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/r/Perth Coronavirus Megathread - 31/01 - 07/02

WA Government - Lockdown Information
WA Government Infographic - Summary
WA Health - Locations visited by confirmed cases
HealthyWA - COVID Clinic Locations / Operating Hours
Lockdown Rules Summary (ABC News)
ABC COVID Live Blog - Sunday 31/01
Premier's Annoucement:
This morning, I convened an urgent meeting of the Emergency Management Team.
We have a serious update to provide the WA community.
This morning we received news of a positive COVID-19 test result.
That positive result has come from a male hotel quarantine security guard, in his 20s.
The information we have is fast-evolving. As you can understand, immediately our teams moved into place to begin contact tracing and put in place emergency response systems.
This is all underway, and I ask everyone to be cooperative and understanding of what is going to take place.
Here is what we know about the male who tested positive:
He was working at one of the State’s hotel quarantine facilities – the Sheraton Four Points in the city. He had tested negative for COVID-19 on January Friday 15, January Sunday 17 and Saturday January 23 – as part of the weekly testing system in place. When the man was working at this hotel, there were four active cases of COVID-19. Of those four cases, we have at least three confirmed variant strains, two UK and one South African. We are told the guard was working on the same floor, as a positive UK variant case. The guard completed two 12-hours shifts on both the 26th and 27th of January. Exactly how the infection was acquired remains under investigation.
The Health Department contact tracing team has pulled together a list of potential exposure sites of where this positive case has been in recent days. These locations currently include:
People who have been to these venues on these dates and times must get tested.
In addition, people who live or work in the Falkirk Avenue, Maylands area including Coles, Liquorland and the Maylands shopping precinct should present for a test. They must then go home and isolate until their negative test results are returned.
The investigation is on-going by our public health team, and it is likely more locations will be added following further discussions with the man.
Close contacts will be contacted by public health officials and asked to quarantine for 14 days.
More information on testing clinics will be available on our website – the WA Health and WA Gov websites.
The man’s immediate household contacts have been contacted, tested and placed in isolation at State managed quarantine facilities to complete a 14-day quarantine period in a quarantine facility.
All three have tested negative this morning. However, we can expect that they will become positive in coming days.
Genome sequencing is underway on the positive case and results will be known by Tuesday morning.
However, based on the information we have, it appears possible that this new positive case has the highly transmissible UK variant.
The past year has been unlike any other – Western Australia has done an incredible job. It’s something I am so proud of.
But as we have always known with COVID – it can change very quickly.
Today – we need to go back to what we know best, to ensure we limit community transmission of COVID-19 in our State.
Even though it was nearly 10 months ago – WA has experienced community transmission of this virus before.
We all did the right thing and we crushed it.
And it worked.
So beginning at 6pm tonight, the whole Perth metropolitan area, the Peel region and the South West region will be going into a full lockdown.
This lockdown will run until 6pm on Friday.
A five-day lockdown.
It’s crucial we act quickly, to keep the community safe.
We cannot forget how quickly this virus can spread, nor the devastation it can cause.
Following our discussions with the Chief Health Officer and Police Commissioner, the following measures will be put in place from 6pm for people in Perth, Peel and the South West:
People in these regions are required to stay home, except for the following four reasons:
In addition to this Stay Home rule.
If you do leave home, for one of the four reasons you will be required to wear a mask at all times outside and if you need to work indoors, then wearing a mask in the workplace is also mandatory.
To be clear, mask wearing on public transport is also mandatory.
People in the Perth, Peel or South West region need to stay inside their region for the next five days, unless for an essential reason.
We are strongly encouraging that everyone in this area, who is from another WA region, stay here and do not travel further outside of this area until the lockdown is over.
If you do need to travel outside the region you are in now, that can only occur if you need to return to your place of residence or exceptional circumstances.
The transport of essential goods into this region, is permitted, under our existing transport guidelines.
This lockdown means the following businesses, venues and locations in the relevant regions need to close for the next five days:
Restaurants and cafes will close, and provide takeaway service only.
10 people can attend funerals, weddings are cancelled for the next five days.
No visitors are permitted to your home, unless caring for someone vulnerable or an emergency.
No visitors will be allowed in aged care homes, unless exceptional circumstances.
No visitors to hospitals and/or disability facilities, unless exceptional circumstances.
Elective surgery and procedures for categories 2 and 3 will be suspended from Tuesday, 2 February. Category 1 and urgent category 2 surgery will continue.
For a majority of schools in these regions, school was due to start tomorrow.
That has now been put on hold and schools will be closed until next week – following the lockdown measures.
It is, in effect, an extension of the school holidays.
I have been in contact with the Prime Minister and my fellow State and Territory colleagues to advise them of this situation.
I have recommended that they put a stop to any travel into WA – as an extra precautionary measure.
Border controls are important here – and I 100% support them to ensure we can get through this.
All these measures will be reviewed regularly and the Chief Health Officer will continue to monitor the serious situation and provide more ongoing advice. This is an extremely fast-moving situation.
I know for many Western Australians this is going to come as a shock.
Western Australians have done so well for so long but this week it is absolutely crucial that we stay home, maintain physical distancing and personal hygiene and get tested if you have symptoms.
This is a very serious situation and each and every one of us has to do everything we personally can to help stop the spread in the community.
We have acted decisively and swiftly given these circumstances.
I want to thank everyone in advance for their patience.
In effect, for a short period of time, we are going back to what we experienced in March and April.
This is a highly unpredictable virus. But it is important to act calmly and take sensible precautions.
Leaving your home to purchase food and essentials will be permitted during the lockdown.
I say this, so people understand that you do not need to rush to the supermarket today.
Take care of your loved ones and be respectful of others including those who are working, to keep essential services and supplies ticking over.
Our State is well equipped to handle this situation.
We have systems in place throughout the health system that are swinging into action as we speak.
We have the capacity to manage this situation.
Throughout the pandemic, the response of Western Australians has been second-to-none.
The community has done everything we have asked of them.
They have made great sacrifices, and it has kept our State safe.
I could not be more proud and thankful of the way Western Australians have carried themselves.
Now we’re asking for your help once again.
We will provide further updates as they come to hand.
All relevant information will be posted on websites as it comes to hand.
Thank you WA.
submitted by squeeowl to perth [link] [comments]

