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Political Report on COVID: Hungary

Healthcare was underfunded, nurses and doctors were brain-drained by the west, remaining nurses were working 12 hour shifts five times a week.
Before the FIDESZ Orbán, the government policy of the social-liberal comprador government was preparing for privatization and promotion of the idea of privatization. Orbán rose to power amid widespread resistance against this process, as well as against the utility services profiteering off the hungarian masses amidst the economic crisis of 2008-2009, with promises that outmaneuvered the so far ruling "social-liberal" "left" coalition from the left.
However, despite the successful renationalization (of utility, and even reversing the pilot privatization of Eger hospital) and keeping healthcare a state service, Orbán was still the representative and servile gubernator of large capital, and has kept the waiting lists long, and the hospitals under-equipped and under-staffed, providing a market for private healthcare providers amongst those who can pay but don't want to or can't wait.
After this turn of events, the social-liberal left turned coat, arguably supporting more funding for the state healthcare and the salaries of doctors and nurses, but on the other hand they had been consistently hijacking and co-opting anything they could towards their primary goal of replacing Orbán in the government.
As a result, Fidesz was in a good position to cast criticism as politically charged smear, hindering any possible progress, while they made only the smallest, minimal steps to maintain order. One such a step was the shortening of waiting lists by not allowing anyone to be made to wait for over three months while on the list, which meant that most people ended up on an unofficial waiting list, masking the issue. The author is one such case.
It was in this embattled and strained state that Covid-12 hit Hungary.
Initially, when covid first appeared in the country through iranian students, (4th of march) the hungarian government was wary and sceptical of the severity of the virus. However, upon strong consultation with leaders of hospitals, most importantly of the South-Pest hospital and the leading doctors of Semmelweis (Medical) University, it was made clear that the hungarian healthcare system could not handle an uncontrolled outbreak. That would have led to a massive prestige loss, which was of course politically unacceptable, so epidemic controlling measures were to take place.
Initially, the government supported the "more common" blanket measures such as disallowing large events, border checks, automatic quarantines for those coming home from affected countries, temporary suspension of student exchange programs, and the cancellation of almost all events for the national holiday of March 15th. However, the more pressing matters, such as those of schools, restaurants, full border closure, and actual restrictions on going out, were not supported overwhelmingly, and it took debating to close the schools, actually close the borders, only allow restaurants to stay open until hour 15, etc.
The shutdown, that is where restrictions were placed on people to only go out for important reasons, happened on March 27th.
These were later loosened in May and June respectively, signaling the end of the first wave in hungary.
In August when the second wave of covid was proving inevitable, similar but looser measures, focusing on mask wearing instead of staying at home, were enacted, even in light of much higher infection counts. These restrictions were gradually increased, first from not accepting scarfs and handkerchiefs as valid mask-replacements(Date?), then restrictions on night clubs and other partygoing places, then full-blown evening lockdowns and complete mask mandate on the streets in november, including the closure of most social spaces (Library, Cinema, Museum, Swimming pool, Zoo, Skating Rinks, and even the Christmas faires).
Much of the lax attitude was because at that point, vaccines were on the horizon. Sputnik V was already registered, and also western and chinese manufacturers were racing to put their wares on the market. However, due to conflict with the EU, which, on the level of office statements advised member countries against doing their own vaccine procurement outside the EU central one, the local production of Sputnik V, which our russian partners were in approval of and willing to cooperate on, was not realized, and this was exacerbated at the end of year and the start of 2021 when the EU central procurement that politically focused on the Pfizer-Biontech one, and so far refused Sputnik V, produced merely "a trickle" of doses.
Upon realizing that we can not rely on our "allies", the government sped up approval of the Sputnik V vaccine, which happened alongside AstraZeneca, the british development that ironically announced shortly after the approval that it'll produce less than the planned amounts.
The effectiveness of the timely first wave shutdowns can not be understated. By june the whole epidemic was under control, with sporadic cases popping up here and there. Death count was extremely low. Life resumed, mask mandate was minimal, only in shops and public transport, which wasn't even a governmental, but city council measure. This is in stark contrast with the second wave starting in August of 2020. The delays between successive and progressively increasing restrictions allowed the infections ample time to spread, and made reducing the case count after the inevitable and more severe shutdowns happened much more difficult.
