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youtube premium family link

youtube premium family link - win

Free Stadia Promo now available in Canada.

Just accepted the offer in Canada via this link:
*Edit #1: Also received the email for claiming the offer about 30 mins after initially accepting the offer.
*Edit #2: Received a confirmation for the order with an expected delivery. Good luck to everyone.
submitted by MashYeti to Stadia [link] [comments]

Free Stadia Premiere Edition Promotion - How to claim!

Edit: Do this at your own risk, it should work for some only if you've been subbed to YouTube premium/premium trial before November.
Hi all, just a little helpful note - I did also have issues claiming the Premiere Edition Bundle via
I spoken to Google Support and YouTube support and was able to claim this by upgrading my YouTube premium Trial (apparently Trials are not eligible)
In order to get this claim simply upgrade to go to your YouTube account and upgrade to YouTube Family (only paid £3 right there since I already had Premium trial so got discount)
I then went to the page again and was able to claim straight away.
Hope this helps everyone ! :)
Edit: I think you need to have a YouTube Premium Trial before 6th November and then upgrade to Family in order to get this deal.
submitted by bstall20 to Stadia [link] [comments]

Info On Stadia Free Offer

Talked to support for the Updated terms for Canada and this is what they gave me.
I hope it helps some people like I know it helps me.
"9:36:23 Cain: Here are the guideline for the YouTube Promotional Offer.
-9:36:26 Cain: This promotion is available to paying YouTube Premium members (including those on a family plan) in select locations who had an active subscription on or before November 6, 2020. You must also be in one of the countries (listed above) to be eligible.
-9:36:30 Cain: In order to redeem the offer, you’ll need to have a Stadia Pro subscription or have had one in the past. You can also sign up for Stadia Pro now before November 29, 2020 to be eligible. Additionally, you’ll need to agree to the terms and conditions outlined during the redemption process before November 20, 2020.
-9:36:33 Cain: If you meet all of these eligibility requirements, you’ll see a notification in the YouTube app alerting you to this promotion. Eligible users will be able to receive a free Stadia Premiere Edition (a bundle which includes a Chromecast Ultra and a Stadia Controller).
-9:36:48 Cain: In regards to the YouTube Premium promotional offer, I would like you to know that you will be receiving an email confirmation that you are eligible for the said offer. The promotion's roll out process has not completed yet, once it's ready that's the time that you will be receiving this kind of email confirmation from YouTube to process your Stadia Premium bundle "
-Will also add that I only just got YT Pre Today and was told I qualified for this offer.
So dont check yourself out just yet.-
submitted by kailedude to Stadia [link] [comments]

How to redeem free Stadia with YouTube?

It's supposed to be available in Canada today, not sure if I'm too early but haven't been able to find where I would redeem it once it is available...don't wanna miss it!
EDIT: For those that might have been on the same boat. I've been a YT premium trial member (3 months free) since October. Being a trial member disqualified me. I took a chance and upgraded to a family plan today, and after one refresh I got the offer and was able to redeem. As far as having an existing (or past) Stadia Pro membership, I'm currently on a free trial version, so I can confirm that works.
submitted by Kelsosr_94 to Stadia [link] [comments]

Select YouTube Premium subscribers getting Stadia Premier Edition for free (Controller and Chromecast Ultra). Offer ends on Nov 20

Select YouTube Premium subscribers getting Stadia Premier Edition for free (Controller and Chromecast Ultra). Offer ends on Nov 20 submitted by RandomBurglar00 to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

Free Premiere Edition promotion is now live in Italy

Free Premiere Edition promotion is live in Italy, if you have a premium trial before November 6, upgrade to a family plan and it should work.
I'll let you guys know when i receive the email with the code inside.
Edit: I finally got the link and it worked!
submitted by DarkJoker004 to Stadia [link] [comments]

The Silver Squeeze Stages (Speculation)

"The greatest wealth is created by being an early investor... Making that investment requires believing in something before the majority of people understand it.

You will be mocked, ridiculed and criticized for your non-consensus action. It is absolutely worth it!" - Cathie Wood, ARK Invest

I have been following the GME and Silver Squeeze phenomena and I wanted to share my DD and speculation with you. I believe that everything has been leading up to this, and I have used what I learned from Bitcoin, Tesla, and GME to make this DD. I present to you:

The Silver Squeeze - The Triple Squeeze - The Silver Crusade

Disclaimer: This is in NO way financial advice, nor am I suggesting or condoning for ANYONE to do this. This is what I am going to do, and simply MY SPECULATION.


God Tier: Physical silver
Top Tier: COMEX futures, $SLV OTM calls and shares
​ Great Tier: $PSLV and $USLV shares, $GME (I am with you!)
​ Good Tier (miners): $EXK $AG $SVM $FSM $MUX and many others
​ GME was the millenial uprising. The #Silversqueeze is the boomer rebellion!
​ Before you begin, I encourage you to read about John Law, the Banque Generale, and the Mississippi Bubble: History repeats itself... Jerome Powell, COMEX?

UPDATE ON THE SITUATION: Current Phase: 1 - Cutting off the Supply / Driving up Demand

- Prepare for the MSM disinformation campaign to ramp up
- Countless bots on social media are flooding all platforms with disinformation and fear:


At this moment it seems like the reddit community has really antagonized the SLV argument, yet the calls sweeps indicate that there are big players that are betting on SLV. Personally, I am diversifying, to hit all venues. All power to you if you are getting silver while avoiding SLV, it all helps in the end. When nobody believes in something though, that is where the greatest reward is, IMO.
I have been contemplating the price action in the past few days and I see 2 possibilities at the moment:
  1. Institutions were not in position for the silver bull run, but now they are and we will fly. JPM themselves are long silver, and they may actually be the very ones behind this social media trend.
This possible end was brought up in another thread on WSB:
TLDR: JPM wins but SLV holders also win - The COMEX closes forever, and SLV ETFs become the de facto paper for silver - JPM's heist is complete. However, silver and SLV holders still benefit greatly.
  1. Institutions will hammer down the price again via futures and double down for a war of attrition.
We will see at 26.70 what they have in mind, that is they key price for either a hard rejection with stopping volume down to the 24s or back up to 30s.
I am leaning toward option 1. They are not stupid. They are not Melvin Capital. They saw what happened and they would much rather make money. They hold the most silver after all.
Social media is so very easy to control. We saw it with GME, we saw it with Bitcoin, we saw it with Tesla, we saw it with Trump, we saw it with the global riots. What's a few million from JPM or Sprott to push a movement on Reddit?

"Big Tech trades human futures" - Zuboff


Their moves:

- They are scared:
- They fear the Mar. 21 contracts with 133,715 open interest. When you trade futures in a CFD trader, this contract is what you trade. This one contract controls the global price.

Their current defense is trimming the shadow contracts to settle in March and adding to May, check the open interest yourself. They want to kick the can down the road. This could become a war of attrition.

- The effects of the #SilverSqueeze day 1:

They cannot make new contracts for March because they are coming up for delivery. They are already overleveraged. It is already over, as long as we hold.

- They will allow exuberant investors to pile in on market open to ride the wave, even bidding it up in the morning to lure in buyers, and as buy volume fades, they will hammer it down with naked shorts via COMEX futures each and every day, coupled with negative PR and bots spamming platforms
- They will bleed it into the night using algorithms to short ladder and wash trade the price down on low volume (Trading with themselves beneath the lowest bid price), so that investors in Asia and Europe believe it is a pump and dump.
- They will pounce on any weakness as they grow more desperate. Sudden rallies may be countered with "dream-crusher" shorts and blow-off tops, and any bounces will be blocked off with massive sell-order walls. This is manipulation 101. Watch for sudden volume in spam, shilling, FUD on ST, Telegram, or whatever platform you may use.
- After consecutive days of punishment, many retail traders will lose interest, be shaken out, or wiped out from being overleveraged. Tight stop losses will be hunted.
- What they can do to counter us is to flood the market with silver to nip this movement in the bud and cover their overleveraged positions. However, in their greed - they will never ever choose this option and will attempt to manipulate through futures price action, naked shorting, and outdated media attacks.
- Another possibility is that a major actor with a large stake may reverse their short position and may in-fact become our biggest ally. They would stand gain while the others are liquidated.
- Another option is to divide and conquer - misdirect attention and cause FOMO elsewhere - while silver is pinned and bleeding, the next big thing might be pumped. The market is in a maniacal frenzy right now, this seems likely - Uranium, space travel or crypto are candidates.

Silvergang's moves:

- If there is no volume while the price bleeds, it is a short-ladder. No one is selling except their algorithms to themselves. Don't fall for this.
- Short attacks are are opportunities to buy aggressively to counter their move. This will make them bleed and think twice about using the same strategies.
- Be skeptical of the MSM - the sentiment seems to be positive as of now, but after building trust, they will flip the script once their masters instruct it. They will say it is over when it is not.
- The price action of the ETF does not matter at this point. Watch the spot price of physical!
- Physical suppliers have already stopped selling, in anticipation of the coming winter. This is a sign of success. Follow the MONEY, the POLICIES, and the PHYSICAL. Be prepared to HOLD and weather the onslaught of FUD and price manipulation.
- Remember that before we had computers, algorithmic trading, and quant shops, it was just Supply and Demand! For the majority of traders, intraday price action exists only to hurt you.
- It is very simple. Just do what they dont want you to do!

They are the End-Boss. They will not go down without a fight. Don't expect it to be easy.

Litany Against Fear:

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

- While pooling our money is illegal and market manipulation, and this post is not financial advice, this could be a possibility:
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Some of this is compiled info from other great posts such as:\_real\_dd\_on\_slv\_the\_worlds\_biggest\_short/\_biggest\_short\_squeeze\_in\_the\_world\_slv\_silve
(Boomer experts)
Warning - Long read ahead. I ask you to read it fully with an open mind and offer your opinion, because I believe that we are on the verge of societal level change. I will keep updating this if there is demand.

What do you think? Roast it for the sake of discussion:
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- A Squeeze of silver and paper silver is possible. There is a critical market inefficiency in SLV. This is not just a short squeeze, but also a supply squeeze and a gamma squeeze. A Triple squeeze if you will.
- Key is that the supply of underlying is only a fraction of the future contracts being traded.
- If enough contracts are physically settled, there will not be enough underlying, and this will squeeze the price
- In essence, the silver market will be cornered
- Up against JPM & co. Tough competition.
- They fear the Mar. 21 contracts with 133,715 open interest. When you trade futures in a CFD trader, this contract is what you trade. This one contract controls the global price.
- The way Comex works is simple: On the final day of the previous trading month, whatever open interest is left on the next month has to indicate they will stand for delivery

The system is already broken. It is ALREADY OVER. The FRAUDEX is held up only to keep draining you as long as they can before they EXIT SCAM.

- COMEX inventory data:
- If you open Silver Stocks, you can see that there’s 2 categories: Eligible and Registered.
- The last report says there’s 248,082,103.16 ounces in there. At $30 an ounce, that’s $7,442,463,094 to buy out all silver on the COMEX - so they claim.

49,617 x 2 = 99,234 contracts. Total open interest on Mar 21 alone nevermind the rest = 133,715

Total naked shorts right now = 34,481 naked shorts, or x 5000oz = 172,405,000 ounces of silver they can’t deliver but might have to. And this is PHYSICAL silver! They can’t print it, they’ll have to find it on the open market, or.. close the shorts

Naturally the same thing applies as GME: If they want to close shorts, they need to buy them back first.

If 50,000 contracts stand for delivery…. Well that means EVERYTHING ELSE IS A SHORT DOESN’T IT?! 100% OF THE FLOAT! Not to mention on a delivery failure the price of PHYSICAL silver will just 10x while the futures go to 0. We might not even be able to determine the price of silver anymore on any sort of global scale!