Interview on magic with magician Steve Brooks

Here are some excerpts from an interesting interview with magician Steve Brooks. Steve has a lot of valuable insights about magic to share, based on his own experience and involvement in this performing art. He's even in the process of writing a couple of books about magic theory, which is in itself a testimony to his ability to be a creative thinker.
When did you first get interested in magic, and what got you started?
I’ve been studying and performing magic since I was about nine years old or so. I saw a magician on television doing something and asked my mother, "How did he do that?" She said, "He’s a magician. I don’t know." That kind of piqued my interest.
When I was maybe nine or ten, my grandmother took me to see Harry Blackstone Jr., to see a show somewhere in Los Angeles. And Harry did all the stuff he was doing, like the big Buzz Saw Illusion and the Floating Light Bulb, and birds, and more. All this was more than a little nine or ten year old could take at the time, and I just had to know how this stuff works. I wasn’t content thinking, "Well, he’s a magician and it’s secret and you can’t know."
So when the show was over I broke away from my grandmother’s hand in the crowd and decided I would go back stage so I could see how this stuff worked - because if he could do it, maybe so could I. So I crawled under the curtain and got backstage and I was touching and checking out the Buzz Saw Illusion. And I hear this really deep voice, "Can I help you young man?" And I turned around, and it was Harry Blackstone Jr. - who stood like a mountain to a little boy! I was totally scared, because I knew I wasn’t supposed to be back there.
And he kind of knelt down on one knee and he pulled a little red ball (in hindsight I’m sure it was a billiard ball). He just threw it up in the air and it vanished, and he said, "When you can do that, come back and see me and I’ll show you how to do the good stuff." Then he took me by my hand and helped me find my grandmother.
How did you continue to learn magic after first meeting Harry Blackstone Jr?
After I first saw Harry Blackstone in person, a couple of years later or so, I saw a magician on television, Marshall Brodien who was selling his TV magic cards and TV miracle cards and TV mystery cards. And I saved up my pennies and I went to my local Thrifty drug store and I purchased those.
When you got those decks, inside with the instructions would be a little folded catalog, and you could buy more magic tricks by mail. Back then, I didn’t know there was such a thing as a magic shop. So I started ordering tricks, e.g. Fun Incorporated items under the Royal Magic brand. You know, classics like the Ball and Vase, Drawer Box, Crazy Cube, Pentro Penny, etc. As the years went by, I would continue to save up my money and buy even more magic tricks, books, etc.
I also had a neighbor who was in the Boy Scouts and I would borrow his Boys Life magazines and look in the back and they’d have all these ads for magic shops. So I’d send off my quarters or dimes off and get all their catalogs, and look through all the amazing things I might get. So I grew up doing magic.
Did you ever meet Harry Blackstone Jr again?
Around 40 years later, probably in the early 2000s or the late 1990s. Harry Blackstone was doing a show here in Northern California, and I saw him do his show at Chico State University. After the show he and Gay Blackstone came out, selling little magic sets for kids. I was prepared this time, because I had brought a billiard ball and I told Harry the story. I threw the ball up in the air and vanished it, and he started crying. It was a very emotional moment. He had tears coming down his eyes and he says, "I’ll be right back." And he disappears.
He comes back and he brought me a bunch of stuff, including this huge photograph which I still have. I said, "Because you were kind to a little boy who was someplace he shouldn’t have been, that turned out to be pretty much what I’ve done all my life." So it kind of came full circle, I guess.
What should be the goal of a performing magician?
What we’re really here for as magicians is to create that wonder, so that people can say: "For five minutes I can forget about my pain. Maybe I’m losing my house, or my daughter’s pregnant, or I’m going through a divorce, or my father just passed away. But for five lousy minutes, I don’t have to think about that stuff." For a short time I don’t have to think about all the drama and all the craziness. Right now with the coronavirus and everybody panicking and dying, people need laughter, entertainment, and magicians. They need something positive in their lives.
And this is why if you go back and look at the late 1920s and 30s and 40s when you had the Depression and Prohibition and a war going on, Vaudeville was so popular. This is why we needed the Marx brothers and Abbott and Costello and Laurel and Hardy, and we needed the Slapstick and we made fun of things. Back when folks understood what humor was – you know, a joke? A story with a humorous climax. Back before everyone became afraid they might offend someone.
Magicians take you away from pain and make up something wonderful. This is something that we need to keep in mind. Why are you doing magic? Are you trying to impress yourself or are you doing it for your audience? And are they just spectators or are they participants in the moment?
I remember a conversation with Eugene Burger, and I asked him, "Eugene, when you go to perform, whether it’s for one person, two people, a room full or a whole auditorium, whether it’s magicians or it’s lay people, what is your number one goal?" And he looked at me without blinking an eye and said, "To fool them." And I said, "Really?" And he looked at me and said, "Why, what is it you do?" And I said, "To entertain them." If I fool them, that’s great. That’s icing on the cake. But honestly, I’ll take a pie in the face if it makes somebody laugh, if it makes them giggle, if it makes them just have fun.
How should this impact how we approach our audience when performing magic?
I’m actually writing a couple books on magic theory. We need to look at whatever we do - and especially magic - and concentrate on making them have fun.
If your audience likes you, they’re going to stop being confrontational. Every magician I know, at some point during their career or in doing magic, has had this experience: The audience has folded arms and is rolling their eyes backward, saying, "Okay, Mr. Magic Man, fool me, do your trick." You have to turn that moment around because you can’t sit there and fight your audience. And as long as they are there to fight you and confront you, there’s a problem.
