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How to get a 3mo membership and 6k ACs with a $4.99 in-app purchase (using Artix rewards with AdGate)

I did this myself yesterday and today, it was very easy and I figure that it might help some people. The rewards system used to earn Artix Points for free was recently revamped. Rather than using a variety of different providers, it uses just AdGate now. I should mention that I have an iPhone and I'm not sure if this offer shows up for Android users, but it should only take a second to check.
Login to your Artix account, go to the 'Get Points' tab, and click 'Earn Points.' Answer the questions and indicate that you own a smartphone, then go to the upper left corner, set the category to apps, and the order to high to low. Look for the Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire offer that rewards 6,400 points for getting to 100k power, click on it and follow the instructions to install the app.
Once you're inside the game and done with the tutorial (it's okay if you're overwhelmed) you're going to want to build -- I would suggest building ~10 quarries and ~5 of each other resource building. Follow the quests the game gives you, don't be afraid to spend your gold on resources if you run out. Once you've got a good amount of resources, start building and leveling barracks. Barracks let you train more troops at once at the training ground, and your goal is to build a lot of siege engines there. You can also research traps at the university and build some at your wall, though I only built troops.
Your goal is to get to 19k power; once you have that, click the spinning gold coin and purchase the train troops faster package for $4.99. You should really wait until you have the required power to do so; troops are expensive to build in terms of food and also require food to be upkept, so you don't want to do it too early. The package has a timer that counts down from like 15 minutes, but ignore that because it'll be back. This package gives you troops worth 81k power or so.. once you buy it you should wait a few seconds, close the app, reopen it, and check your Artix account for 6,400 points.
Once you have the points you can buy the 3mo membership + 6k AC package for 5,000 points. It's totally possible to do this for free as well (you can search online for 'FFXV 100k power' and see other guides), but I'd never played a city builder game like this before and there was a 14 day time limit so I didn't want to mess up. You can get 19k power in like 4-5 hours of play spread out over a day. If it takes you more than a day to do this, BE SURE to click the dove icon and use a 24-hour barrier to prevent yourself from going under attack. You can get more barriers by building 10 of a single building (10 farms, quarries, barracks, etc.) but you shouldn't need many.

Feel free to ask if you need any advice or have any questions about this. It's not the easiest game to play, and I already left some stuff out of this guide (joining a guild and fighting monsters with your hero, for example) but if you put effort into it you can definitely get 19k power easily. There's a lot of other good offers too (the Vegas Casino & Slots: Slottist offer that requires you to get level 30 can be done in an hour if you buy ten lottery tickets for $0.99 then bet 125k each on red and black in roulette 50 or so times; $0.99 for 2400 points), though not all of them pay out on time, which is a risk you have to be aware of.
submitted by Gloomy_Combination27 to AQW [link] [comments]

Fixing Episode 9, Without Fixing Episodes 7 or 8 (Much)

I’ve been rolling this around in my head, trying to find a way to wrap up the sequel trilogy in a better way without changing Episodes 7 & 8 which I enjoyed – and I know I’m the minority, I can accept that. But I think I’ve figured a way to make it work with some minor changes, Episode 7 remains as is, with maybe some dialogue changes to Snore to fit in with his twist later on.
Episode 8 also remains mostly unchanged, Rey and Luke’s training plays out pretty much as it does with a minor addition, during training Rey gets a cut on her arm, Luke uses force heal to help her, explaining that the trick was perfected by Darth Plagueis though the Jedi texts emphasise the use of healing with one’s own strength whereas Sith use power stolen from others to heal themselves.
Finn and Rose storyline is mostly the same, they still go on the casino but this time their contact is confirmed to be Lando who has been making contacts with First Order Generals and sending secure info to Leia. Finn and Rose are still arrested, they still meet up with DJ but this time their escape is helped by Lando who uses his First Order contacts to get them onto Snoke’s ship while he tries to get in contact with Leia (not known that she’s unconscious). From here the film plays out mostly the same, Rey and Kylo kill Snoke, Holdo lightspeeds the First Order, the resistance makes a stand on Crait (Rose still saves Finn but for the sake of not wanting to see another friend die needlessly rather than for love) and Luke trolls Kylo with force projection. Kylo tries to give chase to Rey but is stopped by a voice in his head, a sinister voice telling him to come to Coruscant.
Episode 9 starts proper here, in much the same opening to TROS Kylo lands alone on a planet but this time it’s Coruscant, not as prosperous in its P.T. days but still holding some glory. Kylo enters the Chancellor’s room, finding a secret passage that leads to a room where the barely living remains of Darth Plagueis have been trapped for the last 70 years. His wounds from being killed by Sidious are still present but he has been pulling himself together through the force and gotten to the point where he has been communicating with Kylo for years, pushing him towards the Dark Side. Plagueis tells Kylo that he needs him to find where Rey is and bring her to him. The reasons why aren’t revealed yet but when Kylp exits the chambers he has his Star Destroyers decimate Coruscant and massacres the few remaining Senators.
The Resistance has been hiding out on remote planets, always ready to jump if the First Order gets too close, Lando has become one of the defacto leaders alongside Poe with Leia often in her quarters meditating with the force. Rey meanwhile has returned to Jakku with Finn, Rose and BB8 to talk to Unkar Plutt about her parents, realising that she’s force sensitive now he tells her what Kylo said, her parents were nobodies who sold her as a child and he confirms that they are in fact dead, their ship barely made it off planet before they crash-landed, Unkar took the remains of the ship to try and fix it up and sell it but he buried Rey’s parents before he did.
Suddenly a First Order ship appears in orbit, Unkar offers to distract them allowing the others to escape. TIE Fighters swarm in, blowing up the surrounding areas. Rey and the others make it back to their ship only to find a couple First Order troopers investigating it, one of them shoots at Rey which she reflects back with her lightsaber (a brand new green one) the other takes out a Z6 Baton (what TR-8R used) but Rey instantly uses Force Choke on him, shocking both Finn and Rose. Finn is able to stop Rey from going too far, Rose shoots the trooper and all of them get on the ship, Rey explains that she had no idea what happened, she just saw black and reacted without thinking.
Unkar is brought to General Hux who wants to know where ‘The Girl’ is, he tries to threaten Unkar, slapping him the face but Unkar jokes about how weak he is, in response Hux shoots Unkar in the head, killing him. Hux returns to his ship, he sends a message to Kylp telling him they couldn’t find Rey but that the Resistance base can’t be too far from Jakku, Kylo tells him to make his way to Coruscant which Hux agrees to but tells one of his soldiers they’re going to find the resistance first.
Finn sends word to Poe that the First Order found them and to get moving, meanwhile Rey uses the force to commune with Luke’s ghost, asking him why Force Choke came so easily to her. Luke theorises that she’s picked something up in the Jedi texts but is uneased by how quickly she took to it. Suddenly Luke senses something horrible, he’s only able to get out one word; ‘Leia’.
By the time that Rey, Finn and Rose arrive most of the resistance has evacuated with only Poe, Lando and Leia left, as they’re getting onto the ship the First Order Star Destroyers arrive in orbit, Finn, Poe and Rose go to distract the first wave, Rey tries to join them but gets distracted by Kylo forcing a Force-Bond between them. He tries to taunt her, saying that he knows her purpose in the universe, even name-dropping Plagueis before he sees, from Rey’s side, Leia coming into view just as a First Order destroyer fires a blast towards the resistance base. Kylo breaks the connection but not before seeing his own mother blown up and killed. The loss of Leia hits them all hard and the last resistance leaders make their escape, Hux remains smug about the operation and considers it a success.
The resistance lands on the ruins of Naboo, one of the first planets hit by the First Order, now just desolate and abandoned, with Leia dead and their numbers even lower several members are now question what the point of everything is, in the year since Luke’s death they’ve barely dealt any damage to the First Order. Poe and Lando try to hold everyone together but it’s clear morale is exceptionally low. Rey searches the Jedi texts for word on Plageuis, only finding rumours that Sidious killed him on Coruscant and hid his body away but nothing concrete, she communes with Luke who is too distracted by his sister’s death to help. With the First Order blocking everything on and off Coruscant they have little chance of making it on-planet but Poe has the idea of contacting his criminal friend Zorii Bliss who could forge them the right First Order credentials to get them passed the blockade. Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, Chewie and BB-8 plan to find Zorii whilst Lando will hold together what remains of the resistance and find splinter cells in order to prepare a final assault over Coruscant.
Hux lands on Coruscant, boasting to Kylo about a devastating blow to the resistance but not outright admitting the Leia’s death, Kylo also doesn’t let on that he’s aware Hux killed his mother, instead offering to show him what he’s found. He takes Hux to see Plagueis, and Hux is taken completely off-guard by his similar appearance to Snoke, Plagueis explains that he created Snoke, used him as a puppet to build the First Order, partly as means of building an army for his return, but mostly to basterdise Palpatine’s empire by creating chaos in the Galaxy. Kylo then uses the Force to break Hux’s leg, having him kneel in front of Plagueis who steals Hux’s life-force, killing him, it’s not a lot but it’s enough to give Plagueis enough power to take his first steps in decades.