This is the Infinite Squeeze

- I love this play because it is also a hedge against a market crash and declining dollar

This is a gap trade - a wealth gap trade - and we are filling the gap.

- Silver has been manipulated for nearly 100 years
- true value of silver with adjusted for inflation is $1000
- Gold and silver are the only commodities in which the paper value reflects the price of the underlying commodity- They have been accumulating for 100 years
- The Hunt brothers had already performed this same play in the past, but the banks did not learn their lesson. They were only 2, but how many millions of regular people hold physical silver?
- The Hunt brothers eventually lost, when the Federal government stepped in and Federal commodities regulators introduced special rules to prevent any more long position contracts from being written or sold for silver futures. This is similar to what we are seeing with Robinhood and GME.

This is why it is imperative to buy the far OTM calls now.

- The Hunt brothers were over-leveraged, which was their downfall. Don't make this mistake. They were also 2, while we are millions.
- Through fake sell orders (shadow contracts), the banks have $2 billion in naked shorts on the physical market, and $70 billion on the paper market
- All fronts must be hit, physical, futures, ETFs, options
- For a $1 rise in silver, $200 million worth of short positions are liquidated
- After $50, the gamma squeeze begins, the gamma ramp should be built above 50
- At $480, JP Morgan and the Big 8's full position of naked shorts are liquidated
- After seeing GME, it is clear that they will lie, spread FUD, use level-headed fake allies to try to dissuade us, distract us, say that it is over when it is not, break the law and laugh about it on national television
- After 100 years of manipulation, over 90% of gold, and a significant amount of silver has been accumulated by the institutions. While they print worthless paper money, true wealth has been robbed from us. Who will help us against this manipulation?

Why SLV?

- As an investor why would you want SLV to get diluted? Why would you buy SLV when JPM is custodian is this ETF is most at risk of fraud? How do you make money on calls? Let's say you squeeze to infinity. SLV doesnt move because 1 billion shares were issued as a result?

The ultimate goal is to pressure them until they are unable to issue any more shares because we know they do not have the underlying silver in the vault.

They must issue more shares as demand for the ETF rises, to keep the price fixed to the spot price of physical silver. When they issue more shares, they must also buy the proportional amount of physical silver to store in their vaults, but if demand for physical silver rises and avenues for obtaining physical close, the ETF and its subcustodians become the only way to get physical silver.
Industry will demand silver from their vaults through the ETF.

Silver that we know they do not have. This is their Achilles Heel. This is what they truly fear. This is why there is so much FUD surrounding SLV.

It is not silver that is being squeezed to infinity. Silver is only returning to its true value of 1000-7000. That is only phase 1. My speculation is that the in the later phases of this movement, the ETF will be squeezed to infinity, because it will be the only way big tech and EV companies can obtain silver - or it will be closed and cash settled for shareholders.

In other words, the endgame is to reveal the fraud and destroy it. This is the case for buying SLV. Their fraud is an unsustainable bubble and while it is effective at controlling the market, if it grows too large, it will burst.

What can be done to help expose the fraud:
Scroll to the bottom to "Submit Tips & Complaints" and detail the illegal naked shorting of the COMEX futures, manipulation and spoofing if evidence arises.
If you are paranoid, or just want to return the price of silver to its true value, or ride the wave for some profits, by all means go for PSLV or miners instead. It all helps in the end. If you really want to lay the hurt on JPM, a supply squeeze, followed by a gamma squeeze on SLV would do it.

SHOULD a $480 price be achieved. There will be severe consequences to the market, and probably the economy. Plan accordingly.

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Part 1 - Reducing Supply, Increasing Demand / Cornering the Market (See Bitcoin):

- Buying Physical Silver to reduce supply
- COMEX futures settling for delivery
- I will buy underlying shares of SLV, PSLV and physical silver
- Physical silver - dealers are already sold out, but this means nothing. They can claim to be "sold out" and have a stockpile in anticipation of the squeeze. They are simply not selling it to you.
- SLV shares - according to SLV prospectus, when SLV issues shares, they are forced to true up their vaults with the proportional amount daily
- however, there are concerns about their integrity, be prepared for legal/media actions
- SLV is ran by JP Morgan themselves, and there is a concern that there is no proven metal, and only a few big banks have access, and can pay cash only in case of a default. Spoofing is inevitable and widely known. This is a legitimate concern.
- Silver futures - this is where some whales could really turn the tide
- the COMEX vaults only contains 1 ounce of silver for 100-500 ounces traded via futures
- the principle purpose of the future contracts is to actually deliver the underlying commodity, but because of traders settling with cash, the futures market has become 500x leveraged
- Once physical silver becomes scarce, and more future contracts are settled for physical delivery, the demand will overwhelm the supply. SILVER FUTURES ARE 500x LEVERAGED!
- They cannot lie if big companies need physical silver and they do not possess it in the vault
- Many are advocating that it is impossible to squeeze a commodity
- however, see the 2010-2011 short squeeze of silver (JP Morgan was short at the time as well): 481% gain
- It seems that JPM is covering their short positions already. Yes, JPM is custodian of SLV, but it means little, as SLV is managed by Blackrock. This is not a huge concern.
- The goal remains to short squeeze, if it becomes more profitable for JPM to indeed reverse their position, they could become our greatest ally against the Big 8.
- Miners - this doesn't actually do anything, but this is a way you can take profits without touching the SLV shares until the victory has been achieved.

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Part 2 - Gamma Squeeze (See TSLA):

- First of all - what is a gamma squeeze?
- SLV OTM calls - buying far OTM strike calls forces the Market Maker's algorithms to "gamma hedge", buying the underlying asset to hedge risk for the OTM calls. A steady ramp is better than a large wall of interest at a specific strike
- I will be buying April SLV calls 50c
- if it begins to move, I will add higher OTM strike calls to build a gamma ramp
- holding to expiry and exercising will force shorted shares to be bought back to sell to the calls should a squeeze occur (See GME)
- At this point, the MSM will go all out with attacks using Obfuscation, Misinformation, Propaganda, in order to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt:
- While GME is seen as "oh look at those lovable idiots, I'm rooting for the underdog!" History may not be kind to the Silvergang if they do manage to crash the economy. This a different ball game. Understand what you are getting into.

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Part 3 - Short Squeeze (See GME):

- SLV, PSLV shares, HOLD while they struggle to meet industrial demand
- When there is no more silver available on the market, the only way to get silver will be through futures and ETFs
- 50%+ short interest on COMEX futures will be squeezed
- With rapidly rising spot price of silver, institutions and enterprise companies that need it may rush to hoard it, causing a steep increase in value along with the short squeeze
- If GME liquidating a hedge fund could threaten to take down the market, what could liquidating a bank or two do?
- They WILL change the rules if they start losing. All you can do is hold and weather the storm.

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Part 4 - Destroying the Fraud, Infinite Squeeze (ENDGAME):

"Do you see it now? Or should we finish this on the board?"

- Settle SLV shares for delivery once spot prices rises to critical levels, decouple the ETF price from spot price
- Physical and COMEX futures, especially settling for delivery of futures is damaging
- However, the ENDGAME is to perform a gamma squeeze + short squeeze like what we are witnessing with GME on SLV, ONCE the silver market is cornered
- PSLV is a closed-end fund and while Sprott will deliver, they do NOT need to buy more silver to replenish their vault
- SLV must. While they are most at risk for fraud, the price MUST follow the spot price, and as demand rises, they MUST issue more shares to keep up with demand
- The mechanism in which they issue shares is such that they MUST BUY more underlying shares proportional to the ETF
- While they are expected to be fraudulent, we already know that there IS NOT ENOUGH SILVER IN THE VAULT
- You can settle for delivery with SLV if you hold 50k shares
- When the prices of silver rises from the COMEX and physical short squeeze, the FAANG and EV companies that need it will be forced to settle for delivery either at SLV, or at their subcustodians, causing a ripple effect
- Eventually, if enough shareholders settle for delivery, they CANNOT DELIVER because they DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH SILVER IN THE VAULT
- Then the ETF price must decouple from the spot price. This is when the gamma squeeze can occur. Rapidly raising the price of the ETF
- As long as shareholders do not sell, and hold, like we are witnessing with GME, this can squeeze INFINITELY. THIS IS THE ENDGAME. THIS IS THE SQUEEZE.
- They are a major bank, directly linked to the FEDERAL RESERVE, they MUST DELIVER
- Silver bulls have been waiting for decades for this moment
- The system traps us in an endless rat race with circumstances that already doom us. Debt based fractional reserve fiat currency enslavement system. They exist to profit off of us, not help us. Creating booms and busts w/ interest rates destroying families livelihoods
- At this point, the Fed will get involved. It will get political.

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The Final Phase - Liquidation of the ETF - Blood Moon for the Big 8 - Taking Down the Beast (The End of COMEX):

- Bad End: Closure of SLV - SEC steps in - shareholders would be forced to sell at a time not of their choosing. Game Over.
- Another Bad End: JPM dumps everything below spot price. Weakhands sell everything for a loss. Banks win. Unlikely - Silver bugs have been holding for decades. There are many that will never ever sell.
- Should March Silver fail - April Gold is a good target:
- Neutral End (brought up by this post on WSB: JPM wins but SLV holders also win - The COMEX closes forever, and SLV ETFs become the de facto paper for silver - JPM's heist is complete. However, silver and SLV holders still benefit greatly. This would be the greatest exit scam in history... 100 years in the making. Trading COMEX for JPM.
- Good End: Closure of SLV - settled for cash. The strangehold is broken and silver returns to true value. JPM's heist via shadow contracts as custodian is investigated when they fail to deliver on physical to big tech. This is a possible outcome with good chances. Justice.
- Complete Victory: shareholders hold and squeeze the ETF shares and control the price as they please, physical, miners, and PSLV shares have skyrocketed. The world is changed forever. Silvergang now controls the ETFs and big tech must buy Silvergang's ETF shares at an incredible premium for the precious metal. Elon Musk must pay tendies as tribute to Silvergang for silver for his SpaceX rockets.

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Looking Beyond - Hyperinflation:

Here are 3 freebies for you Silver Surfers and Silverback Gorillas:

Understand this - IF this works. YOU will be the ONLY ONES not holding the bags. YOU will be the bank. YOU will make the rules.

- Jeff Bezos sold $7.2 billion worth of his shares in 2020. All the Eligible Silver in COMEX’s vaults is worth 238,447,113.735 Oz x $24.065 = $5,738,229,792.03. Assuming the COMEX actually has the title to it all. Jeff Bezos is not a nice person, but he is very smart person

Feb. 2 Jeff Bezos steps down as CEO from Amazon

- MORTGAGE, let inflation pay off the mortgage
- Companies with a firm asset base with no debt

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​ ​
I like the commodity. Alot. Good Luck To All!

