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My 1 Year Anniversary of Full Time Day Trading. 3 Years In The Business. What I Wish I Could Tell Myself Years Ago.

This industry has a lack of transparency so I'm more than happy to say I will provide lots of that throughout this post with screenshots. There are LOTS of imgur links to back what I say so it's not just words on a post expecting you to just believe what I'm typing.
This post I suppose is "Part 2" my post back in April, "After 2 years of Daytrading. 7 months full time. Here's my advice". I'm doing this to update everyone who came/comes across this in the future. Yes, it is possible. No, it won't be easy. You will pay homage to the rite of passage into this career. I'll also provide some examples of styles of trading so for the newer aspiring traders, there will be some things I rarely see discussed on forums. So here's to 1 year of Full Time Day Trading

TL;DR - You'll become desensitized to trading. Stubborn to other strategies (There are biggebaddemore lucrative strategies. Don't chase them. Why fix what's not broken? I know what works for me and I'm content with it. No strategy is better than another. It's a personal choice. ). Losing individual trades won't faze you, they're inevitable. Profiting certainly feels better. After a while, you won't be as enthralled to trade every morning, it'll become just another part of your day). Trading is just managing your money through a statistic and the medium to execute it is trading on your platform. Think: "If. Then. Because". Your trading plan should be that black and white. Ask "Why" for everything you do and use. If you can't answer it with documented results, drop it.

I get a bunch of messages all the time from people asking - . Out of those who follow me and chat me seeking further tips through my previous posts. I'll be answering the FAQ's and addressing things I see frequently in this sub as far as trading axioms
Disclaimer: I won't sugarcoat anything. I'll share my experiences and add pieces of advice I'd give to those who are currently experiencing the same thing becoming a full time day trader and what day to day life is like, the occasional distress, (DRAWDOWNS). Some of you follow my Twitter for the past few months where I post my daily watchlists with a snippet that reveals my DayTradingBuyingPower. I do this not to brag but to demonstrate that the account does yield growth, I pay myself, and there are days where the balance does not move because there was no edge. I also do this since nobody else shows their account performance. (Yes. You, Mr. YouTube gurus and wannabe gurus).
We do this for income, the numbers on our accounts are real. Treat it as such. Get your initial capital out of your account THEN try to "Scale your account" with your profits AKA The Market's Money.

I'll go over:
•FAQ's that I get in my inbox (I'm still welcome to further questions if I don't answer here)
•Decision Fatigue (You will experience this)
•The previous year (2019-2020) of ups and downs
•How to use my watchlists that I post on Twitter in the morning to your advantage
•The pivotal moment that changed my trading career (NFLX 10-17-19)
•The road to becoming a full time trader. (It won't be fun unless you're handed the money)
•You'll have a better grasp of my strategy (Between ProTip 4 and 5. ProTip 8.)

There are 10 "ProTips" throughout the post that I wish I could tell myself years back and I'll periodically throw them in here as the post goes on. I make posts long in order to segregate those serious about this business and those who will just become another statistic in the failure rate of this business.

At the end of this post, I'll go over the frequent questions I receive such as: (Answers to FAQ at bottom of post.)
  1. "How do you prepare for a trading day?"
  2. "What would you go back to tell yourself?"
  3. "Books?" (The most abused question, but I get it. I could start a public library with just trading books I bought over the years)
  4. "What is your background?"
  5. "What is a normal day for you?"
  6. "How did you discover your strategy?"
  7. "What did you do/How did you get started?"
  8. "What is your % return?" (Not a fun question since a trading account is not an index or investment account. Intraday traders do not measure performance in %. Most are measured in "R".)
  9. "Is enough to start trading?"
  10. "Why do you need so many monitors"? (This one is rarely asked but I do see it discussed on platforms and people trading on mobile phones love giving flack to anybody who trades on multiple monitors. Hint: Everyone's different. Whatever works for the individual. There are no rules in trading. The only rule is that it works.)

My story:

I heard about daytrading during the 2008 crash while in high school. We all want to make more while working less. I entertained day trading from time to time but always realized I never had enough money. Horrible mindset because I could have still researched WHILE saving money to put into my trading business.
2015 - I opened my first trading account with Scottrade while in the Marines. Apparently if you have a net worth of over $1,000,000 you can get out early (Biggest rumor ever).
I frivolously bought crap penny stocks. In short - I was a hair away from gambling. What made it NOT gambling was the fact that at least I owned something tangible (Securities of a company) and anything can happen. Buy low sell high was my strategy. Didn't work obviously. No idea what I was doing. I'd buy and hold hoping to wake up to the stock price being way higher and it never happened.

ProTip #1 : If you hold a trade overnight... It is not daytrading. Stop turning into an investor because you can't admit a minor defeat.

2017 - I started taking this business seriously while working in the oilfield as a Logistics Planner (If you're wondering what company since I am asked this from time to time, Google: "World's largest oilfield services company").
No kids, girlfriend/wife or financial obligations. I worked 10AM - 7PM CST and would trade the open from home for roughly 1 hour. Later I was offered to be a Data Analyst... Only downside was... I couldn't trade since I had to be at work now at 8AM CST during the market open. In the moment of signing the offer letter, I was bummed thinking, "No more trading,"
That wasn't the case though. You can still build your trading business with a 9-5 and while never making one trade. The data is there.

ProTip #2 : We all see the same data. It's there forever. Many strategies show their edge both live and in hindsight the same. (Especially if you trade patterns). You CAN build your business as a trader without even taking a trade. You CAN build your strategy while working a 9-5. Just because you're not trading, does not mean you can't build your business through research. You won't know how you'll react to the losses but at least you can diagnose the raw data with a large enough sample size for assurance and confidence.

If you have a 9-5 and want to go fulltime into this business. Stay for a bit, save, live so far beneath your means that it is almost miserable, (depending on your expenses, area you live, family etc) and get a few hundred sample sizes of your strategy! And for your PTO/days off... trade the open. I sacrificed my vacation days to trade.
After 2 years in corporate America, eating cheap food, never going out, saving relentlessly, I made the decision to just do it and resigned. I went straight into the ring of fire known as trading. That was on: September 23rd, 2019
"" (Sound familiar?)

When you hear these types of comments.. your response should be: "Nobody put the time I put into this. The 90%+ who fail, don't have it all written out, computerized backtests, manual backtests, statistics, SOP manuals, JUST like the job I have which is a business, I'm just another cog in their wheel. I'll just be wearing all the hats in my trading business. Instead of Oil&Gas, it's just for trading". One thing I see here a lot is people saying to trade X amount of months/years or make X.

ProTip #3 - Think in man hours, not calendar. Example:
Trader A puts in 1 hour of study/work/research everyday for 1 year. (365 Hours)
Trader B puts in 12 hours of work every day for 4 months. (~1,450 Hours)
Trader A lives in a major city while Trader B lives in the middle of nowhere. (Think cost of living)
2 totally different living expenses and 2 different calibers of dedication. I'd put my money on Trader B because he put in more man hours. (~1,000 more hours on the clock to be more exact).

ProTip #4 - Have a cushion in your account AND your personal bank account. Having a strategy is great but you won't know entirely if you can fulfill and execute your plan until you experience the ups and downs both short and long term. A strategy is constant over long periods of time... there will be days, weeks, and perhaps a month here and there where you aren't making much money. We hear all the time, "Trade like a casino". Casinos don't make money day after day but the odds are in there favor over the long haul.

Month 1 of full time trading was great:
Immediately after going full time, the first month (September 2019 to October 2019), I did super well. Business as usual. No stress. Everything going as planned. No turbulence. At least not like I had ever experienced...

The 2 prerequisites I had before resigning was:
  1. Show consistency in returns. Consistent Sharpe Ratio.
  2. Make a 4 figure trade (I achieved this while short 100 shares on ROKU September 20th, 2019 and even made a victory post if you scroll down my profile's posts.)

First life-changing trading lesson learned as a full time trader:
That money printing spree ended on NFLX October 17th, 2019. Less than 1 month of being a full time trader. Deviating and going against my plan I actually made $500 in a matter of 4 minutes. If you follow my watchlists on Twitter, I always trade with the direction of the gap. If I notate, "Long Watches" that means I will only trade it IF (and only IF) I see a long biased pattern. Likewise I will only be looking to short my "Short Watches". Plenty of times I'll call out a ticker and it immediately goes the other way. No harm no foul because there was no long biased pattern to confirm my thesis.
On 10-17-2019, I went against my plan and it worked.. NFLX gapped up to resistance and I went short when it tanked off of a short pattern.(This is known as fading). The market gave me a free lunch and then some. So now I'm walking on air in my mind:
"I'm an absolute unit"
"I'll do it again and clear another $500 to make it a 4 figure day before 9:30AM Central"
"Should have quit my job way earlier being this good."
Within 30 minutes of the open. I gave all $500 back. Yes I wanted to trade it back. Never have I had the desire to smash anything but I do understand those who do! Yes I stood there and felt like each passing second was wasted opportunity. The next 24 hours were long!

ProTip #5: It's circumstances like that that help you in the long run. FunFact: I never once deviated from my plan since. Not ever again.

"I could have paid for my groceries and electric for the month after 4 minutes of trading if I just took the free pass the market gave me" I felt dumb but in hindsight, I'm glad at what happened. It was this exact instance that married me to my strategy/business plan. The next day and the 7 trading days following. I didn't make 1 profiting trade. My longest ever drawdown - 11 straight trades. While researching I found out this was Decision Fatigue (I'll go over this shortly below)

Put yourself in that situation...
You have bills and your income is strictly trading. I don't care how much a robot you think you are or how strongly you believe in probabilities, when you were in an office less than a month ago making almost 6 figures sitting in an air conditioned office knowing direct deposit is on its way every other Friday no matter how well or poorly you performed at work.. Now you're in the hot seat. Its a bottomless feeling. Now all of your friends and families words are ringing in your head.
But just like a boxing match.. you gotta take a hit to get a hit. Win some, lose some, shake hands and get back to normal life. Water under the bridge.
Mind you:
•No guaranteed direct deposit every 2 weeks.
•No more medical/dental insurance.
•401K retirement is no longer being matched.

11 trades is nothing. You only require ~5.5 trades at 2:1RRR to make it back OR 3.5 trades at 3:1RRR. It's nothing especially in your research because you can easily just scroll a little more and see, "Oh that's just a drawdown. No big deal". How will you react in real time? Will you buckle or choke? But the thing is, I was skipping trades out of fear and JUST so happened to be picking all of the unsuccessful ones. (Decision Fatigue)
Think about those 2 weeks of being in a drawdown. Half of the month. You're not just stagnant, your account is bleeding slowly but surely. Next time you're looking at your spreadsheet/backtest/predictive model/research.. try to put yourself in those days of drawdown. It's not just 11 boxes of red with "-1R" or "Loss" in them. The screenshot above on Imgur is just a recent example.
Think about your daily routine, going to the gym, hanging with friends, grocery shopping, cooking, going to bed, waking up, doing a routine, then losing again.. and again.. and again. Try to think of life during those 300+ hours (Weekends too) of, "I haven't made money. I've lost money. And I still have bills. After paying them, I'll be closer to my set Risk of Ruin".
Here's a lesson you won't learn before going fulltime but I'll do my best to emphasize it here:
Pick a strategy. And stick with it. It can literally be anything. Don't spread yourself thin watching 20+ tickers and be a jack of all patterns/tickers. Be a master of 1 pattern and master of 1 circumstance. There's this real thing called "Decision Fatigue" which explains exactly why what happened.. happened. The article explains that the 2 outcomes of this mental strain known as "Decision Fatigue" is:
  1. Risky Decision-Making
  2. Decision Avoidance
Sound familiar? Does it kind of make sense now? As a new trader you have YouTube, Facebook, StockTwits, Twitter, "gurus", books recommended on Amazon, all throwing their ideas/strategies around, the market has opportunities littered all over.. Decision Fatigue is inevitable for the unprepared. Decision Fatigue happens in every profession. If you mess up at your 9-5, its just a blunder, your paycheck will remain the same. Just a slap on the wrist and move on. With trading, you make a mistake.. it's less food on your table, lights don't stay on, and/or water isn't running. That pressure adds up. No wonder so many fail...
The signs of Decision Fatigue:
When you find what clicks with you AND its either statistically or performance proven, have the courage to risk a healthy sum of your capital into it. There are strategies/patterns/styles of trading littered all over the internet:
Very broad example:
"IF circumstance happens THEN "Execution". Stoploss is XYZ. Target is XYZ. BECAUSE over a series of Y trades, I will make $X,XXX.xx".