Indeed after two and a half months of the curfew, both the daily cases are still high, and we have as many deaths every four days as we had in the first wave altogether. This was of course, a result of a bourgeois economical outlook on Covid-19 rather than a socialist one. The government gambled on the swift arrival of the vaccine, and intended to keep as much of the economy going as possible for a potential swift recovery advantage over neighbouring countries once the coast is clear.
However, according to the Hungarian Social Forum, much of that gamble was bungled by trying to balance between not stepping too hard on the toes of the EU pressuring the government on other fronts as well (next 7 years budget plan/rule of law), and the official claims that Hungary would procure whatever vaccine is available, and deemed safe by our own regulators.
HSF also called for local production, which was offered only from the east, by the russian vaccine developer so far, which can't even meet the russian domestic demand. The western developers, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca all have limited production capacity and an "unique business politic" meaning they don't license either and try to make the maximum profit from the pandemic. In particular Moderna deprioritized shipments to the EU, thanks to the Brexit and the british government ordering it to focus on domestic vaccination.
At home comprador pro-west liberal opposition and it's media lackeys have been keen on using every opportunity to discredit the government and install itself in it's place, to funnel state funds into the pockets of it's own benefactors, loyal functionaries and economic backyard. It also used the tired russophobia and sinophobia to stir up discontent with false rumors and claims.
Meanwhile the government was playing the aforementioned "balancing act", between appeasing western capitalists and furthering the interest of national ones, while preventing unrest.
The Hungarian Worker's Party, although stripped of much of it's opportunities to popularize it's views and agitate on the streets, has been ongoing and generally supporting and demanding genuine and not two faced policies, decrying loopholes, and demanding whatever saved the most lives and what would give us earliest, mass access to vaccination.
In january of 2021, it has become clear that the western "allies" are not going to deliver on even their most meager offering, and as expected, both the russian Sputnik V, and the chinese Sinopharm vaccines were given regulatory approval, followed by purchase in large quantities.
Post-covid hungary's politics will be likely dominated by the heightened struggle between proponents of a more centralized EU with less national sovereignity, and proponents of a looser aggregation of stronger nation states, each gambling on getting a larger slice of the EU's imperial plunder pie.
Let's not forget that the EU is at it's core an imperialist institution, where western european and nordic countries still actively participate in the exploitation of the third world, and demands expansion to and cannibalization of new and new markets and resources.
Also worth keeping in mind is the intentionally maintained inequality between the EU's core and periphery, a sort of "internal imperialism" that relegates acceded countries like Romania and Hungary to the role of cheap manual labor and a training ground for cheap specialists such as medics.
Since the hungarian accession to EU was predicated in no small part on the promise of free travel, which is only enjoyed by the infinitesimal minority of the population (the labour aristocracy and bourgeois), and the working off our backwardness and reaching the prosperity of the EU core (reaching the paygrades of germans and french and swedes), that we still haven't made a single centimeter of progress is by design of the EU rather than any failure on our part.
I'd like to mention that here liberal economists would spout their utter garbage that it is because – and they can say it with a straight face – "we are not productive enough". Others would be much closer to the truth, and point out that we only do the cheap manual labor part of the production chain, with the smallest "added value", leaving us with the smallest fraction of the production pie. They still leave it out that the foreign capital did this, and it was not out of "natural" processes that can be reversed with a bit more "rational thinking". Yet even they spout other empty platitudes that still make it look like it's our own fault.
At any rate both kinds of economic views failed to address the fundamental problem, the reduced living standards since the 2008-9 economic crisis and permament peripheral, second class status. Not yet hominidae, but not fully human either! The Orbán government's small concessions helped tide this over, but it is also running into the limit of how much it can hand out, how much it can convince the bourgeoisie, national or foreign, to compromise, to give out of their own pockets, before the contradictions become unreconcilable.