“We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard." - JFK

(FYI: The manipulation of PLTR angered me to the point that I sought to make the manipulators pay, and this eventually lead me to silver)

submitted by margintraderxyz to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

GL News - 1/20 Maint, FFBE Banner/MK (NV Rain&Fina), FFXI Shadow Lord SBB & more

Video Update Recap: Here



FFBE Banner - NV Rain & Fina

Unit Rarity TMR STMR
Rain & Fina NV No Matter How Far Apart We Are Materia +30% ATK/MAG +30% ATK with Greatsword +30% MAG with Bow Swordbow of Unbreakable Faith 2H Greatsword ATK +184, MAG +176 +100% LB damage
Fina & Dark Fina 5★-NV Mobius Ring Accessory MAG +55 Enable Dualwield Double Catharsis Materia +50% MAG +50% TDW MAG +50% Light/Dark resist

New Vision Card

Next Week Banner

Unit Rarity TMR STMR
Lasswell & Raegen NV Acknowledged by Purple Lightning Materia +30% ATK +40% ATK with Sword/Katana Darkness Purging Blades of Azure Crimson 1H Sword ATK +192 +75% P Dragon killer +25% LB damage
Infernal Fire Rain 5★-NV Ifrit Synergy Materia +50% ATK with Greatsword +30% Fire resist +2 LB/turn Infernal Battle Grab Clothes ATK +54, DEF +38 +50% Fire resist +50% P Beast killer
  • NV Lasswell & Raegen's LB animation: Youtube

Lasswell & Raegen's VC:

Festive Preparations - Team Lasswell
 Obtainable from: awaken NV Lasswell & Raegen to EX+1 / EX+3 Lvl 1: +40 base ATK, +100 base HP Lvl 10: +90 base ATK, +200 base HP Passive skills: Lvl 4: +25% TDW ATK Lvl 7: +25% TDW ATK Lvl 10: +20% HP 

The Visions of the Farplane (MK)

  • Source: Link
  • Period: Thursday 1/21 EoM - Wednesday 2/3 SoM PST
  • Exchange period: Thursday 1/21 EoM - Wednesday 2/10 23:59 PST
  • JP megathread: Link
  • A Transcension Pearl can be obtained as an EP reward  
  • Featured gear:
    • Violet Ice Throne, [Accessory], ATK/MAG +35, +30% Ice resist, +15% LB damage
    • Crimson Flame Throne, [Accessory], HP +1000, ATK +30, +30% Fire resist, +15% LB damage
    • Crimson Flame Crown, [Helm], ATK +45, DEF +43, +20% Fire resist, +25% P/M Beast killer with Greatsword equipped.
    • Violet Ice Crown, [Helm], ATK +40, MAG +52, +20% Ice resist, +25% P/M Dragon killer with Katana equipped.
  • Bonus units:
    • +300%: NV Rain & Fina, Fina & Dark Fina
    • +150%: NV Rain, Lasswell, Sol, Physalis, AD Akstar, PG Lasswell, LM Fina, Charlotte, Dark Fina
    • +60%: 7★ Fina & Dark Fina, PG Lasswell, LM Fina, Charlotte, Dark Fina, Raegen, Physalis, UW Edel
    • +30%: 5-6★ Fina & Dark Fina, PG Lasswell, LM Fina, Charlotte, Dark Fina, Raegen, Physalis, Moogle, Vagrant Rain, Chocobo Rain
    • +10%: 2-6★ Rain, Lasswell, Fina

Daily Bonus Challenge - FFBE 2021 Celebration Event - EXT

  • Clear daily.
  • FFBE units only.
  • No friend unit.

Challenge of the Brave

  • Farplane Wanderers I - NV Rain & Fina, NV Lasswell & Raegen, NVA Fina & Dark Fina, NVA IF Rain
  • Guardians of the Planet - NV Cloud (REMAKE), NVA Tifa
  • Treasured Bonds - NV Madam Edel, NVA Nalu
  • Those Who Stand Against Darkness - NV Onion Knight, NVA DK Luneth, NVA OK Refia
  • Bonds of the Heart - NV Locke, NVA Edgar, NVA Sabin

FFXI SBB - Shadow Lord

  • Source: Link
  • Available after maintenance
  • JP megathread: Link
  • Sinzar's early tips: Link


  • Guaranteed NV Summon
    Players can perform one Guaranteed NV Summon to get one of the five selected NV Units!
    Sol -Neo Vision- Rain -Neo Vision- Cloud (FFVII REMAKE) Awakened Dragon Akstar Firion -Neo Vision-
    All existing accounts created prior to 1/21 will received a Guaranteed NV Summon Ticket via scheduled mail at the end of maintenance, Thursday, 1/21.
    The summon will be available permanently from 1/21 onwards!
  • Free Weekly 10+1 Summon Period: Thursday 1/21 EoM - Wednesday 3/31 SoM PDT (10 weeks)
    One guaranteed 5★ or NV unit with every Free Weekly 10+1 Summon! Note: pool will be updated weekly
  • Ringing Out the New Year Login Bonus Period: Thursday 1/21 EoM - Wednesday 2/10 23:59 PST
    3000 Lapis 5x NV EX Ticket (3★/4★/5★/NV) 1x Guaranteed Ticket (4★/5★/NV) 1x 1/10 NV Summon Ticket 1x Transcension Pearl 
  • Together at Last Login Bonus Period: Thursday 1/21 EoM - Thursday 1/28 23:59 PST
    30x Rain & Fina Fragment 20x Fina & Dark Fina Fragment 100 Lapis 1x Ascension Pearl 100 VIP Coin 




Update to the trust coin item exchange lineup!
A greater number of Brave Insignia (Joined Forces) will become available for exchange!
The exchange limit for Brave Insignia (Joined Forces) x10 will be increased from 18 to 54. This means players can now exchange for up to 540 Brave Insignia (Joined Forces)!
Available from the following date onwards: End of maintenance, Thursday, 1/21 PST
Trust Coin x1800 (equivalent to Brave Insignia (Joined Forces) x180) will be distributed to all users at the end of maintenance on 1/21!
A new Tag-Team Attack feature will be available from 1/21!
Tag-Team Attacks
A new sub-set of attack abilities that can trigger chains on their own! Units using attacks of this sub-type are able to build chains even when attacking alone, the same as if they were chaining with another unit using an ability of the same chain family! This means Tag-Team Attacks can result in chain modifiers that build easily, especially when multicasting.
Any additional damage increase from Tag-Team Attacks is the result of the chain modifier bonus. This applies regardless of the ability's attack type or damage type, and chain modifier bonuses from Tag-Team Attacks are bound to the standard limitations of the game (e.g. chain modifier caps).
submitted by togeo to FFBraveExvius [link] [comments]

[Mobile Gaming] How the Nyan Cat led to the death knell for a popular mobile game- the downfall of RWBY Amity Arena.

Note: Many of the links are to the Amity Arena Library, a website devoted to the game which includes tracking the history of it through patchnotes and a running history of what cards entered and left the meta. Their website was a valuable resource for this post.
Mobile gaming has taken off like a wildfire since the advent of the smartphone boosted the average processing power a phone could carry. Initially it took the form of crossing over older, more easily runnable games onto the mobile market to... mixed success, but in recent years we've seen both the West and East use mobile gaming to replace the old fashioned movie tie in game. It's easily accessable, has a much wider reach than consoles or PC, you can take it on the go and standards are inherently lower for mobile games than they are a full 60 dollar game.
Since the 2010s, mobile gaming has shifted to what's called the "Freemium" module. The game itself is free to download and start playing, but is insideously designed with obnoxious paywalls or artificial limiters put in place to limit how much you can play each day. If the game is part of a pre-existing franchise, additional money can be made through a premium currency or a chance to obtain high-powered units by rolling a slot machine random chance mechanic. And thus, gacha gaming was born. This sub has had several threads in the past on high profile gacha games, such as the monolithic Fate Grand/Order, Pokemon Go or Genshin Impact. One of the more popular things to roll for in gachas as a consequence is wallpapers for your homescreen, especially for high-grade units as they're usually animated to move a little bit on the homescreen. Today we're looking a low to mid-tier gacha game that rose and fell with the advent of one catgirl. Let's talk RWBY.
RWBY is an online web anime made by Rooster Teeth focusing on four prospective monster hunters who get embroiled in a world-spanning shadow war. It's of debatable quality in matters of animation, combat, voice acting, story, worldbuilding, romance, and it's kind of a little racist if I'm being honest, but one of the major positives of RWBY is that the series tends to have good character design. Series creator Monty Oum set in the guidelines for the show while making it that most if not every design should be made to be cosplay friendly, hence why most of the outfits have things most costume designers haven't heard of like... pockets. And Rooster Teeth, above all else, likes making money. So they know people like RWBY's character designs, enough so that in 2017 plans were made to release a gacha game themed around RWBY called Amity Arena, which would be developed by Korean company NHN Entertainment.
Amity Arena is a PvP tower defense game. Each player controls two turrets and a tower and has three minutes to use units themed from the show to destroy the other player's structures. Whoever took out more wins, destroying a tower is an instant victory. When the game launched, it had three tiers for units- Common (generally held for mooks or low-tier characters in the show), Rare (roughly protagonist-level or elite mooks go here) and Epic (High tier characters usually with an active ability that did lots of damage or stopped enemies in their tracks). The game launched in October 2018 to generally positive reviews from both mobile game players and RWBY fans alike. Fans were happy to get a lot of new official art for the characters in the game and the base gameplay loop was fun. Criticism at the time was largely themed around the lack of content besides PVP matches and some issues with the meta but overall, the launch went well. Each month, the developers would add new units, including popular characters like Neopolitian, Cinder Fall, Zwei the dog, and more.
But everything changed with February 20th 2019, which introduced Neon Katt, the titular catgirl (RWBY characters are themed around fairytales, except for Neon, who is themed around Nyan Cat, and her partner Flynt Coal, who is themed off a potentially racist joke made by Rooster Teeth).
Neon is a character from RWBY Volume 3 who's part of a team that RWBY face during a tournament arc. Her partner, Flynt Coal, was part of the game at launch, and Neon would join him a few months later. Neon in the show is a cocky fighter who taunts the heroes and zips around on rollarskates, which in-game is represented by Neon skating towards the nearest enemy structure to her and hitting it, while all units within a radius of Neon are taunted and provoked into attacking her above all other targets unless they-selves are coded to hit structures. On its own, not a bad idea for a unit, but Neon came with four big caveats:
From the word go, Neon is an unpopular unit; she's clearly overbalanced and elements such as the Disco Bear glitch have players thinking she'll have to get knocked down in a nerf- she'll either be made slower, more expensive, or able to die pre-hitting a structure, right?
Neon doesn't show up in the next patch. Instead, before she's fixed, an entire new class of units called Legendaries are introduced, and this is where the game goes full gacha. Legendaries were meant to represent the highest tier characters in the game, the ones who were either the most popular characters or the highest-tier fighters in the show. Or in some cases, the popular ships such as combo cards for White Rose (Ruby/Weiss), Bumblebee (Blake/Yang) and Flower Power (Ren/Nora). Legendaries, representing their value, were impossibly rare and had an infinitely small chance of actually appearing (The most reliable method was to buy the premium chests and hope you'd roll a Legendary, which often cost tons of money), and if you did get one, there was no way to guess which Legendary you'd actually get. Some such as White Rose and Adam were high tier units, others like Hazel or Checkmate were... kinda broken at launch. The playerbase isn't happy at this, especially as free to play players are left out in the cold and reliant on the game giving them high tier units effectively out of pity.
Neon would get a small nerf in the April patch which lessened her taunt range and killed the Disco Bear meta, but her invincibility would be left untouched, even as players submitted feedback regarding how to make it more efficient. The official Amity Arena discord has a weekly feedback section on Tuesdays where players could submit up to four suggestions on how to nerf/buff units and general requests for quality of life such as "Can this character get a new skin from this part of the show," or "Can we have an option to lower music volume that's not just muting all music?" (they never did add that second request) Neon would then remain in this state until the November patch, despite constant weekly requests for a Neon rework, and all it would do is make Neon functionally mortal, in that she had a flat shield bar of 20 that would be lowered by one for each attack before the next hit would kill her. Neon could now die... but your chances of actually doing enough damage to stop her were slim, and regardless, you were now at a serious Aura defecit.
It took seven months for this one unit to get a substantial nerf, all while the game added new units every week and the number of units being affected by patches each month began to gradually sink. To round up some of the major issues people had with Amity that developed throughout 2019 alongside Neon's general existance making life hell:
Unfortunately, the Novemember patch did little to stop the problems with Neon, and a new problem would rear its head for Christmas: Jinn. This unit embodied many of the problems players had: She was a Legendary so it would be hard for free players to get her, and only added to the sheer number of Legendaries that were out there. She was another structure card, and she was horrifically broken. Stopping time for seven seconds in an area around any friendly units, Jinn broke the game overnight, with players horrified at how little playtesting she'd clearly had. Most chip units now couldn't damage structures as Jinn simply could stop time and freeze the turret for the duration of the attack. And to make matters worse? She cost two Aura, meaning it was very easy to cycle a deck and start Jinn spamming.
And yet at two aura she was still one of the only cost-efficient Neon counters... until they patched her to be worth three Aura instead. Talking of the feline menace, January saw Neon get a HP nerf that set her shield at 14. Finally, Neon could be realistically be taken out, still at an Aura defecit but at least it can be countered and now they just have to raise her Aura- why are you buffing her game?
Less than a month later, Neon got, of all things, a buff. Her HP shield was set at 20, and her attacks now did double damage. This is around the point where a lot of players begin to suspect the developers aren't listening to feedback and more long-term players dip out or drop the game. Neon got touched one more time in April, which slowed her down (which itself was a problem as Neon's lessened speed on spawn simply made her better at generating aggro), she dealt 10% less damage and made it somewhat easier to hit her enough to kill her, but a new problem was on the horizon. Because Neon was now no longer the game's White Whale for patches.
Meet the White Fang Gunner Barracks. Added in September 2019, the Barracks fell under many player's radar simply because they were horrifically undertuned. Their gimmick was that every few seconds, a White Fang Gunner would spawn, with three spawning on death. In April, as Neon got her last appearance in the patches, the Barracks got a huge buff and became the centerpiece of the meta; they now spawned two Gunners, which made them immensely valuable for just five Aura. You could overwhelm many anti-swarm units before they had a chance, and shred your way through turrets.
The Barracks would then go six months before this overtuning was rectified, barring one nerf in August that lowered their health to try and stem the tide of units. To sum up every other thing that went wrong during the year meta-wise:
As OctobeNovember comes in, the players are getting more and more furious. The weekly feedback includes a near constant demand for an acknowledgement from the developers given how often it feels like the feedback is being ignored. The social media team get caught several times hyping up how the coming patch would address player concerns, only for said patch to lack those units. The meta has been locked down to the Xiong Family, Flynt, Launcher Nora, Spider-Mines and the hell-cat herself in Neon. Everyone runs at least one of these, people run meta decks not because they want to, but because it's the only way to have a chance of victory.
And then in December, things implode. The patch for the month was set to launch on December 10th with the monthly event missions. But when the clock rolls around, the event missions (which usually take about two weeks to do if you're doing as many as you can a day)... has a six day timer. And the update doesn't come out. The art team doesn't release new unit art. The shop has no special timed bundles. There's no patch notes. And then the Twitter team who've been hard carrying the game through... actually talking to the players and acknowledging the grievances they have... admitted that they don't know what's going on either. The best guess is that the devs have come down with Covid, but no statements to confirm or deny this leave it as guesswork. The timer eventually got reset and people could do the event, but then on Christmas itself, another issue.
Ruby has appeared in the plaza on Halloween (her canonical birthday) and Christmas, and if you go talk to her you get free stuff. But on Christmas people, people discovered that Ruby was talking as if you'd already talked to her. Because they hadn't updated Ruby yet for 2020. She still thought it was 2019 so if you'd talked to her then for goodies, she had none now. They patched it eventually but a lot of people didn't see this fix before the timer ran out to get the free stuff.
Some have resorted to memes to cope with the fact that the game just seems to have died out of the blue. Others have been trying to desperately rally the players and find a way to save it. Some resorted to friendly mockery of the whales who'd spent thousands on a game that seems to be dying (seriously though gacha games need to curb this shit but they won't because whales are godsends for their bank balances).
If the game doesn't get an update in January then two months without new content will mark the end, and the already significant playercount drops will only increase. And it's hard to say if any one thing could have turned Amity Arena's fate around beyond just "Have a better balancing team who can respond better to feedback." Neon began the time of death, but by the time December rolled around the meta was in a horrifically toxic place where if you wanted to make any progession, you had to get down and dirty with the pigs. The team just constantly failed to balance problem units outside of their emergency hotfixes of Jinn, and more often then not they went after units and buffed or nerfed them at random going off playcounts to determine what needed fixing instead of the actual written feedback they were getting. It's clear from the references to the show and some of the attempts to reach out to the community that at least one person in the team genuinely wanted to make the good appealing to RWBY fans, but somewhere during the game's lifespan, they lost their way. Less focus needed to be put on how to milk the players, and instead focusing on making a game sustainable and enjoyable enough to warrant the cosmetics and emotes. The game's failure ultimately isn't on the playerbase. It's on the people who were actually making the game who chose to slack off because they thought it acceptable to do so.
Thanks for reading.
Had I waited one more day, my story would have had a far more sudden ending, as the game just announced its shutdown for January.
submitted by GoneRampant1 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