ProTip #6 : Strategies are all over the internet. It's your account/money, backtest it. People share their strategies here all the time and although I don't agree with them because I know what works for me, it's something to chew off of for you newer traders. YouTube is a harbor with people who give just enough info to figure their style out. You will lose trades. Sit for some screen-time and pay homage to the edge that you discover. All in due time.

Insert key metrics and find correlations. This is how you create checks and balances to create/formulate a black and white trading plan. When I first started doing this, my spreadsheet(s) had so many columns it was annoying and would kill my desire to continue working. You'll find things that are imperative and some that are unimportant. For a lack of more colorful terms: "Throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks" Trim the fat. Rinse and repeat.

Here's some things I used to remind myself of and perhaps it'll ring some bells for you:

Surrender your capital to your edge. If you truly accept the risk and trust your proven edge, losses don't feel like anything nor do profits. Although we're not here to put on losing trades and yes it does feel nice to profit. I still from time to time will excited when I hit target after a series of multiple profiting trades depending on my mood.
If you're nervous or your heart starts beating quicker when you hear the sound effect of a trade getting entered/filled. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you're truly accepting the risk.
Things you can't take to the bank:
  1. RRR.
  2. Win-Rate
  3. Number of trades.
  4. "This one great trade that I hit target in less than 30 seconds and I got filled better than expected"
All of these are integral metrics. But you're trading to make money. It's up or down, green or red, profit or loss, TRUE or FALSE. So with that said, find what works flawlessly and is easy to follow. Checks and Balances. Then allocate a good sum of risk into it. I read it here all the time, "Don't risk too much" and that's great and true for new traders. But don't sell yourself short. Push yourself over the edge and admit that you know your stuff. Think of Trader A and Trader B. If you've put the time in.. don't sell yourself short. You've built enough courage to learn a business so many fail at. This business has such a negative connotation. But remember that not everybody can handle meritocracies and that's exactly what the market is. Don't try to be the best, just work harder than everyone else and the output of your input will be relative.

ProTip #7: YouTube trading ads from gurus... they're subconsciously making you think you're a novice trader. It's in their marketing. They study marketing psychology. The EASIEST things to sell:
  1. Health
  2. Wealth
  3. Happiness
People that are desperate for those things are the most vulnerable and these "Traders" marketers are fantastic at portraying all 3 of those things at once.

ProTip #8 (Broken record alert) : Write a business plan. Your strategy shouldn't take longer than 4 sentences to explain to another trader. When you have a plan that's proven through a statistic and WAIT for it to happen, you feel 100X better taking the trade. You don't even care too much when it results in a loss. Because that was your plan, you accept it much better, and you know it was just an expense for a winning trade.

Want my strategy? "I scan for stocks with a market cap of over 250M, 10k shares premarket, gapping to support or resistance, priced over $10, and I look for a pattern biased to the direction of the overnight gap. It isn't rocket science. Check my Twitter, look at the dates I posted, and you'll notice the gist. Yes this is an edge but not the entire edge. How fast can you sift through 15 time frames? How long does it take you to fill out your order ticket? Your Fibonacci time extensions with 5 EMA's and Bollinger Bands aren't helping you. They're lagging. If they work for you, great. In my experience, they hindered my visibility.

Pro Tip #9: Yes statistics are highly applicable to trading. Patterns do work. All patterns do is tell you WHEN to enteexit, and how many shares. Humans will never think differently of money. Be the frontrunner of the market's emotions. Nobody remembers the indecisive leader. Risk taking is a commonality amongst leaders. Trading requires courage and it's O.K. to show a bit of confidence as long as you also have the humility to admit when you're in a bad trade. (Notice how I didn't put, "wrong". You're only "wrong" when you deviate from a proven strategy.)

ProTip #10: Risk management is 24/7. I've never heard anyone mention this but think about it a little bit. Having financial obligations can become stressful regardless of how you earn your income but its far more stressful while running a business. Not just any business, but a business where you can go to work on your A-game, do every single last thing right, trade without emotion etc... and still walk away with less money than what you came to work with. Meanwhile somebody who JUST started trading made a 4 figure profit not knowing what the heck the difference between ETB, HTB, or NTB. Think of it like this, a JV high school baseball player can hit a homerun off of an MLB pitcher once.. but how will he fare at the end of the season? Traders don't predict stock prices, traders predict the outcome over hundreds of trades. People chat me asking what TO do rather than what NOT to do. You don't learn labor intensive jobs or how to fly a plane by what to do.. you learn what NOT to do to stay alive.

That's all I have. Once you have a trading plan underway and you're executing it, you don't have much time when your hobbies are cheap but I still do respond to chats/messages. I do get asked from a previous post when I'll build a website and to answer that: I'm learning how to build a site on rainy days. Can't put a definitive date on it. I will say that its coming, if you don't give up on this business in the next year or so, you'll see it. What I plan on putting on there:
  1. RiskReward Calculators
  2. Position size Calculators
  3. EV Calculator
  4. Dictionary with examples
I just don't want some generic WordPress site. I want my website to be stellar and a great resource for aspiring traders. Something I didn't have learning this business. I want it to be something I'd consider a staple in a trader's resources. Perhaps one day it will be referenced on this sub frequently.
  1. "How do you prepare for a trading day?" I get behind the computer about 20 minutes before the bell. Reason being: "If you study long. You'll study wrong". If the chart isn't grabbing my attention and gets me excited, then I flick to the next ticker. I don't even know the companies I trade half the time nor do I care about a news report some journalist wrote. Also there is no magic news outlet that lets you know about "Major events that affect stock prices". If there was, I wouldn't be here because we're all subscribed to the same edge nor would I be trading my style.
  2. "What would you go back to tell yourself?" Get more data. Save a little more, your hairline and sleep schedule will thank you. Take only perfect trades and don't feel forced to trade. There will be days you don't touch an order ticket. And days where you are busy and have tunnel vision. Next thing you know its time to shut it down for the day.
  3. "Books?" - I try to humble myself when answering this but off the cuff, they're all mediocre. Andrew Aziz's was ok, definitely get it, it's only a few bucks on Kindle. Just don't expect it to give you strategies BUT it will give you ideas. If you're brand new, it is good as it will teach you the common vernacular of a day trader. Mark Douglas was interesting but his YouTube seminar recordings are much better. No book, Facebook group, YouTube channel is going to be the end all be all perfect strategy. Expect losses. Don't be a one hitter quitter after suffering a few tiny losses/paper cuts. Stick to it. Most books will help you familiarize yourself with the common vocabulary amongst traders and will hint ideas. It's your job to formulate the strategy and template for research.
  4. "What is your background?" I was a logistics planner for a major oilfield services company. Later I then became a data/buyer analyst so yes, data analytics/research was a 2nd language for me entering trading. I did have that upper hand and did shave off months if not years for me.
  5. "What is a normal day for you?" I'm always done trading after 10:30AM Central. I will hold onto a trade until right before the bell if it hasn't hit either target or StopLoss by the time I leave the house but it is absolutely closed in entirety by 2:55PM Central. After I trade, I enjoy the day. No I'm not riding around in my Lambos posting IG/Snapchat (I have neither) stories of my profits with my private jet waiting on a runway trying to sell an $7 eBook or a $100 membership (HINT HINT). I grill/cook, read, workout, ride my motorcycle, attack my other sources of income (small businesses I'm building), hit the driving range, shoot guns, etc. I live in Texas. Life is cheap and fun here.
  6. "How did you discover your strategy?" I bought TradeIdeas premium, went through all of their computerized backtesting patterns, tested them. Then did what I mentioned earlier... Tried to find correlations in metrics. It distilled the trades to a strict criteria and here I am. I post on average 4-5 tickers on my watchlist. 7 max. I do not like spreading my attention thin across multiple tickers. I do not recommend buying TradeIdeas, it does have lots of bugs.
  7. "What did you do/How did you get started?" Was a data analyst, was good at research and applied it to trading. My incentive was, "I could have made more money trading rather than sitting in 2+ hours of roundtrip traffic and 9 hours in an office. The data is there. Everybody sees the same charts all over the world. There are ways to make this possible"
  8. "What is your % return?" (Not a fun question since a trading account is not an index or investment account. Intraday traders do not measure performance in %) I trade to make money AND pay myself, so my equity curve will look like a small loss or small gain after I pay myself. % return? I measure my account's performance in Sharpe Ratio and Risk Units. My Sharpe Ratio is ~1.85. While I yield roughly .8 - 1 R per trading day. Some weeks I make 10R. Some weeks I lose 2R. Yeah one week I might make $2,500. But the next week I might lose $300. The following week my strategy will yield $0 and the last week I might make $1,000. Some weeks suck. Some weeks are great. But overall. Just shy of 1R per trading day. Some days I'm super busy taking trade after trade. Some days I'll shut it down after 5 minutes without even filling out an order ticket. Some days I won't even see the open because there is no edge for me.. Keywords... "For me".
  9. "Is enough to start trading?" Depends on where you live. Are you restricted to PDT? If not then how much are you obligated to expenses? I live in Texas. Things are cheap here. If you live in NYC or The Bay Area your expenses will be astronomical compared to mine. A $30,000 account is totally doable for a single Texan with low monthly expenses. Now if you're in California or New York? I'm sure you'll fall below 25k if you have 1 bad month. Also depends on if you have other sources of income or a full/part time job. I encourage every trader and aspiring trader to have multiple sources of income, don't rely solely on trading. Not just for the sake of mitigating pressure but also for sanity. If you have a family to provide for, I don't know what that's like, you never know when Little Johnny is going to randomly pick up Trombone lessons for a school program/play while little Suzie needs transmission work in her car because a simple solenoid went out. $1,700 later.
  10. "Why do you need so many monitors?" I use 3 for trading. The 4th is for music. The other 2 are useless while trading. That's for trading though. When I made the decision to go full time, I knew I was about to go off the chain with research. And sifting between spreadsheets, a platform to see multiple timeframes for a pattern to backtest. My attention span is short, I'll lose my train of thought before I open the other tab to input data. But the main reason was for research. It's such a time saver and is a headache repellant when doing research while everything is laid out in front of you. Now that I have a system. I'll most likely be treating myself to 2 ultrawides for Christmas.
As always, thank you to everybody who takes time out to message me and letting me know some people read these and show appreciation. I would say, "Good luck" but there is no luck in trading. Just statistics. Remember that!
In conclusion: Yes. Full time trading is possible, depending where you live/monthly expenses and obligations. You're more likely to become a profitable trader than a professional athlete. There is a level of uncertainty each day, perhaps each week, doubtful each month, and definitely not each year. If I ever want a raise, I just consult my business plan and financials, then decide if I can handle it mentally. If you have medical issues, get a part time job for the benefits. If you're healthy, just be careful.

All the best!
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All the casino games features at the Superlines Casino incorporates RNG or Random Number Generator. Hence fairness and randomness for the casino games are completely guaranteed. The casino operator is known for the most unpredictable RNG online due to extensive audits by game testing agencies.

Live Casino

Superlines Casino is also home to some of the best live games in the iGaming industry. If you are a Roulette aficionado, you can master the wheel with variants like European Roulette, GIB Roulette and Sizzling Hot Roulette. Also, if you love Blackjack and Baccarat, you can find several game variants suited to you taste while playing against the live dealers.
Superlines Casino is licensed and regulated by the Government of Curacao which means that you get access to the highest level of features in the iGaming industry. All the casino games are powered by reputed software giants like NetEnt, Elk Studio, NextGen Gaming, 1×2 Gaming among others.
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The website of Superlines Casinos is clutter free with everything clear and within the view. The appealing colour palette with a sophisticated and stylized design creates an immediate impact on all customers. Here, you can find a plethora of games where you can either download it on your mobile via app or play it directly on the web browser. The casino tested by independent game testing agencies like TST and eCOGRA where all the games are free from malware.
The games can be downloaded on all popular smartphone models of iOS and Android. At the same time, the games are compatible with all the modern browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. You can play the games on your smartphones or mobile devices even when you are travelling from any place in the world. You need to download the app on your device and get immediate access to a wide range of games offered by Superlines Casino.
When it comes to fairness, transparency and trust, you can entirely rely on Superlines Casino as the operator is fully committed to providing a fair gaming standard. The game software is meticulously maintained and tested by the gaming agencies from time to time with the highest industry standards.