Rey and the others make it to Kijimi and find Zorii, but to the shock of Finn and Rose they discover that Zorii is married to DJ, Finn automatically snaps and tries to attack DJ but Poe and Chewie stop him, once the truth comes out DJ explains that it was strictly business and Poe tells him that what they need is too important to let grudges stop them. Finn and Rose reluctantly agree and Zorii agrees to forge First Order documents, whilst doing so DJ contacts the First Order.
Rose finds it difficult to be in the same house as DJ and leaves with Finn, she admits to seeing DJ again has triggered a minor case of PTSD from almost being executed and she’s struggling to deal with it. Finn tries to comfort her but both their fears are realised when they see First Order ships arriving, they realise that DJ has betrayed them again, Zorii is furious and offers to help Poe get off-world, when DJ tries to stop them Rose shoots him in the leg. As Zorii leads the others to safety, Rey senses the arrival of Kylo and goes to face him, giving the others a chance to escape, Chewie goes with her since he can prepare a ship for when it’s time to leave.
Kylo lands on the outskirts of the city, close to a forest area very similar to where he and Rey had their first fight. Kylo keeps trying to taunt her about knowing her connection to Plagueis but Rey tries to break through to Ben Solo, seeing though his act as showboating so as not to accept the death of his parents. They get into a duel with Kylo noting her new lightsaber following the destruction of Anakin’s, as they fight Kylo realises that Rey has improved in her skills, that combined with her constantly trying to appeal to Ben Solo infuriates Kylo and he goes berserk on her, yelling about how she’s a nobody and asking what’s so important about her. As Kylo swings madly at her Rey’s defensive instincts kick in and she uses Force Lightning to send Kylo flying backwards, he’s knocked unconscious by a tree but Rey is so terrified by the lightning that she runs back to Chewie’s ship and escapes Kijimi. DJ tries to talk to a First Order general about his pay for the tip but instead he’s executed for his troubles.
Reuniting with the others, Rey takes a room to herself to talk to Luke about what’s happened, Luke suggests that Rey’s natural ability tap into both the light and dark side of the force could be her unknowingly adopting what is known as the Grey Code, something only theorised before but never seen in practise. Rey figures out why Plageuis wants her, realising that being close to her will put her friends at risk she secretly takes the ship she and Chewie stole and runs away.
On Kijimi, Kylo wakes up to the sight of the city burning, he’s surprisingly upset at the sight, and that’s when he hears the voice behind him. The Force Ghost of Anakin Skywalker (played by Hayden Christensen) appears and tells Kylo that what Rey has been telling him is right, that he’s acting up to hide the pain of killing Han and losing Leia, Anakin knows this because he has been the call to the light that Kylo has been hearing ever since Plagueis got his claws into Ben Solo. They argue over Anakin’s legacy as Vader and his redemption after killing Palpatine with Anakin saying it’s not too late for Ben to be saved, as Anakin leaves Kylo looks at his lightsaber, leaving it ambiguous what he’s thinking, he then gets back onto his ship and returns to Coruscant
Rey’s ship approaches Coruscant where she radios down requesting to see Ben Solo, Kylo hasn’t returned yet but they allow her to land, taking Rey prisoner in the remnants of the city. As mockery the First Order generals take her to the Jedi Temple, now a derelict tomb, Rey hears voices of dead jedi but is stops when she hears the screaming of Order 66. Not far behind her, Poe, Finn, Rose, Chewie, BB-8 and Zorii use the forged documents to make their way through the blockade, they know Rey is on planet so they split into two teams, Finn, Rose and Chewie will find Rey while Poe, Zorii and BB-8 will hack a transmission tower to allow the resistance fleet to take the blockade by surprise.
Kylo lands on Coruscant, he’s admittedly surprised to see Rey but takes her to see Plagueis nonetheless, inside the Chancellor’s chambers where Plagueis has now taken residence in Rey reveals that Plagueis wants her for her power, that her natural ability to feel both the light and the dark makes her special but she doesn’t know why. At this Plagueis tells her that there isn’t a reason why, and that’s why he missed her, he felt her power coursing through the galaxy but couldn’t find where it was coming from, naturally he thought it was from the lineage of Skywalker and took to corrupting Ben Solo, but it wasn’t until Rey’s power was tapped that he realised he found the wrong Force User, to him Kylo Ren is nothing but a mistake that’s taken 2 decades to fix. Plagueis then asks Rey why she came, she tells him that she’s willing to die to keep her friends safe, but Plagueis laughs at her, telling her that she’s not going to die just yet. He then uses the Force to steal Rey’s power, completely healing himself but keeping Rey alive, with Rey lifted off the ground behind him, screaming in agony, Plagueis marches outside.
Finn, Rose and Chewie track Rey’s movements to the Jedi Temple but lose her once they’re inside, they find the Council Room and are shocked to see Luke’s ghost inside, he explains the Council Room is a great source of Force Power allowing him to speak to them despite not being Force Sensitive. Luke tells them that Plagueis has Rey and is essentially using her as a battery, with Rey’s natural power he can overpower himself and complete his goal of immortality to throw the galaxy back into the rule of the Sith, things seems hopeless but Luke tells them there is a very risky plan to stop him.
Poe, Zorii and BB-8 make their way to the transmission tower, they hack into it easily enough to communicate with Lando who tells them he’s gathered enough support to give them a fighting chance, spurred on Poe and Zorii start taking down the security measures. But before they can they are found by some troopers, they manage to kill them but not before an alarm is sounded, the three of them are pinned down by enemy fire and can’t get to the controls for long enough to hack them, Poe is even shot in the leg and badly wounded. Poe then has an idea and tells BB-8 to find a specialist piece of equipment, but as BB-8 leaves Zorii wonders why Poe wants something that realistically can’t help them, Poe says its because he’s going to blow up the tower and doesn’t want BB-8 to be trapped with him, he offers Zorii a chance of escape with him covering her but she refuses, claiming that she missed a life with him, she wasn’t missing anything else. Poe tells Lando to make it count, kisses Zorii and sets off the explosions, taking out the transmission tower and allowing the Resistance Fleet to bypass the blockade.
While Resistance fighters make their landings on one side of the city, Plagueis marches with his First Order battalion (mirroring Anakin during Order 66) with a still screaming Rey carried by the force behind him and Kylo Ren by his side who is noticeably uncomfortable with the screaming. The battle between the Resistance and First Order troopers is hard-fought but Plagueis makes things even harder with him easily grabbing Resistance ships out of the air and crushing them with the force, he’s even able to heal instantly with any shot against him barely leaving a mark – Rey meanwhile has several old scars reopen, including the one she got training with Luke - Lando keeps morale up by calling in as much support as they can muster but it’s clearly a losing fight.
Suddenly everything stops as Finn walks out alone in the middle of the battlefield, he instantly starts calling Plagueis out, calling him a lonely coward, hiding away and letting other people do his dirty work, too weak to do anything but hurt a girl. As he’s talking Finn keeps stepping closer and closer to Plagueis, he then tells Plagueis that the biggest problem with Siths is that they always want an audience, on that cue Rose and Chewie starts firing Bowcaster bolts at Plagueis, distracting him long enough for Rey to drop and for Finn to use the distraction to pick her up and carry her to safety. With Rey safe the Resistance starts their attack again, forcing Plagueis to use Kylo’s lightsaber to protect himself, he gives Kylo Rey’s lightsaber and tells to forward the attack while he finds Rey.
Rose and Chewie arrive to help Finn carry the weakened Rey but they are quickly found by Plagueis who Force-Throws the others away and lifts Rey, stealing her power again. He taunts her, saying that he turned a Skywalker, what chance does a nobody have? And at that moment, Plagueis is stabbed from behind by a green lightsaber, Kylo stands behind him, saying that he is the lineage of Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi like his family before him, before decapitating Plagueis with one swing.
At that moment, all the power that Plagueis had stolen from Rey explodes back into her all at once and – for lack of a better term – she goes super saiyan, she grabs Kylo’s lightsaber from Plagueis’s dead body and eviscerates the First Order soldiers without trouble, effortlessly carving through them all as the Force pulses through her. She turns round but is stopped by Kylo, he’s weakened from the explosion, his right arm has been ripped off but he’s still holding onto her lightsaber and stops her from going too far. Rey calms down and powers down the lightsaber, Kylo does the same, smiles at her and falls unconscious.
With Plagueis defeated, the battle of Corusscant won and the Sith stopped once more the remaining Resistance members mourn their dead with Finn giving a eulogy for Poe. Ben Solo is taken to a med-bay for his missing arm but once healed enough he’s brought before the Resistance Leaders (including Lando and Ackbar because he should’ve survived) to answer for his crimes. Rey makes an appeal on Ben’s behalf, saying that he should be punished but not with death, instead he should be exiled and she has an idea where. Before he’s taken away, Finn asks Ben for information on where the First Order took children from, him and Rose want to find the families and put them at ease.