As the result of this struggle, Anti-EU sentiments and discontent are rising, and accordingly, the governing capitalist parties made a silent agreement on tightening the conditions for entering the parliament, further reducing small parties' chances and moving us closer to an american-style two-party dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
In the closing months of 2020, an argument over the next seven years of the EU cohesive funds and budget were between east and west. The western faction of the EU intended to tie to the budget a vague requirement about rule of law, which could have been abused against dissenting peripheral countries, giving more power to the core over the periphery. Eventually a compromise was reached, but the struggle for the pie slices continues.
Within Hungary, the first wave had seen some concessions for everyone. Maximization of annual interest rate for consumption loans, reduced taxes in tourism, hospitality, and entertainment, cost of social security (a monthly payment for full healthcare access) reduced to it's lawful minimum and tax exemption for KATA (small) enterpreneurs. On the other hand while payment of loans was suspended, and their monthly pay would be fixed on the next year, they would accumulate interest in 2020, lengthening the total time those loans would take to repay.
Beyond those, much economical attention was aimed at keeping workplaces going. As an example there was in november, a compensation for already booked hotel stays that were canceled due to the restrictions, but only to hotels that did not lay off workers.
More importantly, investment and the keeping of jobs was supported in hungary with the government bearing one quarter of the cost of expanding or modernizing production. This meant that for every three units of investment, the government added an unit of it's own. Furthermore, employment was not only kept but increased amongst the disabled in the state sector.
Every measure and it's effectivity, including the statistics, is the subject of intense squabbling to this day. According to the Central Statistics Office, employment was kept, but also the number of people seeking employment (unemployed but also registered in search of a job) increased too.
Perhaps more telling, according to the Hungarian Worker's Party, the inflation of prices took away much of the crumbs given by the government. Food prices of all increased, including staple foods such as bread and poultry.
Even worse, the minimal pension was kept at the criminally low rate of 28500 HUF, less than 80 euros a month, with no practical increase in sight. In 2021 the minimum salary growth was agreed at a criminally low 4% rate, half the growth as it was in the january of 2020.
As expected, a crisis further eroded the foundations of the house that is the capitalist system. A house can only be renovated so much before it is necessary to replace it. Vietnam, Laos, and China have shown that a socialist system, putting the people's lives ahead of profits, can not only fight a pandemic more effectively, but also rebuild economically much faster than the capitalist competition.
The crisis further eroded the foundations of the imperialist franco-german pact known as the EU. As predicted, the national bourgeoisie of the eastern periphery demanded a larger slice of the pie, and kept threatening the EU core's leaders with secession, and a permament realignment to Moscow and Beijing, should the demands not be met. This, in light of the finally concluded Brexit, threatens the very survival of the EU project itself.
While the conflict over the covid relief funds, and such have subsided or been postponed, the hungarian approval of two eastern vaccines, despite the objections of the EU ruling bodies and pro-western sellouts, has shown this not be an idle threat.
submitted by BoroMonokli to EuropeanSocialists [link] [comments]

MEGATHREAD & NEWS WRAP-UP --- Nov/18/2020: \\ War in Artsakh (Karabakh) \\ Artsakh's international recognition \\ roadmap for future \\ opposition & pro-govt demonstrations \\ suspects charged over hooliganism \\ Kievyan bridge incident \\ videos \\ humanitarian aid \\ COVID & healthcare \\ more...

Your 12-minute Wednesday report in 2971 words.

November 18 timeline

Nevada's Clarke County (Las Vegas) has officially recognized the Artsakh Republic.
9:37: 1700 Artsakh refugees have returned home so far. The population was around 145,000 before the war. Some 10-20% never left.
10:09 PM Pashinyan presented the roadmap: It is time to talk about methods to overcome the current situation. I have already stated that I consider myself the number-one responsible for the situation. I am also responsible for overcoming the situation and establishing stability and security in the country.
1) Negotiations must resume in OSCE format, with the emphasis on Artsakh status and the return of Artsakh residents to their homeland.