Payment and Withdrawals at Superlines Casino

When it comes to banking options, you can rest assured that your valuable money and user credentials are safe with the casino operator. For making deposits, you can opt for various payment methods like payment cards, Zimpler, Trustly, GiroPay, Poli, Visa, Visa Electron, Paysafecard, MasterCard, Maestro and EcoPayz.
When it comes to withdrawals, the options are a little bit limited as you have to opt for services from Skrill, Wire Transfer, Visa, Visa Electron, Neteller, MasterCard and Maestro. All the payment method comes with fees and charges for processing the transaction. You must choose a payment method that does not charge a lot of money and settles your online transaction in the minimum possible time.
All the winning payouts are processed by the casino operator immediately, and you can expect the money to arrive in your bank account without any delay. Before processing the withdrawal request, you must submit a photo ID and utility bill.
The photo ID can be a valid National ID Card, Driving License or Passport. The utility bill can be either phone or electricity bill with your name and address mentioned. The bill should not be more than six months old.
If the documents are not received within five working days, the withdrawal request is declined, and the money is returned to the casino account. Superlines Casino verifies all the requested documents within 1-2 business days. For fast winning payouts, you are recommended to send an email to the customer support team with scanned copies of the documents mentioned above.
The minimum withdrawal amount is €100 per withdrawal with a maximum of €5000 in a given month. Any requests above these limits are automatically declined, and the funds are automatically returned to your casino balance.
All withdrawal requests are processed in 1-3 days after document verification. Once it is processed, you will receive the money based on different banking methods like:
  • Payment Card: 1 business day
  • Neteller: 1 business day
  • Skrill: 1 business day
  • Qiwi: 1 business day
  • EcoPayz: 1 business day
  • Wire Transfer: 5 business day
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Casino Superlines Customer Support

Although the casino has been in existence for around a year and a half, it is surprising to note that Superlines Casino offers 24/7 customer service to all its clients. Staff members can be contacted through various channels like email, live chat and telephone where all queries are resolved in 24-48 hours.
If you don’t want to wait for their reply and you are in a hurry, then you should check out the detailed FAQ section on the official website of the casino operator which we linked to in our online casino review. The dedicated section can help you get answers to some of the commonly asked questions related to casino games and online banking transactions.

Restricted Countries

Due to some legal and gambling restrictions, players residing in Afghanistan, Algeria, Albania, Angola, Cambodia, Guyana, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Iran, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Myanmar, Lao, North Korea, Nicaragua, Namibia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Pakistan, Spain, Syria, Singapore, Sudan, South Korea, Taiwan, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Zimbabwe and Yemen are prohibited to register and play at Superlines Casino.
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Reliability and Security

The Superliners Casino implements 128 bit SSL or Secure Socket Layer technology to keep the transaction details of all the players safe and secure. At the same time, this sophisticated encryption technology eliminates all risks associated with online banking. The online gaming system is managed to highly professional standards to deliver secure service for all players.
Superlines Casino maintains full confidentiality over all information of players, and it is not shared outside the organisation. Upon registration, you are given a personal account holder and choose a proper username and password. It is your responsibility for keeping the information safe from any unauthorised access.
Complete privacy is provided to players while making online banking transactions for deposits and withdrawals. Authentic checks are carried out from time to time so that your personal and confidential details like bank account number, email address and contact number are not compromised.
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If you are searching for an ultimate online casino experience, it does not get anything better than Superlines Casino. It maintains an incredible real casino environment with staff members working round the clock to offer an immersive gaming experience to players. The casino uses some of the best gaming providers in the market for top quality games like online slots, table games, video poker etc.
All the casino games are available for free play where you get to understand the game before you start playing for real money. At the same time, the casino is licensed and regulated by Curacao which means that all games are fair and random.
Superlines Casino receives a big THUMBS UP from our team members at Top10-CasinoSites.Net, and we recommend this operator for all the newbie as well as experienced gamblers. We highly recommend checking out the list of restricted countries from the list above before playing. If you are eligible, you must register and start playing your favourite games either free or as a real money player.
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GoodWin Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promo codes

GoodWin Casino Review & Free Spins
Here is our exclusive review for GoodWin Casino. Click on the link below and receive 20 free spins which is a no deposit bonus. Later, get one of the welcome bonuses: 200% + 50 FS, 150% + 100 FS, or 100% + 50 FS on your first deposit. No donload needed! Play and win real money! Fast cashout!
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About GoodWin Casino

Goodwin Casino is a new operator founded in 2018 and licensed by the government of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. They work with half a dozen software developers and are specialized in supplying slots to their players, while also offering live dealer table games and video pokers. The games are proven fair and can be played on mobile devices and players can enjoy them in the browser with no download.
There are three Goodwin Casino welcome bonuses to choose from, each of them with wagering requirements that have to be met within a week after being awarded. The casino chose to offer three distinct bonuses based on the amount invested by players, to provide new members with greater freedom. They even offer a no deposit bonus that consists of 20 free spins, whose profits are subject to 40 times wagering requirements. These are offered exclusively to those who have registered and verified their account by providing certain documents that will confirm their identity.
The bigger Goodwin Casino bonuses are offered to real money depositors and the amounts differ depending on how much they deposit. New players who can only afford to deposit €15 or currency equivalent will qualify for the Scarecrow`s Brains package. The deposit will be matched by 200% and players will also receive 35 free spins on the Elements: The Awaiking slots. The bonus has to be cleared within seven days after being awarded, otherwise they will expire.
“Woodman’s Heart” will match the first deposit of at least €50 by 150% and will throw in 50 free spins on the slot. Blood Suckers “The Lion`s Courage“ is the biggest welcome bonus available, consisting of a 100% match deposit and 200 free spins on King of Slots. Only deposits of at least €100 will qualify for this bonus, so this package is better suited for highrollers. These bonuses are mutually exclusive and players can apply for new ones after meeting the wagering requirements on active bonuses.
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How do I start playing?

Both real money and virtual currency games will require players to have a registered account. Signing up for one shouldn’t take more than a few minutes, as the casino asks for only the basic information. This is standard procedure at online casinos, who want to prevent bonus abuse and mitigate the risks of players opening multiple accounts at the same bookmaker or casino.
New players must state their name, country of origin and gender, before selecting a payment method. They don’t have to make a deposit right away and can deposit at a later date, to claim the bonus. In order to cash out winnings, players are also expected to complete the verification process by proving their identity. In order to pass the verification, one has to send an email to their official address and provide the documents required. Under normal circumstances, this should take between five and 15 minutes.

Goodwin Casino Games and Software

GoodWin Casino works with several software developers and the most important ones are Microgaming, NetEnt, Playson, Quickspin and Endorphina. These are leading suppliers of slots, but they are well versed in the art of developing video pokers, scratch cards and specialty games. The casino also has a live dealer section, where players can bet real currency on different types of blackjack, roulette and baccarat.
There are plenty of games to choose from, but navigation is a breeze and that’s because the games available are conveniently grouped based on genre. In the section reserved to virtual games, players can expect to find hundreds of slots with classic and modern game mechanics. Immortal Romance, Gonzo’s Quest, Dragon Shrine and Dia de Los Muertos are some of the most popular slots available. Next to them, players can find the high paying progressive jackpot slots developed by NetEnt and Microgaming.
This is also the place to go if you’re in the market for video pokers, as GoodWin Casino games include All Aces Poker, Jacks or Better, Aces and Faces, and Fruit Poker. These are games with a high return to player that can return as much as 99% of the stakes, if proper strategies used. Table games such as roulette, baccarat and blackjack can be played here against the random number generator, or players can switch to the live dealer section.
Action is usually focused on American and European roulette, but the French version of the game and multiwheel roulette are also featured. The same diversity is enjoyed by baccarat fans, who can play the classic version of the game or Baccarat Gold. American blackjack and several variants of the famous card game can be played in the company of real croupiers in the GoodWin live casino. Mobile devices can be used to play any of the games they supply and also to sign up for an account, make a deposit and cash out.
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Website layout and interface

GoodWin casino is a fresh face in the competitive online gambling industry and it attracts new players with its cool looking website. Simple, yet elegant, it has colorful pages that load quickly on mobile devices, as it was optimized for the use on smartphones and tablets. Useful information about promotions, bonuses, as well as the games available is clearly displayed on the main page.
Players can go over the detailed FAQ section and learn more about the new casino, instead of having to talk to customer support. The website is fitted with filters allowing players to browse by game developer or genre, so in spite of having so many games on display, they won’t have a problem in finding the ones they’re interested in.

Contact options

As stated above, the information page is comprehensive and those who choose to look for answers in the FAQ area won’t be disappointed. They always have the alternative of contacting a customer support specialist directly via telephone, email and live chat.
GoodWin casino has even listed the address of its headquarters, so those who prefer to write a letter and send it via traditional mail, can do it.
Live chat: Yes (English, German, Russian, Finnish)
E-mail: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Phone: +31 20 201 8186
Address: Office 29 Clifton House, Fitzwilliam Street Lower Dublin 2, Ireland

Other promotions and offers at GoodWin Casino

GoodWin casino promotions don’t end with the welcome bonus, even though the introductory offer is the most generous. Future deposits will also be matched by 50% through the “Emerald Potion” campaign, with 30 times wagering requirements and a maximum payout of 15 times the deposit. In addition to matching the deposit, the casino will also offer 50 free spins to be used on the Fairytale Legends: Mirror Mirror slots. Players shouldn’t have any other bonus active and meet the play through demands in 7 days.
The GoodWin casino loyalty program is centered on the accumulation and spending of loyalty points. Depending on how many they’ve earned, players can convert them for free spins on one of the many popular games. They can turn in 10,000 points for 50 free spins on the Gonzo Quest slot and then wager the profits 25 times before cashing out. Time is of the essence and they have to meet the wagering requirements in three days for a chance to withdraw a maximum amount of €150.
The alternative would be to convert 100,000 loyalty points into €50 which have to be wagered five times before cashing out. In this case, the ceiling for the winnings consists of €300 and players can activate this promotion in conjunction with other bonuses. New players and those who have significantly fewer loyalty points can opt in for the promotion converting 2000 points for €1. The play through demands have been toned down to only 10 times the amount, but the downside is that players can’t withdraw in excess of €15.
A similar proposition is made to players who own 10,000 loyalty points and are willing to convert them for €5.5. This is an intermediary promotion, with seven times wagering requirements and a maximum bet of €4 which can be used together with other offers. At the upper end of the spectrum. highrollers can take full advantage of the GoodWin casino loyalty program and convert 1 million points into €500. Perhaps not surprisingly, the wagering requirements have been reduced to three times the amount, while the maximum win was increased to €1500.
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Currencies and payment options

Currencies accepted: EUR, RUB, USD
All deposit withdrawal methods: Visa, Mastercard, iWallet, Tele2, MegaFon, Beeline, MTS, Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex, Neteller, Skrill (Moneybookers)
The list of GoodWin casino payment methods used to be shorter when the casino opened its doors, but today it includes most of the frequently used banking options. Credit and debit cards from Visa and MasterCard can be used to deposit funds and players have the option to switch to e-wallets and wire transfers. iWallet, Tele2, Beeline, Megafon, MTS, QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Neteller and Skrill are all accepted and players can deposit a minimum of €10 or $10. Rubles are also accepted and there is no minimum withdrawal amount, while players can cash out a maximum of $20,000 per month.


GoodWin casino took the gambling market by storm in 2018 and already has an impressive lineup of games covering all genres. They offer excellent welcome bonuses to new players and reward dedicated members through a generous loyalty program. They don’t have the experience of established online casinos, but are quickly catching up and should be able to close the gap separating them from the leaders.
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GreenSpin Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotions

GreenSpin Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotions

GreenSpin Casino Gratis Spins & Free Bonuses
GreenSpin Casino is now offering 20 exclusive free spins to all new players! In order to claim this promotion you have to open your account via the promo link below. After that, you will have a chance for a $5000 massive welcome bonus and 300 gratis spins on top! You can't get better than this offer! Note, this casino offers super fast payments and accepts all crypto-currencies! Mobile Play OK!
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Greenspin Casino Review

If you’re looking to win some green at a top gaming site, check out Greenspin casino. You can claim an awesome choice of welcome packages and you’ll also be able to enjoy regular reloads, free spins, and VIP rewards.
Sign up and play a great choice of slots and games from top software providers and take part in prize tournaments. Other plus points include a top choice of banking options and 24/7 support. Simply make your first deposit today and choose a welcome bonus that suits your budget.