Rey and BB-8 take Ben to his exile planet, he hasn’t been told where yet but once he sees the swamp he realises what she’s done. Rey lands on Dagobah just outside Yoda’s old home, from there the ghosts of Yoda, Anakin Skywalker and Leia can be seen waiting for Ben to arrive, ready to teach him the ways of the Jedi. Ben thanks Rey for the 2nd chance to which she replies that everyone deserves redemption. As Ben leaves Rey is approached by Luke’s ghost who asks what Rey is going to do now that she’s finished, she tells him she doesn’t know, but for the first time in her life she’s happy with that. Rey and BB-8 get back into the ship, leaving Dagobah and flying into their next adventure.
I know this isn’t perfect, I couldn’t find a place for R2 and C3PO, Plagueis living might be just as silly as Palpatine and I hit on a few too many notes of nostalgia. But I wanted to see if I could fix Episode 9 without harming TFA or TLJ too much because I was invested in the sequel trilogy and was disappointed by how it all ended so lacklustre.
This is my first attempt at fixing a movie so I’ll take all criticism and I’ll try to explain anything that I’ve not made clear enough.
submitted by OldKingClancey to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

Bernie's email this morning....

As we launch this campaign for president, you deserve to know where I come from – because family history heavily influences the values that we adopt as adults.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, in a three-and-a-half room rent-controlled apartment. My father was a paint salesman who worked hard his entire life, but never made much money. My mother raised my brother and me.
I learned a great deal about immigration as a child because my father came to this country from Poland at the age of 17, without a nickel in his pocket. He came to escape the crushing poverty that existed in his community, and to escape widespread anti-Semitism. It was a good thing that he left Poland when he did because virtually his entire family there was wiped out by Nazi barbarism.
I am not going to tell you that I grew up in a home of desperate poverty. That would not be true. But what I will tell you is that coming from a lower middle class family I will never forget how money – or really lack of money – was always a point of stress in our home.
My mother’s dream was that someday our family would move out of that rent-controlled apartment to a home of our own. That dream was never fulfilled. She died young while we were still living in that rent-controlled apartment.
My experience as a kid, living in a family that struggled economically, powerfully influenced my life and my values. Unlike Donald Trump, who shut down the government and left 800,000 federal employees without income to pay the bills, I know what it's like to be in a family that lives paycheck to paycheck.
I did not have a father who gave me millions of dollars to build luxury skyscrapers, casinos and country clubs. I did not come from a family that gave me a $200,000 allowance every year beginning at the age of 3. As I recall, my allowance was 25 cents a week.
But I had something more valuable: I had the role model of a father who had unbelievable courage in journeying across an ocean, with no money in his pocket, to start a new and better life.
I did not come from a family of privilege that prepared me to entertain people on television by telling workers: “You’re fired.” I came from a family who knew all too well the frightening power employers can have over everyday workers.
I did not come from a politically connected family whose multinational corporation got special tax breaks and subsidies. I came from a family where my parents paid their taxes and understood the important role that government plays in a democracy.
I did not come from a family that could afford to send my brother and me to an elite boarding school. In fact, I was educated in high quality public schools in Brooklyn and began the first year of my college life at Brooklyn College.
Having attended an excellent public college that was then virtually tuition free while living in a rent-controlled apartment, I can assure you that my family believed that government in a democratic society had a very important role to play in protecting working families.
I did not come from a family that taught me to build a corporate empire through housing discrimination. I protested housing discrimination, was arrested for protesting school segregation, and attended Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King’s March on Washington for jobs and freedom.
I know where I came from, and that is something I will never forget.
Over the last few years, you and I and millions of Americans have stood up and fought for justice in every part of our society. And we've had some successes.
Together, as billionaires and large corporations have attacked unions, destroyed pensions, deregulated the banks, and slashed wages, we have succeeded in raising the minimum wage to $15 in states and cities across the country. We have also forced large corporations like Amazon and Disney to do the same. And we have supported teachers who successfully stood up for their kids in strike after strike after strike.
Together, as the forces of militarism have kept us engaged in unending wars, we have stood arm-in-arm to fight back. For the first time in 45 years, we have utilized the War Powers Act to move us forward in ending the horrific Saudi-led war in Yemen.
Together, as so many of our young people have received criminal records for nonviolent offenses, we have fought to end the war on drugs, and have seen state after state decriminalize marijuana, and have seen communities expunge the criminal records of those arrested on these charges.
Let’s be honest: while we have won some victories, our struggles have not always been successful. But I am here to tell you, that because of all the work we have done, we are now on the brink of winning not just an election, but transforming our country.
When we are in the White House, we will enact a federal jobs guarantee, to ensure that everyone is guaranteed a stable job. There is more than enough work to be done in this country. Let's do it.
When we are in the White House we will attack the problem of urban gentrification and build the affordable housing our nation desperately needs.
When we are in the White House we will end the decline of rural America, reopen those rural hospitals that have been closed, and make sure that our young people have decent jobs so they do not have to leave the towns they grew up in and love.
When we are in the White House, we will move aggressively to end the epidemic of gun violence in this country and pass the common sense gun safety legislation that the overwhelming majority of Americans want. People who should not have guns will not have guns.
When we are in the White House, we are going to address not only the disparities of wealth and income that exist in our country, but we will address the racial disparities of wealth and income. We are going to root out institutional racism wherever it exists. Not only will we end voter suppression, we are going to make it easier for people to vote – not harder.
When we are in the White House, we are going to protect a woman’s right to control her own body. That is her decision, not the government's.
Make no mistake about it, this struggle is not just about defeating Donald Trump. This struggle is about taking on the incredibly powerful institutions that control the economic and political life of this country. I’m talking about Wall Street, the insurance companies, the drug companies, the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry and a corrupt campaign finance system that enables billionaires to buy elections.
Brothers and sisters, we have an enormous amount of work ahead of us. But I believe if we stand together, if we don't allow Trump and his friends to divide us up, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
submitted by akalocke to SandersForPresident [link] [comments]


Round 4 of the 2016 Summer Street Circuit Contest is over, and it's time for round 5.
Last week, we traveled to the Coloradoan town of Castle Rock, former home of Continental Divide Raceways. 20 designers participated.
Let's see how they did.
tininsteelian-2 took his first win of the season in Castle Rock. He received 9 votes, but because of the bonus, he takes home 11 points.
Second place was a tie on 9 points between RWPROfficial and PM_ME_UR_ALLIGATOR.
Third place went to pjlee98 with 6 points.
Fourth place went to lui5mb with 5 points. He finished off the podium for the first time this season.
Fifth place was a tie on 4 points between 4 designers: Alo_14, MBKF1, viinster88 (who returned for the first time since the 2015 Monza round), and newcomer McPhilen.
Sixth place was a tie on 3 points between 3d_orz, -JensonButton-, mdmcadams, and murphyslaaawl.
Seventh place was a tie on 2 points between ARandomPerson17, exaenae, and IanE55, who returns for the first time since the 2016 Winter São Paulo round.
Eighth place went to newcomer NoonecanknowMiner on 1 point.
Ninth place was a "tie" on 0 points between newcomer Hampster3 and, surprisingly, the top two in the 2016 Winter championship: vwlou89 and knoxvox.
Here's the breakdown: http://i.imgur.com/M2lQdZC.png
Let's see how this has affected the championship:
1 lui5mb 44 New Hampshire, Trenton
2 tininsteelian-2 31 Castle Rock
3 RWPROfficial 27 Nazareth
4 3d_orz 26
6 pjlee98 16
7 -JensonButton- 14
8 Alo_14 12
9 MBKF1 11
10 mdmcadams 11
11 ARandomPerson17 11
12 exaenae 10
13 vwlou89 9
14 Cyclone1001 9
15 knoxvox 8
16 murphyslaaawl 7
17 tirinkoor 6
18 DisarmingBaton5 6
19 McPhilen 4
viinster88 4
20 alex0827 4
21 ApocApollo 3
22 baconrocketship 2
universalexotics 2
23 IanE55 2
24 djfil007 1
25 ExpandDong111 1
26 benny290 1
27 NoonecanknowMiner 1
28 buttsmgee69 0
29 jaybovonbobo 0
30 Hampster3 0
lui5mb continues to dominantly sit atop the table despite his unsuccessful Castle Rock performance. The gap has closed, though.
tininsteelian-2 hops from 4th to 2nd after his great Castle Rock win. He's now only 13 points behind lui5mb.
RWPROfficial remains in 3rd after another second place in Castle Rock. He did close his gap to lui5mb by 2 points, though.
3d_orz fell from 2nd to 4th after an unsuccessful Castle Rock round. He's only 1 point behind third, though.
PM_ME_UR_ALLIGATOR continues to occupy the 5th spot in the championship. His second place in Castle Rock has closed the gap to some of those ahead of him, though.
