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We need to talk about NOK

We need to talk about NOK

Feb 4, mid-market: Thank you everyone for your support. I really don't know what to say. The company keeps getting pounded because GME is having a sell-off, which doesn't make any sense. But that's the market for you. It doesn't always make sense.
I still believe 2021 will be a big year for Nokia, although it doesn't look like there is any way we'll manage the crazy play anymore. Still, it was nice to see something that was impossible become possible, even if it was for only a few days.
And remember, we can still do it any day. All it takes is for us to work together. If you want. Make up your own mind.
I'm still holding. NOK will recover from this. Fair value is at least 4.81, and way more when 5G really gets going. So if you can, I would buy some more now. You'll thank me later for the tip. It may not be the most exciting play, but it is what investing is all about. Slow and steady growth that compounds to make a big change.
One of these days I'll be able to post again, when the mods lift the restrictions on new posts and things get a little less crazy around here. When I post again about NOK, I'll post the link here too. Thanks everyone!
Feb 4 premarket: Earnings out! They beat expectations a bit, their revenue was a little smaller than expected. Overall, good quarter, good year. Here it is:
Feb 2, end of day: It's getting pretty crazy out there, but here's what you should know. The NOK chart is following the GME chart. It's got way more shares so the bumps and dips are more stable, but that's the main trend.
What that means: GME has no underlying value at this level. It is a gamble on the short squeeze. It might pay off, or it might not. If people panic sell like yesterday, it won't.
NOK is very different. It has underlying value. So if someone dumps it below its target price, the best thing to do is just to buy and wait for the value to go down. Thursday NOK reveals its earnings, and they are likely to be good based on what Ericsson revealed. Ericsson is one of its main competitors and a very similar company currently trading at twice the NOK price.
Feb 1, end of day: Told you it was a value share! Still trading at target, still low risk.
Either dumping has stopped, or normies are piling in because of the results. Either way good news, hope you made some money today!Vol today 190m, still way above average. Normal average 30m before we changed it lol. That means since Wednesday over 2bn shares have changed hands. Hope you got em!
Ericsson (NOK competitor) results suggest NOK will report good numbers this week, NOK upped to BUY on market watch:
Unless my math is retarded (which it is cos ahmsodumb), if everyone (7m) on this sub spends $3000 at current price ($4.55) we BUY THE FLOAT. The more they keep dumping, the more shares we get cheap. Think about it.EDIT: buying the ENTIRE float is NOT the point of this play. I know share price goes up when supply is restricted, just read the play. This is just an example of what happens when they dump a value share on millions of retail investors.
Robin hood increases NOK allowance to 2000 shares for next week (still any allowance is CRAZY because it's a VALUE SHARE THAT HASN'T BUBBLED)
You dump a VALUE STOCK on me and think I'm in danger?

Added new summary (30 Jan), and Q&A.
FIRST OFF: This post is not financial advice or anything except the rant of some idiot retard who is an idiot. I tell you straight up that there is a normal investment side to the NOK play (STILL MEANS RISK, which YOU will have to decide!) and that there is a CRAZY side that is PROBABLY IMPOSSIBLE. If you want to play the crazy play then you’re also a crazy retard idiot just like me.
I don’t know shit, I just look at graphs and go WOW. Do your own due diligence, I am not a financial advisor. Don’t ask me if you should buy, I don’t know, can you afford to? Are you comfortable with the risks? I don’t know these things. You do.
Here’s how it works. YOU DECIDE if you want to take part.
1.It’s not a short squeeze like GME. Get that out of your head.
2.It’s a value/momentum play. The value part is just normal granny&grampa investing. See a good company going cheap, buy and hold. Tell your mom, dad, granny and grampa, cousins, relatives, friends.
3.The momentum part is the crazy part, and if it works the share will SKYROCKET as long as YOU DON’T SELL. GME is the biggest short squeeze in history, the NOK play could be the biggest value buy in history.
  1. The beauty of it is that it works because Wall St is dumping NOK irrationally. That’s why the price is going down (slowly). They think they’re attacking us and slowly winning, but they’re giving us a value share cheap = their money, our pockets. By the time they realize what we did, it will be too late.
  2. Don’t panic, and keep buying the dumps (if you think the company has value), and if we hold the line you could see a miracle.
3310 HANDS

Value Part (crazy part in Q&A):
The company is healthy, has good financials, it’s a market leader in 5G (it’s main competitors are Huawei and Ericsson, they have about the same market share share of 5G) a lot of potential to be the company that builds 5G for a large part of the world. NOK is currently trading at a standard price for the value it holds. It is not a bubble.
Here’s Nokia’s 5G contracts:
Here’s Bloomberg shitting bricks that we’ve realized that Nokia is a value bet:
Nokia also just unveiled new 1tb tech, the thing AFTER 5G. First on the world. They have it, they’re showing the world it works. Here is their press release from Wednesday:
They are so trusted that NASA got them to build a cell network on the MOON. Literally. If you’re NASA, would you hire your retard uncle Earl to build cell towers on the moon? No, you hire someone who CAN ACTUALLY DO IT. Imagine what it takes to build something really big and complicated on the moon? Now imagine who’s the likely guy who can do it. That’s right, NOKIA. Here they are, going to the moon:
If the Huawei 5G war continues, who do you think US and Europe is going to back, especially since NOK already has the next tech, owns a bunch of patents, is from FINLAND that has never tried to take over the world and has a brand that EVERYONE who lived in 2000s remembers?
Here’s a guy who’s been doing the numbers for a while now in case you want to see them: I don’t know him, I don’t know the numbers as well, but looks pretty good to me. Amazing due diligence. But what do I know, I’m an idiot. So is he. So are you. We’re all fucking retards, just ask Wall Street. I poked myself in the same eye twice yesterday. We’re “dumb money”. They have other names for us too.
So, worst case, you just bought into a good company at a fair value. If the crazy play doesn’t work, you just hold on to them and let them become the world leader in 5G. Unlike GME (NOT SAYING SELL!), NOK will not fall 99%. Or if it does, I'M BUYING THAT SHIT because if a HEALTHY COMPANY FALLS 99% you make some CRAZY MONEY on that when it bounces back.
Q: You retards were tricked by bots to buying NOK, there’s no short
A: This just full on doesn’t get what the play is about. IT IS NOT A SHORT SQUEEZE. THIS IS NOT GME RINSE REPEAT. GME IS A DIFFERENT PLAY. NOK IS A VALUE PLAY. How many more ways can I say it? Not sure. How many more do I have to?
Q: Stop taking attention away from GME you retards
A: Nobody is saying sell your GME. Nobody is saying that. GME is too expensive for a lot of people, and GME is VERY RISKY and NOK has genuine value behind it. If the NOK play works, those people who couldn’t afford GME can still get on & get rich. If it doesn’t, they most likely still make money on a good company.
Q: This play is impossible / crazy / it’ll never work / there are too many shares you retards
A: This is ALMOST true. This play WAS impossible until 1/27/2021. That is why nobody has EVER tried anything like this. But it’s NOT impossible anymore. Look at this graph. Look at it. See that spike? What the fuck is that? I’ll tell you my fellow autistic space boot packin 3310 using NOKSTER.
That spike was them running out of shares for half an hour. Trade was stopped until they could find more, to avoid an artificial spike in the price.
Proof? Look at the volumes. A small sale (red) causes a small dip. Two small buys cause a MASSIVE SPIKE. They ran out, and had to call their friends to liquidate more shares so the price wouldn’t skyrocket "artificially".
But that’s IMPOSSIBLE for NOK. NOK has 5bn shares. Nokia should be much more stable because it has so many shares, having a crazy demand spike is crazy. I saw it, and fell off my chair and since I’m such a retard it took me an hour to get back up.
So it was impossible, and that’s why Wall Street won’t see it coming. They think this is their attack and they’re about to break through our ranks, but they’re actually playing right into our hands.
Wendnesday, we moved 1bn shares. Thursday, when nobody could buy, we still moved 500m. Yesterday, we still moved 360m. We’ve moved so much NOK in the past three days, the average volume of the share has MORE THAN DOUBLED in THREE DAYS. The play is not impossible anymore, but Wall St thinks it is, which is how we can use their own strength and mass against them. But the value buy still makes sense WHENEVER you see someone dump a valuable share. Someone sells you a 100$ bill for 90$? Buy it.
They attack? We absorb. They dump, we buy, they run out of shares, we hold. They’re fucked, and they just handed us a bunch of value shares at an undervalue = they just gave us their money. They are just giving it to you. When they realize they can’t buy them back at a lower value, what do you think is going to happen?
Q: We don’t do value plays, we do short squeezes you retards
A: Go back to April. Look at u/DeepFuckingValue’s position. GME was a value play. It’s only in April that the Short Squeeze became possible. Look it up yourself.
Will a short squeeze also happen with NOK? It’s unlikely. Hedge Fund Assholes have been increasing their shorts in NOK in the last few days, but they won’t go over 100% on 5bn shares because they're not as stupid as me. But it doesn’t have to happen. We just need to buy the dumps. If they short, great. More money for us as long as we don’t let them drive the price down with the dumps.
Q: Why is NOK not rocketing?
A: Because Wall Street is dumping, just like I said they would after the Wednesday spike. That’s the whole plan. They dump, we hold the line, buy the dumps and keep the price steady.
The GME short squeeze guys waited for this for UP TO TWO YEARS. I saw it in April. I thought it was crazy. I didn’t jump in back then. If I did, I’d have about as much money as u/DeepFuckingValue. On a value share, you can afford to wait. GME was originally a value play. That’s what I should have realized in April.
SO JUST WAIT AND HOLD (if you believe and idiot like me, which you shouldn't, no need to message me about it). It’s been two days since this play even became possible.
Q: How do we know it’s working?
A: Look at the volume of shares traded. Nokia has 5bn shares. In the last three days, nearly 2bn have been traded. The price is still up from last week. That’s how.
This has already been a giant dumping campaign. How come the price hasn’t floored? What happens if we just buy it all up?
What happens if they run out, and then their shorts blow, the price bumps up, CNBC tells the world we broke another short wall, everyone piles on, Wall Street realizes they just gave us their shares at an undervalue and try to buy back, we don’t sell, we have all the shares? The Wednesday spike is what happens, except this time there is no stopping it. If they stop trading again and try to dump some more, you just buy up the dump and keep the spike going. Spike stops being a spike and becomes a floor.

Q: Where will this max out and when?
A: What do you think I’m from the future? I just saw an impossible thing happen on Wednesday, and we need to make it happen again. Look at the graph. Look at it.
Set your targets to $3310, that should do it.
Q: When should I buy? What should I buy? Should I buy?
A: Be your own person. Buy when you feel like it, if you feel like it.
Q: Wall street bots are promoting NOK.
A: I don’t give a shit. If they are, and we keep buying, they are promoting giving us money.