We all build this little wall around us, and we don’t allow people into our personal space. In order to connect with your audience, you can’t bust through their wall. Instead you have to let them open the door for you. And once they open the door and allow you into that personal space, now you have an opportunity. Now you can tell a stupid joke and they’re still going to laugh because they like you. And if they like you, they’re having fun and they’re enjoying the moment rather than trying to deconstruct the moment.
This is all about how we approach them. I don’t think you have to be the greatest magician in the world to have your audience walk away thinking "That person was awesome!" If they had a good time and they enjoyed themselves, they’ll remember you.
How important is sleight of hand compared with entertaining?
I know guys that are some of the best "mechanics", you might call them, with cards and such in the world. But some of those guys couldn’t entertain themselves out of a wet paper sack. They can do all these great moves, but when they get in front of an audience, they freeze, or they’re boring. You’d rather watch grass grow than to watch them perform.
For example, if you’re in front of some people and you throw a ball up in the air and it vanishes, they don’t know how you did it. And whether you did it by fantastic misdirection and sleight of hand or whether you use some gizmo is irrelevant to them because all the audience saw was the ball vanish. And that’s what’s important, that moment: the ball vanished.
You have a couple of different schools of thought on this. Some magicians say, "If it’s not done with sleight of hand, then you’re not really a magician." Others say, "If you can use a gaff card and make the trick work, that’s what I’m going to do." It’s like comparing Vernon and Larry Jennings, and how they would sit together at the Magic Castle and somebody would come up with a problem to solve. There are different ways of achieving something, and which one you choose doesn’t matter. So find the things that work for you. Not everybody has great dexterity. That’s okay.
Is it essential to be a good performer in order to be involved in magic?
Not everybody in magic needs to be a performer. There can be people that just collect props, or they collect posters, or books or whatever they collect. Or they are historians.
Just because you don’t go out and perform for audiences doesn’t mean anything. You still can be in magic. You can still hang out with your magic buddies. You can still enjoy everything that is magic. You don’t have to necessarily be a professional magician.
How important is hard work in order to be successful in magic?
There are seminars about how to get rid of a bad habit, or how to create a good habit. Let’s say I want to create a habit like getting more work done in my office. I’m going to condition myself to go to work one hour earlier every day so that I can get more work done. If you do that, after about a month or so, you’ll just keep going in an hour earlier.
Or if you want to spend time writing a book, but your life is a mess. You start off by saying, "I’m going to start at least once a week, on Tuesdays. Every Tuesday I’m going to devote two hours to writing my book." At first it will be tough. You may not even make it every Tuesday. But if you keep doing it, after a couple of months, you will do it and you might even spend more than two hours. In fact, it’ll get to the point where you don’t feel right unless you do sit down and write something on your book.
You can apply that to magic. I want to learn a new trick but it’s really hard, and it’s got a lot of difficult moves. So you start practicing and you put yourself in a habit of practicing.
What can we learn about hard work from performers who have been successful in magic?
People that make it in business, or people who make it in magic - whether it’s Penn and Teller, David Copperfield, Siegfried and Roy, David Blaine, Criss Angel, Mac King, any of them - they didn’t get there because they didn’t work at it.
Somebody could say, "Well, they got lucky." Did they now? Maybe the harder the work you do, the luckier you might get, and you place yourself into situations to have the opportunity to be lucky and meet somebody. But you don’t do it by sitting playing video games on Xbox or reading BS on Facebook You do it by actually going out, and because you give something else up.
So you say: "So I want to be the next Criss Angel." So what are you willing to give up? What does Criss give up? I’ll tell you what he gives up. For years he gave up hanging out with all his buddies. He gave up chasing girls everywhere, and going to the parties. He gave up tons of stuff. Why? Because he was too busy trying to be successful.
You need to ask yourself: "How am I going to learn this? How am I going to get into this position? How am I going to meet the right people that will open doors for me to get over here?" I’m not going to do it sitting at home. So you take chances. You invest money that you might lose. You invest time that you may not get back and you try things and you fail at them and then you say to yourself, well that was a mistake, so I’m going to do it different next time, but I’m not going to give up.
Does this change once you achieve a successful career in magic?
You can say "Somebody in Vegas that makes $20 million a year has got it made." Really? So are you willing to do what they do? That $20 million contract is also wrapped in golden chains. Because it means I can’t go anywhere. I’ve got to do two shows at night, whether I feel like it or not.
And I have got to go and hang upside down off the stage whether I feel like it or not, and get in that tank of water and do this trick again and again in front of my audience and smile and be happy whether I feel happy or not. Maybe I just got in a fight with my mom or my brother or whatever, but I still have to be there. It’s seven o’clock, and I’ve got to do my show. I’ve got all this money, but I don’t have any time to really enjoy it. Because most of my time is at my showroom or at the casino I work at.
And who are really my friends? The people that just want to hang out with me because I’m famous? Do I have real friends, somebody that I can talk to and they’ll just tell me the truth because they don’t want anything from me?
Why is magic so much harder in real life than when a famous magician does it on TV?
I’ve seen this on the Magic Café. Some person will attempt to do a trick, and say: "I saw David Blaine do this great trick, but I tried to do it, and this homeless guy threw a beer bottle at me."