YouTube [and Google Play Music] Subscribers Can Get a Free Nest Mini Right Now

YouTube [and Google Play Music] Subscribers Can Get a Free Nest Mini Right Now submitted by Roxamir to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

Beginners Guide To Passwords

Disclaimer: I'm not associated with any of the websites/links/password managers mentioned in this article

Topics Covered
Encryption & Hashing
What happens when you sign up/sign in to a website?
Unique passwords
Strong Passwords
Password managers

Encryption & Hashing
These are two basic concepts that you must understand first, before understanding how passwords work.
Encryption is the process of encoding information. This process converts the original representation of the information, known as plaintext, into an alternative form known as cipher text using a key (which is a secret text).
Let us try with an example using AES-128 bit encryption (which uses a 16 character key, each char is 8 bits, so 16*8 = 128), let us try to encode the message "How are you?" using our secret key "ramaramaramarama", the resulting cipher text will look like this "ZGYP4/sparcNYA9WBoF0zA==".
You can use this link to play around encrypting and decrypting using AES
How much time does it take to decrypt without knowing the key
Nobody wants to spend this much to decrypt your message
So basically the cipher text can only be decrypted only if we have the key that was used for encrypting.
Hashing is the transformation of a string of characters into a fixed-length value or key that represents the original string.
The md5 hash of message "Where are you?" is eccd993f47dec88b14a0c982b6948358
Try to make the md5 hash for some common word
Now try to find if you can reverse the hash using this tool. Many precomputed hashes for common words/text are available on the internet
Why hashes cannot be reversed? Hashing is one way only
So you cannot use hashing to STORE something secret, you cannot retrieve the original message after you hash it. Also, can two sets of data have the same hash values? Yes, but near impossible due to the length of the hash that the modern hashing algorithms produce.

What happens when you sign up/sign in to a website?
When you sign up on a website, a hashing function is used to create a hash of the password you entered, which is then stored on their server – the password itself is discarded. Next time when you login using your password, the password is sent over the network and hashed on the server using a copy of the same hashing function. The resulting hash is compared to the hash stored on the password server. Only if they match will the user be granted access.
Why are passwords stored as hashes? Because if the website gets hacked someday, only the hashes of passwords will be revealed and not the actual passwords. So typically when data breaches happen these days, the usernames and the corresponding password hashes are sold on the dark web. A lot of precomputed hashes are available on the internet. Basically for simple passwords like password123, the hashes are well known, so when the hackers see that well-known hash they can find that your password is password123. But if the website uses salting on passwords before hashing, it becomes trickier to crack your password.
More on hashing, how hashes are cracked, salts in hash
But on spooky random websites, where we created logins for the sake of reading articles, playing games etc., we never know how they handle our passwords, they might store our passwords as plain text in their servers. Even if they properly store our passwords hashed, they can still see our password when we signup. Because they ultimately need your password to hash it and store it. In some cases, the password you enter is hashed in your browser and then sent to their servers, but you never know, what changes when, we can't check the source code of every site we use every time. So never believe websites with your passwords.
Okay now let's assume some random website where you have a login, is compromised, and the hacker managed to find your password. Now it's easy for him to try to login to other websites using the same password or the common variants of it. If your Facebook password was ramaFB123 and was compromised, then ramaTW123 might be a good guess for your Twitter account. There are computer programs that do all this, at speeds of 1 Billion passwords per second. So such variations you create on passwords are not going to protect you.
Watch some interesting live-action password cracking here
Now let's discuss how websites store our data. Most times we think, all our data is encrypted in the servers behind Google Drive/Gmail/Facebook etc. Yes, all data is encrypted, BUT not with YOUR password as the key, the encryption key is owned by the respective website. If they had encrypted all your data with your key, even they would not be able to read your data. Basically, Google can read all your emails.
"So where is my password used then?" Your password is only used to check your login in most cases. After verification, they generally give you some unique browser cookie which will hereafter be used to authenticate you. So if one day ALL of Google Drive data was compromised, nobody will need YOUR password to decrypt YOUR files you stored in Google Drive. But these are privacy issues, which we will not cover in this article.

Unique passwords
What did we understand until now? If your password gets leaked out of some random website, then you are probably in danger.
The only solution is to have different passwords for every website we use. We all have signed in to 100s of websites and it's simply not possible to remember 100s of passwords. Before moving on to how we can handle 100 different passwords, let us discuss strong passwords.

Strong Passwords
Is Rama123@ a strong password?
Try this to find out
It's not strong, spend some time experimenting on the above website, with various passwords you can think of. If you play with such tools for some time, you will figure out that, passwords with more length take more time to crack. Also at greater lengths like 15 characters, it does not matter much if you use Upper case, numbers, and symbols or not. So it's the length that matters the most in passwords, the longer it is, the safer you are.
So let's settle with long passwords, but it's very hard to remember 15 random characters. So we bring in the passphrase concept. A passphrase looks like this: "clever pants oxygen sharpener". Its 29 characters long, so it's very strong but very easy to remember. Let us try to understand how.
Let's try to find how many different PASSWORDS you can make with 29 characters
Total available characters = 26(lower) + 26(upper) + 10(numbers) + 30(symbols) = 92
Password length = 29
Total No of passwords possible: 9229 = 890,936,995,405,850,020,916,615,802,384,990,844,247,276,366,492,831,055,872
Wow! With this big search space, it is impossible to brute-force (try all possible combinations) for the hacker.
So they would try brute-forcing passphrases (basically now they will try to combine words instead of individual characters), it's not easy as well.
Let's try to find how many different combinations you can make with English words for a 4 worded passphrase (like "clever pants oxygen sharpener")
No of English words available (a simple google search) = 1,71,146
No of Words in our passphrase = 4
Total No of passphrases possible: 1,71,146 ^ 4 = 857,959,946,160,091,395,856.
This is a big enough search space for our password. How much time will it take to crack this? At the rate of 1 Billion password cracking per second. It will take 27,205 years. Still, want a tougher passphrase? Just add one more word, (clever pants oxygen sharpener nuclear ). This 5 worded passphrase will take 46 MILLION CENTURIES to crack. You should be happy now.
So a 29 character 4 worded passphrase is almost equally secure as a 29 character random password. Also make sure not to use frequent words, which would make the search space smaller.
You can also try some online passphrase generator
If you introduce numbers, symbols, non-English words in the passphrase, the search space becomes much bigger, which might not be needed. It also adds tension remembering complex passwords. Don't bring in combinations like kj7b)*4H anywhere, you will make the search space bigger (which might not be needed), but you might forget the password soon.
So good passphrases are easy to type, easy to remember, easy to write in some secure location, and hard to crack.