Last season's champion, vwlou89, dropped out of the top 10 to 13th after a miserable performance where he scored 0 points. Last season's runner-up knoxvox joined him in the 0-point group. Hopefully these two can get back on track and catch back up to the leaders.
Last place in the championship now belongs to Castle Rock newcomer Hampster3. If he participates in more rounds, he won't be at the bottom of the championship for long.
Last week, we traveled to the Coloradoan town of Castle Rock. This week, we do something a bit different.
Before Grand Prix racing officially started, there were still simple racing competitions. Motor racing itself began in France and the first official motoring contest happened in 1894 at the Paris-Rouen rally. For the rest of the 19th century, motor racing seemed to be an exclusively European activity.
In 1900, the United States took interest in motor racing. A rich American businessman from New York with Scottish heritage wanted to make motor racing an international event. It was not actually Donald Trump, but Gordon Bennett, the publisher of the New York Herald, who began the Gordon Bennett Cup. It was a French motor race, but all nations of the world were open to entry with their home manufacturers.
The USA was never successful in the 6 runnings of the Gordon Bennett Cup between 1900 and 1905, but in 1905, they started their own racing league.
The 1905 AAA National Motor Car Championship was the first ever season of the premier American open-wheel series. The series had 10 points-paying races which were primarily held at repurposed horse racing tracks.
So this week, in honor of our contest moving internationally next week, I am giving you the opportunity to build your circuits at any of the 9 locations which hosted Champ Car races in 1905.
Here's a short rundown all the locations.
The Bronx
The Bronx is the 4th largest of New York City's 5 boroughs. Its most famous attraction is currently Yankee Stadium, but in 1905 the borough held two Champ Car races, both at a former horse racing facility called Morris Park.
The opening race of the season, the Morris Park 5, was won by Swiss-American Louis Chevrolet. The second race at Morris Park in 1905, the Morris Park 1, was won by Iowa native Webb Jay. Morris Park never hosted another Champ Car race after that. In 1910, most of the facilities burned down, and by 1921 there was an iron factory on top of the former site.
If you choose the Bronx as your location, then you must keep your circuit in the Bronx. You may not cross over into any other New York City boroughs.
Hartford is the capital and fourth-largest city in Connecticut. In 1905, the city held one Champ Car race at another former horse racing facility called Charter Oak Park.
The second race of the 1905 season, the Hartford 5, was won by legendary Ohio native Barney Oldfield. The track would never host another motor race, but it continued to host horse races until 1925. The track was doomed when Connecticut put anti-betting laws into place in 1925, and nowadays the site is occupied by a strip mall and a Walmart.
If you choose Hartford as your location, you may use both Hartford and the smaller town of West Hartford, because the race was basically held on what is now the line between the two towns.
Yonkers is the fourth most populous city in New York. In 1905, the city held one Champ Car race at another former horse racing facility called the Empire City Race Track.
The third race of the 1905 season, the Empire City 10, was won by Louis Chevrolet, who took his second win of the season. The track would never host another motor race, but it was reopened for horse racing in 1907. In 1950, the track was renamed Yonkers Raceway. The track is still there today as a part of the Empire City Casino.
If you choose Yonkers as your location, obviously you must keep your track in Yonkers.
Pittsburgh is the second largest city in Pennsylvania. In 1905, the city held one Champ Car race at another horse racing facility called Brunots Island Race Track.
The fourth race of the 1905 season, the Brunots Island 10, was won by Louis Chevrolet, who took his second win in a row and third win of the season. The track would never host another motor race, but it continued to host horse races until 1914. Brunots Island is now home to a fossil fuel power plant.
If you choose Pittsburgh as your location, obviously you must keep your track in Pittsburgh.
Cleveland is the second largest city in Ohio. In 1905, the city's Glenville neighborhood held one Champ Car race at another horse racing facility called Glenville Race Track.
The sixth race of the 1905 season, the Glenville 5, was won by Ohio native Charles Burman, who won his first and last Champ Car race ever. The track would never host another motor race, and the site was abandoned in 1908 after betting was banned. The neighborhood of Glenville is now just a residential area.
If you choose Cleveland as your location, obviously you must keep your track in Cleveland.
Buffalo is the second largest city in New York. In 1905, the city held one Champ Car race at another horse racing facility called Kenilworth Park Race Track.
The seventh race of the 1905 season, the Buffalo 5, was won by Barney Oldfield, who took his second win of the season. Webb Jay was critically injured at this event and wouldn't return to racing again. The track would never host another motor race, and the track closed in 1908 after race track betting was banned in New York. The former site is now home to residential area.
If you choose Buffalo as your location, you must keep your track in Buffalo.
Boston is the largest city in Massachusetts. In 1905, the city's Readville neighborhood held one Champ Car race at another former horse racing facility called Readville Race Track.
The eighth race of the 1905 season, the Readville 5, was won by Barney Oldfield, who took his second win in a row and third win of the season. The track would never host another Champ Car race, but horse races and motor races were held at the track until 1937. During World War II, US Navy pilots practiced touch-and-go landings at the oval, but since then it was completely inactive. The former site is now home to a warehouse and a bike racing school.
If you choose Boston as your location, you must keep your track in Boston. The former track was actually in the Readville neighborhood of Boston, but you can use all of the Boston area. You MAY NOT just copy the proposed Boston street circuit that was supposed to host IndyCar in 2016. You must make your own unique track.
Cranston is the third largest city in Rhode Island. In 1905, the city held one Champ Car race at another former horse racing facility called Narragansett Park Speedway.
In 1867, the park opened as Narragansett Trotting Park and its opening day was attended by both J.P. Morgan and Cornelius Vanderbilt. In 1873, the park closed, but it was bought again in 1886 for the Rhode Island State Fair. In 1896, the first ever American automobile race was held at the park. An electric Riker car won.
The ninth race of the 1905 season, the Providence 5, was won by Barney Oldfield, who took his third win in a row and fourth win of the season.
If you choose Cranston as your location, you must keep your track in Cranston. You may slightly cross over into the larger city of Providence, but your track must be mostly in Cranston.
Poughkeepsie is a small city in New York and was New York's second capital shortly after the American Revolution. In 1905, the city held one Champ Car race at another former horse racing facility called Hudson River Driving Park.
The final race of the 1905 season, the Poughkeepsie 5, was won by Barney Oldfield, who took his fourth win in a row and fifth win of the season. He officially won the 1905 AAA Champ Car championship after this race.
If you choose Poughkeepsie as your location, you must keep your track in Poughkeepsie.
That was an awful lot of history.
That is correct, you will have NINE options to choose from to design your tracks. You can choose any location on the list. You can only submit one track as always, so don't think you have to design a track for each location.
In case you haven't seen the last two seasons, here are the rules with some new additions.
  1. Stay within the town or city limits of the town or city assigned.
  2. Don't worry about realism. If you want to put a pitlane in the middle of a major motorway, do it.
  3. The circuits have to be mostly on streets. Purpose built sections may be built in parks/farms/etc but the track must be mostly a street circuit. Tracks cannot be built over previously built buildings.
  4. You must include at least a screenshot of your track. Links to RouteBuilder or GmapPedometer will not be counted.
Track designs must be submitted by Wednesday. The voting thread will go up then.
Please include a direct Imgur or Dropbox link in your submission. RouteBuilder submissions will not be counted.
You're designing a street circuit in either The Bronx, New York; Hartford, Connecticut; Yonkers, New York; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Cleveland, Ohio; Buffalo, New York; Boston, Massachusetts; Cranston, Rhode Island; or Poughkeepsie, New York. Follow the rules. You have until Wednesday.
Happy designing.
submitted by JoeyBACON to RaceTrackDesigns [link] [comments]

Arc 5 Readthrough

5.1) Somer's Rock is a bar in BB.
Kaiser is the leader of Empire 88. He wears full armor with a crown.
Fenja and Menja of E88 are busty blonde twins who wear Valkyrie armor and helmets. They can grow to be 3 stories tall which makes them extremely durable.
Krieg, Night, Fog, and Hookwolf are under Purity.
Night and Fog used to be based in Boston.
Most gangs recruit within their own city.
Kaiser by contrast recruits from all over the US. He as the most parahumans of any gang in BB. Most don't stay for long, though.
Purity creates solid light beams strong enough to destroy buses and brick walls.
Coil is taller than Grue but extremely skinny. He wears a full body black costume with a white snake on it.
He's a strategist. He controls half of Downtown with squads of ex military minions in high end gear. He's the only one in his organization with powers.
Faultline is in her 20s with a black ponytail. Her costume is a dress with armor.
Newter has orange skin, blue eyes, red hair, and a 5 foot long prehensile tail. Has a "u" tattoo on his chest.
Gregor the Snail is obese and hairless with white skin covered in snail shells. Has a "u" tattoo on his arm.
Labyrinth wears a green robe and mask.
Spitfire wears a red and black costume with a gas mask.
Faultline has a feud with Tattletale as they try to outsmart each other.
Faultline's crew are mercenaries who will take any job that doesn't involve murder. They've only failed at one or 2 jobs.