2) Secure Artsakh residents' rights to return home. Fully restore daily life. Repair infrastructure.
3) Social aid for families of fallen soldiers.
4) Repairing infrastructure damaged in the Republic of Armenia.
5) Aid for wounded soldiers, obtaining prosthetics, educational training courses for changing professions if necessary.
6) Returning POWs and aid for their families. Clarification of the status of those who are missing, and aid for their families.
7) Rehabilitation system for those who participated in the war, and for the general public, too.
8) The beginning of reforms in the army.
9) Defeating COVID and overcoming its consequences.
10) Restoration of the environment for economic activity.
11) Activation of demographic programs.
12) Reforming electoral laws [opposition and the govt had agreed to lower the passing threshold to allow more opposition parties to enter Parliament, etc.]
13) Introduction of the Institute of Specialized Judges as the first step in establishing an anti-corruption courts. Launching the process to confiscate illegally embezzled property.
14) Conducting regular consultations with representatives of the Armenian political and civil community.
15) Consultations with diasporan institutes and individuals.
The goal is to ensure the democratic stability of Armenia and to create guarantees that nothing threatens the formation of power in Armenia through the free will of the people. For this, I'll make changes to the government team.
We will need 6 months to launch the aforementioned tasks. In June 2021, I will report to you the progress, and based on the public response, we will decide on what to do next.
11:11: US Senator Bob Menendez called on the US government to impose sanctions on Turkey and Azerbaijan for the military aggression, and to end weapon supplies to them.
He called for a $100 million aid to Artsakh refugees.
11:42 COVID stats: +4,109 tested. +1,589 infected (down). +1,726 healed. +28 deaths. 38,082 active (down).
HealthMin Torosyan: the percentage of positive tests and the absolute numbers are declining, but the healthcare system is still under stress.
We still have 375 patients waiting for beds, 25 of whom are in serious condition. We will likely hospitalize them sometime today. A few days ago the waiting list was 800. The trend can change again with the resumption of schools.
Our main issue right now is oxygen supplies. Without it, the medication is ineffective. We'll soon receive more oxygen stations, followed by four large stations in December. We had purchased many oxygen stations during the first wave but today's large numbers, partly a result of the war, were outside of our predications.
We're negotiating over vaccines. There are agreements. They will likely arrive in mid-Spring.
We have no shortage of COVID test kits. New test labs are opening; two in the past week alone. ,
11:43: earlier this year, a part of a residential apartment complex collapsed in Yerevan. The govt has issued free housing certificates to the affected residents.
12:05: several soldiers returned from Artsakh and decided to organize a demonstration in support of PM Pashinyan. PM's office and QP party urged them to stay home and not to gather, citing the Martial Law that currently prohibits large gatherings and demonstrations.
A dozen prominent opposition figures were charged with ignoring the Martial Law and organizing demonstrations earlier. If found guilty, they are facing anywhere between a $415 fine to 2 months of jail. , , , ,
12:27: Aznavour Foundation and the Armenian Foundation of France have launched a committee to coordinate the aid process from France. Earlier they met President Macron about humanitarian aid and Artsakh's recognition.
Links in the article:
12:38: Parliament Speaker QP MP Ararat Mirzoyan was severely beaten by rioters on November 10th. Healthcare Minister says he will soon recover after one more surgery [which was done today]. ,
12:45: German-Armenian pianist Margarit Hovhannisyan gave a solo performance to collect aid for Armenia Fund ( She donated $5,000 in proceeds. The German colleagues expressed support for Artsakh and Armenians.
12:49: diasporan-Armenian singer Iveta Mukuchyan went to Artsakh's Dadivank church and performed "Sirt im sasani" (Սիրտ իմ սասանի) religious music.
Mukushyan released a German-language video:
13:50: The US will donate $5 million to Red Cross and other orgs to help those who suffered from the war.
14:02: the identification of soldiers who died in battles continues. 81 more names were published, bringing the total identified to 1586. Around 800 remain unidentified. Several hundred bodies were exchanged recently. The process continues.