Greenspin Casino Bonuses and Promotions

A choice of three excellent welcome packages can be yours when you sign up to Greenspin casino. All three offers contain first deposit bonuses you can use to play hundreds of slots, which also come with free spins to play specified slots. With small, medium, and high-roller bonuses available, it’s easy to see why our Greenspin casino review experts recommend these packages to all players.
You’ll also be able to claim more generous bonuses when you make each of your second and third deposits. These are designed to suit players that like to claim a variety of different sized bonuses. Regular players can also take advantage of free spins and bonus combos, as well as weekly reloads. You could even be the lucky winner of a daily cash drop.
Loyal players will also be able to unlock five levels of VIP at Greenspin casino. You’ll earn comp points as you play, and these will help you upgrade your status from athlete all the way to champion. A personal account manager, faster withdrawals, and cashback are just some of the perks. You’ll also receive offers of personalized bonuses and invites to events.
The chance to take part in slot tournaments is another great reason to be a member of Greenspin casino. Enter the race to finish on top of the leaderboard and you’ll win lots of tasty prizes if you’re one of the best players. This great choice of promotions is designed to suit all tastes, which is one of the main reasons our Greenspin casino review team recommends you sign up and start playing.
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Software and Other Games

Our review of Greenspin casino revealed hundreds of slots and games from lots of the world’s best software providers. Spin the most popular slots from NetEnt, Microgaming, and Play’n GO.
If you’re looking to win a massive prize at Greenspin casino, head over to the jackpot section where you can play big-money progressive games such as Mega Moolah: Absolootly Mad.
Over 190 tables also make the Greenspin live casino one of the best around and it’s powered by Evolution Gaming and other popular software providers. Rapid Auto Roulette, Blitz Blackjack, and Speed Baccarat are a great source of thrills. Football Studio, Dragon Tiger, and Super Sic Bo are other interesting games you can play.
Casino Hold’em, craps, and Caribbean poker are among the many random-number-generated table games. Video poker games such as Deuces Wild and Aces & Faces Level-Up are also available. Our Greenspin casino reviewers think this top choice of slots, games, and software providers is another massive reason to sign up and play at this awesome online gaming site.

Banking and Cashouts

An impressive choice of banking options is available at Greenspin casino including credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. For example, you can fund your casino account with Visa, Neteller, and Bitcoin. If you’re not sure what your best banking options are, our Greenspin online casino reviewers recommend you check with the cashier.
Low minimum deposits and withdrawals are other popular features, while you can withdraw up to 48,000 CAD/AUD every month or currency equivalent. We’re also pleased to report that all payments and personal data are processed using SSL encryption. This complies with the gambling regulations of Curacao and means Greenspin can be classified as a safe online casino.
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Support at Greenspin Casino

There are three ways to get help at Greenspin casino. First up, the FAQ. This is a great place to browse to get information about important topics such as bonuses, privacy and security, and responsible gaming. Click on the ‘support’ tab and you’ll also be able to contact the customer service team using an email contact form.
Our Greenspin casino review team also tested the live chat support feature several times and were delighted with the response times and the professionalism of the live agents. This service is also available 24/7 on Android, iOS, and desktop.

Our Verdict

There’s no better place to win yourself some green than at Greenspin casino. This top gaming site offers a fantastic choice of small, medium, and high-roller welcome packages. All players can also take advantage of regular reloads, free spins, and tournaments. There are even five levels of VIP rewards to unlock.
All this promotional fun is perfectly complemented by great slots and games from many top software providers. Add in an excellent banking policy and 24/7 support, and it’s easy to see why our Greenspin review experts are thrilled to be able to recommend this top online casino to you.
Sign up to Greenspin casino now to claim your choice of welcome packages.
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Casombie Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casombie Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casombie Casino Free Spins
Join Casombie Casino and receive one of the exclusive welcome bonuses! These include 100 and 200 free spoins, 100% and 200% welcome bonus, 500 EUR and 1000 EUR free money, cahsback, and re-load promotions. spins. Click on the promo link and take full advantage of our special offers!
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Casombie Casino Review

At Casombie, established in 2020, a comprehensive package of casino is offered. At the moment, the game library comprises titles from 37 different game studios, that offer a total sum of more than 2.709 titles. It might be the case that not every game is available to you, dependent upon the country that you reside in. Casombie is regulated by the Curaçao eGaming. Alongside English, the casino’s website is offered in 9 more language options, including German and Finnish. The following Casombie review provides more info about the casino, so keep on reading to learn more.

Register Your Account

You only have to take a few steps to complete the sign-up at Casombie. Initially, fill in the registration form that opens after clicking the registration button. Once you have typed in your data to the Casombie registration form, the casino requires you to approve your account. To this end, customers usually receive specific instructions via SMS or a confirmation link via email. You have the option to start to play after the approval procedure is finalized.
Casombie requests you to complete an account verification procedure before you are able to initiate payments. For this purpose, the casino demands you to submit a scan of an official document (ID Card, Passport or Driving License) as part of a KYC procedure. In addition, Casombie demands a bank document (credit card photo) or an invoice (phone bill, electricity bill or bank statement) for the verification of your residence. You are required to provide the corresponding documents via mail.
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Casombie Casino Bonuses

Unlocking the Casombie welcome package is an option for all new players. You can get up to €500 additional credits if you make use of the 100% bonus. As an addition to your extra funds you also have the option to activate 100 Free Spins. Deposits are allowed with Bank Wire Transfer, Skrill or Bitcoin and have to be at least €20. This offer cannot be received if you pay in with Skrill or Neteller. A deposit of €500 will unlock the maximal bonus. Then you can profit from a total amount of €1.000 to place bets with. You are not asked to type in a bonus code.
You get the bonus credits automatically within a short time after your payment. The casino offers a cancellation option that you can make use of if you wish not to use the bonus. Your bonus funds are available for playing when your cash funds are used. Using your bonus funds is permitted for games from Yggdrasil, Play’n GO and iSoftBet, as well as other well-known software studios in the present selection. At Casombie, you are not allowed to claim more than one new customer promotion at one time.
Before you can withdraw your winnings, turn over your bonus and the deposit 35 times within 10 days. Besides, completing the turnover requirements of 40 times, that apply to any winnings from your Free Spins, must be completed. Initiating a payout before you finished the turnover conditions causes the expiration of your bonus. Exceeding the time limit without finishing the criteria means that you will lose your bonus and your winnings. Your deposit, of course, is not compromised by this.

Other Promotions and Rewards

Existing customers at Casombie are able to activate bonuses, namely a cashback bonus. Be, however, sure to read the T&Cs of these offers prior to activating them as they may be different. At Casombie, joining a loyalty program is not an option. However, VIP customers can avail of faster withdrawals and a personal service agent. As a registered user joining slot tournaments is an option every month and every week. In those tournaments, users have the chance to win free spins and cash.
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Casombie Casino Games and Software

There are a lot of games accessible at Casombie, providing content for players of all skill levels. The portfolio of software providers comprises well-established names like Play’n GO, Elk Studios or Pragmatic Play, however of course, you are able to select some of the best slots designed by other software studios as well. Customers have the chance to select classic slot games as well as video slot games. The list of top slots at Casombie contains Booongo’s Book of Sun, PariPlay’s Jonny Ventura and The Eye of Ra and Piggy Bank created by 1×2 Gaming. You also have the option to test out progressive jackpot slot games, as an example NetEnt’s Mega Joker.
Furthermore, live dealer variants of the following games are available: Dragon Tiger, Sic Bo, European Roulette, Poker & French Roulette. Customers who want to play classic table games should also find games that corresponds to their preferences as Casombie offers table games like Baccarat, Casino War, Dragon Bahar, Blackjack as well as French Roulette. However, that’s not all – You can also try out wheel games, arcade games, scratch cards and keno. Due to the fact that the accessibility of games is differing from country to country, we suggest you go to the games library yourself.

Casombie Payments

Casombie offers 12 payment options. Players have the possibility to use crypto payments like Bitcoin or Litecoin. The casino accepts common credit cards like MasterCard or Visa and e-wallets, including Neteller or Skrill. On top of that, making a deposit is available with bank wire transfer, for one thing, Bank Wire Transfer or Trustly, or via prepaid cards like Paysafecard. The exact collection of deposit and withdrawal options can be different depending on your country. Do not forget: There may be deposit limits for each given payment method. To find out the Casombie deposit limits, you have the chance to look at the cashier section or get in touch with the customer service.
When paying out, players have the possibility to make use of 12 withdrawal methods. You have the possibility to withdraw your winnings with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Visa & Skrill, to mention only some of the provided payment options. Every day you are able to carry out a payout up to a maximum of €500. Casombie does not restrict the number of free pay-outs, that you can request. As a result, there won’t be any additional withdrawal fees charged by Casombie when paying winnings out. All payouts that you initiate are processed manually. You should get an approval for your cash out within 72 hours. Casombie solely transacts your payouts on workdays, which you should consider. VIP users are able to benefit from exclusive withdrawal arrangements, which is another benefit.
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Casombie Support

If you have any inquiries, you can get in touch with the Casombie customer support in different ways. For one thing, you have the option to contact customer support via email ([email protected]) or phone line. Typically, the email support staff responds within 45 hours after your request. Alternatively, you can use the webform to get in touch with the support. What’s more, a live chat can be reached 24/7 at the casino. In our inspection, the customer care team always gave quick and helping replies. Casombie furthermore provides an FAQ section, where players should find answers to most questions.
In order to retain their licenses, casinos have to be reliable and provide the highest levels of safety. Making use of 128-bit SSL encryption for their site is an example of the security procedures that Casombie uses. The Curaçao eGaming, which granted a license to Casombie, examines the security of the casino on a regular basis.
As it is the case in some other casinos, Casombie supports responsible gaming by implementing player protection options. The options allow you to:
  • Exclude yourself from the casino
  • Pause your account
In addition, if you have a problem with gambling, you can reach out to the NGO Gamcare that Casombie is referring to.
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Omni Slots Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Omni Slots Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Omni Slots Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Omni Slots Casino and receive 100 free spins and a €500 welcome bonus! On your first deposit, you get 80 free spins and 100% up to €300! No bonus code required!
>> Click Here and Get Free Spins <<

Omni Slots Casino Review

Omni Slots casino rewards its members with a stunning choice of welcome offers and existing player promotions, which is why it’s so popular in Canada and in many other countries.
There are over 2,000 slots and games from several top software providers and loyal players get the chance to become an Omni Slots VIP. Many support options are also available, including live chat and email. Check out everything we think you’ll love about Omni Slots below, including how to claim your welcome package.

Omni Slots Casino Bonuses and Promotions

One of the biggest reasons to join Omni Slots is the chance to take advantage of a generous welcome package. You can claim bonuses when making your first two deposits and use your bonus funds to play many types of slots and table games.
Free spins are also part of this new player offer and these can be played on popular specified slots. Our Omni Slots casino review experts can’t see this great offer lasting forever, so they recommend you claim it now before it’s gone.
Once you’ve enjoyed your welcome package, check out the monthly promotions calendar at Omni Slots casino which is full of existing player offers such as free spins and bonuses. This is also the place to find special events and instructions on how to take part in slot tournaments.
If you’re the kind of player who is looking to be a VIP, email the Omni Slots customer service team to find out how you could start earning loyalty rewards such as higher bonuses, special VIP promotions, and some cool extras. Our Omni Slots reviewers think these existing player offers and VIP promotions are awesome reasons to play here regularly.
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Omni Slots Casino Software and Other Games

Our review of Omni Slots casino revealed over 1,000 slots and games from a good selection of popular software providers. You can spin new slots from Wazdan and Relax Gaming or play the latest and greatest 5-reel slots from NetEnt and Microgaming.
We recommend you also check out the jackpot section, where you can win the Red Hot Firepot Jackpot or the Golden Knights Bonus by playing slots from Gamomat. There are also many chances to squeeze out a big win in the fruit slots section, where top titles include Beauty Fruity and Back to the Fruits: Respins of Amunore.
Live roulette and blackjack are available at the Pragmatic Play-powered live Omni Slots casino. Other popular casino games such as red dog, craps, and video poker can be played in the table games section. Our Omni Slots casino review team believes this excellent choice of slots and games will keep players entertained and satisfied.

Omni Slots Casino Banking and Cashouts

Deposits of between $10 and $1,000 can be made instantly at Omni Slots casino using credit cards, instant banking, and pre-paid cards. You can also fund your casino account using Neteller or Skrill, and these e-wallets can be used to make withdrawals. Payment options may vary in different countries, so our Omni Slots online reviewers advise you to always check with the cashier for your best payment options.
Cashout limits start at just $20 and you can withdraw up to $25,000 a month. All financial transactions and personal data are protected by SSL encryption, which complies with the casino industry’s regulations regarding safety and security.
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Omni Slots Casino Support

There are lots of ways to get support at Omni Slots casino, starting with a helpful FAQ section where you’ll find all sorts of answers to popular questions. Omni Slots also aims to reply to any emails within 24 hours. If you’re a social media lover, there’s also the chance to connect via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
We found the quickest method to be a live chat, which is available 06.00 – 03.00 (CET) seven days a week on Android, iPhone, iPad, and desktop. Our Omni Slots review team used this service to find out several important pieces of information and were delighted with the quickness of the response times and the professionalism of the live agents.