Part 2: (29 Jan)
First off, much as I appreciate the love, I can’t play your hand for you. You have to make your own decisions. Do I know where NOK is going to be tomorrow? Nope. Nobody does. All that I have for you is the news from Wednesday that this play is no longer totally impossible:
  1. I think the assholes are going to try to dump you out of the market
  2. It won’t work if we keep the demand up.
  3. The way we keep demand up is we buy, and others will follow us because the company is good.
  4. When they realize it won’t work, they’ll need to start buying back in.
  5. Then it’ll be too late, cos they dumped their shares on US and we are RETARDS who HOLD. That means that when their shorts start to go bust, the price will jump up (a little bit, not like with GME at first – this is a different play based on the health of the company, not a straight up short squeeze. The short position on NOK is much smaller).
  6. When the price jumps up, and the GME guys start cashing out, they need somewhere to put that cash. Some of them pay off student loans, or buy cars or whatever, but the smart ones will go NOK.
How you play it is up to you. I can’t tell you if you should buy, what minute to buy, what app to use and so on. All I can say is I buy the dumps. You need to decide for yourself if you want to do it. You can see the dumps on any app, or even yahoo finance. I buy NOK on NYSE, and I buy straight up shares (so they can’t lend out mine for shorts) but you’re free to do what you want. I’m a retard, you’re a retard, we’re all autistic fucks, we make up our own mind and stick with it.
Secondly, what I said yesterday morning would happen, did happen. And it happened exactly like I said it would. So don’t get scared off, just buy the dumps. And they know that they’ll be fucked if we keep buying the dumps. That’s why they stopped us from buying NOK.
NOK hasn’t bubbled, stopping us from buying NOK was because they know we’re on to them. They know the dumps won’t work if we JUST KEEP BUYING and HOLDING. The play works, they’re scared, we caught them with their pants down, they’re trying to get ahead of us.
OK, so about what happened yesterday with RH and others. I’m so fucking angry about this.
What RH and others did is completely insane. Their argument is “you guys are throwing your money away on a bubble, we’re just protecting you”. Bullshit. I won’t comment on GME, I’ll let u/DeepFuckingValue or one of those guys do that. I’ll just say, that short squeezes happen with hedge funds all the fucking time. Why is trading not stopped for them? They have people’s fucking pensions that they’re playing with.
But for NOK, it’s TOTAL BULLSHIT. Here’s why:
  1. NOK HAS NOT BUBBLED. Look at the graph. Look at it. It is still down from 2016. NOK is well within normal variation. Long term, you barely see the spike from a couple of days ago. There is nothing to “protect us” from. They’re protecting themselves.
  2. The NOK play is not a straight up short squeeze. The play is HELPED by the shorts that are there, as long as we can keep the demand up and keep the price up against the dumping, but that’s all.
  3. NOK is a healthy company, with new and important tech, a great brand, a lot of potential. You want to see why, read the original post. ANYONE who sees a company like that being dumped for NO REASON would buy. So should you. They are only dumping it because they’re trying to fuck up our play.
Ok that’s enough for now. I’ll see you all when I’ve got my space boots on, in my house on the FUCKING MOON, next to a NOKIA Comms tower, or I’ll see you in VALHALLA with my broke ass. If this doesn’t work, then at least you TOOK ON THE MOTHERFUCKERS and EARNED A PLACE at the table with FUCKING ODIN.
I get it, it’s not the play. I’m not saying sell your GME. I’m not a bot or a spy or a wall street asshole. I’m a regular guy who’s got a couple of bucks in his bank account and plays videogames and wants a fucking house to live in like my parents had when they were young. If you don’t agree with me, just say so.
I’m also not a financial advisor, so make up your own minds you autistic fucks.
But, BUT, yesterday we did something they’ve never seen. Yesterday, we made them run out of NOK shares. That’s what that big spike was, and that’s why trading was stopped for 2h. If we keep doing that, it will be the biggest wall street wealth transfer from assholes to retards in history. Because they will keep dumping it until it’s too late.
Impossible, you say. Too many shares, you say. Well listen up. Yesterday, in ONE DAY, we traded, or caused others to trade, 1bn shares of Nokia. That is 1/5 of all the Nokia shares in the world. That’s never happened, EVER. Not even when Nokia was the biggest phone company in the world.
3516.16% of average trading volume.
Do you get it? They’ll keep dumping their stock, we keep buying them cheap, and then they won’t be so cheap anymore when they try to buy back in. We can move 1bn shares IN A DAY. ONE DAY. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Why do they stop trading in NYSE? Cos they ran out of shares temporarily and they don’t want “artificial” spikes in the prices. So they made us retards wait a couple of hours while some assholes called some other assholes to unload their shares into the market, and once they had enough, they started again. That’s why that spike went down right after the freeze.
But then we did it again. And they had to stop again. The price just wouldn’t go down. The assholes who’d just unloaded shares were probably back on the phone with the other assholes who’d convinced them.
Everyone is watching us. What we do, millions of normal folks do with us, and every wallstreet asshole does against us.
What did the asshole brigade do? They started shorting NOK. They will continue to do that, because they think we’re retards (they are correct).
But how come the price didn’t go down? It’s got 5bn shares, and everyone whos ever held it was dumping it. How could we ever keep up the demand when there are so many shares out there? How is this going to work?
Because the retard brigade was buying it. There’s 3m of us and counting. If we each put 600 bucks on NOK, we get 100 shares, and that’s 300m shares.
Now imagine what happens if we put 6000 on it. AND. FUCKING. HOLD. And every dip you see, you buy more. AND. FUCKING. HOLD. They'll keep dumping, we keep buying, until they realize the price isn't going down. Then they start buying, we keep holding, the market runs out of NOK. Price skyrockets.
And normies outside were following us. They can see that the stock is still LOW, lower than 2016. This means they don’t think it’s a bubble that’s going to crash on them.
So why do the normies follow us on this, and not on GME? (I’m not saying sell GME).
Because GME has never, ever been anywhere near where it is now. That scares a normal guy who’s just trying to put in some savings for his family. They think this is some Dutch tulip market shit.
Not so with NOK. Even with the spike from yesterday, NOK is still DOWN from 2016. Remember 2016? Remember that being a really big year for Nokia? No, me neither. And let’s not even get started on where it has been in the past. Yesterday's spike barely shows on the graph.
You know what is going to be a big year? 2021 and 2022. Why?
What else did NOK say yesterday? Well, they revealed that they have a new kind of 1 terabit data transfer networks shit, what do I know, I’m not a techie. But it IS a new kind of technology that’s going to kick 5Gs ass. And my fellow retards of the most honorable retard brigade – Do you think we’re going to need more data this year than last year?
Remember how Netflix had to downgrade its picture quality in March because the networks couldn’t handle the amount people were streaming? What do you think is going to happen with the company that solves that?
But why would NOK be the company? Well, remember the 5G war with China?
US and Europe can’t buy 5G from China, because then China has our networks. But guess who US and Europe aren’t afraid of? Fucking FINLAND. Finland, the land of NOKIA. So tiny that some people think the whole country is a conspiracy theory and doesn’t really exist. Sorry Finnish people, nobody gives a shit about you. Good thing for you, cos you get to build the 5G network on the moon and shit because nobody is scared that Finland will take over the world.
Want proof? They are literally building one on the FUCKING MOON:
And we’re going to send them there. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
But hang on, why is NOK so low in the first place if it’s so great?
Answer: because Microsoft fucked them. That’s right, they sent one of their own assholes to infiltrate the NOK, leak a bunch shit to drive the share price down, and then buy the phone part of the company. These assholes wrecked the company, the Finnish economy, and every middle class shareholder who was just trying to put their kids to college. Imagine everyone who’d be fucked if someone did that to Apple now.
Worked like a charm. Firesale. Business restructuring. Lost their phones. NOK never recovered.
The asshole they sent from Microsoft? Went back to work for Microsoft, and was paid a shit ton of money for what he did. His name is Stephen Elop. Look it up.
So they have tech that nobody else has and a brand that everyone recognizes. But what don’t they have? Money. That’s why they’re building this 1tb magic network thing in tiny fucking possibly fake Finland to show everyone it works.
But if we drive the share price up, do you think that’s going to change?
So FUCK IT. I’m in for every penny, and I am HOLDING. I’ll see you in my house ON the MOON next to a NOKIA Comms tower, or I’ll see you in VALHALLA you BEAUTIFUL RETARDED MOTHERFUCKERS.
TL;DR: NOK is literally going to the moon. Go there with them. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

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A Draft Pick, Free Agent Signing and Trade Target for all 32 teams

Title says it all. Going to suggest a player to be drafted in either the first or second round (or third for HOU at the moment) for each team, along with a player to target in free agency, and a player to potentially trade for.
Trying to avoid overlap as best I can, but some may have similar targets. Resources used include PFF, The Draft Network, and OverTheCap. Enjoy!

Arizona Cardinals (8-8)

Trade Target: DT J.J. Watt, Houston Texans - The last deal between Arizona and Houston worked out well. Why not try again and add a serious piece to their pass rushing arsenal in Watt. An ideal interior fit for Arizona, Watt would help them push for the playoffs in his final seasons in the league.
Draft Pick: C Creed Humphrey, Oklahoma - Reuniting Kyler Murray with his old center for the Sooners would be an excellent move. The Cardinals currently have Mason Cole at center, but could easily slide him over to guard to make room for Humphrey if they wanted a significant upgrade at an underrated position.
Free Agent Signing: TE Jonnu Smith, Tennessee Titans - Arizona would be wise to look at adding Jonnu Smith into the equation on offense. One of the NFL's best after the catch at the TE position, he'd be another fun weapon to slot alongside Murray and Hopkins.

Atlanta Falcons (4-12)

Trade Target: S Tracy Walker, Detroit Lions - With a new regime coming in, Detroit is headed towards an extended rebuild, and acquiring assets for up-and-down players like Walker could be a consideration. Now, still young, Walker has plenty of potential for the Falcons, and if the price is right, could be a tremendous bargain.
Draft Pick: QB Justin Fields, Ohio State - While Matt Ryan will remain the QB of the Falcons next season, due to his contract, the Falcons should plan for the future and add a Georgia native in Fields, one of the better QB's out of college football in recent years. He'd be able to develop behind Ryan under the tutelage of new head coach Arthur Smith.
Free Agent Signing: CB Mackensie Alexander, Cincinnati Bengals - The Falcons do not have positive cap space at the moment (currently projected $30 million over the limit) so even after reworking deals and cutting some players, they'll be bargain shopping more than anything else. PFF projects Alexander to fetch a deal of about 2-years, $6 million, which could be feasible for the Falcons. He'd be a solid veteran presence across from CB A.J. Terrell.

Baltimore Ravens (11-5)

Trade Target: OLB Whitney Mercilus, Houston - I list him in "trade target" as he's technically under contract in Houston going into 2021. However, it's 99% more likely that the Texans cut him and Baltimore pursues him as a newly released free agent. Kind of cheating on my listings, but I like the idea of Mercilus in Baltimore after Houston cuts him. It'd be a coup for Houston if they could get a pick for him. Mercilus is a veteran pass rusher who could step into a role in Baltimore should OLB Matt Judon depart for greener meaning money of course.
Draft Pick: WR Rashod Bateman, Minnesota - The idea of Bateman in Baltimore remains one of my favorite potential pairings for any player likely to be selected in the first round of the draft. Similar to Keenan Allen in my opinion, Bateman could become the go-to wide receiver the Ravens lacked last season.
Free Agent Signing: G Jon Feliciano, Buffalo Bills - The Ravens need to bolster the middle of their offensive line, and a tough veteran like Feliciano could be ideal target for the Ravens. With a big contract committed to LT Ronnie Staley, a cheaper veteran like Feliciano could match price tag with talent. Good value for the Ravens.

Buffalo Bills (13-3)

Trade Target: DT Malcom Brown, New Orleans Saints - The Saints are in cap space purgatory, and thus could be looking to offload some decent players like Brown simply to get back under the cap. He's a solid starting DT who could be available for cheap in the Saints push to real in their financial situation. A strong fit next to Ed Oliver on the inside.
Draft Pick: LB Chazz Surratt, North Carolina - Given their limited cap space, the Bills may have to decide between re-signing OT Daryl Williams and LB Matt Milano. If so, a replacement like Surratt could be a smart move for Sean McDermott and co. as Surratt is a quick backer who excels in space and has shown plenty of promise in coverage.
Free Agent Signing: DE Romeo Okwara, Detroit Lions - The Bills aren't loaded with cap space (barely above 0 if the cap stays down at $175 million), but I'd imagine they'll find some ways to free some cap up. If they do, they may want to consider Okwara, a rising pass-rusher, as a replacement for some of their own departing edge rushers. He tallied 10 sacks this season after hitting 7.5 sacks in 2018 in Detroit. While not elite, Okwara's likely a solid value pass-rusher for a contender like the Bills.

Carolina Panthers (5-11)

Trade Target: DT Akiem Hicks, Chicago Bears - The Panthers just drafted DT Derrick Brown, but pairing him and Hicks together could become a dominant duo in the middle of that defense. And with DT Kawann Short a likely cut candidate, Hicks could be an instant upgrade for Carolina.
Draft Pick: LB Micah Parsons, Penn State - Forget the QB position, if the Panthers have the opportunity to land Parsons at 8th overall, they should pull the trigger. He'd be an immediate boost of speed, instincts and athleticism into their linebacker corps, a strong replacement for Luke Kuechly.
Free Agent Signing: TE Gerald Everett, Los Angeles Rams - More of a move tight end than a traditional in-line blocker, Everett could be an exceptional value signing for someone, as he's not likely to command as much money as Hunter Henry or Jonnu Smith, but is a very good player himself.

Chicago Bears (8-8)

Trade Target: QB Jimmy Garoppolo, San Francisco 49ers - Unless the Bears are set to bring back Mitch Trubisky, who played a bit better to end the season but still not strong enough, the Bears should look at the veteran QB market. While Garoppolo has had some injury issues, he's a notable upgrade over Trubisky and could give them a steady veteran presence for a couple of more years.
Draft Pick: OT Christian Darrisaw, Virginia Tech - There's growing buzz that Rashawn Slater could join Penei Sewell in the top-10, leaving him just out of the Bears' grasp. But Darrisaw is quite the consolation prize as he's a first-round caliber offensive tackle himself who could fill a big need for the offense in the Windy City.
Free Agent Signing: WR Sammy Watkins, Kansas City Chiefs - Watkins and Bears head coach Matt Nagy did not cross paths in Kansas City, but a recommendation from Andy Reid could push the two together. The Bears are another team facing some cap complications, and thus may need a cheaper replacement for Allen Robinson on the outside. If so, Watkins has been a strong complimentary receiver who could pair well with rising youngster Darnell Mooney.

Cincinnati Bengals (4-11-1)

Trade Target: G Joe Dahl, Detroit Lions - Finding protection and weapons for QB Joe Burrow is the primary goal for Cincinnati this offseason before they enter the coaching carousel in 2022. Dahl is a strong pass protector who has grown into a quality starter. However, with large contracts for C Frank Ragnow coming up, along with big deals in place for Decker and Vaitai, Detroit may need to send Dahl out for picks.
Draft Pick: OT Penei Sewell, Oregon - There is buzz that Northwestern's Rashawn Slater may be viewed as OT1, and I get the hype, however, I'm sticking with Sewell for now. The Bengals should draft Sewell and get him ready to go as their franchise left tackle in 2021.
Free Agent Signing: CB Troy Hill, Los Angeles Rams - The Bengals have a healthy chunk of cap space, and should use of that to bring back CB William Jackson III. However, they should not stop there, they should also make a push for a quality veteran cornerback like Hill to bolster their defense in the meantime.

Cleveland Browns (11-5)

Trade Target: LB Jaylon Smith, Dallas Cowboys - After looking like an elite linebacker from 2017-2019, Smith had a rough year under now fired defensive coordinator Mike Nolan. A fresh start in Cleveland could be ideal for both teams, as Smith is still young enough, 26 years, to be a strong piece to their defense for years to come.
Draft Pick: DT Daviyon Nixon, Iowa - The Browns are in a strong position at 26th overall to sit and see who the top defensive lineman on the board is. If they're lucky enough for it to be a high potential defensive tackle like Nixon, it'd be an ideal situation to bring him in the replace Ogunjobi. A defensive end like Jayson Oweh or Jaelan Phillips could also work here.
Free Agent Signing: S Marcus Williams, New Orleans Saints - The Browns could use a big upgrade on the back end, and Williams, at only 24 years old, would be a premium add for a team who finally broke through the playoffs. PFF projects Williams to command a deal around 4-years $57 million, and the Browns would likely have the money to make that happen, sitting tenth in cap space this offseason.

Dallas Cowboys (6-10)

Trade Target: CB Mike Hughes, Minnesota Vikings - Hughes was a first-round pick for the Vikings in 2018, but has not lived up to the billing so far. Dallas is in need of several new faces on its defensive backfield, and perhaps a new situation could be best for Hughes to turn his NFL career around. For Dallas, a cheap flier on defense.
Draft Pick: CB Patrick Surtain II, Alabama - The Cowboys defense is a mess at many levels, and so picking a premium defensive player like Surtain would be a wise for Dallas to get things straightened out. He's consistently been pegged as the top corner of this draft cycle and makes a lot of sense in Dallas.
Free Agent Signing: DT Dalvin Tomlinson, New York Giants - The Cowboys ranked 31st in total rushing yards surrendered in 2020, meaning they'll need to make it a priority to find a run-stuffer like Dalvin Tomlinson to get their defense back on track. While most teams are geared towards stopping the pass, you simply cannot be as bad in run stopping as Dallas was and expect to be competitive.

Denver Broncos (5-11)

Trade Target: QB Marcus Mariota, Las Vegas Raiders - An inter-divisional trade for a QB seems unlikely, but it's something for both sides to consider. The Broncos need to find a veteran QB to bring in to push QB Drew Lock, who has shown flashes in his first two years but has so far been too inconsistent to commit to long-term.
Draft Pick: EDGE Joe Tryon, Washington - More likely a second-round selection here, the Broncos should consider finding a player to develop into Von Miller's replacement, given all the complications with their star pass-rusher recently. Tryon has a high motor and excellent athleticism to develop across from Bradley Chubb.
Free Agent Signing: CB Quinton Dunbar, Seattle Seahawks - Dunbar was an excellent player for Washington previously, but did not meet expectations after getting moved to the Seahawks. Should he walk in free agency, perhaps putting him under a solid defensive coach like Vic Fangio could help him get back into the strong form that made him a coveted player in 2019.