When somebody like David Blaine or Criss Angel or anybody else is going to do magic on the street, they have a bunch of advantages you don’t have. They’ve got a crew of camera people and grip holders and light people and sound people with them and they walk up and they get to know the guy. They find a guy that is receptive to this. So now we’re going to run the cameras and I’m going to do four or five tricks. And finally we’ll do the trick that we want to show on TV. But by the time we edit the episodes, we don’t have time to show you us getting to know him. We just walk up, do the trick and it’s done. That’s the way it works.
In real life you can’t always do that. It’s tough. You watch videos of how to learn magic and then it looks great on a video. Someone like Michael Ammar or somebody else who knows what he’s doing, and everything just works great. But when you do it, that lady grabbed the deck out of my hand, or that kid ran off with my scotch and soda coins. Yep, that’s the real world.
How important is it to get experience when performing magic?
That’s the thing that’s missing from these videos. It’s not that the videos aren’t good. It’s not that the books are not good. They are good. But they don’t teach you the experience.
Say somebody wants to be a doctor. So they go to medical school for eight or nine or 10 years or whatever, and they come out and they know all the technical stuff. They know all about chemistry and how the body works and what these tools do. But when they start working with real people things don’t always happen the way the book says it might happen. So experience, experience.
I worked restaurants for years, and behind bars alongside bartenders. Some of the toughest magic to do is working beyond a bar because why? Because you’ve got alcohol involved. Alcohol plus humans often equals disaster. People will do things when they’re drunk that they wouldn’t do otherwise. And they’re not paying attention all the time.
So books can get into how to do the moves, and tell you how you might want to dress. But they can’t give you experience. You’re going to have to go up there and fail. You need to fail. You need to get busted a few times. And any magician who says "I’ve never been busted" I say: "bs. Yes, you have. Quit lying. Yes you have."
So learn from that and always be a step ahead of your audience. Always have an out in the back of your mind and say "What happens if this fails on me?" You must be able to adapt. Or do you just say "Oh sorry, it didn’t work." That’s really not a good out. You need to be able to take a bad situation and make it into a good situation.
What has experience taught you about dealing with hecklers?
It teaches you how to deal with a rowdy spectator. For many years it was said that there’s no bad audiences, only bad magicians. I call bs on that. There could absolutely be a bad audience. You could like do a show thousands of times and it’s awesome. But then get an audience and it’s just a train wreck. You can have unruly spectators and people who basically aren’t there to have a good time.
You’ve got to understand another thing about magic: some people don’t like it. It’s a psychological thing. If they’re sitting in a seat watching a magic show, somewhere in the back of their mind, they feel that if they get amazed and fooled by this, they must be an idiot, and everyone’s going to laugh at them. It’s almost as if they think the rest of the theater is too smart for this and they would be the only ones getting fooled by it. So they have to be the heckler, the rowdy guy, or the person who knows everything.
When I was younger and did kids’ shows, I learned a couple of little tricks for dealing with kids. Kids can really be a problem. I would set up all my stuff and stand by the doorway and watch the kids for the first two or three rows. Sure enough, there’d always be some kid who is slugging other kids in the arm and pulling people’s hair. That kid’s going to be my problem, so I’m going to deal with that right now.
So you walk up and say: "What’s your name? Come here." And you take him out in the hall and say "Listen, I’m going to be doing this show and I got a couple of tricks which I’m going to need your help. Can you keep a secret?" And you get the kid involved somehow. You make him feel special. You make him feel wanted because a bully at school is a bully at school because he’s being bullied at home where he feels like he has no power. So give him some power in your show and guess what? He’s not slugging kids in the arm, shouting things at the magician, or grabbing things, because he’s part of the show now. So it’s a pre-emptive strike.
What insights about magic have you gained from your passion for science fiction?
I like things like Star Trek and Star Wars and BattleStar Galactica, Stargate SG-1. You could make a movie and put billions of dollars into it and have the greatest special effects. But if it doesn’t have good characters that you care about, it’s not a good story. A series like the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien is good because it has good characters. Similarly Star Trek has always been good - not because of the cool space ships or the battles – but because of the relationship of the characters, and their ethics and ideas of morality. That’s what creates good stories.
That also applies to magic. Magic is more than just making something appear or disappear and standing up there saying, "See how wonderful I am. Aren’t you impressed?" Good magic is about how you can touch your audience on an emotional level.
That’s why I love close-up magic. Most people have never experienced magic in person. They see it on television and they might be impressed with it, but they’re thinking in the back of their heads, "Those people were in on it", or "It was a camera trick." But when you borrow somebody’s finger ring that their mother gave them as a gift and you do something wonderful with it, there’s this emotional connection because, "Hey, that’s my ring," or "That ring belonged to my grandmother. That’s not a camera trick, that was real. I saw it."
I hope you enjoyed hearing from Steve Brooks and reading his insights and observations as much as I did. He certainly has some real wisdom to share. There's a wealth of knowledge we can gain from interacting with fellow hobbyists, whether they be playing card collectors or magicians. So thank you Steve for doing this interview and for sharing your perspectives on magic!
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to Magic [link] [comments]