Our Verdict

An awesome welcome package and amazing existing member promotions are why players are rushing to join Omni Slots casino. Bonuses and free spins can be used to play hundreds of the best slots and games, so you’ll always have a great time on site.
Other plus points include a choice of eight languages, the opportunity to play games on any device you’d like, and a variety of excellent support options. That’s why our Omni Slots casino review experts recommend you take advantage of everything this top gaming site has to offer.
Sign up to Omni Slots now to claim your welcome package and discover a world of thrills and excitement.
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Explosino Casino 20 no deposit free spins exclusive promotion

Explosino Casino 20 no deposit free spins exclusive promotion

Explosino Casino Review & Free Spins
Open your account at Explosino Casino and receive 20 Free Spins No Deposit Required! Plus, get 200% up to 1,000 EUR Welcome Bonus with 150 Extra Free Spins! Play online slots, table games, progressive jackpots, live dealer, and even bet on sports!
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Explosino Casino Review

If you’re looking for an online casino that its members think is ‘the bomb’, it’s time to check out Explosino casino. A top choice of welcome packages, existing player promotions, and loyalty rewards will blow your mind.
You’ll also be blown away by a selection of over 2,000 slots, live casino games, and table games from many top software providers. Live chat and email support are available, too. Simply make a deposit using a choice of payment methods to claim your preferred new player offer.

Explosino Casino Bonuses and Promotions

If you’re looking for an explosive start to a new casino experience, it’s time to claim one of the welcome packages at Explosino casino. Each one is a combination of a bonus and free spins, which you can use to play a great variety of slots. These offers can also be adapted to suit a range of budgets, which is why our Explosino casino review experts are more than happy to recommend them to you.
Existing players can also take advantage of lots of promotions at Explosino casino. These include regular bonuses, free spin offers, and weekly cashback. We think these are all fantastic reasons to sign up and start enjoying everything this top gaming site has to offer.
When you play any of the big selection of slots at Explosino casino, you’ll also earn comp points that you can exchange for bonuses. The more points you earn, the quicker you will upgrade your VIP status to levels such as Pyroman and Exploman. The higher you climb up the loyalty ladder, the quicker you’ll be able to redeem your points. Our Explosino reviewers think this is another big reason to play here.
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Software and Other Games

Our review of Explosino casino revealed you can play over 2,000 slots and games from a great selection of software providers. You can play the best slots for real money from Play’n GO, as well as many other top game makers such as Yggdrasil, ELK Studios, and Thunderkick. If you’re not sure which slots to play, try them in demo mode first.
The Explosino live casino is another feature that will blow you away, as it’s powered by Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, and Ezugi. That means you can play an amazing choice of live roulette, blackjack, and baccarat. Many other popular games such as Super Sic Bo, Dragon Tiger, and Casino Hold’em can also be played here.
Random-number-generated versions of many of these popular pastimes are available in the table games section. Video poker varieties such as Deuces Wild and Jacks or Better are also enjoyed frequently by many members. Our Explosino casino reviewers think this impressive collection of slots, games, and software providers is another reason why many people think this top gaming site is ‘the bomb’.

Explosino Casino Banking

Payments at Explosino casino can be made using a variety of methods such as credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. For example, you can fund your casino account using Yandex Money. If you’re not sure what your best banking options are, our Explosino online casino review team recommends you check with the cashier.
The maximum amount of money you can withdraw each month is €9,000, and processing times will depend on the payment provider you use. But we’re pleased to report that all personal data and financial transactions are processed using SSL encryption. This means Explosino is a safe online casino that complies with the gambling regulations of its license in Curacao.
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Explosino Casino Support

If you ever need help at Explosino casino, there are three ways to get it. The first is an FAQ section where you can browse a variety of answers to frequently asked questions. There are also email addresses for finance, complaints, and general support.
Our Explosino casino review team prefers the third option, which is live chat support. If you want to start a conversation with one of the live agents, simply click on the ‘live chat’ icon in the bottom right-hand corner of any page. We tested this feature several times on iOS, Android, and desktop and we were pleased with the quick response times and the professionalism of the service.


Brace yourself, because you’re about to be blown away by Explosino casino. There are dynamite welcome packages, as well as explosive existing player promotions and loyalty rewards. You’re also sure to be blown away by a choice of over 2,000 slots and games from many top software providers.
Add in a great choice of banking and support options and it’s easy to see why our Explosino casino review experts think this impressive gaming site is – the bomb.
Sign up to Explosino casino now to claim your choice of explosive-themed welcome packages.
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IVI Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

IVI Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

IVI Casino Review & Welcome Bonus
Open your account at IVI Casino and receive 20 free spins without deposit! Our exclusive promotion for new players also include 180% extra on first deposit plus 88 gratis spins! That'snot all! IVI Casino also offers daily reload bonuses, free bets and cashback deals. Join now!
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IVI Casino Welcome Bonus for New Players

Are you for the first time at Ivi Casino? Get the five gifts we have prepared for you. The gifts include bonuses and many free spins on your first five deposits. Make your acquaintance with this online casino really unforgettable!
  • 1st Deposit: 100% bonus up to €300
  • 2nd Deposit: 50 free spins on a popular slot
  • 3rd Deposit: 30% bonus up to €400
  • 4th Deposit: 38 free spins
  • 5th Deposit: 50% bonus up to €300

Ivi Casino Review and ratings

Ivi casino aims to become one of the most popular online casinos since its launch in 2018. It does not stop impressing us, a friendly platform, reliable withdrawal forms, variety of games and many more. Choosing Ivicasino is a simple task, meets the main requirements to be considered one of the best, and make many happy winners.
IVI Casino is an exciting casino launched in 2018 that has gathered a loyal following thanks to its selection of high-quality online casino games from some of the best software providers on the planet. With thousands of options like slots, table games and roulette offerings, IVI Casino is a fun and modern place to play no matter your preference.
Read our review of IVI Casino to learn about a host of special offers, including free spins and no deposit bonuses.
  • Enjoy exciting no deposit bonuses and special promotions
  • Choose a wide range of slots from the best providers around
  • Test yourself against real dealers playing live roulette
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Ivi Casino Website Layout and Interface

Ivi Casino is a part of a larger group of casinos owned and operated by JocSolutions Limited, with whom they share many similarities. In each case, the designers have focused on creating a website layout that is intuitive and easy to navigate by beginners.
Casual punters are the targeted audience, which explains why it’s so easy to find anything even if you know nothing about this casino. There’s little information on the main pages, but they’re just one click away from finding the answers they seek. Games are grouped based on genre and punters can use one of the many filters to jump straight to their game of choice.

How to Get Started at Ivi Casino

In order to qualify for the free spins, matched deposit bonuses and play the games available, players have to register an account. A click on the registration button will trigger the process, which requires players to enter a few details about themselves.
Using a valid email address is paramount, since this will be used to send the authentication link that wraps up the sign-up process. New members can claim bonuses and try all the games available in demo version, without choosing a payment method and making a deposit.
Players can take their time and only submit the documents required by the casino to prove identity when they make the first cash out. These include scanned images of their ID, bank statement and utility bills which are required by the Know Your Customer provisions.
They are also in complete control of their gaming activity and they have the option of terminating the Ivi Casino membership whenever they want. This is done by making a formal request to customer support via live chat or email.
>> Click for free spins bonus <<


Welcome Gift Sack

  1. Welcome Bonus from 100% up to 300 EUR, 30,000 RUB, 3,000 SEK, 2,000 PLN. The minimum deposit is 500 RUB, 10 EUR, 200 SEK, 20 PLN.
  2. 2. 50 free spins on the second deposit in one of the most popular slot machines. The minimum deposit is 500 RUB, 10 EUR, 200 SEK, 20 PLN.
  3. A bonus of 30% on the 3rd deposit, you can be paid up to 40,000 RUB, 400 EUR, 4,000 SEK, 3,000 PLN. The minimum deposit is 1,000 RUB, 20 EUR, 200 SEK, 80 PLN.
  4. 30 Free Spins on the 4th deposit in one of the most popular slot machines. The minimum deposit is 500 RUB, 10 EUR, 200 SEK, 20 PLN.
  5. 50% bonus on the 5th deposit to earn up to 30,000 RUB, 300 EUR, 3000 SEK, 2,500 PLN. The minimum deposit is 1,000 RUB, 20 EUR, 200 SEK, 80 PLN.

Friday Reward

15% refund every Friday up to 100,000 RUB, 1,000 EUR, 10,000 SEK, 5,000 PLN. The minimum bonus amount is 1,000 RUB, 20 EUR, 200 SEK, 80 PLN.

Dreamland Bonus

50% bonus up to 30,000 RUB, 500 EUR, 5,000 SEK, 2,000 PLN. The minimum deposit is 1,000 RUB, 20 EUR, 200 SEK, 80 PLN. Available from Monday to Sunday from 00:00 to 05:00 GMT +2.

Jolly Weekend

40% bonus up to 30,000 RUB, 500 EUR, 5,000 SEK, 2,000 PLN. The minimum deposit is 1,000 RUB, 20 EUR, 200 SEK, 80 PLN. Only available on weekends.

Welcome Bonus at ivicasino Sport

Make your first deposit right now and get a 100% Bonus, which will double your chance to win! Make accurate predictions making bets on your favorite teams, matches, and players! Create your winning strategy and change the course of the game at ivicasino Sport!
In my case, I received all Welcome Sack Bonuses, and several Jolly Weekend Bonuses. The only thing I have had to do is having fun. I’m looking forward to getting no deposit bonuses, free spins, and new surprises that will surely come later.
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Excellent quality of the Ivi Casino site software

The software is the life of online casinos. It is very important to know the company that created the gaming software.

Mobile Gaming

Lovers of random games do not have a game schedule, just enough free space in our agenda and we are ready to play, Ivicasino gives us the ability to play on our mobile devices without a problem.Members who want to play at IVI Casino on the go can use their mobile, smartphone and tablet devices.
The site can be reached through a compatible mobile which means players won’t need to worry about downloading an app to play. The casino has also included a large selection of games available through their mobile casino. Live support can also be used here.
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Excellent options for Ivi casino games

Variety of options is a basic point when choosing an online casino. We like traditional games, but also try new experiences. Ivicasino definitely has a wide list of options, online slots, Video Poker, and table games and much more.
To get full pleasure and real emotions during the game, we recommend to check the Live Casino section. An emotional kick is guaranteed! Visit a real casino with real croupiers, without leaving home, at any time convenient for you day and night. Games in Live Casino are broadcasted from our studios in Europe and Asia in real time.
This means that all dealers are real and the games are reliable. Respect and satisfaction of the client’s needs is our priority and we wish to provide you with the best conditions for recreation and entertainment.

Other Casino Games

Each game resource should offer not only popular today video slots. In the face of great competition, gaming portals need to look for something new and provide different solutions to attract the flow of gamers.
Thus, Ivi Casino supplemented the portfolio with other game models. Having visited the main page of Ivi Casino Online, the player needs to pay attention to sections with other games (on the left side).
Here the visitor will find the category of:
  • Board games (Craps, Deuces and Joker, Poker Pursuit, Classic Blackjack, Atlantic City, Multihand BlackJack, Tens or Better, Bonus Deuces Wild);
  • Roulette (French / European / European and American);
  • Scratch (Hot Safari 50.000, Freezing Fuzzballs, Plunder The Sea, Six Shooter Looter, The Link Scratch, Cashapillar Scratch, Dawn Of The Bread, Panda Gold 10,000).
As you can see, any Ivi Casino visitor will find their favorite game from the list of suggestions, including themed video slots. Recall all game models offered in the free version. Such a large set of games will satisfy even the most demanding player.
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Ivi casino Customer Support

Ivi Casino is extremely serious and committed about the safety and security of all its players. In this regard, it has dug deep and invested in one of the most secure online casino experience. The staff is available 24 hours all seven days a week. You can contact the team through:
  • Email
  • Live Chat
  • Telephone
  • FAQ section on the website
The staff members are highly trained and have extensive knowledge in the field of casino gaming with several years of experience. The staff members are very prompt in their service and are very helpful in assisting the players in resolving their queries. All the problems are addressed immediately, and you can expect your questions to be resolved in less than 24 hours.

