up in response. The hulking beast opens its maw wide, focusing energy in its mouth as it takes aim. It fires a burst of green aura at its target, the bright focused aura shredding through armor and shield alike. After firing the concentrated blast, steam rolls out of the mouth of Ankou, a side affect of the moisture in the air being super heated. The runes Lagu, Daeg, Ken, Eoh, and Tyr light up when the command is given. Ankou fires a blast of concentrated aura from its mouth, dealing [Power + Intelligence] with the target's [Passive Defense] being subtracted. Like any other ranged weapon or attack, it is affected negatively by cover and active dodge. It has a range of 45 feet in a straight line. Full Round [Power + Intelligence] - [Passive Defense]

Physical Description

Alder is below average height, standing at around 5 feet, 9 inches tall. He has a thin but mildly muscular frame. It's obvious that he doesn't work out as much as he probably should as his core and overall raw strength are lacking. His eyes are a mellow green but brighten when he sees someone he is close to or if his interest is piqued. He has white skin and is on the pale side. His face is on the sharper side, but it is contrasted by soft eyes and a light complexion that allows him to have quite the pretty face. He has white skin and is on the pale side, and being paired with his good locks gives him an almost ethereal appearance. His hair is long, shaggy, and cascades down to his calves, keeping its thick and shaggy nature to its ends. A long braid of thick hair is intricately woven, then tied off in a loop. This sits over his left shoulder and ends just below his left pectoral. The top of his hair is parted to the left but the right side is long in its own right, with wispy bangs curling between his eyes, around his left eye, and down the cheek. His hair is tied into a fancy knot about 3/4ths of the way down when prepared for combat. His eyebrows start out at a normal thickness but come to a thin point on the ends. This is complimented by long eyelashes, and a bit of eyeliner. He also has a short fluffy deer tail with very minor maneuverability that comes out right above his backside. The bottom of the tail is a soft white like his hair, while the top of it is blonde. He does not have antlers or horns.
Due to his upbringing, and the culture he was raised around, his body is littered with a multitude of tattoos. They are all different runes that start at his left hand, ornately run up his arm, cover both sides of his shoulder, and end by fading out on his collarbone, abdomen, and neck. They are quite large and thickly bolded, so much so that his arm and shoulder look black with spots of white skin showing through. His back has a large runic circle that’s black with gold colored borders and runes and matches the symbols on his arm. Ur, Is, Odal, Eoh, Elhaz, and Wynn activate Defensive spells, Lagu, Daeg, Ken, and Ty activate ranged spells, then Sigil, Hagal, Thorn, Nyd, Ur, and Feoh activate offensive attacks. The last two runes, Peorth and Tyr, are only included in the summoning of Ankou, in which all of the runes are used. Each runes has its own meaning and name, acting as a word of power of sorts. These are chained together to create the differing focuses of aura that Alder requires.
His attire depends solely on where you find him. His casual wear consists of a white button down shirt, with the top 2 or three buttons always open. On top of it is a black haori robe with dark green borders and a giant emblem of a golden deer skull on the back. 3 Door knocker-esque gold rings (4 inch diameter) hang off the outside of the sleeve with one being every 2 inches starting at the top of the arm. As a third layer, a flowing white shawl with dark green borders and black tassels is his top layer. It is wrapped around his shoulders and neck, running diagonally across his chest and cutting off at the elbow on one side. A design of golden branches and leaves run the entire length of the shawl, making it seem like the wearer had poked their head out of a golden tree canopy. He wears a pair of black canvas harem pants that stop at the middle of his shins and are held in place by white straps around the cuffs. The sides of the pants have the same 3 large gold rings (8 inch diameter) as his sleeves that hang off the outside of the pants leg, one about every 4 inches with the first beginning at the waist. They hang down and lay over one another but are hollow to keep them from pulling his pants down. Rather than a belt, a thick braided green sash, about the width of his arm, is tied around his waist with the braid hanging down just between his knees in the front. Lastly, a pair of geta with black laces are his shoe of choice, often slipping them off and walking barefoot if in soft grass or a stream. Accessory wise, he has 3 golden rings on each hand, which are worn on the index, middle, and ring fingers. All six have differing runic lines etched into them. He has matching gold orbital earrings for each ear which have etchings in them as well. His wrists also have a thick gold bracelet each, but these are not etched like their counterparts. A single bear claw on a necklace rests underneath his shirt, tied to a black leather cord, and often hangs off his neck. To top it all off, he usually wears a white flower in the loop of his braid if he can find them, with the usual being a magnolia. On his side is a black cloth messenger bag with leather straps. It usually contains new flora that he had found during his free time, tea grounds, a mandolin, an assortment of small animal bones, a couple animal feathers, a hand towel, and finally a sketchbook and pencil.