Detroit Lions (5-11)

Trade Target: A Big Haul for Matt Stafford - We suggest one later on, but Detroit's in a full-on rebuild with Stafford wanting out. Peter King recently reported that at least five teams would be willing to offer their first-rounder for Stafford. Detroit should turn it into a bidding war and land as many draft picks as they can to bolster their rebuilding efforts.
Draft Pick: QB Trey Lance, North Dakota State - The Lions are moving on from QB Matthew Stafford after he understandably requested out. With Detroit picking at 7th, there's a very good chance that Trevor Lawrence, Justin Fields, and Zach Wilson are all off the board. Thus, unless Detroit makes a bold move up the board, chances are that they go with Lance, who has the potential to be available with their pick. He has plenty of upside to develop into a starting QB behind a veteran QB, say Tyrod Taylor, reuniting with new Lions offensive coordinator Anthony Lynn?
Free Agent Signing: LB Matt Milano, Buffalo Bills - If we were ranking worst position groups in the league, Detroit's LB corps is in strong contention. An outdated group of lethargic old-school thumpers, almost none of Detroit's LB's are capable of playing modern football at a high level. Detroit should invest some cash into someone who is, such as the Bills LB Matt Milano, an excellent backer with range and some ability in coverage.

Green Bay Packers

Trade Target: WR Michael Gallup, Dallas Cowboys - The Packers wide receivers performed quite well after all the criticism Green Bay received after not bringing in anyone for QB Aaron Rodgers. However, good is the enemy of great, and pairing Gallup with Davante Adams would give Green Bay an elite duo in terms of pass catchers.
Draft Pick: LB Nick Bolton, Missouri - If Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah was here as well, I think he could be another strong option, but Bolton is an excellent linebacker who can fill gaps inside and fly from sideline-to-sideline.
Free Agent Signing: CB Gareon Conley, Houston Texans - Like the Falcons listed earlier, the Packers don't have positive cap space at the moment, and thus any free agent additions will likely be bargain bin deals. I like the example that PFF lists in their free agency preview, suggesting Conley could replicate Ronald Darby's return, taking a year deal with the aims of getting things turned around and landing a larger deal after that. An opportunity in Green Bay seems like a good start.

Houston Texans (4-12)

Trade Target: Every Pick they can get from the Jets - Even hiring a veteran coach like Culley to run the show and attempt to repair the relationship with Watson, it seems unlikely to me that Houston holds on, given the issues between Watson and owner Cal McNair. Thus, if forced to deal him, the Texans should aim to land at least three first rounders from a team like the Jets, who could see Watson as a better player than any of the QB's available behind Trevor Lawrence.
Draft Pick: QB Zach Wilson, BYU - This obviously assumes a trade with the Jets sends #2 overall to Houston. If so, Wilson looks like the next best bet behind Lawrence in my opinion. He, along with the boatload of additional assets that would come along in this trade, should be a solid foundation for Culley and co.'s rebuild.
Free Agent Signing: S Malik Hooker, Indianapolis Colts - The Texans will start their rebuild without any cap space, meaning that taking chances on younger guys like Hooker, 24 years old, to potentially find useful pieces is key. If they can land Hooker to play safety for them on a cheap 1-2 year deal, that'd be ideal for Houston.

Indianapolis Colts (11-5)

Trade Target: QB Matthew Stafford, Detroit Lions - Easy one here. If the Colts had Stafford in 2020 they probably would have replaced the Bills in the AFC Championship Game. Stafford is only 32 years, meaning he still has a strong 4-5 years left to help the Colts' well-rounded roster make a championship push. Surrendering a first round pick and potentially a 2022 3rd (if there competition from others) is a gamble I'd definitely make if I were Chris Ballard.
Draft Pick: DE Patrick Jones II, Pittsburgh - Assuming the Colts use their first on the aforementioned Stafford deal, then finding a balanced edge rusher like Jones would be a great move for Indy. With players like Denico Autry and Justin Houston headed to free agency (and getting old), the Colts would get a terror on the edge with a tremendous motor and tools to develop.
Free Agent Signing: WR Allen Robinson, Chicago Bears - The Colts have a large amount of cap space, second in the league according to OTC's projections. Given that they will need to conserve some of that war chest for internal extensions, they would be wise to replace T.Y. Hilton with a more dominant receiver like Allen Robinson. An offseason adding Matt Stafford and Robinson together should make Frank Reich and Marcus Brady very excited for 2021.

Jacksonville Jaguars (1-15)

Trade Target: WR Odell Beckham Jr., Cleveland Browns - If the Browns are preparing to move on from Beckham Jr., then perhaps sending him down to Jacksonville to pair up with Urban Meyer could help get him playing elite football again. After posting 1,000 yard season in 3 of the previous 4 seasons, an injury once again cut his year short.
Draft Pick: OT Dillon Radunz, North Dakota State - Not at #1 overall obviously. We all know that will go to QB Trevor Lawrence. However, with the Rams 1st round selection (acquired via the Jalen Ramsey trade), the Jaguars should look to use it on an upgrade to their offensive line in the form of Radunz.
Free Agent Signing: OLB Shaquil Barrett, Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Provided new defensive coordinator Joe Cullen brings a Ravens style 3-4 defense with him, then adding a premier OLB like Barrett while K'Lavon Chaisson develops would be a great move for Jacksonville. With the NFL's lead in cap space, Jacksonville could afford Barrett along with some other instant contributors.

Kansas City Chiefs (14-2)

Trade Target: WR Anthony Miller, Chicago Bears - The Chiefs could easily lose WR Sammy Watkins to free agency, leaving an opening for another wideout to join the rotation. Miller has been fairly productive in Chicago, and could be a solid option to join Tyreek Hill and Travis Kelce in Andy Reid's passing attack.
Draft Pick: G Alijah Vera-Tucker, USC - Vera-Tucker gets mocked to the Chiefs a lot, and it makes perfect sense why. A premier offensive line talent, he has some versatility after playing tackle for the Trojans. While I think his best fit is inside, he'd be an ideal player for Kansas City to add to bolster their protection after investing so much in QB Patrick Mahomes.
Free Agent Signing: C Ted Karras, Miami Dolphins - The Chiefs will also be bargain bin hunting, as they're currently over the cap by $18 million. Thus, a starting caliber center like Ted Karras could prove useful for the defending Super Bowl champs (at this point). Karras signed with the Dolphins for only $3 million last season, and a similar deal with KC could be an absolute bargain when all is said and done.

Las Vegas Raiders (8-8)

Trade Target: DT Akiem Hicks, Chicago Bears - I mentioned Hicks for the Panthers as well, but he'd be a great add for either team, perhaps even more so for the Raiders, who could easily see DT Johnathan Hankins depart in free agency. A disruptive player in the middle, he'd be a nice add in Las Vegas.
Draft Pick: EDGE Azeez Ojulari, Georgia - After shockingly selecting DE Clelin Ferrell at fourth overall in 2019, the Raiders have still been searching for a game changer at DE to go alongside the productive efforts of Maxx Crosby. Ojulari profiles as a high potential pass rusher to scratch that itch for Jon Gruden and co.
Free Agent Signing: S Anthony Harris, Minnesota Vikings - The Raiders may have to get creative to free up the cap space to land Harris, as they're currently over. But if they can do it, he'd be an ideal player to add to the Vegas' defense, now led by defensive coordinator Ken Whisen...uh...Gus Bradley. Harris is an elite free safety who would pair well with Jonathan Abram.

Los Angeles Chargers (7-9)

Trade Target: DT Danny Shelton, Detroit Lions - Shelton struggled in Detroit, but frankly, everyone on Patricia's defense did. Before that, Shelton posted strong results as a 3-4 interior gap-plugger, doing a quality job for both the Browns and Patriots before him. With Linval Joseph on the decline, adding a younger replacement for cheap could be in store.
Draft Pick: G Wyatt Davis, Ohio State - LA needs a couple of new starters on its offensive line, and if the tackles fly off the board before they can get one at 13th overall, then perhaps a top notch guard could also suffice. Davis has been a consistent player for the Buckeyes and projects as an instant impact lineman for someone at the next level.
Free Agent Signing: OT Alejandro Villanueva, Pittsburgh Steelers - A sturdy, veteran left tackle should be a big priority for the Chargers, as the imperative to protect QB Justin Herbert is high. After a breakout season for Herbert, he gives the franchise a ton of optimism under new head coach Brandon Staley. Keeping him upright is something Villanueva would do well at.

Los Angeles Rams (10-6)

Trade Target: QB Gardner Minshew, Jacksonville Jaguars - The Rams are in a pickle with QB Jared Goff. He has not been a strong point for the team recently, but his contract is a bit too heavy to move right now. Thus, a cheaper way to acquire some genuine competition for Goff could be to trade for the affordable Minshew, a solid starter in his own right. Jacksonville will be bringing in Trevor Lawrence anyways to replace him, so perhaps acquiring a pick or so to send him out could be a wise move.
Draft Pick: EDGE Quincy Roche, Miami - Provided that new defensive coordinator Raheem Morris isn't changing the scheme outright, Roche would be an excellent fit at 3-4 OLB in LAR. He's a dynamic pass rusher with excellent physical traits. If he falls to the Rams in the second-round they shouldn't think twice about selecting him.
Free Agent Signing: LB Jarrad Davis, Detroit Lions - The Rams are another team already over the cap, so not a lot to spend on. However, they could use some help at inside linebacker, and Davis projects to be a relatively cheap piece to take a gamble on. Physically impressive, he's struggled with the mental side of the game. If Morris can get him sorted out, it could be excellent value.

Miami Dolphins (10-6)

Trade Target: WR Julio Jones, Atlanta Falcons - The Dolphins will likely have the opportunity to draft a premier wide receiver in the first round, but could also use some of their stockpile to add an established star like Jones. Giving Tua as many options as you can is a wise move.
Draft Pick: RB Najee Harris, Alabama - Reuniting Harris and Tua in a backfield would fill a big need for the Dolphins. Whether taking him with their second selection in the first round or hoping he drops to the second, Miami should get serious about finding a talented running back,
Free Agent Signing: G Joe Thuney, New England Patriots - The Dolphins still have a decent amount of cap space (8th in the league) and could easily use some of that to target an upgrade to the interior of their offensive line by adding Thuney. Thuney crossed paths with Dolphins head coach Brian Flores in New England, and a reunion down south could be profitable for both parties.

Minnesota Vikings (7-9)

Trade Target: DT Tyquan Lewis, Indianapolis Colts - Lewis may not be on the trade block, but the Colts have both defensive tackles locked up ahead of him (Buckner, Grover Stewart). Perhaps they'd consider moving a young, promising 3-technique if Minnesota put together a quality offer for him. He'd instantly fill a need for the Vikings.
Draft Pick: EDGE Gregory Rousseau, Miami - With the failed Yannick Ngakoue tenure, the Vikings still need to find a premium pass rusher. Rousseau sat out 2020, but was dominant the year before and projects as a highly athletic piece for Zimmer to develop.
Free Agent Signing: OT Matt Feiler, Pittsburgh Steelers - Feiler offers a lot of versatility, which works great for Minnesota, as they could insert Feiler as a starting tackle, or slide G Ezra Cleveland into the LT position and put Feiler in at guard. Either way, a relatively affordable upgrade on the OL.

New England Patriots (7-9)

Trade Target: TE Zach Ertz, Philadelphia Eagles - The Eagles are another team finding themselves in a less-than-ideal cap situation, and thus, will likely explore moving a top player like Ertz. While the Patriots have drafted a handful of decent role players at TE, they've lacked a player of Ertz's caliber. He'd be a nice upgrade to help whomever the Patriots land at QB.
Draft Pick: WR Jaylen Waddle, Alabama - It seems unlikely that Devonta Smith or Ja'Marr Chase slip to New England, but I'd imagine they'd be perfectly content with a potential stud like Waddle to bolster their mediocre group of pass catchers. He's a very smooth player with a lot of potential.
Free Agent Signing: QB Andy Dalton, Dallas Cowboys - Dalton got off to a rough start with Dallas in relief of QB Dak Prescott, scoring a total of 13 points in 2 games while throwing 1 touchdown to 3 interceptions. However, he was admirable after that, throwing 13 touchdowns to 5 interceptions while posting a 4-3 record over that stretch. Dalton could be an upgrade over Cam Newton for New England while they hunt for a new franchise QB to replace Tom Brady.

New Orleans Saints (12-4)

Trade Target: Draft Picks for Kwon Alexander, Nick Easton, or Latavius Murray - The Saints game isn't necessarily who they should bring in, but if they can get picks for some players with bloated contracts that they may need to cut. If they can score some late-round picks to move these guys (or others) elsewhere, they need to pull the trigger.
Draft Pick: WR Kadarius Toney, Florida - While it seems like the hype train on Toney has left the station, it'd be incredible if he slipped to the Saints at 28th overall in this draft. An explosive player, he'd be an ideal partner for WR Michael Thomas, giving Taysom Hill or maybe Jameis(?) some excellent weapons.
Free Agent Signing: TE Jacob Hollister, Seattle Seahawks - The Saints, as mentioned, are in cap purgatory. Their signings will be quite minimum once they make the trades, cuts, and restructures required to get them back under the cap. However, one cheaper option could be a solid TE like Hollister, as TE Jared Cook is set to depart. Putting up 25 catches including 3 touchdowns at a price tag a shade over $3 million could be in New Orleans price range.

New York Giants (6-10)

Trade Target: G Gabe Jackson, Las Vegas Raiders - Jackson has been rumored to be available for a little while now. Not yet 30 years old, he's a steady veteran option on the interior of any offensive line and would fit quite well with the Giants.
Draft Pick: WR Devonta Smith, Alabama - If the Dolphins don't take Smith, the Giants certainly should. Ensuring that QB Daniel Jones has the weapons he needs to grow into the franchise QB role is pertinent. Smith is a stud pass catcher and would be an excellent pick if he were on the board at 10th overall.
Free Agent Signing: EDGE Matt Judon, Baltimore Ravens - The Ravens have let a handful of pass rushers walk, and if they do so with Judon this year, the Giants should go get him. While Yannick could also be a Ravens OLB on the market, Judon fits Joe Judge's style a little bit more than Yannick does, and could be available for cheaper, which is important for another cap squeezed team like the Giants.

New York Jets (2-14)

Trade Target: QB Deshaun Watson, Houston Texans - As I do think Justin Fields or Zach Wilson can be good franchise QB's, Watson already is an exceptional one. The Jets should put together a package of picks to go land the beleaguered QB and unite him with Robert Saleh, whom he listed as one of the guys he originally wanted Houston to interview.
Draft Pick: WR Amon-Ra St. Brown, USC - Assuming the Jets send both first-round selections to the Texans in the hypothetical Watson trade, the Jets would still have a premium pick to start off the second-round, one they should use to add a top tier WR like St. Brown who could be a star quickly.
Free Agent Signing: CB William Jackson III, Cincinnati Bengals - If the Bengals can't lock Jackson up to an extension before free agency, the Jets should throw some cash at him to be a foundational piece of Saleh's defense in the Big Apple.