Ivi Casino Conclusion

Although Ivicasino is a new casino, it has nothing to envy to other online casinos with large history. It fulfills the main requirements to guarantee what online gambling players need.
Casino Ivi immerses us in great adventures, color, big winnings, no-deposit bonuses, free spins. Then let’s play and win now with Ivicasino online.
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ZigZag777 Casino 20 no deposit free spins and 200% bonus

ZigZag777 Casino 20 no deposit free spins and 200% bonus
Here comes ZigZag777 Casino with a no deposit bonus! Register now and receive 20 free spins no deposit needed! And, claim 200% up to 1000 euro on your very first deposit. Additionally, enjoy 100 free spins on new slot games. Good luck!
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ZigZag777 Casino Review

Zig Zag 777 is an online casino which is owned and operated by Joc Solutions Limited. The website's parent company are based in Gibraltar, while the website is fully licensed in the Caribbean island of Curacao. The license is also held by its parent company there, which is Joc Solutions. The site uses software which is provided by Microgaming – who are an international online casino developer company that creates leading online casino games and websites. As a result of this partnership, players are guaranteed an outstanding experience on the site – should they decide to register.
The website is available in either English, Polish, Swedish or Russian – whilst the customer service support team can be contacted in either English, Polish or Russian.

Honesty the Best Policy

The website cares strongly about providing a fair and honest experience for its players on all their games. They have guaranteed this on their site via hiring an independent company to use the Random Number Generator (RNG) software on all the websites' games. This renowned piece of programming is widely used by a variety of online casino companies to test their games for being unpredictable.
The RNG simulates 300,000,000 (three hundred million) plays of all the sites games to guarantee that there aren’t any irregular results and the chances of each outcome is as fair as the game simulates. Therefore, there is as much chance of players winning on online casino games as they are if they were playing the same game in a real-life casino. It’s no surprise that all the site’s games passed this test, and they continue to be regularly checked to ensure players on ZigZag777 Casino are treated with respect.
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Faqs Are a Good Start

As is expected with online casinos, sometimes players come across hiccups in their experience. Should this happen, players are advised to contact the customer service team or visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. The languages the team can be contacted in, as mentioned, is English, Polish and Russian.
Considering the site is available in Swedish and there isn’t a chance for players to contact the team in that language is disappointing, especially for the Swedish players. Those that do try and contact the team can do it via email, telephone or a live chat option – all the details of which are shared on the Zig Zag 777 website.
The FAQ page, though, is a good starting point for anyone who may be dealing with issues. However, this page doesn’t offer much in detailed answers, instead, answering generic issues such as how to resolve the problem of losing a password or how do players log out. These issues are hardly serious and it’s frustrating that these are the ‘common’ questions players apparently ask. Something tells us that is not strictly true.
Therefore, players are likely to have to contact the team to have their problems resolved. Ah well, they respond in less than 5 minutes to all queries… apparently.
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Popular Choice

With the website getting its slot games from Microgaming – it’s no surprise that there are some of the most popular games available on ZigZag777 Casino. In fact, just looking through the sites dedicated most popular section shows household names including Stardust, Game of Thrones, Giant Riches, and Tale of Egypt to name but a few.
Most of these games can be enjoyed in demo mode as well – so players can test their themes and in-play rules out to see whether it is the right game for them. Overall, there’s no doubt Zig Zag 777’s array of slot games will appeal to its players.

What About the Classics?

Despite the fewer options when compared to the slot games, those that enjoy table games on online casino will have everything they could ask for on the Zig Zag 777 website.
The site has given a dedicated section of their page to the genre of games and players will notice household titles including Roulette, Blackjack, and Poker featuring prominently in the list. There is also the category of ‘casual games’ on the page where players can enjoy even more card games! There’s guaranteed to be something for everyone in terms of the site’s casino games selection.
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Zig Zag Security

The ZigZag777 Casino cares a lot about its players’ security on the site, and that’s why it uses state of the art software to prevent players’ private information from being illegally accessed. The software they use is SSL and it is widely used by online casino companies.
Players’ credit card numbers, bank account details, and even names and addresses will be protected by the software that effectively acts as a barrier and ensures the information is only transferred between an internet browser and server – nowhere else.
On top of this, players will notice many of the payment methods which are available to use on the site. Companies such as Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, and Paysafecard are all international companies that can be trusted when completing deposits and withdrawals on the site. Players can relax knowing their information and details are kept safe and secure thanks to the measures ZigZag777 Casino has made.

Three Promotions

There are currently three promotions that are live on the Zig Zag 777 promotions page currently – starting off with a welcome bonus which is outstanding. Once players have made their first deposit on the site, they’ll be eligible to have the amount doubled up to the value of €200! Wager €200 and the player will have €400 to spend on the great selection of games – even though they only spent half of that money! Now that is a welcome that isn’t going to be forgotten any time soon.
Other deals that are currently live on the site include a weekly reward, where those that have lost on the site will be given 15% cashback. Now that’s a nice safety net for those that aren’t fortunate one week. The other is a weekend reload bonus where players can claim 40% up to the value of €1,000 once they’ve made their first stake on either Saturday or Sunday. Now that’s a weekend celebration!
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ZigZag777 | 15 gratis spins + €1000 welcome bonus + 100 free spins

ZigZag777 | 15 gratis spins + €1000 welcome bonus + 100 free spins

ZigZag777 No Deposit Bonus, Free Spins, Codes
Join ZigZag777 Casino and get 15 gratis spins (no deposit required). After that, take advantage of 200% up to €1000 bonus and 100 free spins on the first deposit. Click on the promo link below to get started.
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ZigZag777 is a newly launched online casino in 2016 with the aim of creating a friendly gaming hub that can be easily navigated by the newbie players. With that idea in mind, the operator has designed this user-friendly casino site for easy access to top-rated games. While the layout may be basic, the navigation process is easy and it won’t take players to find their favorite titles quickly. The links are nicely categorized throughout the website and there is a FAQ section offering answers to commonly asked questions.
ZigZag777 Casino is offering an amazing 100% welcome bonus of up to €200 for the newly registered players. Apart from that, players can also claim a 15% cashback bonus for net losses on their deposit. Their mobile gaming feature is pretty impressive and available in the Russian and English languages. Also, there is a live game lobby where players can check out live dealer games. Continue reading below to learn more about ZigZag777 Casino and its features.
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Welcome Bonus for New Players

Most people are on the lookout for the new casino sites because they offer a generous welcome bonus. ZigZag777 Casino meets the expectations of such players by offering a 100% match bonus of up to €200 to new players on their first deposit. This promotion is available on a one-time basis for the new players who have verified their credentials. Players must deposit a minimum of €10 to become eligible for this special promotion.
The operator automatically credits the bonus within a few hours after making the deposit. If not, players should get in touch with customer support and the same will be credited immediately. The welcome bonus comes with 40 times wagering requirements before players can request withdrawal of their winning amount. Different games contribute differently towards wagering requirements and players should read the terms and conditions carefully.

ZigZag777 Casino Free Spins and Other Promotions

Once players have finished the welcome bonus credits, it’s time for the special promotional offers at ZigZag777 Casino. The operator is quite popular amongst players due to their weekly and monthly promotions. Some of the current deals available at the casino while writing this review are:
(1) Weekly Reward: Earn a 15% cashback bonus for overall losses on deposits made during the week. The minimum bonus is €20 and the maximum that the players can claim is €1000. The cashback is offered only from Monday to Thursday via Live Chat at the player’s request.
(2) Full Moon Party Bonus: Full moon is often hailed as the time of magic and fantastic transformation. When it rises, bonuses at this online casino start to grow. Register today and get a 50% bonus on deposit. The promo code is FULLMOON50.
(3) Weekend Reload: Enjoy playing casino games with this nice promotion from ZigZag777 Casino. Get a 40% bonus up to €1000 on the first deposit made every weekend. Players should deposit a minimum of €20 to participate in this offer.
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VIP Program at a Glance

ZigZag777 Casino believes that players should be rewarded considerably every time they play. So the more you play the favorite slots, the more loyalty points you will receive. From the moment the player start playing, they will earn comp points that can be converted into a bonus. For every €50 wager, players will receive 1 comp point which can be converted into a bonus subject to 40 times wagering requirements.
The VIP Program at ZigZag777 Casino is divided into several categories depending on their comp points. The same is mentioned below:
  • Beginner (number of points required from 0 to 5)
  • Bronze (number of points required from 5 to 25)
  • Silver (number of points required from 25 to 250)
  • Gold (number of points required from 250 to 2,500)
  • Platinum (number of points required from 2,500 to 12,500)
Each VIP level has its own advantages and the features increase as one climbs across the ladder. Some of the features include VIP Accounts Manager, Free Spins, Cashback Bonus, Anniversary Gifts and Rewards.

Availability of Different Games

The majority of the games available at ZigZag777 Casino are available from the Microgaming software provider. Hence, players can enjoy abundant slot titles from this software provider. Also, players can expect games from other software developers like NextGen Gaming, Genesis Gaming, Quickspin, and Yggdrasil to name a few. Some of the slot titles worth playing include Ariana, Win Sum Dim Sum, Immortal Romance, and Games of Thrones. Also, there are some progressive slots featured at the casino like Mega Moolah and Mega Fortune.
The selection of table games is also diverse at ZigZag777 Casino. There is a large variety of blackjack, roulette, and baccarat titles available. Players can try their hand at different games like American Roulette, French Roulette, Vegas Strip Gold Series, European Blackjack, and Multi-Hand Atlantic City among others. The video poker section is also diverse and players can check out titles like All Aces Poker, Double Bonus Poker, Jacks or Better and Joker Poker.
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Does ZigZag777 Offer Live Casino Games?

Players looking to experience the thrill and adrenaline-pumping action of land-based casinos should check out the live casino section at ZigZag777. There are plenty of live dealer games available for uninterrupted action and entertainment. Players can choose from multiple variants of Live Roulette and Live Blackjack.
The games are available in high definition format via live streaming from the land-based studios. People will be competing against human dealers and can interact with them via live chat. It is important to note that players should deposit funds in their account before they can access the live dealer games.

Can I Play Games on the Mobile?

Players who are constantly traveling and play games should check out the mobile gaming feature at ZigZag777 Casino. The operator offers a native application that is compatible with different smartphone and tablet devices. Also, their official site is fully mobile responsive and offers a lag-free gaming experience on portable devices running on Android and iOS platforms.
The games load quickly on the mobile browser and offer the best gaming experience from any place on Earth. The overall selection is slightly less as compared to their desktop version but still, there are plenty of titles for uninterrupted gaming. Apart from playing games, players can use the mobile gaming feature to deposit funds and get in touch with customer care.
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ZigZag777 Payment and Withdrawal Methods

The cashier menu at ZigZag777 Casino sufficiently covers a wide range of convenient, widespread, and time-efficient banking methods that anyone expects from a top-rated casino. All available payment methods are 100% reliable and secure and ZigZag777 uses the same security technology which is used by the leading banking institutions across the globe. Every single transaction is encoded using the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure players are protected from fraud and identity thefts.
Those who register their account at ZigZag777 can make deposits and withdrawals using MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, Skrill, and PaySafeCard. Deposits are instant and players can start placing real money wagers immediately. Withdrawals are slightly on the slower side and players can expect the funds to arrive in their bank account within 5 business days. The best thing is the operator doesn’t charge any fees for processing the transactions of their players.

How Efficient is the Customer Support?

The staff members at ZigZag777 Casino work round the clock to deliver outstanding customer service to all players who need any assistance. This goes to show that the operator values its patrons and works towards establishing a good relationship with its players. The support representatives are available 24 hours from Monday to Friday. They are prompt in their replies and are always happy to help players with detailed information.
Their outstanding level of customer service is anything but surprising as every single team member is professionally qualified to handle any type of query. There are several ways to get in touch with the customer support team like live chat, email program, and telephone service. It is important to note that the live chat feature is not available over the weekend. During the weekend, players can send emails which will be answered latest by Monday.
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Is ZigZag777 a Reliable and Safe Casino?

The website of ZigZag777 Casino is fully protected with 128 bit SSL encryption technology. This innovative technology makes sure that the sensitive data of players are secure from any unauthorized access. Players can have complete peace of mind knowing that the casino is fully reliable and hold a valid game license from Curacao Gaming.
Also, the games undergo regular audits from independent testing agencies like iTech Labs and eCOGRA. At the same, the games are fair and come with RNG that generates a unique winning outcome. In short, the casino employs the latest security protocols as per industry standards to keep everything intact and players can have safe gaming experience.