Faultline can find the hidden strengths in the people that work for her.
The Undersiders haven't failed at any jobs. That's important.
Faultline's crew has done 3 times as many jobs as the Undersiders.
Skidmark is black with chapped lips and gross teeth.
He's a drug dealer and addict.
He doesn't have the respect of other villains.
His subordinates are Moist and Squealer.
Kaiser speaks in a calm voice.
The Undersiders have respect because of the bank robbery and for beating Lung.
Skidmark is cowardly and only holds territory no one cares about.
The waitress at Somer's Rock is deaf.
The Travelers aren't local to BB. They all wear red and black costumes.
Trickster wears a black costume with a red mask and top hat. Looks like Baron Samedi.
His subordinates are a girl with a sun on her costume, a guy in armor with a square mask, and a four armed hairless gorilla.
The rules of neutral ground meetings are no fighting, no using powers, and no taunting people. Breaking rules causes everyone to attack the rule breakers.
Coil has a smooth voice.
The ABB has killed 35 people and hospitalized over 100.
The police and military are patrolling BB.
Being reckless is looked down on by villains because it brings the military and more heroes to the area.
Bakuda has over 300 minions with bombs implanted in their heads.
If she dies, all her bombs go off.
The video of the Undersiders escaping Bakuda is good for their reputation. So is pretending that they were unharmed.
Villains are capable of calling a truce, both with each other and with the police and military, to fight a bigger threat.
Faultline would work for anyone who pays her rates, even the ABB.
Coil talked to Faultline after the meeting.
Despite the truce, the villains are all plotting against each other.
5.2) Hookwolf is blonde with blue eyes and wears a metal wolf mask. He has a wolf and swastika tattoo on one arm and an E88 tattoo on the other arm. He wears only jeans and a belt with the wolf and swastika symbol on it.
His power makes metal sprout from his skin. Similar to Kaiser?
The Birdcage is in British Columbia.
Hookwolf is a murderer who escaped while being transported to the Birdcage twice.
He has a feud with Bitch since she attacked his dog fighting ring. Tattletale and Grue didn't know.
Only heroes call Bitch Hellhound.
Kaiser, Coil, Faultline, and Trickster lead their teams, while Grue only leads his team when it's necessary. The other villains would lose respect for him if they found out.
E88 attacks non whites and gays.
Hookwolf was out of town recently.
Insulting a villain requires money or blood as payment.
Skidmark is reckless and would start a fight in neutral territory.
Grue is stronger than Bitch.
Bitch not telling Grue about her actions made him look weak at the meeting.
Trickster smokes.
Bitch never apologizes.
Regent's power kickback can last for weeks.
Taylor still plans to turn the Undersiders in.
5.3) Weymouth shopping center is in BB.
Civilians have to be home at 6PM under the curfew. Stores close at 5:30.
Taylor talks about a duality between her and Skitter.
Battery and Shadow Stalker are protecting the mall with soldiers. Both are attractive but also controversial.
Bakuda's bombings have caused sales at the stores to try to counterbalance people's fear.
Manpower from New Wave was protecting the mall earlier.
Battery was head of the Wards a few years ago, and graduated to the Protectorate soon after. She's about 22.
The Protectorate changes the graduation dates to protect capes real ages and identities.
Battery's power lets her charge up by standing still in exchange for enhanced speed, strength, and electromagnetic powers.
Her costume is white, grey, and blue.
People speculate that her teammate Assault is her boyfriend, brother, or even both.
Shadow Stalker can turn into a smoky form and walk through walls.
She used to be a vigilante, and joined the Wards rather than go to jail.
She's supposed to only use nonlethal weapons but does anyway.
Her costume is grey with a black metal mask.
She's in her teens, about as tall as Taylor.
Battery is about 2 inches taller than Taylor.
Alan Barnes knows Danny. He's Emma's dad and has red hair.
Dockworkers have work with reconstruction and cleanup.
Mayoral elections are in the summer, city council elections are in the fall.
The current government doesn't want to reopen the ferry.
Alan is a lawyer.
One of Bakuda's bombs can turn people to glass.
Shadow Stalker has brown eyes.
Taylor tells her dad that Emma is the the bully.
5.4) Alan is tall and wide with a loud voice.
Emma has big tits. Catty Taylor points this out.
Madison's mom is small like her. Her parents are young.
Sophia showed up to the meeting with a blonde woman who was definitely not her mom.
Mrs. Knott is Taylor's homeroom teacher.
The principal is a skinny woman with a blonde bowl cut. She doesn't recognize Taylor.
The bullies full names are Emma Barnes, Madison Clements, and Sophia Hess.
Sophia is on the track and field team. She has gotten detention several times.
September 8th was Taylor's first day at school.
Mr. Quinlan is the math teacher.
There are gangs weapons, and drugs at the school. Some students have been badly injured.
Arcacia High is a good school with no gangs or drugs.
Sophia is one of the best runners in track and field.
Emma's dad is as means as she is.
Taylor's bugs react to her stress by approaching her.
Danny has a friend in the media.
Alan is a divorce attorney.
Lisa answers phone calls on the first ring.
Bitch is going to fight the ABB with members of the Travelers, Faultline's Crew, and Empire 88.
It's a 20 minute bus ride from Winslow High to the Undersiders base.
5.5) Coil proposed the idea of mixing and matching the groups so they couldn't betray each other.
Undersiders code: The first letter of a member's name, to be responded to with the last to make sure you aren't being held hostage. Then a green, yellow, or orange object to indicate the level of danger you're in.
Tattletale and Regent are with Faultline, Trickster, and the shapeshifter from the Travelers, as well as E88 members and Coil's soldiers.
Taylor's costume has a zipper.
Bitch only respects people who don't show weakness.
Skitter's power usually has a range of 2 blocks. On this day it's 3 and a half.
Skitter is being dropped off Northwest of the Undersiders base.
Bitch's power creates mass out of nothing.
Taylor's power also seems to rely on energy with no source.
Skidmark and the other Merchants had their base in an abandoned tourist shop that looked like a lighthouse. The ABB forced them out.
Bitch's dogs are the size of ponies.
Their group includes Kaiser, Fenja and Menja, the sun girl from the Travelers, Newter, and Labyrinth.
Newter can cling to walls.
He has blue hair and wraps around his hands and feet.
Coil's men have kevlar armor, baclavas, visors, and assault rifles. One has another rifle and the other has a grenade launcher.
Unlike everyone else, Skitter doesn't have a watch.
The attack starts at 4:48PM.
Labyrinth wasn't startled by Bitch's dogs. The normally calm Kaiser was.
5.6) Sundancer is the girl from the Travelers.
She thought the Undersiders were called the Outsiders.
She describes her group as intense, violent, and lonely. They have drama that makes hanging out not a fun time.
They rarely stay in one place for more than a week.
Taylor moved twice as a kid.
Newter has a prehensile tail. His eyes are solid blue with horizontal black pupils.
The ABB spray painted a warehouse they're using. Not very discreet.
Skitter thinks Newter is good looking if he weren't a mutant.
He claims bugs can't hurt him.
Sundancer can't use her power without seriously hurting people.
Ballistic is her teammate and has the same problem.
The ABB warehouse is full of 20-30 unarmed people in their underwear on the ground floor.
Bakuda's bombs are made of metal and plastic. They go off when humanoid forms pass them. There were 3 traps in the warehouse.
There are 10 armed people upstairs.
Newter runs on all fours. He can leap 15 feet.
His bodily fluids are hallucinogens. He disables living things on contact or even from a distance with his spit.
Kaiser blocked off Bitch from the upstairs with his blades.
Oni Lee and Lung are in the building.
5.7) Oni Lee's duplicates can act for a few seconds. They turn into white ash when destroyed.
One of Coil's soldiers is a sniper.
Bitch was stabbed in the arm.
Skitter's mask lens is damaged.
One of Coil's soldiers was knocked off the roof.
Skitter's bugs get cloned and teleport with Oni Lee.
Labyrinth's power makes checkerboard mazes.
She can't talk.
Oni Lee was shot in the leg.
Coil's soldier has a broken leg.
Sundancer has a gouged shoulder.
Taylor has Labyrinth sat behind.
The ABB were making drugs. The employees are in their underwear to keep them from stealing drugs.
Newter has a knife wound on his shoulder.
The ABB was raping their employees.
When Taylor was 5 or 6 she saw a meth head on the bus.
Several of her classmates left school due to drugs.
Brockton Bay has as many unemployed people as working people.
Taylor says "grody."
Sundancer is Caucasian and pale.
Newter is patched up with sanitary pads. Taped down on 3 sides so they can breathe. A subversion of Taylor's trigger event?
Bitch, Sundancer, and Taylor are strong enough to pick up Newter. He's about 180 lbs. Bitch and Sundancer are about as heavy as Taylor?
Taylor sends Bitch away to handle the injured.
Lung is 15 feet tall, covered in scales, and growing wings.
He lost his mask. His face is catlike, and his nose and mouth are on X shaped opening full of sharp teeth.