MoD Tonoyan: The list of missing soldiers is shrinking; many soldiers end up being discovered alive and well. We drafted a bill to aid the families of soldiers who're missing.
Update: HealthMin Torosyan: we've examined 2425 bodies. 250 of them remain unidentified. , ,
14:05 Armenia Fund (Himnadram) report: hundreds of thousands have donated. The aid was provided to Artsakh and Armenia from the first day of the war.
Diesel generators, emergency vehicles, medical products, basic consumer products, heating devices, portable gas stoves, mobile fuel stations, beds, etc. were purchased during the war. Simultaneously, 100 tons of aid was coordinated.
Himnadram will help Armenia's budget to pay for social welfare, healthcare, infrastructure repair, etc. The documents are ready. Tens of thousands of Artsakh refugees were aided.
International independent auditors will examine the finances.
During a Parliamentary session, the Deputy PM Mher Grigoryan confirmed that Himnadram has transferred some of the funds for humanitarian work.
In response, former regime's HHK MP Armen Ashotyan, without evidence, claimed the money is being stolen.
[Context: The former regime is mad because they were caught stealing Himnadram's donations in 2018. After the 2018 revolution, the Pashinyan administration busted HHK's Himnadram director with stealing the funds and using them on gambling. The director confessed and returned part of the stolen money. Himnadram then underwent a complete change in administration which raised the trust towards the fund. Now the former regime is sabotaging the diaspora's donation efforts for political gain.]
More: ,
14:14: there are over 40 suspects charged with mass riots, attempts to forcefully seize power, and overthrowing the constitutional order, after the November 10 attack on the government buildings.
5 are arrested, 5 are told not to leave the country. 70 suspects, some of whom severely beat Parliament Speaker Mirzoyan and vandalized PM's residence, were also identified. They are on the wanted list.
Rioters who physically abused Pashinyan's spokeswoman Mane Gevorgyan, and broke into Azatutyun media outlet's office, are also wanted by police. Some were arrested.
14:18: Opposition LHK has its roadmap: no elections necessary, PM resigns, the ruling QP party appoints new PM, the new PM appoints ministers from various political parties. [similar to what Pashinyan did in 2018 when he appointed opposition Ministers for a brief period].
14:19: Azerbaijan earlier shot a Russian helicopter in Armenia. Two Russian pilots died and one was wounded. Armenia issued them military service medals.
14:49: video showing more Russian peacekeepers moving to Artsakh:
15:18: Italian community of Viareggio has officially recognized the Artsakh Republic.
15:55: Aurora humanitarian organization will help Artsakh residents. IDeA's first aid program will begin today. They're open to humanitarian program suggestions. Link in the article:
16:27: Aghdam is one of the adjacent regions that's being given/returned to Azerbaijan. Seven villages with a combined 2,000 population will be resettled elsewhere.
16:42: food prices in October YoY rose +0.6%. Consumer price index +1.3%.
16:44: the head of Military Control Service Movses Hakobyan had resigned on November 10th. It was announced today. ,
17:04: will Germany follow France and ban the Turkish extremist-terrorist "Grey Wolves" organization? German Parliament will hold a discussion tomorrow. Two bills were proposed. One of them appears to be bipartisan.
17:05 Healthcare Minister Torosyan: we need to build a new 250-bed center for wounded soldiers and their rehabilitation. We need to maximally use the existing resources; some of them require upgrades. This will cost approximately $5.2 million.
17:09: Legatium Prosperity Index 2020 has ranked Armenia 55th in the world. That's a 23-step improvement over 2010. The strongest point was the business & investment atmosphere, with the environment being the weakest point.
Georgia 53, Armenia 55, Azerbaijan 78, Iran 120.
17:58: My Step charity foundation will double the number of wounded soldiers they help. The center will provide therapy, dental, and other services for 600 former soldiers.
14:57: it's SNOWING in Gavar and Jermuk cities, and roads near Sevan and Aparan! Georgian roads are also snowy; the Lars transport hub with Russia is open only for large cargo trucks. ,
17:38: Pashinyan was in Parliament to discuss various topics and answer questions. The opposition BHK and LHK parties boycotted and left.