Final Verdict

Players searching for a reliable and new online casino should look no further than ZigZag777 Casino. Since its inception three years ago, the casino continues to expand and is rising from strength to strength. The success of this online casino is evident from their game fairness, prompt payouts, hassle-free online transactions, transparency and finally diversity of games.
It does not matter whether players are into virtual slots or table card games as the casino has got everything covered. And, their welcome bonus is quite generous allowing players instant money up to €200 on their first deposit. The customer support program is also promising to allow timely resolution of all queries. We highly recommend players register an account at ZigZag777 Casino and start playing the games for free or real money.
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Explosino Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promo codes

Explosino Casino Free Bonus & Gratis Spins
Join Explosino Casino and receive 20 free spins bonus - no deposit required! Additionally, get 200% bonus up to 1000 EUR and 150 free spins on top! Also, there are daily reload bonuses, cashback promotions, VIP and Loyalty Rewards. Check it out.
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at Explosino Casino

Registration is very easy, just follow the next steps and that's it:
Explosino will send a confirmation email, you must enter the link sent and formalize the registration. Please note that many times this email goes straight to unwanted correspondence, so it is recommended to add Explosino to your contact list.
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Explosino Casino Bonuses

Welcome bonus

Explosino welcomes you with a 100% bonus, with earnings of up to 500 EUR and amazing free spins. Don't miss out! Just follow a few general rules and learn about the various welcome bonuses.

Welcome bonus - sports

ExplosinoSport welcomes you with 100% bonuses, available for those who deposit for the first time in sports. The deposit must be at least 10 EUR, the bonus is up to 50 EUR. Please note that this bonus is received on a separate account and cannot be used for casino games.

Ultra Mode

If you activate an Ultra Mode, you can participate in all available promotional activities. This way you get more profit with a lower number of bets. What are you waiting for? Explosino offers the highest percentages, with x30 bets. You only have to send to the live chat the ULTRA code - (prefix). The maximum bonus amount is 1000 EUR.

Reactive weekdays

Explosino activates a daily bonus reactor that grows and grows. All this to reach up to 70% bonuses. All bonuses have specific rules.
Make the most of every day. With this incredible bonus you can win up to three times the amount earned.

Explosino Weekends

Here we have the opportunity to have up to 40% and 40 turns. Take advantage of your weekend and do explosive increases!

Starfall Bonus

Available at night, from 00:00 to 04:00 from Monday to Friday. It offers a 20% to 50% bonus. To activate it you must write in the live chat. You can withdraw up to 1000 EUR.

Weekly refund

You can enjoy up to 15% bonuses on Mondays and maintain a balance on your account.

Loyalty Reward

Being rewarded when playing slots is really satisfying, your loyalty will be converted into points and then into good bonuses. Hurry up and get your expoints!
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Explosino Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

Explosino has very reliable payment methods, such as Visa, Electronic Life, Skill, Neteller, PaySafeCard, Trustpay. The withdrawal limit per month is 9000 EUR. The casino accepts the following currencies: EUR, PTN, SEK, RUB.

Explosino Casino Games

Get to enjoy over 2000 games with different themes and colors. Among them, there are craps, scratch games, classic and video slots, poker, live dealer games, baccarat, roulette and black jack. Also, among the most recommended games, there are Madame Destiny, Ecuador Golf, Snail Race, They Wild Chase, Explosive Skeleton 2, Carnival QUEEN, Vault of Anubis, Big Bad Wolf, Reactoonz, and more.
Entertainment never fails in Explosino. In addition to the incredibly wide game menu, the casino offers an online casino section in real time! It is really exciting!

Explosino Casino Customer Service

Explosino offers its support through live chat or by writing to the following email addresses:
The attention provided by the casino is reciprocal, friendly and efficient. They work to solve any problem and concern 24 hours a day, always looking for its user's comfort.

Why to choose Explosino Casino

Online casino trends are becoming more and more varied. Entertainment and betting can't be missing, that's why Explosino offers a high range of games and bonuses. In addition, it has very reliable payment methods and a unique and original theme. It covers excellent customer service and guaranteed solutions. Without a doubt, the experience in this place has been satisfactory.
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ZigZag777 Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promo code

ZigZag777 Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promo code

ZigZag777 Casino Free Spins
Register at ZigZag777 Casino & Sports to claim our exclusive welcome offer. Enjoy 10, 15 or 50 no deposit free spins after registration. After that, claim a 200% bonus up to 1,000 EUR. On top of that, play 100 free spins. Fast payments! Bitcoin OK! Mobile Play! Instant Support!
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ZigZag777 Casino Review

In most cases, casino goers don’t find a strong alternative in online casinos. Online casinos don’t normally provide realistic simulation to compare with real casinos. But there are exceptions and ZigZag777 is definitely one. When you load games page in ZigZag777 online casino, you feel like you are standing near a slot machine. The website makes you feel like walking into a real casino. In the games page, the realistic graphic, especially the buttons feels so much like the slot machines. The sounds, sort of emulate a casino-like ambience. You got to try the sounds especially in slots that feature spins. The sounds of spins are music to the ears.
Not just the feel, there are many other stellar features to talk about, when it comes to this amazing casino. It would be good to start with their extremely helpful support. Why wait for days, for your email complaints to be addressed? This casino has 24×7 live chat agents to promptly help you. In our experience customers are never subjected to a queue. You don’t have to worry about case ids and complaint numbers. What can be even better? It would be a multi-lingual chat support. That’s exactly what ZigZag777 has in place. It’s intended to help gamblers from all over the world, especially the populace who speak Russian and Polish languages.
The chat is superbly helpful and customer friendly. They attend to your every query and address your every complaint almost instantly. It’s a luxury, hugely missed in even the popular online casino’s going around. Lack of support has been a deterrent to returning customers in other internet casinos. Spare a thought for their email support which is shadowed by their excellent chat system. Even when you have no access to internet, you can reach them on phone. Their typical speedy response happens via all platforms and their support is well rounded. The FAQ and TOS pages are well detailed, devoid of any asterisk.
Speaking of multi lingual support, we need to mention ZigZag777 does welcome global users with both arms. Their portal can be viewed and operated in multiple languages. A multilingual forum would complete the casino’s globalization. There are a few features that are due for a long time now. Considering the consistent improvements happening in the portal, we can be sure those feature requests would be addressed. Mobile gaming and live dealing should ideally be the casino’s top priority in regards to upcoming improvements. It would be a shame for an all-round casino to miss out on those features.
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ZigZag777 Casino Slots

Slots are the unsung heroes of casino. With the arrival of online casinos, more emphasis on slots has been made possible. In ZigZag777, slots are definitely the main show. You got slots coming from two awesome game providers – Pragmatic play and Microgaming. The slots are inspired from cult movies, cultures and epics. Every slot comes with a theme that impacts the point system as well as cash rewards. The cutting edge audio and video effects would give you an immersive experience.
ZigZag777 had a huge variety of slots, courtesy of Microgaming solutions. They have also included Pragmatic Play recently. What would it mean to the casino’s progress? They now have a lot more awesome games in their list. Inclusion of Pragmatic Play has improved the catalogue for slots by leaps and bounds. You now get to play the coolest games like Hot Safari, the Catfather and many more. Every slot in the casino has a few specialties worth mentioning about. Nevertheless it would be better to not ruin your first time experience with more spoilers.

ZigZag777 Casino Games

In the fusion of Microgaming and Pragmatic play you can’t expect gaming quality to be anything less than extraordinary. The platform put up on the casino doesn’t disappoint you, on this expectation. It actually fares way better than that. They have every casino game in place. There are a few flash type games in the list too. It is to ensure, even the average internet gamer familiarize with this site effortlessly.
Today, an average online gambler wants to have it all in one place. ZigZag777 understands that and does the needful. In terms of security and fairness, the casino has scored absolutely positive. The games are RNG tested and certified for being fair to the gambler. The site has SSL security in place to counter cyber threats against users. The casino provides you a safe, secure and ever updating game portfolio.
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ZigZag777 Casino Deposit/Withdrawal Methods

Cards and ewallets are the funding options in ZigZag777. They have done well to cover most of the popular options. You can make instant deposits through MasterCard and Visa. Huge number of internet walled options is available including Skrill, Neteller, GiroPay, NeoSurf, TrustPay, Euteller and more. Paypal and bitcoin is missed, but it’s typical of all online casinos. Even internet betting sites seldom do better. The huge number of funding options makes operations on site, more flexible. It translates in day to day gaming activities too.
Withdrawals requests are processed on the same business day. First time withdrawals don’t mandate documents of any kind. Successive withdrawals may require identification proof alone. ZigZag777 doesn’t hold your funds in any case. The speedier and easier withdrawals make life easy for users. The withdrawal threshold is low to nil across available funding options.

ZigZag777 Casino Bonuses & Promotions

Online casinos and betting sites often welcome players with attractive bonuses. Not many of them go beyond that and help the regular users. It’s not the case with the ZigZag777 online casino. You are rewarded with welcome bonuses, seasonal promotions, cash backs and activity based bonuses. You can check out their seasonal promotions and bonuses by clicking the promotions tab in homepage. You would be duly notified about the same by email. Free spins are offered generously on the site and on games individually as well.
Three types of bonuses are always available in the site.
  • Welcome Bonus: It is the 200% bonus given on your first deposit. The max threshold for being eligible for this bonus is 1000 Euros.
  • Weekly Reward: Weekly reward is given based on weekly gaming activity. It amounts to 15% cashback on weekly activity.
  • Weekly Reload: It is 40% bonus given on your first deposit made on weekends. The max threshold for eligibility is 1000 Euros.
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Overall Experience

Between the excellent customer support, high gaming quality, huge slots variety, funding ease and attractive bonuses, you have a complete package in ZigZag777. Discussed is just a portion of the stellar list of features of the casino. This casino hasn’t been for long in the internet gambling scene. Even it its short stay, it has made the perfect impression a casino has to. The only downside can be the addictive feel of the casino. Nevertheless it is easy to track time spent, earnings made and other critical data through the dynamic interface.
The portal is very much likable even to an internet dummy. The platform doesn’t demand you to be computer savvy. The user friendly portal coupled with exemplary options makes it a casino, hard to be overlooked. The winning chances are certified fair and the site is secure too. There is no reason, why this site doesn’t compare with the bests in the industry. The service is outstanding as of now and will only improve in future. Every internet casino lovers must check out ZigZag777.
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Wild Tornado Casino 25 free spins bonus no deposit code

Wild Tornado Casino 25 free spins bonus no deposit code

Wild Tornado Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
We have exclusive bonuses to Wild Tornado Casino! Firstly, 25 free spins no deposit bonus! Secondly, 100% up to €1,000 and 100 Free Spins! Register now and make money with us!
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Wild Tornado Casino Review

If you’re looking for an online casino that will blow you away, it’s time to sign up to Wild Tornado casino. A phenomenal welcome package, weekly offers and a generous VIP program will all help carry you along on this exciting journey.
There are over 2,000 top slots, live casino thrills, and table games. These are complemented by a great choice of payment options and first-class support. Start enjoying everything that Wild Tornado casino has to offer by claiming your welcome package today.

Wild Tornado Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Your mind will soon be spiraling in delight when you check out the Wild Tornado casino promotions page. This journey starts with a welcome package containing a first deposit bonus that you can use to play lots of fun games. You’ll also get a generous amount of free spins on a popular slot. Our Wild Tornado casino review experts think this is an awesome way to start your journey at this top casino.
A great variety of existing player promotions will then continue to sweep you off your feet. Weekly offers give you the chance to claim lots of reloads, free spins, and cashback, which are all excellent reasons to play regularly at Wild Tornado casino.
The moment you sign up to the site, you’ll also be enrolled in the VIP club where you’ll start earning comp points for playing slots and games. Choose one of three loyalty programs that allow you to level-up to unlock your preferred choice of rewards. Our Wild Tornado review team thinks this choice of promotions is why this casino goes down a storm with its regular players.
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Software and Other Games

Our review of Wild Tornado casino revealed over 2,000 slots and games from over 35 of the best software providers. Spin hot slots from Elk Studios, as well as many other top game makers such as Yggdrasil, Platipus Gaming, and Quickspin. There is also a dedicated Bitcoin games section where you can play eye-catching titles such as Big Panda and Beauty and the Beast.
The Wild Tornado live casino is another exhilarating experience, with the chance to play lots of games from NetEnt, Evolution Gaming, and Vivo Gaming. Play a great choice of live roulette, blackjack, and baccarat. If you fancy something a little different, Lightning Dice, Deal or No Deal, and Monopoly Live are some of our top recommendations.
Casino Hold’em and pontoon are among the best random-number-generated table games on offer. This section also includes many types of video poker such as All Aces Power Poker. Our Wild Tornado casino reviewers think this excellent choice of slots, games and software providers is another big reason you’ll be blown away.