Password managers
In the section 'unique passwords' we saw that it's best to have unique passwords for every site we use. After learning about strong passwords we might want to use passphrases for all logins, but still, we cannot remember 100 passphrases.
Password managers come to the rescue. For this article let us assume to use Bitwarden, which is a famous open-source password manager.
Bitwarden will store all the passwords/passphrases you use for all websites in its vault. The vault will have a master password, which is the only one you will remember, preferable a strong passphrase. Before we even move on, stop me and ask me:
"It's like putting all eggs in one basket, if my master password gets compromised then all my passwords are compromised. Why would I do this?"
"Ok, why Bitwarden can't be hacked or leak our passwords someday?"
Because it's not possible for Bitwarden. They do not have our master password stored. All our data is encrypted and only we have the key (which is our master password). So even Bitwarden cannot open and read our vault. After we login, the encrypted vault is sent to us, and decrypting the vault happens in the client-side (our computer). Also, our master password is never sent directly to the servers.
Watch this video to understand how the authentication takes place in password managers
"How are you so sure that they cannot do fishy stuff?"
Bitwarden is open source, meaning anybody can see their source code. They are also frequently audited by third party agencies.
Why should I trust Bitwarden?
"How do they make money then?"
They have premium features which are paid, like family/enterprise options, vault to store files etc.
Bitwarden blog answers most of such common questions
Now let's add more complexity, in an extreme case, a hacker might guess your master password or install a key logger in your PC (through some malware) and finds your master password. Ok, now we are doomed.
But there is a solution to protect our self from this: using 2-factor authentication for Bitwarden. You can configure applications like google authenticator or Authy (Google authenticator vs Authy) with your Bitwarden account to enable 2-factor authentication. The authenticator app will generate a 6 digit number which changes every 60 seconds. So every time you log in to Bitwarden, you will have to enter the 6 digit authentication code. Even if the hacker knows your master password, he cannot find the authentication codes as they keep changing every minute. I'm not discussing more on 2-factor authentication in detail here, as it's a vast topic by itself.
Other major features of Bitwarden for example are, they can suggest you random strong passwords when you sign up for websites, they have browser plugins to autofill passwords when you sign in to websites, they also have a mobile app, you can also store other information like identity, credit cards or even secure notes.

Always use a password manager to store all your passwords
Have a strong master password like "clever pants oxygen sharpener"
Enable 2-factor authentication in password manager for more security.

Further reading
Bitwarden vs Google Password Manager
Many general discussions about passwords
Join the Bitwarden community on Reddit. You can see a lot of discussions on concepts related to passwords in general, and you can also post your questions there
submitted by hellO_india to privacytoolsIO [link] [comments]

Ytm is good

I started using Spotify in 2016 as a premium user and I loved it. It was not perfect, the last year the app on Android was really slow, but at least the deskopt app both on windows and Mac worked great.
I especially liked the discover weekly playlist it generated. I found so much good music with it. The daily mixes were good too but discovering new music was the main thing for me and I was worried about this when changing to YTM.
I canceled Spotify a few months ago and I have been using YTM since then. The reason was YouTube Premium. I joined a family plan so there was no point paying for Spotify having YTM included in my subscription.
Before changing, about a year ago (maybe more), I tried YTM with a free subscription that came with my phone to see if it was any good. I f cking hated it for one reason in particular. I could not stand having my YouTube likes feeding the YTM app. I wanted a fresh library and I thought it was stupid that it was not possible. For that reason alone I stopped using the app and continued using Spotify.
I am glad that now you can actually toggle off the YouTube likes, that was a huge plus for me.
After using YTM for a few months as my only music streaming service I have to say it's good, really good, but far from perfect, and I have to say far from its potential.
The app is really smooth, the UI is nice, clean and I noticed it has improved since I used it a year ago.
The music discovery is amazing for me. I did read in this subreddit that some people complain about it, but in my experience I always get great songs and playlist, all of them. The mixes it generates are good, make sense and really go through all my tastes. The discover mix pretty much always suggest songs that I like and at worst, don't dislike. I do use a lot the like and dislike buttons and I feel it does improve my experience.
I do have to say I spent about a week tuning my library and basically "teaching" YTM my tastes. I transferred playlist from Spotify, searched for a lot of artists to make sure there was enough data to start suggesting music based on my tastes. It did work, I have no complaints about music discovery and generated playlist.
There are some things I miss from Spotify like being able to quickly swap the queue from the computer to my phone. Also, being able to control the player with any linked device was nice, but I think I can live without that, it's a nice feature but not an essential one I think.
I think the PWA used to provide a desktop experience is good enough. It has its issues, it does not remember your scroll position, you can't download songs for offline usage, videos look and sound like crap, but besides that, it's the same experience as in mobile. It does the job its intended to do, which is to play music and give you access to your library.
The Android app works much better. It does glitch sometimes when downloading music, it gets stuck for a couple minutes downloading the same playlist, but after a moment it usually gets fixed. I do think it is really stupid that you can not search for a song within a playlist, but besides that, I don't really have any other issues with the app.
I do hope that the issues I mentioned here and other problems that many other users have reported here are fixed, because if only a few of those were solved, the app would be really amazing.
Sorry do the long post.
submitted by alexgunner to YoutubeMusic [link] [comments]

Posts talking about corruption in Lebanon.

Posts talking about corruption in Lebanon.
  1. Here are some of the terrorist attacks they have done throughout the years and in different parts of the World [Multiple sources]
  2. Hezbollah critic & thawra activist Lokman Salim was assassinated in Nabatieh. He was missing since yesterday and today they found his body. [Other links are in the comments]
  3. Hezbollah representative interviewed about the current situation in Lebanon and Israel on Al-Jazeerah
  4. Lebanese Activist Hussein Nasrallah was arrested at the airport once he arrived in Lebanon because of his anti-hezbollah views
  5. "I was waiting for an answer from Hezbollah and an explanation, instead of accusing me of being an agent" Cardinal Al-Rahi
  6. Hezbollah Relation to Venezuela
  7. Seven years (2020)ago today Mohammed Chatah was assassinated. This was his last tweet 32 minutes prior to his murder.
  8. Documentary showing the brutality of harakat Amal and Hezbollah thugs on October 23rd, 2019.
  9. Hezbollah says it has doubled its guided-missile arsenal. 2020
  10. Posting about an Iranian general on the road leading to the airport
  11. Here are some proofs of Nassrallah protecting the corrupt leaders and some of the corruptions Hezbollah has done in Lebanon. [Multiple sources, mainly videos]
  12. Hezbollah supporters launched a campaign against journalist and political analyst Kassem Kassir who is considered close to Hezbollah because he criticized their relation with Iran. NBN deleted the episode from its website, while Kassir was forced to issue an apology
  13. Hezbollah launched an online attack against MP Slim Osama Saad. Hezbollah accused Saad of treason after he issued a statement condemning the killing and rejecting political assassination. Hezbollah supporters even called for Saad’s murder, considering him a spy for condemning the assassination.
  14. Despite the total lockdown & people having to close their businesses, hezbollah is celebrating the "41st anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran" in Baalbak.
Progressive Socialist Party:
  1. Here are some of the corruptions the Progressive Socialist Party have done [Multiple sources]
Future Movement:
  1. Here are some of the corruptions the Future Movement have done since the foundation of Solidere up until today [Multiple sources]
  2. Dailystar: Hariri is back from vacation(07/01/2021)
  3. Banks in Turkey start legal proceedings against Saad Hariri's company in Turkey for failing to repay a 5 billion USD debt. Hariri is facing extreme pressure from the Turkish government. This is the main reason he flew to Turkey and met president Erdogan. Politics
  4. FPM used its power to reopen a warehouse, for one of its own members, that was closed by the police for selling subsidized materials on the black market for premium prices. This warehouse and its products were bought with a loan from BDL
Lebanese Forces:
  1. Here are some of the corruptions that the Lebanese Forces have done throughout the years [Multiple sources]
  2. Samir Geagea was found guilty of the assassination of Dany Chamoun and his entire family.
  3. WikiLeaks: Geagea Informs Sison that He Has 10,000 Fighters Ready to Combat Hizbullah
  4. The history of the Lebanese Forces is full of terrorism equivalent to Al Qaeda
  5. Leaks reveal Geagea pleaded with Saudi Arabia for money to finance the bankrupt party
Free Patriotic Movement:
  1. LBC-A look into Gebran Bassil's performance as Foreign Affairs Minister
  2. US imposes sanctions on Lebanese politician Gebran Bassil
  3. Gebran roast on CNN
  4. Wikileaks Wire showing discussions Michel Aoun had in 2007 with the US Embassy about an Israeli peace deal and the disarmament of Hezbollah, among many other things
  5. President Khara Aoun considers that the demand for an international investigation into the Beirut Port case aims at wasting time.
  6. Michel Aoun becomes the first Lebanese president to ignore greeting Muslims on their Eid
  7. Full Interview: Former Lebanon Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil | CNBC International
  8. Bassil's armored Audi car was a gift from Marada's Suleiman Franjieh, who got it from Bashar al-Assad
  9. Claudine Aoun, daughter of president Michel Aoun owns a marketing company that has contracts with MANY entities in the government, basically getting paid without doing any job.
  10. Here are some of the corruptions the FPM party have done throughout the years [Multiple sources]
  11. Wikileaks cable about how Aoun views Tripoli and other regions. (English Version in the comments)
  12. Michel Aoun Photoshopping His Meetings
  13. Tracy Chamoun, Lebanon's resigned ambassador to Jordan: Gebran Bassil stands as a barrier to forming a government as a form of punishment for the Lebanese
  1. Nabih Berry saying exactly the opposite of what he's doing today
  2. Nabih Berry saying the opposite
  3. The Parliament Militia
  4. The daughter of Berri's cousin is having a huge bachelorette party with musicians, big cakes, and others.
  5. Documentary showing the brutality of harakat Amal and Hezbollah thugs on October 23rd, 2019.
  6. Here are some of the corruptions the Amal Movement have done throughout the year Discussion [Multiple sources]
  7. Hezbollah supporters launched a campaign against journalist and political analyst Kassem Kassir who is considered close to Hezbollah because he criticized their relation with Iran. NBN deleted the episode from its website, while Kassir was forced to issue an apology
Riad Salameh:
  1. Offshore Firm Tied To Lebanon Central Bank Governor Sold Stock to Bank He Regulates
  2. Our BDL Governor: بنك "عودة" شريك الحاكم وصاحب الأرباح الأكبر من هندساته
  3. The politicians and the banks engineered the economy for their own benefit. While banks smuggled politicians and big depositors' fortune, the Lebanese people are begging to get their own money. Here are all that is wrong in the banking sector and how the leaders are working with them [Multiple sources]
  4. Switzerland and EU officially asked the Lebanese authorities to help in a forensic investigation regarding transfers (400m USD) related to Central Bank governor Riad Salameh, Bank Intra, Casino Du Liban, and MEA
  5. Around $1.5 billion has been allocated to the humanitarian sector to support Lebanon in 2021 alone. BDL wants that hard currency channeled through it to control inflation, so rather than dispersed to beneficiaries in USD it will give it out in LBP using the rate $1=6240 LBP
Other government organizations and institutions:
  1. The judicial formation was always influenced by the sectarian parties and Lebanon’s political and sectarian system has long interfered in the judiciary’s work
  2. Here are some of the corruptions of high ranking officials and footages of ISF and LAF using excessive force on people [Multiple sources]
  3. Report about Judicial Corruption, on LBC (12/12/2020)
  4. Minister Tariq Majzoub: The laptops that were said to have been damaged by the explosion turned out to be sold by the company that was supposed to store them. These laptops were meant to go to students in public schools and universities for free.
  5. Here's a video with context about the stolen laptops that the education minister talked about yesterday.. Listen to TechnoMania representatives giving various excuses: no Microsoft license, damaged in Beirut port blast, Insurance... In short: 2400 laptops were stolen and sold!
Internal Security Forces (ISF):
  1. Protesters in Lebanon are targeted by French military-grade tear gas
  2. Here are some of the corruptions of high ranking officials and footages of ISF and LAF using excessive force on people [Multiple sources]
  1. All the sectarian parties invested in their political campaigns through deceptive electoral programs, blatant lies, false promises, bribes, small services, and government employment to win people's votes. Here are the promises of the main political parties to fight corruption throughout the years. [Multiple sources]
Religious Institutions:
  1. The sectarian leaders always seek protection behind religious authorities and all the politicians use religion and sectarianism for political purposes. Most of the high ranked religious figures are involved in politics. Here are many political interventions and statements of some religious figures [Multiple sources]
  2. Stories of mothers fighting for their children’s custody and defying the injustice and corruption of Ja’afari courts. This video shows mothers’ battle for custody rights and how they face off the fatwa upheld by the courts
Banking Sector:
  1. Banks are still involved with Qard Al-Hassan
  2. The politicians and the banks engineered the economy for their own benefit. While banks smuggled politicians and big depositors' fortune, the Lebanese people are begging to get their own money. Here are all that is wrong in the banking sector and how the leaders are working with them [Multiple sources]
  1. Lebanese Officials Reportedly Attempting to limit Probe into Beirut Blast From The Start
  2. Ex-Minister of Interior Marwan Charbel confesses that they used to send police and security forces dressed as civilians into protests and gatherings and ask them to start destroying and sabotaging to discredit the peaceful protests that are going on.
  3. Emigration(Joke)
  4. The gates of Hell are beginning to open. Lebanon is being torn apart between political parties who still seem to be oblivious to what's happening around them.
  5. Ogero chairman, Imad Kreidieh, gets paid a higher salary than the USA President. He employed, as a favor, tens of high-level consultants in Ogero, most of them while they were still students, and have no connection with the telecommunication sector(some are theater major)
  6. A once of a lifetime internet speed.
  7. "Immigration" turned into an obsession for the Lebanese... 70% of immigrants are between 25 and 35 years old!
  8. Beirut Municipality: Fake Afforestation with 5 million dollars
  9. Almost 1,000 protestors were arrested since 17/10/19, including 58 minors. Some arrests included violent kidnappings and residential raids. Oppression in Lebanon during this period is equal to that of Sudan and is 3x that of Algeria.
  10. How the parties control YOU!
  11. Beirut
  12. Lebanese Finance Minister Ghazi Wazni: "The political forces that I belong to refuse to sign with any forensic auditing company". Forensic auditing firm Kroll was set to review every transaction at Lebanon's Central Bank and expose the corruption of many politicians
  13. Jad Ghosn explains how politicians use sectarianism to improve their own conditions while deteriorating the conditions for their own sects.
  14. The reason why almost all traffic lights are not functional in Beirut. Spoiler: Corruption - and they won't be functional any time soon.
  15. Political elite EXPOSED! we were also able to hack into documents of the political elite and found some shady stuff to share with you.
  16. Why we still don't have a government.
  17. Lebanese foreign minister requests secrecy of Swiss judicial investigation
  18. Subsidized picon is being sold in Nigeria.
  19. Corruption, incompetence and mismanagement are the reason behind Lebanon's collapse. While it is necessary to implement reforms and create a rescue plan, the sectarian leaders are instead negotiating to divide their governmental shares. Here are some corruption and incompetence in different sectors [Multiple sources]
submitted by DarthLebanus_1 to lebanon [link] [comments]