V9blog trên Flurk

V9blog trên Flurk
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New Class Mods for Zane and Amara from the DLC (as well as Trinkets, Guns, Shields, and whathaveyou)

For those interested in the weapons and new mods! Go check out this thread, he actually shows them in-game and tests them out. 100% certified hot.
We already know Moze's and Fl4k's, so I found Zane's and Amara's cuz I was curious. Not sure how to submit gear to the spreadsheet or I would have, I noticed they weren't up there yet with some of the datamined guns.
A lot of the borderlands projects are named after flowers/trees (generally dlcs/patches are flowers, main games are trees). This one is dandelion. Thought that was cute.
Zane's new mod: Seein' Dead
Zane's description: Whenever Zane damages an enemy with his weapon he has a chance to automatically activate all of his [skillbold]Kill Skills[/skillbold]. Additionally, his Kill Skills gain a bonus [skillbold]$VALUE$ effect bonus[/skillbold].
Seems like an upgraded version of Fl4k's, which is a shame because I was hoping for something unique-r. That said, not complaining about the bonus kill skill effect. May be Zane's best mod, depending on the numbers.
Red Text: Musha rain dum a doo, dum a da reference to: Whiskey in a Jar.
Amara's new mod: Golden Rule
Amara's description: Whenever an enemy damages Amara, she gains increased [skillbold]Action Skill Cooldown Rate[/skillbold] for a few seconds. This effect stacks
Red Text: I can do this all day.
I assume this is a reference to the DefendeSham red texts (which may be a reference to something else idk) u/Seraphim70000 says it's a reference to Captain America! (Thank you)
As for new STUFF
we got (and I'm assuming at this point if you've read this far you're cool with spoilers)


Jack's Golden Mask
Mimic (reference to BnB? I hope so)
Candy Cane (this one is noted to be a mercenary day trinket and specifically not part of 'dandelion')


There is a lot here. holy shit
Boomer (ok)
Nukem (omg)


and a file named ShieldMods Dandelion. Nothing I can read in there except Shield Recharge Rate, Delay, and Capacity




3 new ECHO Customizations
6 new Room Customizations
And I know from the trailers we're getting at least 1 new skin/head for each VH, but I can't find those right now.
It looks like we will also be getting a lot of new item card perks for guns/grenades/shields, but what those are I cannot tell you. Sorry!
I'm bored and hungry now so I'm gonna stop looking thru the stuff. If you want me to find anything else let me know.
Edit: I was asked what the enemies are looking like. Here's a list:
Claptrap, Constructor, Fabrikator, Hyperion Turret, Loader, Punk Male, Service Bot, Surveyor (fuck fuck fuck fu-), and Wee Loader. They are seperated by team: Hyperion, Hyperion Service Bots, Looter, and Pretty Boy
There may be more I'm not seeing as I saw some interesting reskinned/renamed enemies in the gameplay showcase. I imagine Punk Male is likely part of that
Team pretty boy fits in with the audio files I extracted from the game a while back, which u can find a description of on my blog or thru HayderHype's showcase of the audio. BIG spoiler warning for the story of the dlc
submitted by DelusionPhantom to borderlands3 [link] [comments]

Welcome to the B.L.o.K. (Big List of Kelowna)

Tons of posts are asking about this town (mine included), so I decided to go through the /kelowna history and put all the responses in a central place. It can be a guide for visitors and Kelowna newbies in general. All the information has been gathered exclusively from posts here. If you'd like to add anything to the list, or see any errors, reply below and I'll add it to the main post below. (Mods, if this is long-term useful, you can sticky it.)

Activities & Things To Do




Bike Rental

Breweries / Craft Beer


BC Parks Campgrounds Reserve

Other Camping

Concert Hosts / Weeklies / Promoter Events


Dog Parks

Festivals & Annual Large Events

Fly Fishing

Food and Restaurants




Good for Groups








Mexican / Comida Latina



Subs / Sandwhiches


Tasting Menus


Vegan & Vegetarian

Not Dedicated Vegan, but a Decent Vegan Selection






Ice Skating

Internet Service Providers

Live Music

Mountain Biking

Nightlife / Clubs

Places to Avoid

Real Estate Agents




Skiing & Snowboarding

Local, within 90 minutes

Within a few hours drive


Cross Country & Nordic


Swimming Pools

Taxis / Driver Service

(There's no Uber or Lyft in Kelowna)




Thrift Stores / Consignment Stores


Watch Hockey



submitted by Indy_Pendant to kelowna [link] [comments]

Goa to open for domestic tourists | Bounce Beyond Borders

Goa to open for domestic tourists | Bounce Beyond Borders
Goa open for tourism Now, Goa is ready to open even more Only for domestic tourists! Goa has removed the restriction that people need to bring a CoVid-19 negative certificate or get tested on arrival. Goa has also decided that bars will be allowed to open in Goa from September 1, 2020, with social distancing measures in place. After months of lockdown, Goa will open for domestic tourists from today
Goa was declared a green zone, as it was one of the states with the lowest number of cases in India. Since then though, cases have been back on the rise and the state has seen a surge in the number of cases in the past month The state has also opened up bars from today, with all the necessary precautions such as social distancing, wearing masks and temperature checks. Restaurants and cafes have been open already, and hotels are back in business, too. Barring the beach shacks and casinos as of now, Goa is open for travelers. The beach shacks will remain closed and are likely to open after the monsoon in October.
For More Info
Call Us: 99790 82360
Email: [email protected] Website:
submitted by bouncebeyondborders to u/bouncebeyondborders [link] [comments]