Banking and Cashouts

Wild Tornado casino offers a big selection of payment methods including credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. For example, you can use Bitcoin to fund your casino account. As not all payment methods are available in every country that Wild Tornado casino operates in, you’ll want to check with the cashier for your best options.
The minimum withdrawal is $50 but you can cashout up to $15,000 a month. The processing time may vary depending on which payment method you use. Our Wild Tornado casino reviewers are also pleased to report that all financial transactions and personal data are secured using SSL encryption, complying with the gambling regulations of Curacao.
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Customer Support at Wild Tornado Casino

Help is always on hand at Wild Tornado casino and there are three ways to get it. First, you can browse a well-presented FAQ section where you’ll find information about important topics such as bonuses, technical issues, and security.
The customer service team can also be contacted via email by clicking on the ‘support’ tab. But our Wild Tornado casino review team prefers the live chat option. Simply click on the blue and white speech bubble to get started. The support team will even be happy to talk to you about responsible gaming.

Our Summary of Wild Tornado Casino

It’s time to go as wild as you want at Wild Tornado casino. Start your adventure by claiming a generous welcome bonus, then keep taking advantage of phenomenal existing player promotions and VIP rewards.
Use a great choice of traditional payment methods and cryptocurrencies to fund your account to start playing over 2,000 slots and games from 35+ top software providers. First-class support is also on hand. That’s why our Wild Tornado review experts are blown away and are thrilled to be able to recommend this top casino to you.
Sign up to Wild Tornado casino now to claim your welcome package.
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This week in MMOs - Week 34, 2020

This week in MMOS

Adventure Quest Worlds | Aion | Albion | ArcheAge | Ashes of Creation | Black Desert Online | Blade and Soul | Bless | Camelot Unchained | CorePunk | Crowfall | Destiny 2 | Dofus | Dungeon Fighter Online | Dungeon and Dragons Online | Elder Scrolls Online | EVE Online | Everquest | Everquest 2 | Final Fantasy XI | Final Fantasy XIV |Gloria Victis | Guild Wars 2 | ### Legends of Aria | Maplestory | Mabinogi | Neverwinter | Path of Exile | Pantheon Rise of the Fallen | Phantasy Star Online 2 | Project Gorgon | Realm of the Mad God | Rift | Old School RuneScape | Runescape | Skyforge | Star Trek Online | Star Wars The Old Republic | Star Citizen | Tera | Lord of the Rings Online | Tibia | Tree of Savior | Trove | Vindictus | Wakfu | Warframe | World of Warcraft |

AdventureQuest World

August 19th - Welcome Bugs ArchKnights Shoutout to the new bug catchers
August 21st - MindBreaker WyvernRider Set Exclusive set now on sale for $$$
August 21st - Return to the Nightmare Realm MindBreaker class no longer exclusive + weekend event


Aion North America
August 18th - August Store Update Cash shop update - transformation items
August 19th - Class Master Event Massive 24hour buff based on day/class and new event currency
August 19th - Patch Notes: Shadows Over Balaurea Update Class balancing and other minor changes
Aion Europe August 19th - UPDATE 7.6: NOW LIVE! 2 new ultimate transformations
August 21st - WHEEL OF DESTINY Lootbox has returned
August 21st - WEEKEND SPECIALS Minionite random box available

Albion Online

August 19th - The Offseason Crystal Tournament Starts Saturday First-ever offseason crystal tournament
August 19th - Rise of Avalon Patch 1 - Ver. 1.17.404 / REV 172780 - 19 August 2020 Corrupted/hellgate changes + bug fixes
August 21st - Guild Spotlight: Fire With Fire Interview with a guild


August 20th - Glide, Spin and Sneak through Erenor! Cash shop update
August 21st - 35% Bonus for All Credit Packs – ArcheAge: Unchained Credit discount for AA:Unchained

Ashes of Creation

August 21st - NEW ADVENTURE AWAITS Intrepid Studios parts ways with My.Com

Black Desert Online

August 19th - Pearl Shop Update: A Camp and a Keeper Cash shop update August 19th - Summer Gets Twice as Sweet! Summer event extension
August 19th - Patch Notes - 19th August 2020 Class balancing and other minor changes
August 19th - Mysteries of Summer: A Tale of a Fallen Kingdom II Mysterious summer event
August 21st - Mysteries of Summer: A Tale of a Fallen Kingdom II Guide Guide to the mysterious summer event
August 21st - Stay Healthy with the Black Spirit! Free stuff because corona...

Blade & Soul

August 17th - Hongsil’s Treasure Draw (August 2020) Lootbox is back
August 17th - Midsummer Events Extravaganza Preview End of summer events
August 17th - Summer Chill Event Preview Summer event to get swimsuits
August 18th - Midnight Reborn is Now Live! Content update
August 20th - Dawning Star Costume Crate Now Available! Lootbox for costumes and pets

Bless Unleashed

August 17th - SALVAGE AND SELL EVENT AUGUST 20 - 25 Marketplace event
August 18th - PS4 NEW PLAYER CLOSED BETA FAQ FAQ for PS4 CB Players
August 18th - SUMMER OUTFITS AND NEW MOUNT! Cash shop sale
August 20th - PS4 CLOSED BETA STARTS TODAY 8/20/2020 PS4 CB Launch
August 21st - SWEET BLUSH SHEEP PLUSH CONCEPT ART SPOTLIGHT! Insight into the sweet blush sheep plush design

Camelot Unchained

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

Destiny 2

August 20th - DESTINY 2 HOTFIX Minor bug fixes
August 20th - THIS WEEK AT BUNGIE - 8/20/20 Destiny content vault updates



Dungeon Fighter Online

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

Dungeon and Dragons Online

August 17th - DDO Screenshot of the Week #477 It’s a screenshot… honestly I don’t know what else you expected.
August 21st - The DDO Chronicle: Issue 393 Community news

Elder Scrolls Online


EVE Online

August 17th - DREADED COLLECTIVE - NEW UPDATE Triglavian ship changes
August 20th - METALIMINAL STORMS UPDATE NOW LIVE Random storms in nullsec space


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

EverQuest 2

August 18th - Norrath is heating up with GU 115: Reignite the Flames! New raids
August 20th - Solusek's Eye is upon You! New raid preview

Final Fantasy XI

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

Final Fantasy XIV

August 17th - Leve Turn in Checkbox and Additional Housing Leve quest changes
August 20th - Adventurer Celebration Sale Ending Soon! Cash shop sale
August 20th - The Rising Returns! Anniversary event returns

Gloria Victis

August 20th - Weekly Update 236 – Share your Feedback! Quality of life changes and minor bug fixes

Guild Wars 2

August 18th - Calm Yourself with the Mystic Lotus Chair Cash shop sale
August 18th - Celebrating Guild Wars 2’s Eighth Anniversary Anniversary event

Legends of Aria

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


August 19th - Cash Shop Update for August 19 Cash shop update
August 19th- v.216 - Astral Blessings Update Preview Update preview and end of burning world
August 21st - What's Your MapleStory? - EvanelleOnyx Interview with player


August 17th - Notice of Service - Ukraine & Crimea Ukraine (sans Crimea) is now a serviceable region


August 17th - Avernus Hunt Key Bundle! New key bundle available
August 17th - Patch Notes: Version: NW.122.20200708b.16 The first part of the redeemed citadel is now available
August 19th - 2x Storm King's Thunder Currency! Get 2x storm king’s currency till the 27th
August 19th - 2x Glory! 2x PvP points
August 20th - 20% off Companions! Cash shop sale
August 20th - VIP Only - 50% off Improved Bag of Holding! Rank 3 VIP members 50% discount

Path of Exile

August 17th - Harvest Fan Art Competition Runners-Up Runner up submissions for art contest
August 18th - Patch 3.11.1f Deployment and Full Patch Notes Patch notes
August 19th - Harvest Statistics: Unique Items, Maps and the Most Deadly Areas Statistics..idk I don’t play PoE
August 20th - Path of Exile Is Coming to macOS in September! PoE coming to macOS
August 21st - Racing Gauntlet Community Event This Weekend - Huge Sale on Footprints, Portals and Character Effects Community event + cash shop sale

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

Phantasy Star Online 2

August 17th - CAMPAIGN: COMPLETE CLIENT ORDERS! (8/19) Party with others and get rewards
August 17th - CELEBRATING 1,000,000 ARKS! Event
August 18th - URGENT QUESTS & CONCERTS: AUGUST 2020 - PART 2 More Events and in game concert August 18th - NEW URGENT QUEST: DIGNITY OF STEEL UNLEASHED New urgent quests
August 18th - CAMPAIGN: QUEST TRIGGER DISTRIBUTION (8/19) Quest trigger handout + sale
August 18th - FUN SCRATCH TICKET: AUGUST 2020 - PART 2 New lootbox rotation
August 18th - AC SCRATCH TICKET: EARTH DEFENDERS (8/19) New lootbox
August 19th - NEW CONCERT: ARKS DANCE FESTIVAL! New concert schedule
August 20th - CASINO BOOSTS (8/23) Better chances to win at the casino
August 21st - PSO2 DAY: PREMIUM USER APPRECIATION DAY User appreciation event

Project Gorgon

August 17th - All About the Guides Program Insight into player moderators

Realm of the Mad God

August 19th - Patch Notes - Ancient Ruins & more Ancient ruins area
August 21st - Realm of the Mad God Exalt End of flash client support on September


August 19th - Call to Action: Budgie Madness Racing event
August 19th - Midweek Madness with 20% Credits Bonus! Get 20% more credits with any purchase

Old School RuneScape

August 17th - 10th Annual Golden Gnome Awards - Nominations Now Open! Award details
August 18th - A Porcine of Interest New quest and polls


August 17th - 10th Annual Golden Gnome Awards - Nominations Now Open! Award details
August 18th - This Week In RuneScape Weekly roundup


August 18th - Class packs are available for purchase! Unlock any class with cash
August 19th - Sale: Sun Worshipper Pack Cash shop outfit on sale
August 19th - Warm Breeze is here! Login event

Star Trek Online

August 17th - Cross Faction Support Carrier Bundle New carriers on the C-Store
August 19th - PC Patch Notes for 8/20/20 Minor bug fixes
August 20th - 20% Ship Sale! Cash shop sale
August 21st - Carrier Bundle Wallpaper! Downloadable wallpaper

Star Wars: The Old Republic

August 19th - Steam-Inspired Login Reward and Shae Vizla Returns! Login rewards

Star Citizen

August 17th - This Week in Star Citizen Weekly recap
August 18th - August 2950 Subscriber Promotions Subscriber stuff
August 19th - KAIZEN: Interview with Imperator Candidate Mira Ngo Lore dump
August 19th - Star Citizen & Squadron 42 Roadmap Update Updates to the development roadmap
August 19th - Foundational Moments in Human History Lore dump
August 21st - TRANSMISSION Insights into the FPS weapons and systems
August 21st - Environment Art AMA Recap Recap of AMA

Tera: The Exiled Realm of Arborea

August 21st - TERA Battle Arena Spotlight 1 Hero spotlight for the upcoming battle arena

The Lord of the Rings Online

August 21st - The LOTRO Beacon: Issue 172 Community spotlight


August 21st - Character Auctions Release Date August 25th character auctions will be available

Tree of Savior

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


August 20th - Summer of Dragons Sale Cash shop sale August 21st - Luxion is back with buddies until August 24 Luxion is back


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


August 17th - DEVBLOG: THE NEW MINERAL TOWER Changes to mineral tower
August 18th - BETA 1.69: NOW ONLINE! Beta 1.69 is ready to be tested
August 20th - DRAGOTURKEY RUN New run available


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

World of Warcraft

August 18th - Weekly Bonus Event: Arena Skirmishes PvP arena event
August 19th - Follow the Tides of Music From Battle for Azeroth Listen to the BFA OST
August 19th - Shadowlands Preview: A New Look for the WoW Companion App Preview of changes to the companion app
August 19th - Arena World Championship Circuit Viewer's Guide Watch the pvp world championship starting aug 22nd
August 20th - Engineer’s Workshop: Recreating the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Development insights
August 22nd - Engineer’s Workshop: Enabling Ray-Traced Shadows in Shadowlands Development insights
August 22nd - Cataclysm: Mounts, Pets, and More How to get stuff from Cataclysm
August 22nd - Hotfixes: August 21, 2020 Bug fixes
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