Mega-List: Israel's Crimes & Controversies (Full)

Updated on 9 Feb 2021, Arranged in Chronological Order
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Articles cited are from reliable and trustworthy sources (some may be NSFL):
Use this website to read any paywalled site you might encounter in this list.


(1) Balfour Declaration (1917) was a letter of British support towards Lord Rothschild for the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, which at that point of time was already inhabited by the natives. It was highly controversial as the declaration was made by an European power regarding a non-European territory in flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority in the territory. Upon the start of the mandate, the British facilitated the immigration of European Jews to Palestine.
The British disarmed the Palestinian people from 1936-1939 during the 'Great Arab Revolt' whilst turning a blind eye to illegal immigration by European Jews and their procurement of arms, greatly hindering the Palestinians in the future Arab-Israeli War. (Sources: Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist–Arab Conflict, 1881–1999 by Benny Morris p.159, The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi)
In 1939, the British altered its policy, setting a limit of 75,000 further immigrants and ending immigration by 1944, unless the native Palestinians of the region consented to further immigration. Zionists condemned the new policy, accusing Britain of favouring the Arabs. This point was made moot by the outbreak of WW2 and the founding Israel in 1948.
Britannica, Wiki, BBC, AJ
(2) Assasination of Jacob Israël de Haan (1924), a Dutch-Jewish diplomat, for attempting to make a peace deal with the Emir of Mecca - his plan was a Palestinian state in a Jordanian federation, the Zionists would drop the Balfour declaration and any claim to a state in exchange for unrestricted immigration. He was assassinated when leaving a synagogue by Avraham Tehomi (who admitted to it much later), on the orders of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, who later became the 2nd President of Israel:
Wiki, Haaretz, 972mag
(3) Patria Disaster (1940) was the sinking of a French-built SS Patria by the Zionist Paramilitary Group, Haganah, killing 267 people and injuring 172. Patria was carrying about 1,800 Jewish refugees from Europe whom the British authorities were deporting from Palestine to Mauritius because they lacked entry permits. Zionist organizations opposed the deportation so Haganah planted a bomb intended to disable the ship to prevent it from leaving Haifa after Irgun's attempt to plant a bomb was unsuccessful. They claimed to have miscalculated the effects of the explosion causing the SS Patria to sink.
Wiki, JPost
(4) King David Hotel Bombing (1946) where right-wing Zionist terrorists attacked a British HQ located within the hotel killing 91 and injuring 46. The leader of the perpetrators, Manachem Begin became the Prime Minister of Israel in 1977.
Wiki, Haaretz
(5) Deir Yassin Massacre (1948) where 117 villagers including women & children were slaughtered by Zionist Paramilitary groups, some members of the perpetrators were at a later time, absorbed into the IDF, one (Menachem Begin) became PM of Israel:
Wiki, Haaretz, Britannica
(6) Palestinian Exodus "Nakba" (1948) was an expulsion of 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from their Homeland during the war and establishment of Israel in May 1948, these includes testimonies of massacres, rape and looting. During and immediately following the state’s creation, Israel expropriated approximately 4,244,776 acres of Palestinian land.
Haaretz, Haaretz, Atlantic, Vox, TheWallsOfJerusalem
(7) Assassination of Folke Bernadotte, (1948) UN Mediator for Palestinian Refugees by Israel's Zionist Paramilitary Group, Lehi. The killing was approved by the 3-man 'center' of Lehi, one of which, after the assassination, became 7th Prime Minister of Israel (Yitzhak Shamir). No one was convicted for the assassination:
Wiki, Independent, Haaretz, WRMEA
(8) Document from IDF archives (1948) which after translation states:
"In the villages lying between Nahraiya and Tarshiha there are no foreign troops for the time being.The villages are armed and ready for action1. Your orders are to occupy, kill the men2, destroy and burn down the villages of Kabri, Umm al-Faraj and al-Nahr."
[1] Ilan Pappe notes that the villagers had no proper arms, only for hunting purposes and people who served in the police; without Arab troops that were absent they stood no chance [2] In April 1948, the Intelligence of the Hagana defined men as anyone above the age of 10
-Photo taken from IDF Archives 1676\51\12
-Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian refugee problem, 1947-1949, ISBN 0-521-33028-9. P. 133
-Hagana archives, 100\35, dated May 19, 1948
(9) Al Dawayima Massacre (1948) occurred after the town was occupied by the IDF's 89th Commando Battalion. According to the village leader, IDF troops fired indiscriminately for over an hour, during which time many fled. On returning the day with other villagers, 60 bodies were found in the mosque, mostly elderly men. Numerous corpses of men, women and children, lay in the streets. 80 bodies of men, women and children were then found in the entrance of the El Zagh cavern. According to an IDF soldier:
"the 1st [wave] of conquerors killed about 80 to 100 men, women, and children. The children they killed by breaking their heads with sticks. There was not a house without dead."
"1 commander ordered his men to put 2 old women in the house and blow it up. 1 soldier boasted that he had raped a woman and then shot her. 1 woman, with a baby in her arms was employed to clean the courtyard where the soldiers ate. She worked a day or two. In the end they shot her and her baby."
Wiki, Mondoweiss, Haaretz
(10) Safsaf Massacre (1948) after the Upper Galilee village surrendered to the IDF, 54-62 villagers had their hands tied, shot dead and buried in a pit. There was also 3 reports of rape, including the rape and murder of a 14-yr old girl. Yosef Nachmani (Senior officer in the Haganah as well as the director of the Jewish National Fund) confirmed the incident in his diaries.
Wiki, JewishCurrents, Haaretz
(11) Hula Massacre (1948) occured in a village in Lebanon where according to an IDF superior, 35-58 men ages (ages between 15-60) who posed no resistance and surrendered immediately were executed by 2 IDF officers w a sub-machine gun and had the house blown up on top of them as a revenge for a separate incident the men had nothing to do with.
Wiki, Haaretz
(12) Baghdad Bombings (1950-1951) was a series of False-flag bombings on Jewish targets in Baghdad with the intention to encourage Iraqi Jews to immigrate to Israel. According to Moshe Gat, Meir-Glitzenstein, Samuel Klausner, Rayyan Al-Shawaf and Yehouda Shenhav, there is wide consensus among Iraqi Jews that the Zionists were behind the bombings. This belief was shared among Historian Abbas Shiblak, Iraqi Jew Naeim Giladi, CIA agent Wilbur Crane and the British Embassy of Baghdad. When the 'Lavon Affair False-flag operations (1954)' broke out, Shalom Cohen (Knesset Israeli Politician at a later stage) remarked, "This method of operating was not invented for Egypt. It was tried before in Iraq." In a 2006 publication, Yehuda Tager, an Israeli agent who operated in Baghdad, confirmed Zionist involvements in the bombings.
Wiki, Journal, Haaretz
(13) Qibya Massacre (1953) where IDF troops under Ariel Sharon killed at least 69 Palestinian villagers, two-thirds of them were women and children. 45 homes, a school and a mosque were destroyed. The attack began with a mortar barrage on the village. IDF deployed explosive charges to breach the barbed fence and mined roads to prevent Jordanian forces from intervening. At the same time at least 25 mortar shells were fired into Budrus (neighbouring village) before IDF troops simultaneously entered the village from 3 sides. Ariel Sharon wrote: "The orders were clear, Qibya was to be an example for everyone." Original documents showed that Sharon personally ordered his troops to achieve "maximal killing and damage to property", and post-operational reports speak of breaking into houses and clearing them with grenades and shooting.
Wiki, 972mag, Cambridge, Haaretz, CounterPunch
(14) Lavon Affair (1954) a failed false flag operation where Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli Military Intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, their foiled plan was to blame the attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood:
Haaretz, TimesofIsrael, Wiki
(15) Kafr Qasim Massacre (1956) where Israeli Border Police killed 49 Arabs (19 men, 6 women, 23 children, 1 unborn child) returning home from work during a curfew they were unaware of. Those involved in the massacre were found guilty but were pardoned and released from prison in a single year. The highest ranking official prosecuted for the massacre confessed before his death, that the massacre were planned to ethnically cleanse Israeli Arabs from the region, and that his trial was staged to protect Israeli political and military elites, including Prime Minister Ben Gurion, from taking responsibility for the massacre:
Wiki, Haaretz, 972mag, Medium
(16) Apollo Affair (1965) an incident where 200-600 pounds of highly enriched uranium disappeared from a Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Highly suspected to have gone to Israel's Nuclear Program particularly given the visit of Rafi Eitan who was under the guise of a chemist but later revealed as an Israeli spy and who was later involved in the Jonathan Pollard incident:
Wiki, LATimes, Mondoweiss,
Archive of the findings of Roger Mattson, a Physicist who investigated the Incident for the Nuclear Regulatory Commision,
YouTube, 1968 FBI Report, FBI's Declassified Memo PDF
(17) USS Liberty (1967) where Israel deliberately attacked an American Cargo Vessel, killing 34 and wounding 174 without any repurcussions:
Sacrificing Liberty Trailer, Haaretz, Wiki
(18) Ras Sedr Massacre (1967) where 49-52 Egyptian prisoners of war were executed by the IDF during the six-day war. The mass grave was found in June 2000. A report has detailed confessions of Israeli officers who witnessed the act including an IDF Brigadier-General who admitted to killing 49 Egyptian prisoners of war in the Sinai Desert in later interviews after retirement.
Wiki, IOL, AlAraby, Reuters, NYT