List of Instagram business categories

Academic Camp
Addiction Resources Center
Addiction Service
Addiction Treatment Center
Adult Entertainment Service
Advertising Agency
Aerospace Company
African Restaurant
Agricultural Cooperative
Agricultural Service
Airline Company
Airline Industry Service
Airport Shuttle Service
Alternative & Holistic Health Service
Amateur Photographer
Amateur Sports Team
American Restaurant
Amusement & Theme Park
Animal Shelter
Antique Store
Apartment & Condo Building
Apostolic Church
App Page
Apparel & Clothing
Apparel Distributor
Appliance Manufacturer
Appliance Repair Service
Aquatic Pet Store
Arabian Restaurant
Architectural Designer
Architectural Engineer
Architectural Tour Agency
Argentinian Restaurant
Aromatherapy Service
Art Gallery
Art Museum
Art Restoration Service
Art School
Art Tour Agency
Arts & Crafts Store
Arts & Entertainment
Arts & Humanities Website
Asian Fusion Restaurant
Asian Restaurant
Assemblies Of God
Astrologist & Psychic
Atv Recreation Park
Auction House
Audio Visual Equipment Store
Australian Restaurant
Auto Detailing Service
Automated Teller Machine (Atm)
Automation Service
Automotive Body Shop
Automotive Consultant
Automotive Customization Shop
Automotive Dealership
Automotive Glass Service
Automotive Leasing Service
Automotive Manufacturer
Automotive Parts Store
Automotive Repair Shop
Automotive Restoration Service
Automotive Service
Automotive Store
Automotive Window Tinting Service
Automotive, Aircraft & Boat
Aviation School
Awning Supplier
Baby & Children's Clothing Store
Baby Goods/Kids Goods
Bags & Luggage Company
Bags & Luggage Store
Bail Bondsmen
Bankruptcy Lawyer
Bar & Grill
Barbecue Restaurant
Barber Shop
Bartending Service
Beach Resort
Beauty Salon
Beauty Store
Beauty Supplier
Beauty Supply Store
Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care
Bed And Breakfast
Beer Bar
Beer Garden
Belgian Restaurant
Bicycle Repair Service
Bicycle Shop
Big Box Retailer
Bike Rental
Biotechnology Company
Blinds & Curtains Store
Board Game
Boat / Sailing Instructor
Boat Dealership
Boat Rental
Boat Service
Boat Tour Agency
Boat/Ferry Company
Book & Magazine Distributor
Book Series
Botanical Garden
Bottled Water Company
Bottled Water Supplier
Boutique Store
Bowling Alley
Boxing Studio
Brand Agency
Brazilian Restaurant
Breakfast & Brunch Restaurant
Bridal Shop
British Restaurant
Broadcasting & Media Production Company
Brokerage Firm
Bubble Tea Shop
Buffet Restaurant
Building Material Store
Building Materials
Burger Restaurant
Bus Line
Bus Tour Agency
Business & Economy Website
Business Center
Business Consultant
Business Service
Business Supply Service
Butcher Shop
Cabinet & Countertop Store
Cable & Satellite Company
Camera Store
Campus Building
Canadian Restaurant
Candy Store
Canoe & Kayak Rental
Cantonese Restaurant
Car Dealership
Car Rental
Car Wash
Career Counselor
Cargo & Freight Company
Caribbean Restaurant
Carnival Supply Store
Carpet & Flooring Store
Cash Advance Service
Casino & Gaming
Champagne Bar
Charity Organization
Charter Bus Service
Cheese Shop
Chemical Company
Chicken Joint
Child Care Service
Child Protective Service
Chimney Sweeper
Chinese Restaurant
Chocolate Shop
Christian Church
Church Of Christ
Church Of God
Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints
City Infrastructure
Cleaning Service
Clothing (Brand)
Clothing Company
Clothing Store
Cocktail Bar
Coffee Shop
Collectibles Store
College & University
Colombian Restaurant
Comedy Club
Comfort Food Restaurant
Comic Bookstore
Commercial & Industrial
Commercial & Industrial Equipment Supplier
Commercial Bank
Commercial Equipment
Commercial Real Estate Agency
Community Center
Community College
Community Museum
Community Organization
Community Service
Computer Company
Computer Repair Service
Computer Store
Computer Training School
Computers & Internet Website
Computers (Brand)
Concert Tour
Concrete Contractor
Construction Company
Consulate & Embassy
Consulting Agency
Contemporary Art Museum
Continental Restaurant
Convenience Store
Convent & Monastery
Convention Center
Cooking School
Copywriting Service
Corporate Lawyer
Corporate Office
Cosmetic Dentist
Cosmetics Store
Cosmetology School
Costume Shop
Country Club / Clubhouse
Credit Counseling Service
Cricket Ground
Criminal Lawyer
Cruise Agency
Cruise Line
Cultural Center
Cultural Gifts Store
Cupcake Shop
Currency Exchange
Dairy Farm
Damage Restoration Service
Dance & Night Club
Dance School
Dance Studio
Dating Service
Day Care
Day Spa
Deck & Patio Builder
Defense Company
Demolition & Excavation Company
Dentist & Dental Office
Department Store
Design & Fashion
Dessert Shop
Digital Creator
Dim Sum Restaurant
Disc Golf Course
Discount Store
Dive Bar
Diving Spot
Divorce & Family Lawyer
Dog Day Care Center
Dog Park
Dog Trainer
Dog Walker
Dominican Restaurant
Donut Shop
Drafting Service
Drive-In Movie Theater
Driving School
Drug Addiction Treatment Center
Dry Cleaner
Dui Lawyer
E-Cigarette Store
Eco Tour Agency
E-Commerce Website
Education Company
Education Website
Educational Consultant
Educational Research Center
Educational Supply Store
Electronics Company
Electronics Store
Elementary School
Elevator Service
Emergency Rescue Service
Employment Agency
Energy Company
Engineering Service