Philadelphia Eagles (4-11-1)

Trade Target: Draft Picks for Zach Ertz, DeSean Jackson, and Alshon Jeffery - Like the Saints, the Eagles probably should focus on offloading bloated contracts rather than bringing anyone in. The cheap rookie contracts that draft picks provide will be needed to steer themselves out of cap purgatory.
Draft Pick: WR Ja'Marr Chase, LSU - The Eagles and Chase are an ideal fit, and new head coach Nick Sirianni sure could use the big play ability that Chase provides. Whichever QB ends up getting the start, they'll be happy to have a guy like Chase to throw to.
Free Agent Signing: CB Bashaud Breeland, Kansas City Chiefs - The Eagles have a horrific cap situation themselves, and thus, a lower-end veteran like Breeland can give them a solid starter at an affordable price as the Eagles try and sort out their defense.

Pittsburgh Steelers (12-4)

Trade Target: QB Sam Darnold, New York Jets - The Steelers may have brought in Dwayne Haskins, but frankly I have little faith there. Instead, they should call up the Jets to figure out what Darnold will cost them. One season behind Roethlisberger in his final go could be a great change of pace for Darnold before taking over.
Draft Pick: RB Travis Etienne, Clemson - Everyone is too cool for elite running backs in the wannabe scouting world. But Etienne is a stud, and the Steelers need a big upgrade at running back. If they don't like their options for QB late into the first, they should give serious weight to taking Etienne and landing an elite player rather than reach for a lesser player elsewhere.
Free Agent Signing: G Elijah Wilkinson, Denver Broncos - Wilkinson had a very rough 2019 season, but has been a good deal better in 2020. He's still on the younger end, not even 26 years old, and could be an affordable gamble for Pittsburgh, who also needs to find their way back under the cap ($35 million over).

San Francisco 49ers (6-10)

Trade Target: QB Matthew Stafford, Detroit Lions - If the Colts don't land Stafford, the 49ers absolutely should. Pairing Stafford and Kyle Shanahan would be fun to watch, and he'd be a much most consistent player for the 49ers than the oft-injured Jimmy G. It's a big move, but one Shanahan may want to consider to make another championship run.
Draft Pick: CB Caleb Farley, Virginia Tech - If the 49ers don't move for Stafford and keep their first-round selection, they should target a top tier corner like Farley as they have a handful of corners (Sherman, Witherspoon, Williams) set to hit the open market.
Free Agent Signing: DT Shelby Harris, Denver Broncos - The 49ers top priority should be retaining OT Trent Williams, but after that, adding a veteran pass rusher on the interior could be a good move. Harris has been a consistent player for Denver, but has yet to be rewarded with a big opportunity, something he could get here alongside Nick Bosa and Arik Armstead.

Seattle Seahawks (12-4)

Trade Target: DT Jonathan Allen, Washington Football Team - I'm not sure the Football Team would move him, but he is on the final year of his deal, and Washington's going to have weigh future deals for DE's Montez Sweat and Chase Young into the equation. If they aren't willing to pony up for three studs on the defensive line, they may look to add some picks in exchange for Allen.
Draft Pick: CB Greg Newsome II, Northwestern - A late riser up the board after a stellar junior year in Evanston. Newsome has ideal size (6'1, 190 lbs) for Seattle and could help fill a gap if they have to choose between Shaquill Griffin and Quinton Dunbar.
Free Agent Signing: DE Carl Lawson, Cincinnati Bengals - A really good fit here, as the Seahawks very much need some pass-rushing help. Lawson has been an excellent player for the Bengals and could find the chance to compete in the playoffs if he heads west for Seattle.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers (11-5)

Trade Target: QB Sam Darnold, New York Jets - The Bucs are another team that should explore the asking price for Darnold. While Brady is still winning his battle against time, it seems unrealistic to expect it to continue for too much longer. The Bucs could potentially land his heir apparent in Darnold.
Draft Pick: Christian Barmore, Alabama - Between Barmore and Daviyon Nixon, I think both have a case to make as DT1 in this class, but Barmore projects as a bit better fit to Todd Bowles' 3-4 defense than Nixon does. The Bucs add an impact defensive lineman to pair on the inside with Vita Vea, giving them flexibility in replacing Ndamukong Suh.
Free Agent Signing: OLB Tyus Bowser, Baltimore Ravens - The Bucs have a good chunk of cap space available, but will need to prioritize some re-signings like LB Lavonte David, OLB Shaq Barrett, and TE Rob Gronkowski. Thus, they may not have a lot of cash to throw out there after bringing back some of their own. Bowser is a good value to add as a rotational pass rusher, scoring some decent grades from PFF as a backup for Matt Judon and Yannick in Baltimore. An expanded role in Tampa could pay off for both sides.

Tennessee Titans (11-5)

Trade Target: OLB Jacob Martin, Houston Texans - As sad as it is, Martin's 3 sacks in 2020 would have led the team for Tennessee. In a passing era, you need to get after the QB better than the Texans are doing. While team's are hesitant to trade within the division, the Texans should be more focused on acquiring picks to rebuild, which they could get by moving a decent rotational pass-rusher.
Draft Pick: OLB Joseph Ossai, Texas - Really the Titans should be focused on landing a high potential pass-rusher, and Ossai figures to be a hot name in that range. He's a springy pass rusher who can inject some life into one of the league's worst team's at getting to the QB.
Free Agent Signing: WR T.Y. Hilton, Indianapolis Colts - After a strong season in 2020, WR Corey Davis seems a bit unlikely to return, as he'll likely fetch more on the market than the Titans can afford to pay him. Thus, they should consider adding a veteran replacement to pair with budding star A.J. Brown at wide receiver.

Washington Football Team (7-9)

Trade Target: QB Deshaun Watson, Houston Texans - Another team I think should really make a push for Watson. It'll cost them at least a 2021 and 2022 first-round pick, along with probably another second and DT Jonathan Allen or some other player. It could definitely cost more than that! But Watson would solidify Washington as the top team in the NFC East for the next few years. With QB and DE locked in with Watson, Sweat, and Young, this could be a potential dynasty in the division.
Draft Pick: OT Teven Jenkins, Oklahoma State - A potential second-round target, Washington should look to find a developmental tackle to eventually slot into their lineup. Morgan Moses and Cornelius Lucas were a solid pairing last year, but both are about to turn 30 years old, and Jenkins has a lot of potential. A year to develop before taking a spot in the starting lineup would ideal for everyone involved.
Free Agent Signing: WR Kenny Golladay, Detroit Lions - Washington managed to build a passing attack out of Terry McLaurin and a handful of role players at RB and TE. While it worked in 2020, it does not seem very sustainable, as Washington should use its cap space to bring in a premier WR to pair with Terry McLaurin. Pairing up McLaurin's speed with Golladay's ability to go win contested balls is an ideal complementary pairing.
submitted by ksk63_ to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

Le Bilan - Ligue 1 Matchday 24 : Golowin

As PSG was preparing for the battle of sunday night in Marseille, the other three pretenders for the title were all thinking about the possibility of a misstep from the champion and capitalize on it while they were all facing low-ranked teams (Nîmes for Monaco, Strasbourg for Lyon and Nantes for Lille). Meanwhile, Lens was looking for getting the 5th place in a direct duel against Rennes.


Main Course


Home Score Away
FC Lorient 1-0 Stade de Reims
Abergel 53'
Olympique Lyonnais 3-0 RC Strasbourg
Depay 20', Toko Ekambi 30', Depay 68'
RC Lens 0-0 Stade Rennais
Stade Brestois 2-1 Girondins de Bordeaux
Mounié 80', Faivre 85' Hwang 56'
Nîmes Olympique 3-4 AS Monaco
Deaux 23', Ferhat 32', Eliasson 81' Golovin 3', Golovin 12', Golovin 62', Volland 77'
AS Saint-Étienne 1-0 FC Metz
Boye (og) 14'
OGC Nice 3-0 Angers SCO
Doumbia (og) 9', Maolida 17', Gouiri 83'
Montpellier Hérault SC 4-2 Dijon FCO
Laborde 48', Laborde 56', Savanier 61', Škuletić 90'+1 Coulibaly 5', Konaté (p) 88'
FC Nantes 0-2 Lille OSC
David 9', David 83'
Olympique de Marseille 0-2 Paris Saint-Germain
Mbappé 9', Icardi 24'


# Team Pts P W D L GF GA GD
1 Lille OSC 54 24 16 6 2 42 15 +27
2 Olympique Lyonnais 52 24 15 7 2 50 20 +30
3 Paris Saint-Germain 51 24 16 3 5 55 14 +41
4 AS Monaco 48 24 15 3 6 50 35 +15
5 Stade Rennais 38 23 10 8 5 31 24 +7
6 RC Lens 36 24 10 6 8 34 33 +1
7 FC Metz 35 24 9 8 7 28 22 +6
8 Angers SCO 34 24 10 4 10 29 37 -8
9 Olympique de Marseille 33 22 9 6 7 29 26 +3
10 Girondins de Bordeaux 32 24 9 5 10 27 29 -2
11 Montpellier HSC 32 24 9 5 10 39 44 -5
12 Stade Brestois 30 24 9 3 12 37 44 -7
13 OGC Nice 29 23 8 5 10 27 31 -4
14 Stade de Reims 28 24 7 7 10 30 32 -2
15 AS Saint-Étienne 26 24 6 8 10 23 36 -13
16 RC Strasbourg 25 24 7 4 13 32 39 -7
17 FC Lorient 22 23 6 4 13 28 43 -15
18 FC Nantes 19 24 3 10 11 22 39 -17
19 Dijon FCO 15 24 2 9 13 17 36 -19
20 Nîmes Olympique 15 23 4 3 16 20 51 -31
1-2 Champions League group stage
3 Champions League qualifiers round 3
4 Europa League group stage
5 Europa Conference League play-offs
18 Relegation play-offs
19-20 Relegation to Ligue 2


Player Team Goals This week
Kylian Mbappé Paris Saint-Germain 16 (+1)
Memphis Depay Olympique Lyonnais 13 (+2)
Boulaye Dia Stade de Reims 12
Kevin Volland AS Monaco . (+1)
Wissam Ben Yedder AS Monaco 11
Karl Toko Ekambi Olympique Lyonnais . (+1)
Ludovic Ajorque RC Strasbourg 10
Andy Delort Montpellier HSC 9
Tino Kadewere Olympique Lyonnais .
Gaël Kakuta RC Lens .
Moise Kean Paris Saint-Germain .
Gaëtan Laborde Montpellier HSC . (+2)
Burak Yılmaz Lille OSC .
Jonathan David Lille OSC 7 (+2)
Habib Diallo RC Strasbourg .
Amine Gouiri OGC Nice . (+1)
Franck Honorat Stade Brestois .
Florian Thauvin Olympique de Marseille .
Yusuf Yazıcı Lille OSC .


Player Team Assists
Jonathan Bamba Lille OSC 8
Ángel Di María Paris Saint-Germain .
Gaëtan Laborde Montpellier HSC 7
Florian Thauvin Olympique de Marseille .
Kevin Volland AS Monaco .
Andy Delort Montpellier HSC 6
Memphis Depay Olympique Lyonnais .
Kylian Mbappé Paris Saint-Germain .
Romain Perraud Stade Brestois 5
Junior Sambia Montpellier HSC .
Karl Toko Ekambi Olympique Lyonnais .

COVID Championship

(May not be 100% accurate)
Team COVID cases
AS Saint-Étienne 19
OGC Nice 17
RC Lens 14
FC Lorient 13
Paris Saint-Germain .
Montpellier Hérault SC 11
FC Nantes 10
RC Strasbourg 9
Lille OSC .
Olympique de Marseille .
Olympique Lyonnais 6
AS Monaco .
Dijon FCO 5
Nîmes Olympique .
Stade Rennais .
FC Metz 4
Angers SCO 3
Girondins de Bordeaux 1
Stade Brestois .
Stade de Reims .


Top 3 Goals of the Week

# Player Match
1 Memphis Depay Olympique Lyonnais vs RC Strasbourg
2 Niclas Eliasson Nîmes Olympique vs AS Monaco
3 Jonathan David FC Nantes vs Lille OSC


FC Lorient : I never put Lorient in the downwards section this season even though they spent most of the last months in the relegation zone. Probably because their status as a promoted team gives them some leniency or because they never completely looked like they were going to go back in Ligue 2. Maybe they will in the end, who knows, but there's a thing they have always tried to do : play. They are not like most of those struggling teams that gamble everything on the defense and hope they don't concede. With a coach like Christophe Pélissier, who formerly led Amiens to Ligue 1 for the first time in their history (and Luzenac to Ligue 2... until they were not, which is a story for another time), you don't expect to play boring football. You try to score whatever happens. And so far, what happened was a lot of goals conceded (the second worst defense of the league) and unfortunately not enough goals scored. Until a few weeks ago when Terem Moffi became the man they needed to avoid a relegation. His five goals in five consecutive matches didn't prevent the losses against Monaco and Bordeaux but they were certainly crucial in the following games against Dijon and especially when the Merlus faced Paris last week as the goal from the nigerian in additional time gave them three unexpected points. With 10 points out of possible 12 in their last four matches, Lorient has finally got out of the relegation zone. Of course they are far from saved yet but given the recent look of their direct rivals, they certainly seem to be on a better path.
Jonathan David : I was pretty hesitant to put Lille in this section in the last few weeks (even though I was pressured to do it by a certain group of people who think they can dictate the editorial choices of such an institution). Indeed, although Lille were winning their matches with the consistency of a swiss clock (six in a row now), they were quite obviously not as convincing as in the first part of the season. They were basically just doing the job. But while the rest of the team is pretty much on the level expected from them, one man has stepped up in a spectacular manner. Early in the season, I was saying that Jonathan David, the most expensive transfer of LOSC history, was having a slow start compared to his teammates. Slowly but steadily however, the canadian has improved and after regaining his starter status, he is now one of the most crucial pieces of Christophe Galtier's team. Quick and intelligent, he had always been but now he has become decisive. With five goals in his last five matches (including two consecutive winning goals against Reims and Rennes), David is showing why the investment demanded by Luis Campos was worth the price. And if Lille become champion at the end of May, he will definitely have been a major part of the feat.