(19) Sabra & Shatila massacre (1982), perpetrated by a Lebanese Christian militia (Phalangists), which was under the political & military control of Israel. For 3 days, they engaged in rape, murder and mutilation w the knowledge of IDF troops surrounding the refugee camps. Israeli forces fired flares into the night sky to illuminate the darkness for the Phalangists, allowed reinforcements to enter the area on the 2nd day of the massacre, and provided bulldozers that were used to dispose of the bodies of many victims. Estimated death count: 2000 - 3500. Ariel Sharon was held responsible for the Massacre, but he was still voted as PM of Israel in 2001:
SciencesPo, TRTworld, AJ, IMEU
(20) Jonathan Pollard Incident (1984), where Israel handsomely rewarded an American Intelligence Officer in return for US Classified information. According to his handler, Rafi Eitan (Mossad Spy involved in "Apollo Affair"), before Pollard's capture, he had been warned that he was uncovered and that he was given a signal to leave the US, but instead Pollard:
"wandered around for 3 days. He had many opportunities to do what I told him and he didn't do it".
After his release from prison in 2020, Pollard and his wife immigrated to Israel, he was given a hero's arrival by Netanyahu upon his arrival. after his flight on a private jet owned by Trump's Zionist Mega donor, Sheldon Adelson.
Britannica, Haaretz, Wiki
(21) Israeli former nuclear technician turned whistleblower was lured to Italy where Mossad drugged and abducted him back to Israel for the trial that was held secretly behind closed doors. He spent 18 years in prison, including more than 11 in solitary confinement. Says he suffered "cruel and barbaric treatment" at the hands of Israeli authorities while imprisoned because he was Christian. After his release in 2004, he was subjected to a broad array of very strict restrictions on his speech and movement (1986):
Wiki, Youtube, NYT, Guardian, CNN, Wired, Telegraph
(22) Operation Trojan (1986) according to ex-Mossad agent in his book, Mossad instigated the US bombing of Libya by planting a transmission device and impersonating as the Libyan Govt sending terrorist orders to its embassies around the world. (Story in Page 113-117) (Downloadable PDF File):
Other Side of Deception PDF
(23) Cave of Patriarchs Massacre (1994) Israeli Settler Baruch Goldstein opened fire in Ibrahimi Mosque, killing 29 worshippers and wounding more than 125:
Wiki, JPost
(24) Qana Massacre (1996) IDF fired artillery shells at a UN Compound where 800 Lebanese civillians were taking refuge. 106 civillians were killed, 116 injured, 4 Fiji UN forces were also seriously injured:
Wiki, AlAraby, Independent, DailyMotion
(25) 5 Israelis working for an Israeli Company "Urban Moving" were arrested on 9/11 after being seen documenting (their own words during an Israeli interview) and celebrating the attack on the WTC. Owner of the company, Dominik Suter, fled to Israel after the incident. His name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the 9/11 hijackers and other suspected extremists. Israel has yet to extradiate him (2001):
9/11 War by Deception, YouTube, YouTube, ABC, Forward, NYT, Haaretz
(26) New Zealand imposed diplomatic sanctions on Israel over an incident where 2 Australia-based Israelis, who were allegedly working for Mossad, attempted to fraudulently obtain NZ Passports by claiming the identity of a disabled man. 2 others, are believed to have been the 3rd and 4th men involved in the scandal but they managed to leave NZ before being apprehended. NZ PM viewed the incident as "not only utterly unacceptable but also a breach of NZ's sovereignty and international law". The following year, Israeli foreign minister apologized for the incident. (2004)
Wiki, NZHerald
(27) 2nd Qana Massacre (2006) air-strike carried out by IDF on a building Lebanon during the war. 28 civillians were killed out of which 16 were children. Upon investigation, IDF concluded that there was in fact no rocket launched from Qana on the day of the deadly strike by IDF:
Wiki, BBC, Norman Finkelstein
(28) CIA Memos: Israeli Mossad posed as CIA agents to recruit terrorists to carry out False Flag Operations against Iran (2007-2008):
Haaretz, ForeignPolicy
(29) Operation 'Cast Lead' (2008-2009): estimated 1391 Palestinians killed, 759 to be civillians, 344 children, 110 women. 13 Israelis killed, out of which 10 are soldiers. Israel also admits using 'White Phosphorus' during their military offensive:
Haaretz, Haaretz, Amnesty, France24, Investigation: F.A
(30) 4 Iranian nuclear scientists were assassinated and another was seriously wounded in an attempted murder between (2010-2012). US officials confirm that Terror Group, MEK was financed, trained, and armed by Israel in killing the nuclear scientists:
NBC, Guardian, Guardian
(31) In 2013, Israel awarded 'Genie Energy' (American Oil and Gas company), rights to drill in Golan Heights (Syrian occupied territory) despite international opposition including Israeli experts on international law. In 2015, Israel claimed a massive discovery of oil in the area, reportedly believe could supply the country’s oil needs for many years to come:
Prominent figures in Genie Energy's Board of Advisors:
Jacob Rothschild (British banker of the prominent Rothschild family), Dick Cheney (Ex-Vice president of USA), Rupert Murdoch (Billionaire American Media Mogul), James Woolsey (Ex-CIA Director), Lawrence Summers (Ex-Head of US Treasury), Bill Richardson (Ex-Energy Secretary of USA), Michael Steinhardt (Wall Street Trader, Investor and Hedge Fund Manager)
BusinessInsider, TRTworld, Yahoo Finance
(32) Operation 'Protective Edge' (2014) after the Kidnapping & Murder of 3 Israeli Teens allegedly by Hamas (Opinions divided among Israel's Security Services on who was actually behind it), Disproportionate Collective Punishment ensued against the people of Gaza (estimated 2104 Palestinians killed, including 1,462 civilians, of whom 495 were children and 253 women. 17,200 homes destroyed or severely damaged. More than 10,000 injured):
Image, NYmag, BBC, B'Tselem, Amnesty
(33) Duma Arson Attack (2015) Israeli Settlers firebombed a Palestinian home, killing an 18-mth old baby and his parents who succumed to their 3rd degree burns weeks later. Their 4yr old son who suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns on more than 60% of his body becomes sole survivor of the attack. Graffiti left by the arsonists read "Revenge, Price tag, Long live the Messiah". Months after the incident, Israeli Radicals celebrate wedding by stabbing photo of 18-mth old Palestinian baby that was killed in the Arson Attack
In 2020, Yair Netanyahu retweets crowdfunding legal appeal for Israeli terrorist convicted of the Arson Attack. Two dozen senior Israeli Rabbis have also issued a statement supporting the terrorist.
Wiki, Guardian


(1) Jewish Community Watch: "Israel becoming a safe haven for paedophiles worldwide" (2016):
(2) According to Ari Ben-Menashe (Israel's Ex-Military Intelligence Officer & Foreign Intelligence Advisor), Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell worked with Israeli Intelligence to run a Sexual Blackmail Enterprise for the purpose of entrapping powerful individuals and politicians in the United States and abroad. Former Israeli PM, Yitzhak Shamir also eulogized Ghislaine Maxwell's Father during his funeral, stating: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said."(2019):
7News, MintPress, Telegraph, Narativ, TRTworld, Haaretz
(3) Jeffrey Epstein has also invested millions of dollars in Carbyne, an Israeli start-up company in which former Israeli prime minister and current election candidate Ehud Barak is the controlling shareholder (2019):
NYT, Haaretz, Haaretz
(4) Photos show Former PM Ehud Barak entering Epstein's home. At a Later stage, a woman came out saying Epstein forced her to have sex with Former PM Ehud Barak (2019-2020):
JPost, DailyMail, TimesOfIsrael, YnetNews
(5) In newly uncovered photos taken on Epstein's island, Ghislaine Maxwell seen cavorting with fugitive rape suspect Jean-Luc Brunel - who gave Jeffrey Epstein three 12-year-old triplets as a birthday present'. In the photographs from the source, Jean-Luc Brunel is wearing an Israeli Army hat. (2020)
NZHerald, NYPost
(6) Maria Farmer, one of Epstein's victims gave an interview with Independent Journalist Whitney Webb. In the interview she talks about the sex ring and how Jewish Supremacy played a major role. She mentions how none of the mainstream media was willing to talk about it. Alan Dershowitz, a pro-Israel Attorney, who was also involved in Epstein's sex ring smeared her as anti-Semitic for her statement. Dershowitz is well known for his Defense team for Harvey Weinstein in 2018 and for the impeachment trials of Donald Trump in 2020 and 2021. He was a member of the legal defense team for Jeffrey Epstein and helped to negotiate a 2006 non-prosecution agreement on Epstein's behalf. (2020)
Maria Farmer Interview, Epstein's victim says Dershowitz had sex with her 6 times while she was underaged, InformationLiberation, NYmag, Vox
(7) Child abuser Malka Leifer, wanted for 74 charges of sexual abuse escaped from Australia to Israel. On October 2019, Jerusalem Court released her on bail despite many opposing it. The Israeli President refuses to meet alleged victims of Malka Leifer during his visit to Australia (2019):
Guardian, APnews, Abc Australia, The Australian
(8) How Jewish American paedophiles hide from justice in Israel (2020):


(1) Apartheid Against Palestinians:
Protected Wiki
(2) International Law (Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, UN Resolution 37/43) dictates that Palestinians have a legal right to an armed struggle to resist occupation:
Add. Protocol I, Geneva Conventions (PDF), UN Resolution 37/43 (PDF)
(3) Israel's building of settlements in occupied territories such as the West Bank and East Jerusalem are illegal under international law, violating Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 as well as the Statute of Rome, Art. 8 (2)(b)(viii) which states: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.":
Wiki, UN, International Law on Occupation, A.J, Amnesty, Amnesty, B'Tselem, YouTube
(4) Israel's destruction of homes in occupied territories such as the West Bank and East Jerusalem are illegal under the Rome Statute as well as violating Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 which states: "Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons ... is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.":
Fourth Geneva Convention (PDF)
(5) List of Discriminatory Laws against Palestinians in Israel and Occupied territories:
Adalah, AlJazeera, HRW pdf Report