He has 6 ABB members with him.
Bitch doesn't care much about her team mates.
Fenja and Menja are 18-20 feet tall. One has a sword and shield, the other a spear.
5.9) Lung has a prehensile neck as long as Skitter's torso.
He has extreme reflexes, strength, and flexibility. He can easily throw Bitch's dogs.
He runs on all fours.
His fire can soften Kaiser's blades. He's strong enough to nreak the smaller ones.
Kaiser can manifest blades under people's feet.
Fenja and Menja are strong enough to knock Lung around.
Lung's fire is blue and yellow.
Fenja and Menja are vulnerable to fire.
Sundancer's power makes a sun strong enough to melt asphalt. She can control its direction.
It's hot enough to weaken Lung.
Kaiser impaled Lung through the heart, and he still regenerated.
Lung has red batlike wings covered in silver scales.
He's now 17 feet tall.
He slammed Kaiser into a wall repeatedly until he was unconscious.
Fenja has the spear.
He stabbed Menja in the stomach with a claw.
Her real name is Nessa.
Lung can disperse Sundancer's sun as she makes it.
Sundancer is immune to fire.
Lung knocked her aside.
Lung could have killed Skitter, Bitch, and everyone else present but toyed with them instead.
Lung was affected by Newter's venom in his eye.
Tattletale and Regent's team found Bakuda's workshop.
Lung can regrow an arm in a few months.
Skitter cut Lung's eyes out.
Bitch's dogs heal when they return to normal.
Skitter asked Fenja to see if Kaiser would drop the Dogfighting issue since she saved his life.
5.10) The ABB warehouse is at Whitemore and Sunset.
Sundancer is shocked over Skitter cutting out Lung's eyes.
Some of Coil's soldiers are trained medics.
Newter has fast healing.
Skitter's bugs took the ABB's money.
Newter touches Coil's soldier and Labyrinth with his hands with no effect. His wraps protect them?
Faultline's crew has several bases. They travel through the sewers using Labyrinth's power.
Newter can't get an infection. He's toxic to bacteria and parasites.
His power warped his body.
Labyrinth's power warped her mind. Sometimes she's lucid, other times she seems elsewhere.
She was rescued from somewhere. Her mazes are prettier than they used to be.
Skitter regrets not having a full helmet to protect her head.
She thought Bitch was going to kiss her.
She has bruises all over her from Lung.
Bitch carries dog food in her jacket.
Taylor's power hasn't affected her mind.
Bitch's power altered her mind to read body language better. It helps her communicate with dogs.
She has dog psychology, but it affected her ability to communicate with humans.
Tattletale doesn't trust Brian and Alec with this information.
5.I) Gregor the Snail has brown fingernails.
He hires people to run errands for hi due to his appearance.
He doesn't do anything illegal.
The pay is $400.
He has enemies.
He's about 30, 5 foot 10, and 3 times the average weight.
Palanquin club is 2 blocks from Lord Street. The sign is yellow.
Gregor used to work as a bouncer.
Newter is about 16.
Faultline openly discusses her jobs.
Gregor is Icelandic.
Faultline's crew had a job whee they went against Toybox, black market Tinkers a month ago.
They had a job in Philedelphia where they encountered Chevalier and Myrddin. They didn't lose.
Chevalier is the head of the Philedelphia Protectorate.
Myrddin is the head of the Chicago Protectorate.
People can't overdose on Newter's poison. It has no side effects and isn't addictive.
The bouncer in Palanquin is named Pierce.
Emily aka Spitfire and Elle aka Labyrinth share a room.
Emily has curly brown hair and freckles.
She has a Apple computer.
Elle is blonde.
Her power is strongest the less lucid she is. When she's fully aware, she has almost no power.
The Dragonslayers are villains who stole technology from the most powerful Tinker in the world. They're mercenaries and thieves.
Someone in an asylum in Boston knew about them and Faultline's crew got the information.
They fought the Boston Protectorate and recruited Elle from the asylum.
Faultline owns Palanquin as well as other businesses.
She has wavy black hair and sharp features.
Her power creates red and blue energy that manipulates wood, metal, stone, and plastic.
She cannot affect living wood.
She once toppled building on someone.
The Manton effect may be psychological and protect people from their own powers.
Gregor is stronger than Faultline.
He has thick skin and a layer of fluid protecting his bones and organs. His skeleton is flexible cartilage. He can be hit by a car without being injured.
A second trigger event is possible in life or death circumstances. It radically changes or improves their powers.
Monstrous parahumans with the "u" or "c" tattoo have been dumped all over North America. They all have amnesia.
4 out of 5 were monstrous at first.
A redheaded girl named Shamrock showed up in Las Vegas. She manipulates probabilities and has a bounty on her head for cheating.
She has a "u" tattoo.
Casinos have largely shut down due to parahumans who could cheat with their powers. Yet BB still had a casino?
People with the tattoo have been getting less monstrous over the years.
The Dealer was selling powers in a bottle in Tallahassee, Florida for $35,000.
His briefcase has the same "u" symbol on it.
One of his customers was murdered.
Sybill the Scarab has a beetle shell.
The makers of the potions have been getting better at it.
The Dealer stole the potions, as his customers didn't have tattoos.
The Dealer is likely dead.
Faultline's crew has a contract with Coil.
She has private investigators and wants to recruit Shamrock.
submitted by OniTan to TheBirdCage [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (7/17/16)

· 1. Rally against police violence draws hundreds to Evanston's Fountain Square (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
· 2. Waukegan Scoop a reminder of years gone by for car enthusiasts (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 3. Vernon Hills Park District officially opens new Kids' Castle at Deerpath Park (Daily Herald)
· 4. Woodland Elementary School District 50 seeks new board member because one member resigns to move out of district (Daily Herald)
· 5. Kenneth Cornelissen, owner of South Elgin's Our Place Restaurant, passes away (Chicago Tribune/Elgin Courier-News)
· 6. Former Hoffman Estates bus driver guilty of sexually abusing two 5-year-old girls in South Beloit (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 7. Man arrested in stepfather's death after hitting him in the head with a hammer (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 8. Lighthouse Church of All Nations in Alsip holds prayer vigil in wake of police-involved shootings in Dallas, Minnesota, Lousiana (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 9. Young Oak Lawn boxer who struggled with health issues is carjacked on his way to Chicago gym (Chicago Tribune)
· 10. Lansing Village Board OKs tax break for Planet Fitness at former PetSmart location on Torrence Avenue (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 11. Gary Air Show wows crowd with aerial acrobatics (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
· 12. Indiana's corporate tax rate reduced to 6.25 percent as of July 1 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 13. Kouts man pleads guilty to sexual abuse of minors (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 14. Dyer Plan Commission gives support to proposals for addition to Kennan Liquors, construction of Northwinds Storage Facility (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 15. St. John town officials battle over commissioner's statements of opposition to proposed changes to Town Center plan; some residents also oppose plan (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 16. Mundelein-based Historical Society of Fort Hill Country celebrates 60th anniversary (Daily Herald)
· 17. Dold proposes legislation to compensate communities like Zion for storing nuclear waste at shuttered nuclear plants (WBBM AM 780)
· 18. Port Barrington man dies after being rescued from Fox River following boat-vs-pier crash in Trout Lake (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 19. Lake County jury hands down $1.67 million verdict against a Waukegan hospital in case of botched knee-replacement surgery (Daily Herald)
· 20. The Monkees bringing 50th anniversary tour to Genesee Theatre in Waukegan on Nov. 4 (Daily Herald)
· 21. Mundelein remembers Marion Quig, matron of Quig's Orchards, who died at age 74 (Daily Herald)
· 22. Broken gas meter forces closure of Route 83 in Long Grove (Daily Herald)
· 23. Man wounded in leg during home invasion in South Elgin when homeowner struggled over a gun with another invader (Daily Herald)
· 24. Three men arrested after cutting their way into Elgin Corrugated Box Company (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 25. Officials: Merger between Little City and Countryside Association for People with Disabilities, both based in Palatine, should provide more services (Daily Herald)
· 26. Questions remain about Bellwood School District 88 spending, hiring practices as district officials travel, give perks to superintendent on taxpayer dime (Chicago Tribune)
· 27. Westchester police investigating shooting of woman, cousin in car outside her home (Chicago Tribune/The Doings)
· 28. Aurora mayor voices support for proposed Great Lakes Basin Rail Line outside the suburbs (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 29. Elk Grove Village man, formerly CEO of InfrAegis, convicted of defrauding 200 investors out of $9 million (Daily Herald)
· 30. Four people injured in five-vehicle pileup on Naperville's North Aurora Road (Daily Herald)
· 31. Joliet woman shot to death in Joliet (Chicago Tribune)
· 32. Illinois Department of Transportation OKs toll bridge linking Interstate 80, CenterPoint intermodal facility in Joliet/Elwood (Chicago Tribune)
· 33. Former chief financial officer of Joliet Housing Authority sentenced to 4 years in prison for stealing $200,000 from Chicago Housing Authority; her ex-husband sentenced to 30 months of probation for his involvement in the crime (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 34. Woman killed, three people injured when she loses control of vehicle on ramp between Bishop Ford Freeway and I-80 in South Holland (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 35. Lake County sheriff seeks dismissal of deputy charged with DWI, injuring Frankfort man at Gary Air Show (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