Dijon FCO : This should be rather short. The reason Dijon have amazingly not been in the downwards section so far is that besides the first matchday, they have never been out of the bottom three this season. So technically they could not have gone further down than they were already. But still, the situation is quite dramatic for the club from Bourgogne which lost in Montpellier their fourth consecutive game and whose only victory in the last two months was against their fellow relegation candidate (or favorite) Nîmes. Dijon have won only twice this season and have by far the worst attack of the league (17 goals in 24 matches) so the path towards Ligue 2 seems quite obvious. As much as I would like to give a ray of optimisme, I don't see any.

L'Équipe Team of the Week


Jean-Louis Gasset, Bordeaux coach :
Brest's victory is deserved. For 20-25 minutes, we played the game we had decided to play. Then, either for lack of fitness or lack of quality in the duels, we were overwhelmed. We were amorphous, we stuttered our football. We were lucky enough to score the first goal, I thought it would give us a boost. We'll have to look at the stats, but I think we'll be in deficit in terms of running and recovering the ball.
David Linarès, Dijon coach :
I was ashamed in the second half because of the lack of solidarity and fighting spirit. It left me with a bitter taste, especially as we were lucky enough to open the scoring. When you are in Ligue 1, when you defend a club and a city, you must at least have the mental virtues that allow you to exist. I asked myself a lot of questions about the second half. We will try to digest this disappointment first before thinking about the French Cup match.
Stéphane Moulin, Angers coach :
In Bordeaux, we were 2-0 down after twelve minutes. Sunday, in Nice, same score but in seventeen minutes. If I was being ironic, I would say that we are making progress. For us, it's irrelevant. Nice were not confident. We did what was necessary to help them. But I'm not surprised in the light of our last training session.
Raymond Domenech, Nantes coach :
There are still 14 matches to go, it's obvious that we need to take points. We know it, we knew it, it's confirmed, it's getting tense, but let's not give in to panic. We have to keep this idea of wanting to play, of wanting to play our game, of causing problems for our opponents. Standing solidly behind and hoping to score on the counter won't work.
NotMeladroit, no need to introduce him :
We will get the chance to see Dédé Gignac shit on Bayern next thursday.

Next matchday

Saturday 13/02, 17:00
Paris Saint-Germain - OGC Nice
Saturday 13/02, 19:00
Stade de Reims - RC Lens
Saturday 13/02, 21:00
Olympique Lyonnais - Montpellier Hérault SC
Sunday 14/02, 13:00
AS Monaco - FC Lorient
Sunday 14/02, 15:00
FC Metz - RC Strasbourg
Angers SCO - FC Nantes
Stade Rennais - AS Saint-Étienne
Dijon FCO - Nîmes Olympique
Sunday 14/02, 17:00
Lille OSC - Stade Brestois
Sunday 14/02, 21:00
Girondins de Bordeaux - Olympique de Marseille
Thanks a lot to Hippemann and NotMeladroit for all the clips and the tables ! For more news about the best league in the world (except for the other four) and to improve your french, come and subscribe to /Ligue1.
All feedbacks are welcome !
Previous matchdays :
Season 2020-2021
M1 - M2 - M3 - M4 - M5 - M6 - M7 - M8 - M9 - M10 - M11 - M12 - M13 - M14 - M15 - M16 - M17 - Mid-Season - M18 - M19 - M20 - M21 - M22
Season 2019-2020
M12 - M13 - M14 - M15 - M16 - M17 - M18 - M19 - M20 - M21 - M22 - M23 - M24 - M25 - M26 - M27 - M28

submitted by Boucot to soccer [link] [comments]

Dustin Pedroia: Hall of Famer?

I’ve been saying Dustin Pedroia is a Hall of Fame-worthy player for several years now, so with his retirement I figure it’s about time I put down on paper the details.
Career Synopsis:
Pedroia was drafted in the second round of the 2004 MLB draft by the Boston Red Sox out of Arizona State. Quickly rising through the minor league system, he reached the majors in August of 2006, accumulating ninety-eight plate appearances and a .191 average in thirty-one games.
By the next spring, Pedroia had been all but christened the regular second baseman and handed the keys to the keystone position; despite a rough April in which he struggled to a .182 batting average, Pedroia rebounded to hit .415 in May and no less than .299 in any succeeding month, finishing the year with a .317/.380/.442 slash line, thirty-eight doubles, and above-average defense. For this contribution to the eventual world champions, he won Rookie of the Year with twenty-four of the twenty-eight first place votes, landsliding over preseason favorite and fellow Red Sox Daisuke Matsuzaka as well as former number one prospect Delmon Young of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
Of course, Pedroia was only really getting started -- in his 2008 follow-up, he made his first of four all-star teams, won both the Silver Slugger and Gold Glove awards for offensive and defensive excellence at his position, led the league in runs scored, doubles, hits and successful steals percentage; he also finished runner-up in batting average by two points, ranked second in Wins Above Replacement, fourth in total bases and displayed surprising power with seventeen home runs -- more than double his rookie output. Thus, he won the Most Valuable Player Award with two-thirds of the first place votes, becoming only the third player in MLB history to win Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player in consecutive seasons, joining Cal Ripken Jr. and Ryan Howard, later followed by Kris Bryant.
Between 2009 and 2012, Pedroia sustained this high level of excellent offense and defense at second base, while remaining largely healthy; the only major injury was a broken foot that limited him to seventy-five games in 2010. Overall, he slashed a brilliant .296/.369/.462, twenty-percent better than league average, picked up two more all-star team appearances, another Gold Glove in 2011, as well as career highs of twenty-one home runs and eighty-six walks that year. Indeed, despite the Red Sox’s September collapse, 2011 was the best single-season performance of Dustin Pedroia’s career, with a career high of 8.0 WAR to go with those in home runs and walks, as well as runs batted in (91) and stolen bases (26); also achieved top-ten finishes in average, on-base percentage, games played, runs scored, hits, total bases, runs created, times on base and in MVP voting.
Nagging wrist injuries began to slow Pedroia’s power production in 2013, whereupon he hit only nine home runs in a league-leading seven hundred and twenty-four plate appearances. Nonetheless, he played a starring role in another World Series champions Red Sox club, slashing .301/.372/.415, picking up another Gold Glove and his final all-star nod, as well as seventh in MVP balloting. After this, his offense seemed to decline dramatically in his age-thirty season in 2014, with a career-worst .278/.337/.376, though still good for a league average OPS+ and won his fourth and final Gold Glove.
Bouncing back in 2015, returned to his 2009-2012 standard of offense in ninety-three games, which convinced the Red Sox to give him a six year, eighty-five million dollar extension, at the time considered a substantial hometown discount. Apparently validating this trust, Pedroia followed up with a 2016 where he played 154 games at a similar level both offensive and defensively (winning the Wilson Defensive Player of the Year Award though no Gold Glove), and as he was still in his early thirties seemed to have several more years of stardom ahead.
Then, on April 21, 2017, came the infamous Manny Machado incident, where the controversial Baltimore third baseman slid hard into second base on a routine force out, seemingly driving his momentum and his foot directly at Pedroia’s left knee, which he had had surgery on during the offseason. While the Red Sox second baseman would return to finish with one hundred and five games played, he spent three trips to the injured list for the knee that season, and underwent a more substantial surgery that fall, hoping to restore the destroyed cartilage.
Despite cautious optimism, the knee continued to degenerate, limiting Pedroia in three games in 2018 and six more in 2019 and forcing his retirement in February 2021. In a video press conference announcing the end of his career, Dustin Pedroia mused, “the hardest part is that I felt like I was in my prime and understanding how to play the game as I got older. 2016 was one of my best years. Then the first month of ’17 I was rolling right along and one play kind of derailed a lot of that . . .”
The Case:
Playing his last game at thirty-five, Dustin Pedroia accumulated career statistics typically figured relatively low by Hall of Fame standards, most notably and potentially damaging less than 2,000 hits. In this regard, he is not too different from sabermetric favorite Bobby Grich, who also finished with less than 2,000 hits while playing a key role for consistently competitive teams over fourteen or so seasons.
More optimistically, Pedroia scored a .299 batting average compared to Grich’s .266, which ought to endear better to voters. Additionally, Pedroia’s JAWS score is twentieth all-time among second baseman, putting him on the lower end of the Hall of Fame, between fellow Red Sox great Bobby Doerr and Josh Gordon. The Hall of Fame Monitor, a statistic developed by Bill James to calculate a player’s likelihood of being inducted based on career numbers and awards, puts him at 94, again a lower-end HoF-worthy number.
Among Pedroia’s most similar comparisons via similarity scores (another Bill James invention), Joe Mauer is third with a “mostly similar” score of 875.3. Indeed, despite the position difference, these two had quite comparable careers -- both were contact-oriented hitters who had some pop, particularly in the doubles department, while drawing a healthy number of walks and won an MVP award; they did those while playing key positions on the left-side of the defensive spectrum for more than a decade; stayed with a single club, the one that drafted them, for all of their professional playing careers; were eventually slowed by accumulating injuries and played their last game at the age of thirty-five. Though Mauer was likely the better hitter and had a slightly longer career; Pedroia, on the other hand, was a regular on two World Series winners and played for a third; thus, in terms of both career value and playing ability, they present more or less equal Hall of Fame cases.
Dustin Pedroia is a worthy lower-end Hall of Fame player, though unlikely to be elected by the BBWAA, considering both their traditional biases against relatively short careers and their recent prudishness that has left both 2013 and 2021 without any inductees despite a wealth of worthy candidates.
People seem to be misconstruing what I wrote — I’m saying that Pedroia is worthy of the HoF, not that I find it particularly likely that he’s going to be voted in, at least by the BBWAA.
Edit 2:
The other main objection is career length, that his truncated career renders him merely “very good” — again, I thought I adequately addressed this in the main section, but people aren’t really proving this point anyways, instead seem to be just going off their gut perception of Pedroia rather than really looking into it.
I would also say that the 3-4 years a non-injured Pedroia would play would not substantially add to his resume, as he would really just be accumulating counting stats.
submitted by WarlordofBritannia to redsox [link] [comments]

Very Angry Unofficial FAQ (because nobody else will)

Very Angry Unofficial FAQ (because nobody else will)
(For best effect, read in an angry English accent of your choice. I recommend John Cleese.)

Alright, enough with the repeated dead horse questions okay? ENOUGH.

  • Can I invade Germany as the USS-
NO YOU FUCKING CAN'T. For the LAST TIME it is for the SECOND decade, not the first!
But muh Om-
But muh Tukh-
...console c-
THAT DOES NOT COUNT! You literally JUST patched up a broken- no, a shattered nation, you're not going to be magically ready for war with an entire continent! First you have to integrate armies, populace, industry, infrastructure and ideology! It's a bloody miracle Russia comes together as quickly as it does!

  • Goebbles should lead-
Goebbles is FUCKING DEAD. You really thought the bastard Nazis would let a cripple live so long in their ranks!? He should be lucky the French Inglorious Basterds'd him first, the skeletal creep! He is dead, he remains dead, and nobody bothered to make an sacred games. Now SHUT UP!
But muh Ho-

  • bUrGsYs PoL pOt/JiMmY cArTekIsHi/ThAtChEr WeN
NEVER! (S)He's NOT SS, not TIED TO the SS, not even INSPIRED BY the SS. NO! It's not even funny anymore, it's just sad!

  • Can you build the B-
Go away Baxter, we banned you.

  • France should form Occitania-
NO THEY CAN'T IT'S FUCKING DEAD IN 1962! There is a grand total of FIVE OCCITANS LEFT IN THE COUNTRY and NONE OF THEM WANT TO DRAG THEIR CARCASS OF AN IDENTITY OUT IT'S GRAVE. IT DOESN'T. EXIST ANYMORE. That's like asking for independent Foix and Gascony for god's sake!
...So Burgsys Gascony?

NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T, YOU NEED A PLURALITY BECAUSE THIS ISN'T YOUR FAILED STATE OLIGARCHY YOU YANKEE DANKEE DICKSHITTER!!! Learn some damn politics in the country you're playing you Republican brainlet!

  • why hole in africa
Germany is stupid is why. So stupid in fact that they drowned millions of people in the Congo with a dam they CAN'T AFFORD. Typical government idiocy actually.
so not goring-

That's what happens when your country is arse-raped by Germany, your empire dies! If you're rebuilding from a civil war and integrating two countries that really don't want to be, you sure-as-shit can't invade darkest fucking Africa! Yes it hurts! No we can't fix that hurt! Fuck off Mosley, nobody likes you!
NO! He's in a hut in Bumfuck, Canada freezing his nuts off where he belongs!

  • How many France monarchies-
ONE, and it's the SHIT Vichy France, and it's a REALLY GOOD IDEA!

  • How to convert Zhadanov run to Stellaris
You can't you moron, you have to manually make an approximation in the empire creator. Not that any of his REALLY GOOD IDEAS actually work well enough to warrant it.

  • Can Nowa Polska go ho-
P̴̡̺͚̈̽̊̓́̇͛̈́̄͠Ờ̷̲̼̝̈͐̌͑̔L̶̻̮̥̬͕̪̳̪͔̋͋Ạ̷̛̥̻̙̲̭̫͚̝̩͐̔̍͒͋͌̋̽̚̕͠͠Ń̸̨̰̳̫̳̟͙̲̱̈́̌̆̐̌̑͠D̷̛̺͇̊̋͐̆̌̒̐͛̽̑̅̕͝ ̵̞̹̻̣̥͋͆͑̒̈́̉̆̈́͜͝Ȉ̵̺̮͇̈̃̑͛͒́̀͛̐̊S̷̛̮̥͑̑̅͊̓͌̕͠ ̸̛̤͌̄̀̌̏́̊̓͌̀̎͘̚͝ͅL̶̘͎͈͖̘̭͎͈̫̦̻̄̓̓͆O̴̡̝͔͙̫͙̪̐̀͆̊̍͆͛́͠͝͝S̴̨̟̳̹̞͍͓͙͉̽͌̓͂́͋̌̂͛̽͒͋̍̍͜͝ͅT̷͎̲̪͙̭̼̣̤̰̜͓̹̬̦͠ͅ.̴̧̛͍͍̩͙̥̀̿͗̽́̅͜

  • What about wholesum 100 Na-
I'm not even being ironic here, he literally deserved Taborite. His kids wouldn't go so far, but the sentiment is kinda there.

  • Mishima Japan wen-

  • haha Bukharina kinaps kids-

Actually this confusion is understandable and one I myself don't like. I preferred the idea that the already unhinged Kovner who was part of the Nakam plot to do that only got worse as time went on from Nazi reprisals, eventually becoming Jewish Omsk for a few years. Still, the devs said no, and Chairwoman Pacifica has decreed there will only be one husbando Yazov OMCK. Or something.

  • Why is Nixon's tree half-done-
It's 1962. Nixon was elected in 1960. His tree is four years long. DO THE DAMN MATH YOU DROOLING BRAINLET!