(1) Advocating racial purity in Israel, Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract (2003)
(2) Palestinian who claimed to be a Jew after a consensual sexual encounter with an Israeli woman jailed for 'Rape By Deception' (2010)
(3) Hierarchy of the Human species according to Eli Ben-Dahan, Israel's former deputy minister of defense: Goyims (Non-Jews) placed below Homosexual Jews (2013):
(4) Israeli Trade Minister: "I've killed alot of Arabs in my life, there's no problem with that" (2013)
(5) 800,000 mourners attend influential Rabbi, Ovadia Yosef's funeral procession (Largest in Israel's history). (2013) The following are his controversial comments made when he was alive:
“6,000,000 Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.”
“There was a tsunami (Hurricane Katrina) and there are terrible natural disasters, because there isn’t enough Torah study…Black people reside there [New Orleans]. Blacks will study the Torah? [God said] let’s bring a tsunami and drown them...“Hundreds of thousands remained homeless. Tens of thousands have been killed. All of this because they have no God.”
“Goyim (Gentiles) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money...This is his servant…That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”
"A woman's knowledge is only in sewing...Women should find other jobs and make hamin, but not deal with matters of Torah."
“How can you make peace with a snake?” (Referring to Arabs)
“Those evildoers, the Arabs — it says in the Gemara [Talmud] that God is sorry he ever created those sons of Ishmael.”
“They’re stupid. Their religion is as ugly as they are.” (Referring to Muslims)
"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable." (Referring to Palestinians)
TimesofIsrael, TimesofIsrael, Wiki
(6) Muslim & Christian graves desecrated in Israel w Racist graffiti (2011):
(7) Israel school textbooks depicts Palestinians/Arabs as terrorists, refugees and primitive farmers (2011):
(8) Ethiopian Jews injected with contraceptive birth control without their consent (2013):
Haaretz, Independent, Guardian
submitted by invalidusermyass to list_palestine [link] [comments]

[Question] I caved and brought YouTube premium. Is there any advantage on using the Vanced app over YouTube's default app?

Ive been using Vanced for a long time and its been great, but I finally decided to upgrade my Google play music sub into a full on YouTube premium.
I was curious if there's any features that are exclusive to youtube Vanced that I'd be losing out on if I uninstalled it and started using the regular YouTube app?
[Edit] Thank you all so much for answering! I took so much of the vanced app for granted it seems and I didn't realize a lot of features within it weren't baked into YouTubes app by default. I've decided to keep using the Vanced app for my phone since I do care about the default resolution picker, and removing the cast button and stuff.
Thanks again to everyone who commented 💜
submitted by avengercj to Vanced [link] [comments]

Beginners Guide To Passwords

Disclaimer: I'm not associated with any of the websites/links/password managers mentioned in this article

Topics Covered
Encryption & Hashing
What happens when you sign up/sign in to a website?
Unique passwords
Strong Passwords
Password managers

Encryption & Hashing
These are two basic concepts that you must understand first, before understanding how passwords work.
Encryption is the process of encoding information. This process converts the original representation of the information, known as plaintext, into an alternative form known as cipher text using a key (which is a secret text).
Let us try with an example using AES-128 bit encryption (which uses a 16 character key, each char is 8 bits, so 16*8 = 128), let us try to encode the message "How are you?" using our secret key "ramaramaramarama", the resulting cipher text will look like this "ZGYP4/sparcNYA9WBoF0zA==".
You can use this link to play around encrypting and decrypting using AES
How much time does it take to decrypt without knowing the key
Nobody wants to spend this much to decrypt your message
So basically the cipher text can only be decrypted only if we have the key that was used for encrypting.
Hashing is the transformation of a string of characters into a fixed-length value or key that represents the original string.
The md5 hash of message "Where are you?" is eccd993f47dec88b14a0c982b6948358
Try to make the md5 hash for some common word
Now try to find if you can reverse the hash using this tool. Many precomputed hashes for common words/text are available on the internet
Why hashes cannot be reversed? Hashing is one way only
So you cannot use hashing to STORE something secret, you cannot retrieve the original message after you hash it. Also, can two sets of data have the same hash values? Yes, but near impossible due to the length of the hash that the modern hashing algorithms produce.

What happens when you sign up/sign in to a website?
When you sign up on a website, a hashing function is used to create a hash of the password you entered, which is then stored on their server – the password itself is discarded. Next time when you login using your password, the password is sent over the network and hashed on the server using a copy of the same hashing function. The resulting hash is compared to the hash stored on the password server. Only if they match will the user be granted access.
Why are passwords stored as hashes? Because if the website gets hacked someday, only the hashes of passwords will be revealed and not the actual passwords. So typically when data breaches happen these days, the usernames and the corresponding password hashes are sold on the dark web. A lot of precomputed hashes are available on the internet. Basically for simple passwords like password123, the hashes are well known, so when the hackers see that well-known hash they can find that your password is password123. But if the website uses salting on passwords before hashing, it becomes trickier to crack your password.
More on hashing, how hashes are cracked, salts in hash
But on spooky random websites, where we created logins for the sake of reading articles, playing games etc., we never know how they handle our passwords, they might store our passwords as plain text in their servers. Even if they properly store our passwords hashed, they can still see our password when we signup. Because they ultimately need your password to hash it and store it. In some cases, the password you enter is hashed in your browser and then sent to their servers, but you never know, what changes when, we can't check the source code of every site we use every time. So never believe websites with your passwords.
Okay now let's assume some random website where you have a login, is compromised, and the hacker managed to find your password. Now it's easy for him to try to login to other websites using the same password or the common variants of it. If your Facebook password was ramaFB123 and was compromised, then ramaTW123 might be a good guess for your Twitter account. There are computer programs that do all this, at speeds of 1 Billion passwords per second. So such variations you create on passwords are not going to protect you.
Watch some interesting live-action password cracking here
Now let's discuss how websites store our data. Most times we think, all our data is encrypted in the servers behind Google Drive/Gmail/Facebook etc. Yes, all data is encrypted, BUT not with YOUR password as the key, the encryption key is owned by the respective website. If they had encrypted all your data with your key, even they would not be able to read your data. Basically, Google can read all your emails.
"So where is my password used then?" Your password is only used to check your login in most cases. After verification, they generally give you some unique browser cookie which will hereafter be used to authenticate you. So if one day ALL of Google Drive data was compromised, nobody will need YOUR password to decrypt YOUR files you stored in Google Drive. But these are privacy issues, which we will not cover in this article.

Unique passwords
What did we understand until now? If your password gets leaked out of some random website, then you are probably in danger.
The only solution is to have different passwords for every website we use. We all have signed in to 100s of websites and it's simply not possible to remember 100s of passwords. Before moving on to how we can handle 100 different passwords, let us discuss strong passwords.

Strong Passwords
Is Rama123@ a strong password?
Try this to find out
It's not strong, spend some time experimenting on the above website, with various passwords you can think of. If you play with such tools for some time, you will figure out that, passwords with more length take more time to crack. Also at greater lengths like 15 characters, it does not matter much if you use Upper case, numbers, and symbols or not. So it's the length that matters the most in passwords, the longer it is, the safer you are.
So let's settle with long passwords, but it's very hard to remember 15 random characters. So we bring in the passphrase concept. A passphrase looks like this: "clever pants oxygen sharpener". Its 29 characters long, so it's very strong but very easy to remember. Let us try to understand how.
Let's try to find how many different PASSWORDS you can make with 29 characters
Total available characters = 26(lower) + 26(upper) + 10(numbers) + 30(symbols) = 92
Password length = 29
Total No of passwords possible: 9229 = 890,936,995,405,850,020,916,615,802,384,990,844,247,276,366,492,831,055,872
Wow! With this big search space, it is impossible to brute-force (try all possible combinations) for the hacker.
So they would try brute-forcing passphrases (basically now they will try to combine words instead of individual characters), it's not easy as well.
Let's try to find how many different combinations you can make with English words for a 4 worded passphrase (like "clever pants oxygen sharpener")
No of English words available (a simple google search) = 1,71,146
No of Words in our passphrase = 4
Total No of passphrases possible: 1,71,146 ^ 4 = 857,959,946,160,091,395,856.
This is a big enough search space for our password. How much time will it take to crack this? At the rate of 1 Billion password cracking per second. It will take 27,205 years. Still, want a tougher passphrase? Just add one more word, (clever pants oxygen sharpener nuclear ). This 5 worded passphrase will take 46 MILLION CENTURIES to crack. You should be happy now.
So a 29 character 4 worded passphrase is almost equally secure as a 29 character random password. Also make sure not to use frequent words, which would make the search space smaller.
You can also try some online passphrase generator
If you introduce numbers, symbols, non-English words in the passphrase, the search space becomes much bigger, which might not be needed. It also adds tension remembering complex passwords. Don't bring in combinations like kj7b)*4H anywhere, you will make the search space bigger (which might not be needed), but you might forget the password soon.
So good passphrases are easy to type, easy to remember, easy to write in some secure location, and hard to crack.

Password managers
In the section 'unique passwords' we saw that it's best to have unique passwords for every site we use. After learning about strong passwords we might want to use passphrases for all logins, but still, we cannot remember 100 passphrases.
Password managers come to the rescue. For this article let us assume to use Bitwarden, which is a famous open-source password manager.
Bitwarden will store all the passwords/passphrases you use for all websites in its vault. The vault will have a master password, which is the only one you will remember, preferable a strong passphrase. Before we even move on, stop me and ask me:
"It's like putting all eggs in one basket, if my master password gets compromised then all my passwords are compromised. Why would I do this?"
"Ok, why Bitwarden can't be hacked or leak our passwords someday?"
Because it's not possible for Bitwarden. They do not have our master password stored. All our data is encrypted and only we have the key (which is our master password). So even Bitwarden cannot open and read our vault. After we login, the encrypted vault is sent to us, and decrypting the vault happens in the client-side (our computer). Also, our master password is never sent directly to the servers.
Watch this video to understand how the authentication takes place in password managers
"How are you so sure that they cannot do fishy stuff?"
Bitwarden is open source, meaning anybody can see their source code. They are also frequently audited by third party agencies.
Why should I trust Bitwarden?
"How do they make money then?"
They have premium features which are paid, like family/enterprise options, vault to store files etc.
Bitwarden blog answers most of such common questions
Now let's add more complexity, in an extreme case, a hacker might guess your master password or install a key logger in your PC (through some malware) and finds your master password. Ok, now we are doomed.
But there is a solution to protect our self from this: using 2-factor authentication for Bitwarden. You can configure applications like google authenticator or Authy (Google authenticator vs Authy) with your Bitwarden account to enable 2-factor authentication. The authenticator app will generate a 6 digit number which changes every 60 seconds. So every time you log in to Bitwarden, you will have to enter the 6 digit authentication code. Even if the hacker knows your master password, he cannot find the authentication codes as they keep changing every minute. I'm not discussing more on 2-factor authentication in detail here, as it's a vast topic by itself.
Other major features of Bitwarden for example are, they can suggest you random strong passwords when you sign up for websites, they have browser plugins to autofill passwords when you sign in to websites, they also have a mobile app, you can also store other information like identity, credit cards or even secure notes.

Always use a password manager to store all your passwords
Have a strong master password like "clever pants oxygen sharpener"
Enable 2-factor authentication in password manager for more security.

Further reading
Bitwarden vs Google Password Manager
Many general discussions about passwords
Join the Bitwarden community on Reddit. You can see a lot of discussions on concepts related to passwords in general, and you can also post your questions there
submitted by hellO_india to Bitwarden [link] [comments]

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Source: Link Duration: 01/12 17:00 JST ~ 01/21 23:59 JST
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