Entertainment Website
Environmental Conservation Organization
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Service
Equestrian Center
Escape Game Room
Esports League
Estate Planning Lawyer
Ethiopian Restaurant
European Restaurant
Evangelical Church
Event Photographer
Event Planner
Event Videographer
Exotic Car Rental
Fabric Store
Family Doctor
Family Medicine Practice
Family Style Restaurant
Farmers Market
Fashion Company
Fashion Designer
Fashion Model
Fast Food Restaurant
Fence & Gate Contractor
Fertility Doctor
Fictional Character
Field Of Study
Filipino Restaurant
Film Director
Finance Company
Financial Aid Service
Financial Consultant
Financial Planner
Financial Service
Fire Protection Service
Fireplace Store
Fish & Chips Restaurant
Fish Farm
Fish Market
Fishing Spot
Fishing Store
Fitness Boot Camp
Fitness Model
Fitness Trainer
Flea Market
Flight School
Flyboarding Center
Fondue Restaurant
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage Company
Food Consultant
Food Delivery Service
Food Stand
Food Tour Agency
Food Truck
Food Wholesaler
Foodservice Distributor
Footwear Store
Forestry & Logging
Forestry Service
Franchising Service
French Restaurant
Frozen Yogurt Shop
Fruit & Vegetable Store
Funeral Service & Cemetery
Furniture Repair & Upholstery Service
Furniture Store
Gaming Video Creator
Garage Door Service
Garden Center
Gas & Chemical Service
Gas Station
Gay Bar
Gelato Shop
General Dentist
German Restaurant
Gift Shop
Glass & Mirror Shop
Glass Manufacturer
Glass Service
Gluten-Free Restaurant
Go-Kart Track
Golf Cart Dealership
Golf Course & Country Club
Government Building
Government Official
Government Organization
Government Website
Granite & Marble Supplier
Graphic Designer
Greek Restaurant
Grocery Store
Gun Store
Gutter Cleaning Service
Gym/Physical Fitness Center
Hair Extensions Service
Hair Removal Service
Hair Replacement Service
Hair Salon
Halal Restaurant
Hardware Store
Hat Store
Haunted House
Hawaiian Restaurant
Health & Wellness Website
Health Food Restaurant
Health Food Store
Health Spa
Healthcare Administrator
Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Service
High School
Hiking Trail
Hindu Temple
Historical Tour Agency
History Museum
Home & Garden Store
Home & Garden Website
Home Decor
Home Goods Store
Home Health Care Service
Home Improvement
Home Improvement Service
Home Inspector
Home Mover
Home Security Company
Home Staging Service
Home Theater Store
Home Window Service
Homebrew Supply Store
Hong Kong Restaurant
Hookah Lounge
Horse Trainer
Horseback Riding Center
Hospitality Service
Hot Air Balloon Tour Agency
Hot Dog Joint
Hotel & Lodging
Hotel Bar
Hotel Resort
Hotel Services Company
House Painting
House Sitter
Household Supplies
Housing Assistance Service
Hungarian Restaurant
Ice Cream Shop
Ice Skating Rink
Image Consultant
Immigration Lawyer
Independent Bookstore
Indian Chinese Restaurant
Indian Restaurant
Indo Chinese Restaurant
Indonesian Restaurant
Industrial Company
Information Technology Company
In-Home Service
Insurance Agent
Insurance Broker
Insurance Company
Intellectual Property Lawyer
Interior Design Studio
Internet Cafe
Internet Company
Internet Marketing Service
Internet Service Provider
Investing Service
Investment Bank
Investment Management Company
Irish Restaurant
Italian Restaurant
Janitorial Service
Japanese Restaurant
Jazz & Blues Club
Jet Ski Rental
Jewelry & Watches Company
Jewelry & Watches Store
Jewelry Wholesaler
Just For Fun
Kids Entertainment Service
Kitchen & Bath Contractor
Kiteboarding Center
Korean Restaurant
Kosher Restaurant
Labor Union
Landmark & Historical Place
Landscape Architect
Landscape Company
Landscape Designer
Language School
Laser Hair Removal Service
Laser Tag Center
Lasik/Laser Eye Surgeon
Latin American Restaurant
Law Enforcement Agency
Lawyer & Law Firm
Lebanese Restaurant
Legal Service
Lifestyle Service
Lighting Store
Ligurian Restaurant
Limo Service
Lingerie & Underwear Store
Literary Arts
Literary Editor
Live Music Venue
Livery Stable
Livestock Farm
Loan Service
Local & Travel Website
Local Business
Local Service
Lottery Retailer
Luggage Service
Makeup Artist
Malaysian Restaurant
Management Service
Marine Supply Store
Market Research Consultant
Marketing Agency
Marketing Consultant
Marriage Therapist
Martial Arts School
Masonry Contractor
Massage Service
Massage Therapist
Maternity & Nursing Clothing Store
Mattress Manufacturer
Mattress Store
Mattress Wholesaler
Meat Wholesaler
Media Agency
Media/News Company
Medical & Health
Medical Cannabis Dispensary
Medical Center
Medical Company
Medical Equipment Manufacturer
Medical Equipment Supplier
Medical Lab
Medical Procedure
Medical School
Medical Service
Medical Spa
Medical Supply Store
Meditation Center
Mediterranean Restaurant
Meeting Room
Men's Clothing Store
Mental Health Service
Merchandising Service
Metal Fabricator
Metal Supplier
Methodist Church
Mexican Restaurant
Middle Eastern Restaurant
Middle School
Miniature Golf Course
Mining Company
Mobile Home Park
Mobile Phone Shop
Modeling Agency
Modern Art Museum
Modern European Restaurant
Moroccan Restaurant
Mortgage Brokers
Motivational Speaker
Motor Vehicle Company
Motorcycle Dealership
Motorcycle Manufacturer
Motorcycle Repair Shop
Motorsports Store