  • sane DSR wen
Soon actually, if by sane you mean the same way Degrelle is sane next to Himmler. DSR WILL FUCKING RUIN GERMANY EVEN MORE THAN THE NUKES NO MATTER HOW SANE THEY ARE YOU SABLIN CIRCLEJERKER!

  • Berezniki unification w-

  • cAn I rEsToRe ThE kA-

  • Why can't Free France return home-

  • how get funi clock man
ooga booga how join nazbol gang
I brought this on myself. Just stick with Gummylove until you've cleaned up regional with Komi/Ust-Sysolsk, then take Serov's tree through the Convergence.

  • blessed holesum 100 birthing hips chungus redemption path?
...Okay. You know how after Tabby dies, the HRE devolves into Radio Silence? That, but Germany. That is the German Silence. Do you like watching multiple countries die forever at once? Because that's what happens. Germany DIES. Poland DIES. The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Czechia, DEAD. FOREVER. THAT IS WHAT NAZISM IS IN ITS PUREST MOST HONEST FORM - ALL CONSUMING HATRED.The only redemption a Nazi can ever get is realising how irredeeemable they are, and excising the cancer that is themself.

  • When will Yagoda weaponise [REDACTED] that's located [REDACTED]?

  • Can you save JFK?
Are there any options to save him? Is there a way to do his tree legitimately? Nooooo? THEN YOU CAN'T FUCKING HELP HIM YOU KENNEDY SIMP!

  • how kill Bobby
You sick fuck. Anyway, you have to let America know how much of a pocket liberal you are and bend over backwards for the whim of a fascist-funded mob of Jews and Communists who will spit on your grave no matter how much limp-wristed pussy shit you do to keep the fuckers pleased. Then Stogg Thumbond'll grassy knoll you.

  • (country) content wen?

  • why Med funi sh-

  • Gus Hall isn't that b-

You're not funny.
but Kosigin-

  • TNO2 wen
See four points up. If you can't work that out, then learn to read and count.

  • Burgundy breakaway sane path wen?
but muh Scions of Darkness-

  • how to Yock and Hall torture?

  • German anarchy wen?

  • Why can't I invade Germany/Japan/America?
You are invading a nuclear superpower in the era of Mutually Assured Destruction. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS WHEN YOU DESTROY A COUNTRY THAT HAS THE M.A.D. DOCTRINE!? HUH!?!
but Burgundy-
So how to turn off nuke-
NO, NO, NO! YOU DON'T! YOU HAVE THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES OVER YOUR HEAD THE ENTIRE GAME BECAUSE THAT WAS WHAT THE COLD WAR WAS LIKE! If you want to play with hydrogen bombs, play Thousand-Week Reich and go the Goebbels route.

  • Can Russia reclaim Moskowien if it shatters?
No. That would mean war with Germany. And as I explained at the top, that's NOT HAPPENING!

  • wehre Mao?
Fucking dead in Chongqing, alongside Chiang Kai-Shek. Modern China will have to exist without him.

If your President:
rigs elections obliterates minority rights refuses to remove emergency powers disappears dissenters hates Jews and worst of all disguises their hate as love for their country,
That's not a president, that's a Fascist/Nazi dictator. MATHS MAN BAD, OKAY!? ADMIT THAT HE HATES AND OPPRESSES BASED ON RACE!

  • Why Long Yun so haaaaaaaaard?
Ugh... Imagine if Quebec was couped one day by some UltraNat loony, and immediately decided to not only conquer the whole of Canada, but raze America to the ground as well! Do you SERIOUSLY THINK THAT WOULD ACTUALLY WORK!? EVEN FOR A MOMENT!?! Not to mention how said loony is literally RAZING QUEBEC TO THE GROUND TO MAKE SAID CONQUEST! COME ON!

  • Why is Meyer-Landrut arrested by Speer?
Rembember how I said Speer deserved the Taborite? Yeah, that's why.

  • Bernie Sanders-

(I am no longer taking suggestions)
No more dead horses! No more stupid questions!


submitted by R1P4ndT43RurGuTz to TNOmod [link] [comments]

Better Know the Ones Left Off the Ballot #23: Jason Marquis

The report of this series’ death was an exaggeration. When will it stop? When I say. Which is not now. Anyway, If you don't know what this is, basically a bunch of players qualify for the Hall of Fame ballot (10 years in the MLB), but only a few make it on. This is thanks to a Screening Committee who screen who gets on by committee (wow who woulda guessed). Here we take a look at the people who got cut. I've done a couple more of these that you can check out at the bottom. On with the show.

Jason Marquis

Bill James Hall of Fame Monitor: 10
Career bWAR (15 years): 6.8 (4.3 w/o batting)
Stats: 124-118, 4.61 ERA, 93 ERA+, 377 G, 318 GS, 1968.1, 1174 K, 769 BB, 1.447 WHIP
League Leading Stats: Losses (16, 2006), Earned Runs (130, 2006), Home Runs Allowed (35, 2006)
Awards: All-Star (2009), Silver Slugger (2005), World Series Ring (2006)
Teams Played For: Braves (2000-03), Cardinals (2004-06), Cubs (2007-08), Rockies (2009), Nationals (2010-11), Diamondbacks (2011), Twins (2012), Padres (2013), Reds (2015)
Jason Marquis has one of the more intriguing Major League careers I've ever come across. In most cases, having 6.8 bWAR across your entire time in the league doesn't mean you regularly started MLB games for 15 years. But it appears Marquis, in addition to garnering staying power, got Luquis. Nope, didn't work. While he would have bad years, many times he’d have a good one or two right after. Thanks to an interestingly distributed amount of high highs and low lows, his overall career trajectory doesn’t resemble the normal gradual ascent and decline of a curve, but bears more similarities with an outline of a mountain range. Since he wasn’t on the ballot, we can take a look at all the stuff that happened. Did he deserve all the chances he got?
Marquis's career technically started after he got drafted, but I would be remiss if I ignored the time he pitched a no-hitter in the Little League World Series against Team Canada to secure third place. Anyway, Jason Marquis's career started after he got drafted. His 35th overall selection was by the Atlanta Braves, and a signing bonus of $600,000 led to him reneging his letter of intent to play college ball at Miami. It's fine, they made the College World Series for three straight years anyway. Marquis was touted as the best high school prospect out of his hometown of NYC since Manny Ramirez. The year before, Ramirez had been an All-Star, won a Silver Slugger, and finished 12th in MVP voting at the age of 23. No pressure kid. Oh, it's three years later and you haven't finished a season with an ERA below 4? Sounds like a bust to me. And at only 20 years old. Wait, you just started 6 games in high-A and allowed exactly 1 earned run while striking out 41? Okay maybe we spoke too soon. You can go to double-A. Marquis would only need one more year after that to prove his first three seasons were just tune-up years, even the one when he went 2-12. After a nice showing at AA at the beginning of 2000, the 89th-ranked prospect in all of baseball got called up to Atlanta in June to help in the bullpen. The call-up was courtesy of John Rocker threatening a reporter and the Braves telling him "no, you can't do that" by demoting him, so thanks John Rocker! Probably the first time that phrase has been said in a while. Marquis had been drafted as a starting pitcher, but the Braves of the 90s and early 2000s weren't exactly lacking in that department. His first appearance was in relief of Tom Glavine after a start against the Blue Jays got away from him, and it ended after one inning with Marquis delivering his first Major League strikeout against Shannon Stewart. The rest of his year would go rather sloppily, with a 6-run outing in late July punching his ticket to triple-A, and the September call-up that followed only really happening thanks to his prospect status. Thankfully, he did well enough the next spring training that it left no question as to where he'd start the season: on the Opening Day roster.
Marquis's 2001 season started when he was named the 92nd best prospect, slightly below where he was a year ago. Still, he was ready to go out and prove he could be better than whoever was 91st. What was their name, anyway? Some scrub no one remembers named Miguel Cabrera? Oh. Moving on, Marquis spent roughly half the year in the bullpen, with his first start came in May. Even with it being a spot start, you wouldn’t have known that after he hung up six innings of shutout pitching against the LA Dodgers, allowing just two hits and striking out five. What’s that? He was facing Kevin Brown who matched him blow for blow and finished the game with eight innings of nine strikeout greatness and the Braves lost on a walkoff Gary Sheffield home run? We can just ignore that bit. Marquis would finish the year as a member of the rotation, starting 16 games, the best of which was an 8-inning showing versus the Brewers where he struck out 13. Even showed up as a relief arm in the playoffs, finishing two NLCS games and allowing no earned runs. Four unearned ones, though. Braves lost that series to a five-year-old franchise from the desert, but they had hope for the future even as their pitching core was aging. Glavine, Maddux, and Smoltz were all over 35, though you wouldn't know it to look at their stats. Even so, Father Time is undefeated, so Atlanta had to find people to replace them. And in 2002, it seemed they had begun to do just that. Kevin Millwood, the 28-year-old established arm, would form a core of the future with the 25-year-old surprise named Damian Moss and the hotshot young gun, Jason Marquis. Or Glavine and Maddux could carry the rotation once again with ERAs under 3, Smoltz turned in a fantastic season in relief, Moss and Millwood could play third and fourth fiddle on the staff, and Marquis could put up an ERA of 5.04 and get demoted to AAA a couple times. Braves still made the playoffs again, but this time Marquis stayed home. Thankfully Atlanta still believed in him enough to keep him around, even after acquiring not one, not two, but three new rotation arms in Mike Hampton, Russ Ortiz, and Shane Reynolds. Unfortunately for Marquis, a move to the bullpen turned out to do the exact opposite of what it did for Smoltz. A 5.54 ERA, 18 walks to 19 strikeouts in 40.2 innings, and extended stays in triple-A was not what anybody wanted for him. Furthermore, after the "Chipper Jones in Left Field" experiment returned less-than-stellar results, his move back to third necessitated a new outfielder. When GM John Schuerholz learned former uber-prospect J.D. Drew was available from the Cardinals, he pounced, sending a package in return that consisted of relief pitcher Ray King, a guy no one remembers named Adam Wainwright, and the struggling, but promising, Jason Marquis. Little did Schuerholz know, Marquis had just hit the nadir of his Major League career's first valley, and a trade provided him with some climbing gear.
The 2004 Cardinals were very good. Very very good. On a scale from 1 to Good, they were, like, super good. When the heart of your lineup is Albert Pujols, Scott Rolen, and Jim Edmonds, all of whom had OPSes north of 1.000 and over 100 RBIs a piece, your team is really good. And thanks to an offseason move, the team had also found its new ace starting pitcher. Even if his 2002 and 2003 years left a lot to be desired, there was no question this was a guy who’d anchor the rotation for years to come. I am, of course, talking about Chris Carpenter. Jason Marquis was pretty good too. In his age-25 season, he put together a fantastic year, especially considering where his career had begun stats-wise. 15-7, 3.71 ERA, and 138 strikeouts slotted him as a serviceable enough number-2 starter. Even got a start in the NLDS, a start in the NLCS, and a start in the World Series. Sure he might have allowed 9 runs across those three starts but... let’s move on. One notable stat about Marquis takes the form of a slashline: .292/.297/.375. If you guessed that was his batting average allowed in some weird situation, you’d be wrong. Those mediocre hitting numbers were his. As a pitcher, Marquis’s rate stats were, across the board, better than Mike Matheny, his catcher. Thanks to a 21-for-72 year at the plate, Marquis added 0.7 oWAR to his year, and was actually more valuable by bWAR (3.1 with batting) than Chris Carpenter (2.8). Even as the Cardinals got swept in the World Series by the Red Hot Red Sox, St. Louis was clearly in a spot to compete for a while. A trade for Athletics starter Mark Mulder seemed to solidify that fact, and with a rotation consisting of Carpenter, Mulder, Marquis, Jeff Suppan, and Matt Morris, the Cardinals looked nice on the pitching front. Remind me how that offense was doing again? And they added Larry Walker to it at last season’s deadline did they? Heaven help the National League.
Even with a midseason injury to Scott Rolen, the Cardinals' 2005 offense still produced 805 runs on the year. Their starting pitching staff responded in kind, statrting all but two games, with the worst ERA among them being 4.13. It’s no wonder the team won 100 games. Speaking of starting pitchers, guess who had that 4.13 ERA? None other than Jason Marquis. He did lower his WHIP, but a 13-14 record and just 100 strikeouts in over 200 innings got him relegated to a bullpen role in the playoffs. But nobody cares about that. Everyone wants to know is how he did as a batter. Brace yourselves. In 2005, Jason Marquis batted .319/.326/.460 with a 103 OPS+. He accrued 1.1 oWAR off 27 hits, 10 for extra bases, including a home run off Wandy Rodriguez. Also, because Tony La Russa is an absolute madman, Marquis actually pinch-hit a couple times. He did so on not one, not two, but nine occasions, three of which ended in hits because nothing makes sense. Across 91 plate appearances, he only struck out eleven times. Guess who won the Silver Slugger that year. Close, it was Marquis. Oh his fellow Cardinals starter Chris Carpenter won the Cy Young? Absolutely nobody gives a hoot. Clearly, Marquis was destined for greatness in 2006, where he’d inevitably bat over .400 and hit 10 home runs. Or… maybe not. 14-for-78, enough for .179/.210/.256. Ouch. At least he made up for it with his pitching, right? Oh no. An ERA of 6.02, career high 75 walks given up, and the league leader in losses (16), home runs allowed (35), and earned runs allowed (130). Yeah, I don’t blame the team for leaving you off their playoff roster. At least you have those other two years to fall back on for arbit… that was your contract year? Well that sucks. And just like that, Jason Marquis was unemployed. However, once he got an offer, his career’s terrain would prove to be rising once again.
When it came to 2007 free agent signings, Marquis’s was not marquis. That’s a joke ladies and gentlemen. Due to his recent struggles, MLB Trade Rumors didn't mention his name in the top 50 free agents. Nevertheless, in mid-December, he accepted a 3-year, $21 million deal with the Chicago Cubs. Maybe they saw that outside two really bad starts that he suffered because of a tired bullpen, his ERA was actually 5.13. I still wouldn’t pay a starter with that ERA 7 mil a year, but hey what do I know. His next two seasons were remarkably pedestrian, going a whelming 23-18 with a cromulent ERA of 4.57 for an astoundingly regular ERA+ of 101. He even found time to strike out the incredibly middle-of-the-road total of 200 batters while walking a radically mediocre number of 146 batters. For you see, we’re experiencing a flat plain in his mountain range. Thanks to his gargantuan propensity for average performance on the mound, Marquis looked attractive to a team where ordinary pitching numbers were viewed as much more extraordinary: the Colorado Rockies. Appropriate. In January of 2009, the Cubs traded him there for relief pitcher Luis Vizcaino. Perhaps in Denver he’d experience a resurgence in his bat as well, since apart from three home runs, his .168/.193/.282 over the past two years was another perfectly average performance from a pitcher. Sadly, he’d only go 11-for-64, with a paltry 3 doubles accounting for all his extra base hits. Though that would remain the same, he experienced a resurgence in pracitcally everything else. In 2009, Marquis tied his best win total with a 15-13 record, assembled the second best ERA he’d had as a full-time starter at 4.04, got voted to the All-Star team for the first time in his career, and threw his hat in the ring for best pitcher on a Rockies staff that surprised many people. Add on the most recent Maddux by a Colorado Rockie (Rocky?), and you got yourself a real nice ascension to a peak. See Jason? That’s how you do a contract year. His 3.5 bWAR was the second highest total on a Colorado team that went to the playoffs, though they were quickly brushed aside in the NLDS by the defending champ Phillies. While Marquis would return to unemployment, he would do so with his head held much higher than last time. After all, he had just tied Sandy Koufax for the most consecutive seasons with at least 10 wins by a Jewish pitcher (6). By the way, Marquis is Jewish, and this is the first and last time I will mention that fact because if I talked about it anymore it would only be in the context of horrible jokes on account of me being a terrible person.
So whe he hit fre agency after 2006, Marquis didn't make MLB Trade Rumors' top 50. After this season, though? All the way up to… wait let me scroll down… number 30! Improvement baby! And yet, when the Nationals signed him to a two-year, $15 million deal, they apparently forgot what happens after a peak in a mountain range. The 2010 season saw Marquis get knocked out for close to four months with bone chips in his elbow. That or the diagnosis for “elbow shingles” got autocorrected to “elbow Pringles” and the doctors extrapolated. Even when he didn’t have Kellogg's-sponsored joint pain, Marquis was not effective on the mound. In 13 starts, he went 2-9 and allowed 43 earned runs while walking 24 in only 58.2 innings pitched. It also marked the first time he was on a team that didn’t finish the season in the playoffs. However, rather than releasing him and cutting their losses, the Nationals appeared to have some insight as to how he worked. Marquis was kept in the rotation for 2011, and rewarded Washington with 20 games started, an 8-5 record, and a 3.95 ERA. Even Madduxed Tim Lincecum and the Giants for good measure. He did so well the Nationals decided to trade him at the deadline to the surprisingly competitive Arizona Diamondbacks. 3 starts and 16 runs allowed later, a comebacker broke his leg and he was done for the season. With his range's recent dip below sea level, he was once again left off the top 50 free agents list, and a seven-start stint with the Twins that ended in late May of 2012 after an 8.47 ERA did him no favors. At this point, the only chance Marquis had would probably be a team that had nothing to lose picking him up. So, naturally, the day after he got let go in Minnesota, he accepted an offer from the San Diego Padres. A 6-7 record was fine, and a 4.04 ERA was much less impressive here than it was in Colorado, but that was enough of a climb from his previous valley for the Padres to bring him back. Not that it mattered, cuz, you know, 2012 Padres. What came back in a major way, though, was his hitting. Marquis’s 2012 season ended with him going .281/.303/.375 at the dish. All were his highest by far since he won the Silver Slugger. Pitching-wise, His next season wasn’t half bad either, finishing the year 9-5 in 20 starts. When it came to his other stats, talk about a plateau. His ERA went from 4.04 in 2012 to 4.05 in 2013. His strikeout total was 79 in 2012 and 72 in 2013. What did take a dip this time was, tragically, his bat. Just 5 hits in 43 plate appearances, a .119 batting average. He might have been able to improve it had he not elected to undergo Tommy John surgery that July. And unfortunately, that decision would more or less mark the end of Marquis’s landscape painting of a career, because it was all downhill from there. A minor league offer from the Phillies was accepted once he came back, but only 8 triple-A starts later he was gone again. The famously awful 2015 Reds gave him a shot, but after 34 earned runs in just 9 starts and 47.1 innings, even they saw the valley he was headed for, and bid him farewell. While he never officially retired, nobody’s offered him a contract for five years, so it’s relatively easy to say that his last mountaineering trip was to Old Man’s End Of A Baseball Career Gulch.
Jason Marquis is an anomaly. Practically nothing about his career was predictable. With a good long Major League experience like he’s had, it’s amazing all the stuff he’s packed in. Starting games for 9 different teams, getting a World Series ring after an awful season, finding out just how high and low his career can go, and so much more. Truly a fascinating ball player. Thing is, fascinating players don’t get on the ballot if they haven’t been consistently good. Nothing was consistent about Jason Marquis, so that’s not where he belonged. And who knows, maybe he comes back for one last hurrah, since from what I can tell, his retirement papers haven’t ever been officially submitted. Maybe he couldn’t find them after his vision was obscured by his massive schnoz. (There were gonna be a lot more big nose jokes before I found out he was Jewish, so to limit my cancelability I’m only doing one)
Jason Marquis would visit the Hall of Fame in a Cardinals hat for his 42-37 record, 334 strikeouts, and World Series Ring with the team. Preferably in a Rockies jersey and hiking boots to symbolize just how up-and-down his career was.
Hey remember all these guys? No? Well you can read about em anyway.
#1: Randy Choate
#2: Kevin Gregg
#3: Dan Uggla
#4: Josh Hamilton
#5: Delmon Young
#6: Willie Bloomquist
#7: Grady Sizemore
#8: Kevin Correia
#9: David DeJesus
#10: Rafael Betancourt
#11: Clint Barmes
#12: Adam LaRoche
#13: Grant Balfour
#14: Randy Wolf
#15: Rafael Soriano
#16: Chris Denorfia
#17: Bruce Chen
#18: Cody Ross
#19: Scott Baker
#20: Jeff Francis
#21: Aaron Harang
#22: Corey Hart
submitted by liljakeyplzandthnx to baseball [link] [comments]