Weapon Description

The melee form of Kana Flore is a long Kanabo, a Japanese-style studded club, made of titanium alloy and is covered in black studs that are made from a much denser iron alloy. It has bands of finely sanded and dark stained wood that run down the thick end of the weapon, there is a band every 1/2 ft. The weapon weighs 15 pounds and has a length of 3 feet, 8 inches. It also has a black coin on the pommel and above the handle that is around 1 inch in diameter and has the head of a stag's skull engraved onto it.
The Kanabo's end is open and displays the shotgun barrel and 2 tubes in a triangle below the barrel which are used to hold the ammunition which can vary by a different dust type in each barrel as well as slugs or buckshot. Each tube can hold up to 6 rounds. The shotgun is loaded through a breach with the end of the 2 open tubes in the stock that is revealed when the grip and trigger fold out from the handle. The grip of the shotgun has a switch that allows seamless swapping between the 2 ammo tubes, but a new round must be chambered for the swap to take effect. While in melee form, Kana Flore can be slam fired by holding the trigger down (located on the handle) and pulling down on the bottom half of the handle. The pommel fans downwards when the ranged mode is engaged, creating a slightly uncomfortable but necessary stock. Four sides of the Kanabo are marked with green or white triangles. The marked sides hinge outwards in a thin trapezoid shape, the topside has iron sights, the two on either side of the sights pop up to act as vents as well as mild face protection for the user, while the bottom side has the pump and the foregrip which hinges and locks out of the pump itself. The coin on the pommel stays at the center of the stock while the pommel fans out above and below it. The other black coin also retains its spot on top of the gun, above the trigger.