· 36. Gary City Council stops pursuing proposed ordinance that would have banned saggy pants due to 'lack of support' (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 37. 15-year-old boy in critical condition after near-drowning at Washington Park Beach in Michigan City (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 38. Whiting officials endorse call to end U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's requirement for vehicle testing in Lake, Porter counties (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 39. Tri-Creek School Corporation board exploring options for solar panels at its five schools to reduce energy costs, become more environmentally friendly (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 40. Lowell girl discovers newborn left in family's back yard in severe heat (NBC 5)
· 41. Valparaiso installs 18 traffic signals with audible pedestrian crosswalk signals (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 42. Niche.com names Bannockburn, Grayslake, Hodgkins, Naperville, Northbrook, South Barrington among best American suburbs to live in (NBC 5)
· 43. Illinois State Board of Education ends controversial PARCC testing for high schoolers, replacing it with state-paid SAT test (Chicago Tribune)
· 44. Waukegan police investigate robbery near bank on 3400 block of Sunset Avenue (Daily Herald)
· 45. Arlington Heights creates new liquor license allowing businesses on second or higher floor to serve alcohol without requiring a full kitchen (Daily Herald)
· 46. Man blends passion for architecture, childhood love for LEGO to become LEGO certified professional (WGN TV)
· 47. The Pick Restaurant in Park Ridge closes after eight months in business (Chicago Tribune/Park Ridge Herald-Advocate)
· 48. Roundy's CEO Bob Mariano, of Inverness, to retire from position, remain as advisor (Daily Herald)
· 49. German pharma company Vetter looking to build new production facility at Algonquin and Mount Prospect roads in Des Plaines (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 50. Disagreements persist over fix for borderline-dangerous football field at St. Charles North High School (Daily Herald)
· 51. Elk Grove Township Elementary School District 59 referendum will ask voters whether to eliminate Township Trustees of Schools and Treasurers (Daily Herald)
· 52. vineyard vines lifestyle clothier to open first Midwest store in Rosemont's Fashion Outlets of Chicago (Daily Herald)
· 53. Mail carrier recovering after being stung 30 times by hornets while on route in Wheaton (WBBM AM 780)
· 54. Brookfield Zoo announces names for three Mexican gray wolf pups: Rio, Azul and Ela (NBC 5)
· 55. Bolingbrook-based Association of Pakistani-Americans guys two billboards to encourage Muslims to fight Islamophobia (Chicago Tribune)
· 56. Hemingway love note discovered in Oak Park Library archives may revealed famous author's first love (Chicago Tribune)
· 57. Crash involving two cars and a motorcycle close down Naper Boulevard, Chicago Avenue in Naperville (Daily Herald)
· 58. DuPage Sheriff's Office: Already 25 employees short of ideal staffing level; no way to cut another 10 percent of budget (Daily Herald)
· 59. Neighbors threaten lawsuit after Kane County Board approves housing development on M.A. Center property near Elburn (Daily Herald)
· 60. Man fatally struck by Metra train near Tinley Park/80th Avenue station (CBS 2)
· 61. Ex-Elmwood Park police sergeant found not guilty of stealing $20,000 from elderly man with dementia (Chicago Tribune/Elm Leaves)
· 62. Wilmington native and Joliet Catholic High School volleyball player Kelly Murphy named to U.S. Olympic Volleyball Team (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 63. Lincoln Way High School District 210 has to repay another $321,635 in improperly collected drivers-education fees, after previously refunding $377,411 (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 64. Illinois Court of Appeals clears Calumet City officers in shooting death of autistic teen (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 65. Three men, one teenage boy charged with attempted robbery of Crown Point CVS pharmacy, demanded prescription drugs (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 66. Hammond's Byway Brewery named best in Indiana (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 67. Art installations to light up Gary at night (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 68. Porter County Board supports alternate plan that would re-route freight trains around the county (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 69. Michigan City man in critical condition after kayak overturns on LaPorte's Stone Lake (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 70. U.S. 12 reopened after seven-hour closure following semi carrying steel coil rolls over (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 71. Former Highland High School teacher pleads guilty to sexual misconduct with a child (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 72. 90 acres of land near Porter County Regional Airport may be home to cargo-transfer facility, bringing with it 50 new jobs (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 73. Cook, Lake (Ill.), Will counties discuss courtroom safety following Michigan courthouse shooting (CBS 2)
· 74. Home-security company Safewise lists Clarendon Hills, Hawthorn Woods, Campton Hills as safest communities in Illinois (NBC 5)
· 75. Thieves steal SUV, crash it into a Skokie police car, steal another SUV to flee; three suspects in custody (Chicago Tribune)
· 76. Experts gathering input from Gurnee residents, businesses on revitalizing East Grand Avenue (Daily Herald)
· 77. Route 134 reopened after serious accident near Park Avenue/Lake View Court intersection near Fox Lake (Daily Herald)
· 78. Man allegedly held gun to girlfriend's head, threatened to shoot dog during barricade situation in Antioch (NBC 5)
· 79. Tower Lakes man dies after his vehicle is submerged in a flooded ditch in northern Wisconsin; emergency workers rescue his wife (Chicago Tribune)
· 80. Principal of Mundelein's Carmel Catholic High School resigns; school won't say why (Daily Herald)
· 81. Libertyville village administrator to retire after 25 years on the job (Daily Herald)
· 82. Gas station on McLean Boulevard in Elgin robbed at gunpoint (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 83. Barrington White House project reaches $6.8 million fundraising goal to help run community center (Daily Herald)
· 84. Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 to have public-input sessions Monday and Tuesday, July 18-19, on strategic plan (Daily Herald)
· 85. Buffalo Grove trustees weigh moving insurance to private market, which could safe up to $600,000 over five years (Daily Herald)
· 86. Palatine to replace cash-only 'honor boxes' with electronic payment systems at its commuter parking lots (Daily Herald)
· 87. Former AT&T campus in Hoffman Estates facing default (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 88. Japanese drug company buys Schaumburg-based Sagent Pharmceuticals (Chicago Tribune)
· 89. Lake in the Hills playground at Stoneybrook Park to reopen with new equipment (Daily Herald)
· 90. Marengo fire captain, previously with Elgin Fire Department, loses battle with cancer (Daily Herald)
· 91. DuPage African Methodist Episcopal Church in Lisle marks anniversary of Sandra Bland's death in Texas jail (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 92. Cicero man arrested in Riverside claims he stole money from unlocked cars to support pizza habit (Chicago Tribune)
· 93. NBA sideline reporter and Batavia native Craig Sager to receive Jimmy V Perseverance Award at ESPY Awards (ABC 7)
· 94. Aurora man charged in Yorkville woman's overdose death, leaving her body behind abandoned business (FOX 32)
· 95. Ex-Winfield deputy fire chief indicted on forgery, official misconduct charges; officials say he present fake college diploma to get promotion (Daily Herald)
· 96. Empire craft-beer-and-burger bar in Naperville a mix of old furnishings, new menu items (Daily Herald)
· 97. Tinley Park man dies after jumping in front of a Metra train at Tinley Park/South Street Station (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 98. Hazel Crest woman killed by stray bullet in Calumet City house (FOX 32)
· 99. Jeff Strack named president and CEO of Strack & Van Til (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 100. MaiaCo., connected to former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, may help develop parts of Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 101. Two people convicted of child neglect in scalding of 14-month-old baby in LaPorte (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 102. Former U.S. Senator Evan Bayh launches campaign for open Senate seat (CBS 2)
· 103. Gary man sentenced to six years in prison for shooting death of teen trying to steal his car (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 104. Which taxing bodies are you paying to fight mosquitoes? In some towns, you could pay up to three different agencies (Daily Herald)
· 105. Cook County issues first transportation plan in 76 years as result of change in motor-fuel tax distribution takes effect, to qualify for federal money (Chicago Tribune)
· 106. Cook County celebrates first graduate of mental-health court in Bridgeview (WGN TV)
· 107. Comcast announces $100 million plan to expand fiber-optic and coaxial cable in Chicago region (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 108. Mundelein man accused of murder-for-hire plot commits suicide in Lake County Jail's medical unit (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 109. Lake County State's Attorney to appeal dismissal of theft charges against former North Chicago police chief (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 110. Lake County Electoral Board agrees to remove incumbent Coroner Thomas Rudd's name from November ballot (Daily Herald)
· 111. Waukegan police search for suspects in two separate armed robberies on city's southeast side (Daily Herald)
· 112. 3-month-old kitten found severely burned in Harwood Heights alley; rescuers believe burns came from a firework attached to the kitten (NBC 5)
· 113. Highland Park chiropractor who sexually abused a client gets released from jail early (Daily Herald)
· 114. Two counselors injured when tree falls on them at Camp Duncan in Ingleside (ABC 7)
· 115. California man caught with 72 pounds of marijuana in his vehicle in McHenry County sentenced to 12 years in prison for drug trafficking and possession (Chicago Tribune)
· 116. Family of Hanover Park man killed in April motorcycle crash sues Bartlett man over alleged negligent driving that led to biker's death (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 117. Domestic-outreach arm of St. Raymond de Penafort Parish in Mount Prospect to screen documentary on campus rape on Sunday, July 17 (Daily Herald)