Ind. MP: do you support forming a government of national accord, which could be one of the ways to find a solution out of the current situation?
Pashinyan: our task is to create an atmosphere of agreement in the country. No government can stay in power without the permission of the people. At atmosphere of agreement is not always achieved by forming [aforementioned type of govt consisted of various parties]. There is a need for agreement around two points: security and stability, and to guarantee democracy.
Ind. MP: will there be changes in the government?
Pashinyan: we are discussing it. Structural changes aren't being discussed right now.
Full: ,
17:58: another video from November 4th showing battles on the outskirts of Shushi. [still believe it was "given away" without a fight? 🤔]
Hovhannes Avagyan, one of the deputy Artsakh army commanders, was killed during Shushi battles on November 7th. He received the Combat Cross medal posthumously.
18:18: the 16 opposition parties resumed their demonstrations. They demand the government's and Pashinyan's resignation. The police urged them to respect the Martial Law and not to gather.
They will also hold a demonstration on Saturday and present a document, presumably their own roadmap. ,
18:21 Police: body of the 27-year-old Garnik Petrosyan was found under Kievyan Bridge on November 13th. A medical examination was carried out and an investigation was launched.
The examination revealed that Petrosyan was among the rioters who broke into the govt building and caused destruction on November 10th. A felony case was launched against him and he was arrested shortly afterward.
On November 13th he was charged with multiple felony counts. The same day, at 8 pm, his 3-day detention period had expired so he was released from the police station. The same day, prosecutors asked the court to arrest him for 2 months before his trial.
Petrosyan was questioned until 9 pm. The tragic incident happened at 10:04 pm. Social media spread rumors that he was allegedly murdered and it wasn't a suicide by jumping from the bridge.
Investigation revealed a witness who was walking nearby and saw how a man grabbed a flag pole and climbed at the center of the bridge at around 10 pm. By the time the witness picked up the phone to call 911 it was too late. Immediately afterward, two other people and the witness looked down the bridge and saw the body laying on the road below the bridge.
The police arrived. The witnesses were questioned. The victim was there alone.
CCTV footages were examined. It showed how the victim went there by himself, climbed on the edge, and jumped.
It was revealed that the victim had attempted suicide in 2010 by overdosing on medications. He was registered at a special center up until 2019, where he was taking special medication. He stopped taking them in January 2019 at his own will.
[Media outlets run by the former regime, and a Telegram channel called Mediaport, had earlier circulated rumors, without evidence, that the rioter was murdered by a ruling party member Hayk Sargsyan. The latter often finds himself the target of rumors]:
18:22: Ara Ayvazyan is the new Foreign Minister. He is a graduate of YSU eastern studies Arabic faculty. Served in the Soviet army. Graduated from Beirut's Haykazyan college. Worked in MFA since 1995. Served as ambassador to several states in 1996-2018.
18:56: despite being told to stay home, Pashinyan supporters gathered in front of the govt building, urging him not to resign.
"I came from Martakert outposts. I have participated in war since 1992, and so did my family members. They [former regime] should have purchased weapons instead of private islands and mansions," said one demonstrator. "By hitting the Parliament Speaker Mirzoyan you're hitting me."
PM's aide met the demonstrators and said his resignation isn't being discussed.
Pashinyan went outside to meet them and asked them to go home, "I know that there are tens of thousands of you who are ready to gather in Public Square if necessary. Thank you. I bow to all the volunteers, fallen soldiers, and their families. Go home now. If necessary, I will invite you."
The police began telling the gathered crowd to leave, citing the Martial Law.
Pashinyan goes outside:
Soldiers: , ,
18:56: Russian humanitarian envoy will help Artsakh authorities to travel around and document the damage to civilian infrastructure.
19:01: the army published names of soldiers who committed acts of bravery during the war.
Lt. Colonel Ryurik Semyonov blew up 2 Kamaz trucks full of ammo, 2 anti-tank equipment, 3 tanks, 8 cars, 1 TR artillery unit.