Alder hails from the far-flung south-east corner of the kingdom of Mistral, a relatively uninhabited area of the kingdom where towns, let alone cities, are few and far between. In this relatively secluded part of the world, old beliefs still remain among many of the hidden peoples with knowledge of the outside world being limited to say the least. Most of them tended to be faunus that fled the Great War and chose to keep themselves hidden from the world, hoping to spend their lives in relative peace. Alder came from one of these many secluded villages, one that still believed in a close bond with both benevolent and violent gods. Overtime, traditions had been built up over the years around their worship, this included intricate body art, animal sacrifices, and the belief in Aura as magic. Every generation, the village would have a special child which would be placed highly above the rest. One that could use the powers of aura from a young age, and progress in strength under the guidance of the religious leaders of the village.
Alder was one of these children, and he was proclaimed to be one of the most promising out of the last few generations. Born to his father Phaius, and mother Anise, he was born on a blood moon in one of the later months of fall on the outskirts of the city. The infant was immediately showered with gifts and offerings from around the village, with everyone teeming over the new promised child. His parents loved him deeply, with the humble family raising him and his two twin sisters, Lantana and Lenten. The boy was known to be rather jovial, never to shout or cry, but always talking and always smiling.
Despite an easy infant hood, one filled with gifts and praise, his childhood was quite the struggle. The village elders began pushing him through tests of strength with his aura, the boy doing well for his age, but not good enough for someone who was supposed to be leader of their religious council one day. Books and studying became his leisure, and fitness tests as well as aura practice became his exercise. Day in and day out consisted of rigorous training so that the child could hone his abilities.
By the time the boy had reached 9, he had fully grasped the concept of his aura, being able to freely use it to both attack and defend for himself. The leaders were concerned however, his strength was the same as any other gifted child, and it undermined their authority. They decided that they’d have to try and find a way for the boy to focus for his true ability to shine. Using broad toothed combs and black pigments were used as a way to leave permanent runes on the boy. Despite the pain and pleading, the work would continue without end. If he wasn’t studying, sleeping, or training, a new rune was being put onto his skin. Before long, Alder had reached the potential that the elders wanted, his use of aura was fantastic, with his semblance being on the verge of manifestation at any time.
The elders of his village once again began to praise him, and the people followed. Gifts of jewelry, fine foods, and animal sacrifices became the norm with a small festival being held for the unveiling of the now young teen’s semblance. He was led out into the deep forest with a select group, including his parents, the elders, and other prominent figures in the village. Two separate shrines for the opposing pantheons were overgrown with vines and moss, covered in faded ceremonial paints, and completed by small honorary trinkets. The shrine for the violent gods was towards the deepest parts of the forest, the thick canopy too dark for a normal person to safe walk through and known to be crawling with grimm. The altar for the benevolent was opposed to it, leading towards the village, and basked in a ray of sunshine that broke through the thick leaves of the forest canopy. The boy was put between the two conflicting shrines, meant to symbolize him as the balance of nature and their religion and was asked to begin the ritual. Alder stared into the vast darkness that was the forest, raising his left hand out towards it, half of his arm igniting with green aura. He held his bare right arm out towards the sunlight, the other half of his tattoos joining the vast glow.
Alder took a deep breath, gathering his aura and using it to manifest his semblance. A bright circle appeared below his feet, one that matched his back, and made the ground around him burst to life. The earth around them began to shake, tree limbs uprooting and the ground splitting as something began to raise itself from the earth behind the boy. First came two large claws like that of a bear which scraped and grasped at the earth as the being pulled itself up. It fully lumbered from the created ravine, a gigantic bear with claws as large as scythes, and a body twice the size of any normal bear stood up out of the darkness. Adorned on its head was an elk skull with a large glowing rune etched in between the eye sockets, with it being an amazing size in its own right. Behind it was a dark headdress of crimson feathers, which cascaded down to the middle of the creature’s back. A distorted rib cage wrapped around the outside of its body like a suit of armor, jagged cracks and splinters covering every bone. Completing the seemingly evil spirit’s look was a design of blood red war paint that ran down the middle of each limb and connected at the mask. A single bright green eye spied out from one of the hollow sockets, looking down at the group of horrified people and letting out a terrifying growl. Alder heard it, turning around and looked up at the horrifying beast himself.
At first, he was frightened, thinking it was some kind of monstrous grimm he had accidentally woken up. It wasn’t until everyone else had already fled did he realize that it was indeed his semblance. The sweet young man had a heart for animals, and despite its dark appearance, he felt a connection to it all the same. Under his command, the beast lowered its head, its lifeless green eyes staring into his before Alder wrapped his arms around its neck, or at least he tried to. He could only smile as the realization of a new friend had entered his mind, elated at the results of all his hard work. He delightfully named it Ankou, but as he continued to admire his work, the beast began to slowly fade away. It sunk back into the earth, replacing the materials that had been taken to complete it. Alder watched it happen without worry, knowing he could call upon the beast at any time.
With his new semblance settled, he walked home, wondering what had happened to his entourage. He entered his home and found that his parents were talking with the elders. Everyone but his parents held their breath as the attention was focused on him, but his fate was sealed. The elders assumed that they had created not a new leader, but a monster and forced his parents to remove him from the village that very night. Being the gods fearing people they were, they gave in and, after loading the young boy up with a few supplies, forced him into the forest alone.
His first few nights were spent in sadness, with Alder even wishing he could go back to his horrible training instead of where he was now. The next week was spent in anger, the boy lashing out at anything and everything that approached him. He cursed himself, then Ankou, and finally the gods, too grief stricken to move further than a couple of miles along his path. By now he had pushed himself a good number of miles away and was hopelessly lost without a clue of where he was headed. Nonetheless, the depressed boy trekked on, avoiding the deeper parts of the forest and sticking to the bright paths that had always been kept clear of monsters. Before long he heard voices, ones of other people. He suddenly became elated, maybe it was his parents, no, the whole village coming to take him back home. He rushed towards the noise, pushing his way through the thickets and bushes until he found himself in the middle of a small campsite. Sitting at it were two strange looking people, with things he’d had never seen before. Small squares that were playing sound, sometime of metal beast with circles for legs, and sharp weapons that looked too threatening for the boy to comprehend.
One of them stood up, looking at the other. The man walked over and gently grabbed Alder by the arm, pulling him over to the campfire. He leaned down, inspecting the tattoos on his arm and giving him a bowl of what smelled like good food. He took it greedily, having been sick of eating cold meals. He didn’t pay much attention to the two men, both of which were busy discussing the markings on his body. They soon invited him to come with them, the two hunters concerned about the little boy's well being. At first, he declined, shaking his head and refusing to go with such odd people. He thought about it though, even if he did somehow find his way back they’d just force him out again, he was doomed here and Alder knew it. He quickly changed his mind and accepted their offer, traveling back to central Mistral with the two hunters.
It was as foreign as he had imagined, the modern world being quite the culture shock to him as the two hunters drove onto Sanctum’s campus. The well-kept school was something he hadn’t ever seen before with its multitudes of students and odd technology. Little did the deer faunus know, it’d be his new home. The men that had picked him up were two of the school’s professors, both of which were experts in aura training. The school gave him a dorm room and let him stay there, with the professors soon learning of Alder’s proficiency with his aura. They allowed him to take classes on campus and let him become acquainted with both a normal social life and the modern technology of Mistral. it was quite the immense struggle for him at first, but students often took interest in him for both his appearance and unknown origin. Being the soft foreigner, he soon became beloved by most of his classmates, some for his heavenly appearance, some for his kindness, and others for his odd stories. Because of these good relationships, he became quite socially active as many would invite him out to social gatherings. He bloomed in a way, coming out of his previously quiet shell and trading it for a confident, but humble attitude.
He became quite popular for his class, with his soft reputation preceding his abomination of a semblance in most people’s opinion. By the time he was nearing graduation, he had fully enveloped himself in Mistral’s culture. He had his own place on the outskirts of town so he could spend more time out in nature, spending most of his time reading, leaning the mandolin, and exploring. The same professors that had brought him to Sanctum talked to him about continuing his studies and argued that he could do a lot to help others. Even if he refused, they gave him his own personalized weapon, Kana Flore, as a necessary back up and graduation gift. They promised that it was his, and told him that they would be honored to pay for the promising student's travel fees for one of the advanced combat schools. The deer faunus became proud of how much work his old mentors had put into it, inspecting every inch of the weapon before answering their question. He accepted their offer, with a personal grudge against grimm being his main motivator, choosing to attend Beacon for the Vale's lush forests and diverse fauna.