· 118. Former Rolling Meadows city attorney Donald M. Rose, who helped shape the city, dies at age 85 (Daily Herald)
· 119. Buffalo Grove police given vehicle-safety award as part of 2016 National Law Enforcement Safety Challenge (Daily Herald)
· 120. Push Fitness to move to new location on Remington Road in Schaumburg (Daily Herald)
· 121. Palatine rejects tobacco store's request to allow sales of hookah, glass pipes (Daily Herald)
· 122. McDonald's promises to work with Oak Brook officials as it prepares to move to Chicago (Chicago Tribune/The Doings)
· 123. Geneva councilmen seek referendum to raise city's sales tax by 0.5 percent to 8 percent (Daily Herald)
· 124. Koch Foods scraps plan to move to Rosemont after estimated cost of new headquarters exceeds its budget (Daily Herald)
· 125. Old artillery shell found cemented into basement floor of foreclosed Yorkville home draws out police, Kane County Bomb Squad (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 126. Montgomery man dies four days after crash on Aurora's Farnsworth Avenue near Chicago Outlet Mall (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 127. Body of man found inside trunk of rental car that was on fire in Joliet Township; coroner reports he'd be shot in the head (Chicago Tribune)
· 128. Chesterton, Ind., woman killed in motorcycle crash in Oak Lawn (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 129. Yemeni immigrant who lived in Chicago Ridge shot to death during argument at Chicago gas station (Chicago Tribune)
· 130. Plainfield native's cooking slammed by Gordon Ramsey on 'MasterChef' (Chicago Tribune)
· 131. Hot-dog mogul Dick Portillo and his wife pledge $1 million to performing-arts center at Argo High School in Summit, where the couple met (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 132. Two men sought in liquor robbery from Dyer Jewel-Osco (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 133. Volunteer firefighteparamedic from South Haven suspended after racist post on Facebook (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 134. Three people wounded in separate shootings Wednesday in East Chicago and Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 135. 15-year-old beaten up, his cell phone stolen in Hammond garage (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 136. ComEd estimates 22,000 customers in suburbs lost power following Wednesday's storms (NBC 5)
· 137. Lake Zurich sued by building owner following third rejection of U-Haul proposal (Daily Herald)
· 138. Two teenage boys robbed at gunpoint while playing 'Pokemon GO' at 10 p.m. near Lake Villa (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 139. Cyclist struck by Metra train at about 9 a.m. at intersection of Dempster Street and Lehigh Avenue in Morton Grove (Chicago Tribune/Morton Grove Champion)
· 140. Anti-abortion protest/march in Arlington Heights gets cheers, jeers (Chicago Tribune/Arlington Heights Post)
· 141. Former dean at Des Plaines' Joseph Academy convicted of distributing heroin in Minnesota (Daily Herald)
· 142. Lake Barrington man hospitalized after falling into village's namesake lake (Chicago Tribune/Barrington Courier-Reveiw)
· 143. Two Schaumburg men — one with 12 felony convictions — arrested for theft from Hanover Park home-improvement store (Daily Herald)
· 144. Palatine Library seeks applicants to fill seat on board; applications due by July 29 (Daily Herald)
· 145. Group of suburban women witness chaos of terrorist attack in Nice, France (CBS 2)
· 146. Former Naperville resident's essay on growing up black in the Midwest draws widespread attention (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 148. Countryside man arrested in Michigan for shooting that killed man, injured woman in Chicago on June 6 (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 149. West Chicago Community High School drama club raises $80,000 for trip to Scotland to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Daily Herald)
· 150. Kane County sheriff withdraws deputies from Kaneland, Burlington Central high schools as department deals with short-staffing (Daily Herald)
· 151. Chicago man convicted of making phone calls threatening state representative from Wheaton given two years probation (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 152. Cicero man charge with murder in abuse-related death of 2-year-old son in Berwyn in April (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 153. Fox Mill residents oppose Campton Hills' move to take away control of 275 acres of open space in their subdivision (Daily Herald)
· 154. New Lenox pays out nearly $1 million to settle police-misconduct cases since 2004; other south, southwest suburban departments subject of complaints costing municipalities thousands to millions (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 155. Man arrested for selling crack out of Chicago Heights senior-living facility (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 156. Dean of Blue Island's Eisenhower High School arrested in Proviso Township for soliciting a sex act, the third time this year (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 157. Merrillville man extricated from van, flown to Oak Lawn, Ill., hospital after crash on Interstate 65 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 158. Ivy Tech Community College names new president for Michigan City campus (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 159. Gary man arrested for intimidation, disorderly conduct after burning a dollar bill, shouting allegiance to IS at Majestic Star Casino (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 160. Search turns up nothing following bomb threat at Gary's Carter C. Woodson Library (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 161. 'Pokemon Go' a mixed blessing for public facilities, private businesses (Daily Herald)
· 162. One person dead, seven injured after crash involving a pickup and several motorcycles in Fox Lake (WGN TV)
· 163. Inverness-based Preservation of Human Dignity provides counseling, clothing for new mothers dealing with difficulties (WGN TV)
· 164. Greater Chicago Food Depository's Lunch Bus makes stops in Berwyn, Cicero to help kids who qualify for free meals during school year get lunches during the summer (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 165. Riverside police chief personally warns kids to keep back from Des Plaines River after they waded into the water while playing 'Pokemon GO' (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 166. Dress Barn on Kingery Highway in Elmhurst robbed; suspect forces employees into bathroom before fleeing (ABC 7)
· 167. Aurora man's memorial to victims of Orlando shooting moved to permanent display at Orange County Regional History Center (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 168. Wheaton-Warrenville Unit School District 200 considering where to house early-childhood education program (Daily Herald)
· 169. Man dead in fall from railing during Chicago Open Air Festival at Toyota Park in Bridgeview (CBS 2)
· 170. Summit police seek man responsible for hit-and-run that killed 98-year-old man two months after his was struck (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 171. Town of Chesterton investing $2 million in fiber-optic project for existing, future businesses (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 172. Valparaiso to reconstruct Washington Street between Lincolnway and Jefferson Street after Popcorn Fest (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 173. Statistics show Lake Michigan has nearly as many drownings and rescues as the rest of the Great Lakes combined (Chicago Tribune)
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Against the background of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo having announced that casinos and video lottery terminal facilities were allowed to reopen starting today with a 25% occupancy limit, Empire City ... Following months of being closed due to COVID-19 regulations, Empire City Casino announced that it will soon reopen to the public in a limited capacity. MGM Resorts, the owners of the Yonkers-based casino, confirmed that 25 percent of the facilities would be opened starting on Monday, Sept. 21 at 10 a.m., with special precautions in place to protect the health of both employees and customers. Following months of being closed due to COVID-19 regulations, Empire City Casino announced that it will soon reopen to the public in a limited capacity. MGM Resorts, the owners of the Yonkers-based casino, confirmed that 25 percent of the facilities would be opened starting on Monday, Sept. 21 at 10 a.m., with special precautions in place to protect the health of both employees and customers. YONKERS – Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts has suspended operations at its casino and harness track, Yonkers Raceway, with an anticipated reopening within 14 days. Empire City learned on Tuesday, March 10 that an employee of the Standardbred Owners Associations, the harness horsemen association, tested positive for COVID-19 before dying. Empire City's doors reopeneed at 10 a.m. as it became the state's latest casino to resume operations after the pandemic. The casino can only operate at 25% capacity, in accordance with state ... Play all your favorite free online slots and casino games at Empire City Online Casino. Featuring Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat, Video Poker, Slots and much more! Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts announced Wednesday that it will reopen with limited capacity on Monday, Sept. 21 at 10 a.m. after being closed for six months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon re-opening, attendance will be capped at 25 percent capacity under regulations set by the New York State Gaming Commission. Empire City Casino is the ultimate destination for winners like you! Learn More. casino. Play Online. Empire City’s Online Casino is free to play and built for entertainment, so you can experience real casino games ... MGM brings in senior-level employees from Empire City Casino in Yonkers for reopening By Jim Kinney, masslive.com 8/28/2020 New Mexico: Fatal shooting of police officer leads to a 40-mile chase ... Per state regulations, Empire City will reopen with a limited 25% capacity. Complimentary self-parking will be available. Valet parking service is not operating at this time. Masks are required to be worn at all times and will be provided if needed. Guests will complete a screening & temperature check upon entry.

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