Lt. Colonel Arthur Qaramyan destroyed 3 and captured another 3 tanks. He helped to save 600 soldiers from encirclement.
Private Suren Gabrielyan shot 6 armored vehicles and 2 tanks.
Lieutenant Tigran Petrosyan shot 6 tanks.
19:04: a soldier uploaded a video from trenches saying the army wasn't properly prepared and that the trenches have been in poor shape for 30 years. "Not deep enough to defend against explosions."
He says this Martakert position was defended during the war despite the poor condtions.
20:54: the opposition ended today's demonstration and promised to return at 2 pm on Saturday. They called for PM's resignation again. HHK Shawarmazanov said, "we won't engage in active politics if he resigns".
Opposition Arthur Vanetsyan announced plans to participate in elections if they take place now. , ,
21:05: the City Council of Paris has a resolution that urges the Paris mayor to ask the French MFA to officially recognize the independence of the Artsakh Republic.
It takes into account a recent push by 15 French mayors to recognize Artsakh, Azeri-Turkish aggression and the use of hired jihadists, war crimes against Armenian civilians, destruction of 80% of infrastructure objects in Stepanakert (including schools and clinics).
21:11: Azerbaijan's opposition National Front criticized the govt for placing Russian peacekeepers on the borders with Artsakh. They held a demonstration and chanted "Putin, leave. Turkey, come."
21:57 photos: these boys defended the borders:
Here are the tankists:
22:02: the government of Armenia and Artsakh formed a joint committee to coordinate humanitarian work. 1) Social issues 2) Education 3) Healthcare 4) Business environment 5) Infrastructure repair.
22:50: Nations League Soccer Spoiler Alert! The Armenian team defeated Northern Macedonia 1-0, after winning the match against Georgia a few days ago.
For the first time ever, the team, led by Spanish expert Joaquin Caparros, is the leader in its group.
What does this victory mean?
This tournament has four tiered Leagues: A, B, C, D. League A contains the "best" countries who compete for the champion's cup. The teams in lower leagues compete to climb up to higher leagues, with the ultimate goal of making into League A and winning the cup.
Armenia has just advanced from League C to League B.
23:40: A1+ outlet wants to restore its TV broadcasting rights. They were suspended by the Kocharyan regime. They insisted it was politically motivated for their opposition views. The media outlet was targeted for covering the March 1st, 2008 events.
Several outlets are currently competing for public airway licenses. The winners will be known in January. The TV regulator said those with the best programming will receive the license.
23:47: The French Senate will discuss the need to recognize the Artsakh Republic. Presidents of the five largest parties supported the idea to hold a discussion.Ֆրանսիայի-Սենատը-որոշում-է-կայացրել-քվերակության-ներկայացնել-«ԼՂՀ-ճանաչման-անհրաժեշտության-մասին»-բանաձևի-նախագիծը/408863

You can help Artsakh & Armenia (soldiers' medical help) (for Artsakh & Armenia) (U.S. tax-deductible)
Prior events:
Nov 17, Nov 16, Nov 15, Nov 14, Nov 13, Nov 12, Nov 11, Nov 10, Nov 9, Nov 8, Nov 7, Nov 6, Nov 5, Nov 4, Nov 3, Nov 2, Nov 1, Oct 31, Oct 30, Oct 29, Oct 28, Oct 27, Oct 26, Oct 25, Oct 24, Oct 23, Oct 22, Oct 21, Oct 20, Oct 19, Oct 18, Oct 17, Oct 16, Oct 15, Oct 14, Oct 13, Oct 12, Oct 11 , Oct 10, Oct 9 , Oct 8, Oct 7,Oct 6, Oct 5, Oct 4, Oct 3, Oct 2, Oct 1, Sep 30, Sep 29, Sep 28, Sep 27
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

The full story on the failure of Paddy Lowe's 2018 Williams car

In response to the thread on Peter Windsor's comments absolving Paddy Lowe from responsibility of the performance of his own car, I thought it would be a good idea to remind people why the 2018 car was such a disaster in the first place.