Alder’s most obvious traits are his calm mind and attitude. He is almost always soft spoken, only raising his voice if forced to by his surroundings. Yelling seems to be a near possibility for him, as he himself has only ever heard himself be in such a state only once in his life. No matter how much someone gets in his face, he will always respond with a calm but sharp tone, like a father who is disciplining his child. If pushed to his limit, he will break the conversation off all together, leaving the person without another word.
He is also slow to fight, holding strong to the idea that a compromise can always be met without violence. This doesn’t mean that he is a pushover though, as he realizes that sometimes people have to be taught a lesson, especially when they hurt what’s close to him. This includes the wanton destruction of both flora and fauna alike, with the young man strictly chiding anyone who litters, burns, or needlessly harms nature. If they don’t heed his warning, he uses Ankou's terrifying looks to get his point across. A hatred for wanton destruction also includes Grimm, he finds the beasts detestable and will actively go out of his way to eradicate them. He willingly takes up any mission he can, just get get the thought of this abnormal pollutant out of nature. However, he does not believe in practicing pacifism, believing that violence and cruelty is all a part of nature. It is when the destruction becomes needless or overbearing is when he decides to step in personally.
Typically, Alder can be found in his dorm room or roaming the open wilderness around Vale. When visited, he is always quick to offer tea, a book, and a seat, usually in that order. If found in the wilderness, he is typically accompanied by the occasional woodland creature, or delighting in a new flower being added to his collection. He tends to stay late into the night or even the early morning, but also delights in sleep. This causes him to frequently nap in the day, with a sleep schedule that is incredibly erratic. If he is deprived of these occasional naps, he can be quite the tired homebody, and will remain a bit on the quiet side until he gets his beauty sleep.
He delights most in simple conversation with others, often looking forward to who he might meet while out. He prides himself in his cooking as well, often spending an hour or two to cook his own meals with fresh ingredients. He also has a bit of a passion for wine, unable to make it himself or buy any expensive bottles he usually just accepts what he can get. However, he refuses to drink any kind of beer or hard liquor.
His experience with his looks has also made him quite used to being in a social sphere. With him being no stranger most social situations. He understands that his good looks often draws attention from others, but isn't one to chase, preferring to. Despite this, he is more than willing to give most people a shot. Alder would never manipulate another through his looks, as he finds it vain and immoral. He is also a chronically bad liar, with him resorting to telling the truth, or dodging the situation all together. He holds steadfast to his morals, finding that helping others can sometimes be the most rewarding. He also has no need for most material item, finding that wealth isn't what makes him happy. His best friend continues to be Ankou, occasionally using his semblance just to chat one-sidedly with the beast over tea. The beast can be often found with him when he is out in nature, choosing to keep Ankou hidden while around others as he fears scaring the normal people around him.


8/9/2020: Pre-Year 2 Patch
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