The Rise and Fall of the Terran Federation (Warning: LONG)


The origins of the Terran Federation began long before EVE Echoes was launched. The relationships between the individuals and corps (that would determine the shape of things to come) had their beginnings in previous games. The most dramatic of these relationships was the extremely bitter one between DEAD and GenFed. I'll spare you all the dramatic details, but suffice it to say that from what I've seen, both sides crossed a lot of lines. While I like to think it's old history, that kind of bad blood doesn't just fade away and will be relevant in the later portions of this history.
As a side note... there are definitely parts of this story where I could point fingers and openly criticize people. I do believe that certain individuals do bear more blame than others... However, I will do my level best to not insult anyone and try to stick to the facts as much as possible. I am dead (get it, DEAD) certain that some people will accuse me of spinning this one way or another, regardless, but I do not make a habit of lying. Check my videos, check my post history, ask around... you should all be able to tell that I have a sense of humour, and can admit when I've lost or made a mistake. On that note, if you notice any factual issues or gross mischaracterizations of events in this, PLEASE let me know and I will do my best to investigate and correct them.
I should also add the disclaimer that this is how things unfolded to the best of my knowledge. I didn't have a seat on the DEAD Leadership team until mid-September, and my insight into alliance leadership waxed and waned as the Discord server was updated and roles/channels were added/removed. Much of my knowledge regarding drama and conflicts from Second Galaxy is second- or even third-hand knowledge.
Also, unfortunately, the TF discord server has largely been deleted by now, and much of the history is lost to time. I do have quite a few screenshots, but I feel it would not be in good taste to share most of them. Sorry.


Truth be told, I'm a little hazy on the exact origins of the Terran Federation, as I didn't play Second Galaxy or any of the EVE Echoes betas. I just saw a catchy looking recruitment poster and joined DEAD the day after the game launched, on August 15th, 2020.
Even in these earliest of days, we were already beginning to move into WY-9LL, a system with an NPC station in Fountain. In these humble beginnings, we would rat by scouting Fountain for special anomalies and then throw dozens of trainer cruisers at it. There were issues with loot thieves, desync was crazy, prices were a mess, but NPCs were much tamer at this time, so you could get by with juggling aggro by warping out when the enemies began to yellow box you.
Before the end of August, the alliance had been officially founded. Thus, [TF], the Terran Federation, was born, with alliance ID 2000000018. The founding members (I'm including those that joined within a few days of inception) were:
  1. [ATLE] Atlas Empire, the executor, run by Keltan 01
  2. [ATLS] [ATLAS], run by Chevron7
  3. [DEAD] Dead Space, run by Likander
  4. [DUNE] Atreides, run by ChasedFlame
  5. [TLC] The Lobster Cult, run by Riful Abyssal
  6. [AGRO] Aggressor, run by Jack Woodcock
Please do make note that ATLE and ATLS are different corporation run by different people. This will be relevant later. ATLE was the executor, ATLS was a co-founder.

The Rise

As more groups started moving into Fountain and as more players started joining, the alliance swelled. Some corps joined because of strong personal relationships, such as DUNE and SIN joining TF to be with DEAD. With more corps joining, new alt corps required to handle the overflow, and secondary alliances, TF2 and TF3 were both founded before the end of September.
Fairly early on, [ATLE] Keltan 01 appointed [ATLE] LordDragon (who went by Hateful / Lustful in-game) as his sky marshal. Unfortunately, due to disagreements about doctrine and other conflicts, [ATLE] LordDragon didn't last long and was replaced by [ATLE] BATMAN before the end of September.
The growing pains were not too bad, in the beginning. The greatest source of drama and headaches were ratting claims. The different corps and CEOs wanted to handle things in different ways. Some CEOs wanted it to just be a total free for all, others wanted rules about claiming systems, others wanted separate spaces for separate corps, etc. Eventually, the matter was put to rest by dividing up Fountain into regions for each corporation to rat in. Each group was responsible for coming up with their own set of rules for handling who got what and how.
This freed up the leadership to focus more on doctrines, PVP, and diplomacy. From the very start, TF was a "fuck the blue doughnut!" kind of organization. The goal was to never have too many blues and to find and enjoy PVP content on a regular basis. We had neighbours in Querious and in Delve who were both reliable for providing content. Occasionally they would send roaming fleets at us, and sometimes we would send roaming fleets at them. We knew that if we lingered around certain staging locations long enough, they would eventually form up. We won and lost many fights this way. The general theme of these engagements was that our forces were almost always smaller, but more disciplined and more effective. We usually went home with more killmarks gained than losses.
We set alliances red, we set alliances blue. We went to attack outposts, we went to defend outposts. We were part of one of the first capsuleer outpost kills (technically the second, but it was the first one to do the whole shield->armour->structure rigamarole). We fought in wars for the sake of fighting wars; we wanted to be a lean, mean, fighting machine. And for the most part, we were.

Tensions Rise

I'm going to try doing this without naming any names. To be perfectly clear: DEAD was not without fault in all this, but we were far from the sole perpetrator. Some of the worst interpersonal issues that occurred in TF were actually between officers of two corps that weren't even any of the co-founders.
Anyhow, the summary is this: There were occasional disagreements between leadership (CEOs, directors, and FCs). For the most part these could be worked through, or resolved. However, some key people in positions of power in the alliance generally did not respond well to criticism, and some had the unfortunate habit of hearing constructive criticism as a personal attack. Some particular officers seemed to carry a grudge towards the officers of another corp.
When any issues escalated too far or when arguments got too heated, the solution was always to either 1) shut down the conversation by temporarily kicking someone from Discord or 2) remove the forum of discussion in which it was taking place (e.g. delete #officer-chat). Issues never got resolved, they got deferred. This kind of aversion to conflict is a death-sentence for any organization.

New Friends, New Foes, New Wars

In the beginning, we had SHH set to blue, as Keltan01 enjoyed working with Mr.PayToWin to develop and try out new tactics. However, a couple blue-on-blue incidents occurred due to sluggish standing changes. I don't know if it was a flex or a misunderstanding, but war eventually broke out when [PEW] Tahini stole some loot from a TF gatecamp in Syndicate and [DEAD] KiithSa decided to engage in some spur-of-the-moment "diplomacy" by erasing the small, blue [PEW] fleet from existence to retrieve said loot. In terms of the war itself, there were some skirmishes and some relatively large battles but each side was many jumps from the other and the conflict eventually petered out just due to sheer inconvenience. No structures were destroyed. However, TF made allies with FF and HONK over a mutual distaste for SHH.
Around mid-October / early-November, Keltan 01 had to step down for personal reasons with plans to return in 2-3 months. He appointed his second-in-command, [ATLE] BATMAN, as the new Alliance President.
In Delve, the two main groups there were HappyBees and PIBC. We eventually PIBC set to blue and HappyBees to red. The "plan", such as it was, was for us to help PIBC wage war on the HappyBees (who had drawn more corps to their banner and formed Pantheon). Pantheon spent a small fortune hiring MC to wage a month-long campaign on PIBC. Due to TF's support (at least nominally) for PIBC, Pantheon had MC add TF/Fountain into their contract.
However, we ended up not coordinating well with PIBC, as we were preoccupied with our war vs SHH and fighting MC. At least twice, PIBC asked us for help in a defensive CTA and the person responsible for doing so in TF forgot to make an announcement... this resulted in them losing an outpost, worsening relations with them, and possibly costing them the war in the end. This was deeply embarrassing. I can only speculate whether or not the "forgetting" was intentional or not...
(Aside: Regarding "the botting wars", TF never received any payments or transfers of any kind from PIBC. We did hear rumours of some of them botting, but we pressured them to publicly condemn the practice and remove the violators, which they did.)
Pantheon, having some breathing room after evicting PIBC, decided that TF was becoming a real thorn in their side. They did not appreciate the content roams we would send their way. While from our point of view it was just fun PVP content, from theirs it was an invasion into their home and an attack on their community. At this point they started regularly sending large fleets and hitting outpost timers on a regular basis.
From the skirmishes between MC and TF, a mutual respect was born. Both were respectable fighters with a fondness for PVP and "gfs in local". With the Delve contract completed, TF offered MC a small, but central, part of Fountain as an industrial base of operations and a place to call home when not on deployment. In return, MC would be obligated to call a full CTA to help defend any TF structure timers.
After the NORF alliance disbanded in distant lands, some of the ex-NORF corps (e.g. UNFS) merged into TF and formed TF4, expanding our ranks and securing our border with Querious.
Far beyond our borders in Fountain, on the other side of Querious, lay the Genesis Federation. GenFed has always been both very large and very displeased with DEAD. Pantheon and GenFed are also close allies. While GenFed rarely sent any large fleets our way, they would occasionally send roams into our space and set up CovOps gatecamps. Additionally, the leaders of GenFed and assured the leaders of Pantheon that if push came to shove, GenFed would back Pantheon up in the war against TF. Furthermore, GenFed would tell anyone who would listen how toxic DEAD was based on old history from Second Galaxy.
Meanwhile, in Querious, Trimark and other alliances had banded together to form the Querious Coalition (QC). Being a less bloodthirsty alliance than TF, QC had gone blue with with their neighbours, Pantheon and GenFed. Although we continued to send content roams into their space, things had remained relatively neutral between TF and QF (although there was some bad blood between EVO1 and QC). We had an informal agreement not to hit each other's structures. A roam from FT (False Trajectory, part of QC) did hit one of ours first, but they promised it would not happen again. However while Pantheon were hitting our structures, QC would usually be gatecamping near our staging systems. Feeling that this violated the spirit of the understanding, Evolution and Likander lead forces into Querious to hit QC structures. At this point QC voted to enter the war efforts fully. They started hitting TF structures too, and coordinating more with Pantheon. There was some posturing between QC and TF, which resulted in the now infamous "I'll be frank you you guys. You're an indy alliance." copypasta.
On one of these Querious offensives, we brought some allies with us, FF and MC. Unfortunately, alliance leadership had not properly communicated standings and while FF had set MC blue (because they knew MC was in Fountain with us), MC had not set FF blue (because MC's thing was "TF would be the only hard blue"). This lead to the MC fleet attacking the FF fleet. So FF traveled over 50 jumps just to get wiped out by blues. Thankfully, FF were very understanding about it, and told TF that we could let bygones be bygones if we just helped them hit a SHH outpost up North. However, TF leadership declined to grant this request because FF said TC would be there joining the attack. This was an unfortunate misunderstanding because TF leadership thought FF was talking about "The Collective" (part of QC) but FF actually meant "The Coalition", an unrelated entity. That's a facepalm for the history books and it soured the relationship with FF.
Another infusion of fresh blood occurred when the RFC coalition (comprised of RET and WOLF) moved into Fountain and merged with TF under their original alliance banners. These alliances added much needed fresh blood, although they did not integrate as completely into the TF fabric.
Around early December, PEW left SHH, the Silent Alliance, and joined MC, returning to Syndicate to be pirates when not on deployment. This lead to the somewhat awkward scenario of being blue with [PEW] Tahini (the CEO) after he had been at the center of events that lead to the war with SHH in the first place...