When Valteri Bottas went to Mercedes from Williams, part of the deal was that Paddy Lowe would move to Williams -
Of course, what Williams were hoping was that Lowe could basically try and copy the Mercedes design concept. But when testing began, they discovered that the cooling was far more complicated than they had anticipated. One analysis says that he went with Ferrari-style radiators and sidepods (perhaps in an effort to make it not look exactly like the Mercedes W07, or perhaps believing he could bring the best of both concepts in one single car). This proved to be a terrible decision, and they had to open up the rear of the car to improve cooling, losing a ton of downforce in the process and creating a car that handled absolutely terribly. [Original article in German]
And now it would seem that the issues with this year's car before the season has even began have been the last straw for the Williams team. F1 teams poach each others' staff all the time in order to get design secrets and info. But it would seem that Paddy Lowe either oversold or overestimated his ability to bring the necessary technical knowledge to the team in order to pull it off.
Of course, Mercedes knew that he either didn't have enough knowledge to successfully copy their design philosophy, gambled on him not the talent to pull it off, or both. They used him as a bargaining chip to poach Bottas as a top tier replacement for Rosberg at the last moment. And his failure to copy the Mercedes design has damaged the team to the point at which I would say they're better off cutting their losses than going any further with it.
Hopefully they can make this year's car work better when they catch up with the laps they missed out on in testing, and if they attract a young Adrian Newey who can really bring something inspirational to the car for the 2021 regulation changes, then they will ultimately move forwards instead of backwards. But it could be a long couple of seasons for the drivers and the team in the meantime.

submitted by loz333 to formula1 [link] [comments]

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ISTG 2021: New regulation on online gambling in Germany will enter into force July 2021 In March 2020, the German federal states agreed on a new German Interstate Treaty on Gambling (ISTG 2021) from July 1, 2021 onwards. The ISTG 2021 still needs to be ratified by the individual federal state parliaments. Afterwards the GlüStV 2021 needs to be ratified by at least 13 of the 16 German states by 30 April 2021 in order to enter into force on 1 July 2021. Update: The transitional regime and corresponding guidelines have been published in the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) on 15 October 2020. A meeting of Germany’s heads of state in Berlin saw lawmakers approve gambling regulations to legalise online poker and casino from 1 July, 2021, as well as deciding on the location of the country’s new regulatory authority. Following an industry association hearing in February, the heads of the 16 German federal states adopted a draft State Treaty on the New Regulation of Gambling in Germany (Glücksspielstaatsvertrag 2021 – GlüStV 2021) at their conference on 12 March. The new law will bring substantial changes to the German gambling regulation, including: Germany October 5 2020 The new German gambling regulation, the State Treaty on Gambling 2021 (Glücksspielstaatsvertrag 2021 = GlüStV 2021), will bring substantial changes to the German gambling... Legislation at the national level to introduce online gambling regulation was first approved by German heads of state in March this year. Under the planned schedule, the legalisation of online poker and casino is expected to come into force on 1 July 2021. The draft regulations were submitted to the European Commission in May. It will see the authorisation and licensing of online casino and poker services from July 1st, 2021, as part of the new German Interstate Treaty on Gambling (ISTG). Between October 15th, 2020, and the introduction of the new gambling treaty, Germany has implemented a policy of transitional tolerance during which operators can choose to immediately implement rules and follow the regulations set ... German Gambling Regulation According to the Draft Interstate Treaty on Gambling 2021 Germany 16.04.2020 Gambling regulation in Germany has been in a state of flux for several years but last month the German states finally approved a new regulatory framework which is due to come into force next year. Germany April 22 2020 In March 2020, the German federal states agreed on a new German Interstate Treaty on Gambling (ISTG 2021) from July 1, 2021 onwards. The ISTG 2021 still needs to be ratified... There are plans for a new Interstate Treaty (“Interstate Treaty 2021”) to take effect on 1 July 2021 under which certain types of online gambling will become licensable. The Interstate Treaty 2021 has been agreed and notified to the European Commission. Following the standstill period, it will need to be ratified by 13 of Germany’s 16 German states by the end of March 2021 for it to ...

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