The Fall

It was around the second week of December that the fateful, final battle of 7BIX-A would occur.
(I was not creating YouTube content at this time, sadly, but [GOON] Gengar094 has some great videos of the fights: armour, structure)
Pantheon and QC sent a full coalition CTA to hit the structure timer. MC helped run gatecamps on the invading forces, and TF called in allies to assist with the defense. However, due to our approach to diplomacy, the bulk of those forces didn't end up participating. Some didn't join because we had snubbed them, some didn't join because they refused to fight alongside Tahini. Regardless, at the end of the day, we had far fewer allies coming to our aid than hoped for. Karma's a bitch.
Without more reinforcements, TF was unable to kill off the attacking fleet in time, and the station ended up exploding. This was a pivotal moment in the war because it signaled to TF that despite their best efforts they could not hold their objectives. With sovereignty on the near horizon, this was a particularly demoralizing event. Were we going to anchor Corporation Outposts only to have them go the same way as the Spice Factory? On one hand there was hope that with larger health pools, we would have more time to kill off the enemy fleet before losing the structure. On the other hand, if GenFed actually decided to enter the war it would seal our fate.
Another pivotal nail in the coffin was that GenFed made MC an offer they couldn't refuse. GenFed, being so large and having control over so much territory, offered them two whole constellations in Period Basis. All they had to do in exchange was to set GenFed to perma-blue and never take any contracts against them. This gave MC more, and cost MC less, than the deal with TF in Fountain did. Naturally, they took it, removing a key layer of defence for TF in Fountain.
As the holidays drew near, activity took a hit and leadership began self-reflecting a little more critically. At the same time, Pantheon announced a cessation to full-CTA activities, but simultaneously announced a tournament to see who could get the most kills in Fountain. This resulted in Fountain being constantly roamed by multiple small-to-mid sized red fleets, with few TF pilots ready and willing to form up and take them on. Each TF corp largely stuck to their own pocket of space, venturing out less frequently and less confidently.
A few days before Christmas, a CEO meeting was held to discuss the problems facing the alliance. One of the newer CEOs suggested a system of checks and balances, because there were some concerns with the president's decisions and approach to diplomacy. Likander could only be present for the first 5 minutes of the call. He said that it wouldn't hurt to have some sort of process for decision making, as he shared many of the same concerns, then had to go. That same CEO then decided it would be a good time to air some grievances... things got very heated, apparently, and BATMAN ended up feeling hurt, and betrayed by his CEOs.
Many of the CEOs who remained on that call believed that by the end of it, grievances had been aired and issues had been resolved. However, immediately after, BATMAN made the fateful decision on Dec 22nd to announce (to his own corporation only) that they were leaving the alliance. This caused mass confusion as news of this leaked into the alliance Discord without any formal alliance announcement being made.
Once details started emerging, Likander and others practically begged Batman to stay and to not leave, but he didn't want to deal with the stress and the drama and just picked up his corp and left Fountain. Ironically, that same CEO who had antagonized him so much on that call then quit the game shortly after... I can only guess that he was also burning out and vented his frustrations on his president? I don't know exactly, I wasn't there on that fateful call, but everyone who was has said pretty much the same thing.

The Aftermath

Along with ATLE, EVO1 and AGRO also left. (EVO1 to join ATLE and AGRO to go their own way.) Considering that TF was already on the ropes in the war vs Pantheon/QC/GenFed, this was a very bad turn of events, and essentially spelled the death of the [TF] alliance.
On his way out, BATMAN appointed [DEAD] Šystem Errør as the interim alliance president. This surprised all of the existing CEOs (including Likander) but seeing as none of the other CEOs (again, including Likander) wanted to step up and lead the alliance, they temporarily tolerated the appointment.
System Error first attempted to persuade BATMAN to remain / return, but despite his best attempts this effort yielded as much fruit as previous attempts had. System then began attempting to engage in diplomatic talks with our enemies to try to understand the nature of the war and possibly negotiate a way out of it. More on this later.
Still reeling from the shock of the executor leaving with barely a word, the remaining corps had a decision to face. How to proceed? Broadly speaking, each corp had a few different options that they were considering:
  1. Stay in Fountain and try to form a new alliance with the remaining corps
  2. Leave Fountain to go join MC as mercs
  3. Leave Fountain to go do their own thing elsewhere
  4. Stay in Fountain under the enemy's banner (i.e. join Pantheon or QC)
Around December 24th / 25th the CEOs held a meeting to discuss how they should proceed. The strong preference was to go with option #1. A democratic process saw [3PT] A Large Mealworm (of the RET alliance) elected as the interim alliance president. Ironically, this the first time many of us had heard his name. In an effort to maintain some semblance of continuity, Mealworm immediately appointed System Error to a new council to help lead the alliance.
However, for this path to succeed, a lot of things needed to happen very fast:

Betrayal and Black Lists

Those efforts each would take time. Time that we did not have. Each corp was simultaneously considering the remaining alternatives even as we all endeavoured to try to make the new alliance a success. As the days slipped by, we would occasionally hear of yet another corp leaving. For example PI betrayed us and flipped to join Pantheon and join in the war efforts against us and PHPC decided to leave peacefully to go join MC.
On an alliance-level, diplomatic efforts hit a dead end. Pantheon and GenFed had both published a list of names of individuals and corps who were "black listed". While some of the names on these lists were understandable, others were utterly bizarre. Some, such as BATMAN and Likander were on the list because of their role in leading the alliance, others such as KiithSa and Aaronius were on the list because of their trashtalk, while others yet, such as random line members or junior FCs were on there for no discernible reason at all.
Furthermore, Pantheon was absolutely stonewalling us. We could not even speak to their diplomats / leadership. We only really heard about these things second hand through diplomatic contacts elsewhere who had been told that if they took in any blacklisted entity they would be immediately set red and warred out of existence. (See here for a bit of context to get a sense of just how much Pantheon hates DEAD.)
Attempting to cut through the bullshit and red tape was exhausting and frustrating to the extreme. Many of our diplomats burned out and quit over the holidays due to this (including System Error).
For the record, no one has ever gotten a clear picture of exactly why Pantheon hates DEAD so much. (Related reading: Pantheon/SonBanana vs DEAD)
These black lists essentially forced our hand. For example, we considered joining MC, however due to their relationship with GenFed they could not accept us. Similarly, we also had an offer from EA to join, but QC leadership vetoed it because of the pressure from Pantheon/GenFed.

Civil War and Dissolution

Although [3PT] A Large Mealworm had been appointed as interim alliance president, the executor corp of RET was WECU. Much like DEAD, or any other group in Fountain, [WECU] ValkSki was considering ways forwards for the organization(s) that he represented.
I am very murky on the details, but what I believe happened was that Mealworm had asked ValkSki to reach out to Pantheon to see about opening up a diplomatic dialogue for the new alliance. Meanwhile, Mealworm worked on continuing to build the new alliance. Either some miscommunication occurred, or some wires got crossed, because ValkSki came back with an announcement that he was going to take RET and join Pantheon. I'm not sure exactly how this went down but it caused a Dwarf Fortress-esque loyalty cascade... some RET corps decided to stay and try to build the new alliance with 3PT, others decided to go with WECU (and remain in RET), others (like the entire WOLF alliance, part of the RFC coalition with RET) just "noped" right out of the whole thing and headed back to where they came from before moving to Fountain.
Setting all else aside, I don't believe the vast majority of the people involved had a clear way forwards. To stay with RET was to betray the new alliance. To stay with the new alliance was to betray RET. For Mealworm to decide the new alliance would be in Pantheon would be to betray all the blacklisted members. After Valk made the call for RET to join Pantheon there simply was no course of action for any member of RET to take that didn't involve betraying someone.
As this civil war unfolded, Likander finally decided to go through with option #3 and get out of Fountain. It was clear that #1 was not going to work, and DEAD and its members occupied the lion's share of space on the blacklists. We believed that our departure would make peace in Fountain a more viable prospect. Some other corps decided to follow us to our new destination and continue working together, such as DUNE and 3PT.
Unfortunately, this move did signal the final nail in the coffin of the new alliance. Every remaining corp had to either leave or join Pantheon / QC. Some corps, such as AL left Fountain to join other alliances. Some corps, such as UNFS, joined QC but set us blue while we left Fountain. Other corps, such as ATLS, joined Pantheon and immediately started gatecamping us as we tried to leave with our assets. These final betrayals hurt the most, as people we had fought together with for months turned their guns on us.
We hired MC to run protection for our exfiltration, and got most of our assets out in one piece. However, lots of ships, materials, and members were lost in the move. There were some standings issues, as GenFed decided to come in and hit us as we were leaving, but MC had GenFed set perma-blue. Additionally, some of our members turned out to be more loyal to ratting in Fountain than they did to the team. But at the end of the day we became truer to what we always wanted to be: a lean, mean, fighting machine.


DEAD & friends moved to the other side of the map. We originally intended to lay-low for a while, living on the border of LowSec / NullSec and rebuilding. However, as those of you who have seen my videos or read Reddit already know, this is not what happened.
We ended up joining the Angel Cartel Republic (ACR, a large Chinese alliance) as their English-speaking / NA branch. In a 24/7 game like EVE, it's always good to have international allied and good timezone coverage.
The timing happened to be actually quite fortuitous, as we ended up assisting them with the world's first corporation outpost kill by destroying GenFed's citadel in ZID-LE.
All in all, the Terran Federation was a roller coaster ride, and a very interesting alliance to be a part of. Mistakes were made, and we weren't perfect, but I'm sad that it died the way that it did. However, I'm happy to have been along for the ride and even happier with our new direction.
o7 and good fight!

With Love,
[DEAD] Diskciiple

EDIT: Apparently TruZealot has written up an explanation of some of the bad blood from Second Galaxy. If you want to go check it out next for some even deeper context, here it is:
EDIT 2: Fixed some spelling and grammar, also fixed the details of the various MC arrangements.
EDIT 3: Keltan is back! What timing... Removed a couple speculations on motivations
submitted by Diskciiple to echoes [link] [comments]

total war games ranked best to worst video

Top 10 Total War Games The Total War Game EVERYBODY is Playing - YouTube Top 5 BEST FACTIONS in Total War: Rome 2 (CAMPAIGN) - YouTube Top 5 Worst Total War Games - YouTube All 6 Gears Of War Games Ranked! 5 Gears of War Games Ranked Worst to Best - YouTube

Still, it’s hard to disagree with fans and ratings, and when it comes down to it, some Total War games are just better than others. Here then, is our list of Total War games for the PC, ranked from best to worst. 1. Total War: Shogun 2. Samurai showdown! Total War is a series of games that captivates you, consumes you, and takes over your life. Here's a look at the best (and worst) games to get you started. Few series are as dear to my heart as Creative Assembly’s Total War, with its mix of history, real-time tactics and turn-based strategy. Spanning 19 years and 13 games, there are times I feel like Total War games could occupy spots 1-13 on my all-time favourites list. And then there are other times when I remember how much I hate Rome 2. Ranking the Total War Games. If you’re looking to explore the Total War games, you’ve come to the right place. Of course, these are just our views, so if you dig these series and see some of your favorite games on this list, be sure to give them a whirl. Based on preference, here are our best to worst-ranked Total War games. 1. Shogun ... 15 Best Total War Games Ranked [Latest 2020] So, here we are ranking the total war games and sharing the best and worst total war games that you must play in 2020.. 1. Empire. There was so much that could have turned out badly with Empire—the move away from scuffle units, the feebleness of positioned rifle shoot, the particularity of maritime clash—however, it worked superbly of ... 12 Best Total War Games Ranked From Best to Worst For Beginners The Total War series from Creative Assembly and SEGA is one of the most well-known strategy games series. More than a dozen entries span over 20 years of gaming history, offering gamers intimate control of a variety of historical periods. God of War III came close to being one of the best God of War games of all time. Aside from a few exciting moments like its mind-bending ending, God of War III had a comparatively dull story. Luckily, God of War III had unique gameplay to stand on, which is why the game is ranked so high on this list. Warhammer is something new and original for the series compared to the historical games, Medieval II has my favorite time period out of all of the historical games and imo the most fun gameplay, Shogun II was put together very well and had really good land, siege, and naval battles, Rome was my first foray into the series and just a super fun game on its own, Attila wasn't bad, but it didn't ... Hunting for the best Total War Games needs a lot of work. The current era of Total War Games includes not only the tactical powers but also the management and diplomacy at some point in the game. This list of top 10 best Total War Games tried best to deliver some of the most versatile war games. Judging the best Total War games is tricky. Maybe it’s because the concept of ‘best’ depends on what kind of mood you’re in—I play them on rotation, influenced by whichever books, films ...

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