Mountain Biking Shop
Movie & Music Store
Movie Character
Movie Theater
Movie/Television Studio
Moving & Storage Service
Music Award
Music Chart
Music Lessons & Instruction School
Music Production Studio
Music Video
Musical Genre
Musical Instrument
Musical Instrument Store
Nail Salon
National Forest
National Park
Nature Preserve
Neapolitan Restaurant
New American Restaurant
News & Media Website
News Personality
Night Market
Nondenominational Church
Non-Governmental Organization (Ngo)
Nonprofit Organization
Notary Public
Nurseries & Gardening Store
Nursing School
Obstetrician-Gynecologist (Obgyn)
Occupational Safety And Health Service
Occupational Therapist
Office Equipment Store
Office Supplies
Opera House
Oral Surgeon
Organic Grocery Store
Osteopathic Doctor
Outdoor & Sporting Goods Company
Outdoor Equipment Store
Outdoor Recreation
Outlet Store
Paddleboarding Center
Paintball Center
Pakistani Restaurant
Party Entertainment Service
Party Supply & Rental Shop
Passport & Visa Service
Paving & Asphalt Service
Pawn Shop
Pentecostal Church
Performance & Event Venue
Performance Art
Performance Art Theatre
Performing Arts
Performing Arts School
Personal Assistant
Personal Blog
Personal Chef
Personal Coach
Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal Trainer
Personal Website
Peruvian Restaurant
Pest Control Service
Pet Adoption Service
Pet Breeder
Pet Cafe
Pet Groomer
Pet Service
Pet Sitter
Pet Store
Pet Supplies
Petroleum Service
Petting Zoo
Pharmaceutical Company
Pharmacy / Drugstore
Pho Restaurant
Photography Museum
Photography Videography
Physical Therapist
Pilates Studio
Pizza Place
Plastic Company
Plastic Manufacturer
Plastic Surgeon
Plumbing Service
Police Station
Polish Restaurant
Political Candidate
Political Organization
Political Party
Pop-Up Shop
Portable Building Service
Portuguese Restaurant
Post Office
Pregnancy Care Center
Printing Service
Private Investigator
Private Members Club
Private Plane Charter
Private School
Professional Gamer
Professional Service
Professional Sports Team
Property Lawyer
Property Management Company
Public & Government Service
Public Figure
Public Relations Agency
Public School
Public Service
Public Swimming Pool
Public Utility Company
Race Track
Radio Station
Rafting/Kayaking Center
Ramen Restaurant
Real Estate
Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Appraiser
Real Estate Company
Real Estate Developer
Real Estate Investment Firm
Real Estate Lawyer
Real Estate Service
Real Estate Title & Development
Record Label
Recreation & Sports Website
Recreation Center
Recreation Spot
Recycling & Waste Management
Recycling Center
Reference Website
Refrigeration Service
Regional Website
Religious Bookstore
Religious Center
Religious Organization
Rental Shop
Reproductive Service
Restaurant Supply Store
Restaurant Wholesaler
Retail Company
Retirement & Assisted Living Facility
Rideshare Service
Robotics Company
Rock Climbing Gym
Roller Skating Rink
Roofing Service
Rose Garden
Rugby Pitch
Rv Park
Rv Repair Shop
Safety & First Aid Service
Sake Bar
Salsa Club
Sandwich Shop
School Sports League
School Sports Team
School Transportation Service
Science Museum
Science Website
Science, Technology & Engineering
Scooter Rental
Screen Printing & Embroidery
Scuba Diving Center
Scuba Instructor
Sculpture Garden
Seafood Restaurant
Seasonal Store
Secretarial Service
Security Guard Service
Self-Storage Facility
Service Apartments
Sewer Service
Sewing & Alterations
Sex Therapist
Shaved Ice Shop
Shipping Supply & Service
Shopping & Retail
Shopping District
Shopping Mall
Shopping Service
Sightseeing Tour Agency
Signs & Banner Service
Sikh Temple
Skate Shop
Skateboard Park
Ski & Snowboard Shop
Ski Resort
Skin Care Service
Skydiving Center
Smoothie & Juice Bar
Snorkeling Spot
Soba Restaurant
Soccer Field
Social Club
Social Media Agency
Social Service
Society & Culture Website
Software Company
Solar Energy Company
Solar Energy Service
Sorority & Fraternity
Soul Food Restaurant
Soup Restaurant
South African Restaurant
Southern Restaurant
Souvenir Shop
Spanish Restaurant
Specialty Grocery Store
Specialty School
Speech Pathologist
Sporting Goods Store
Sports & Fitness Instruction
Sports & Recreation
Sports & Recreation Venue
Sports Bar
Sports Club
Sports Event
Sports League
Sports Promoter
Sports Team
Sportswear Store
Stadium, Arena & Sports Venue
Stately Home
Statue & Fountain
Storage Facility
Structural Engineer
Subway Station
Sunglasses & Eyewear Store
Surf Shop
Surfing Spot
Sushi Restaurant
Swimming Instructor
Swimming Pool & Hot Tub Service
Swimming Pool Cleaner
Swimwear Store
Talent Agent
Tanning Salon
Tapas Bar & Restaurant
Tattoo & Piercing Shop
Tax Preparation Service
Taxi Service
Tea Room
Teens & Kids Website
Teeth Whitening Service
Telecommunication Company
Telemarketing Service
Tennis Court
Test Preparation Center
Tex-Mex Restaurant
Textile Company
Thai Restaurant
Theatrical Play
Theatrical Productions
Theme Restaurant
Thrift & Consignment Store
Ticket Sales
Tiling Service
Tire Dealer & Repair Shop
Tobacco Company
Tobacco Store
Tour Agency
Tour Guide
Tourist Information Center
Towing Service
Toy Store
Trade School
Traffic School
Train Station
Transit Stop
Transit System
Transportation Service
Travel & Transportation
Travel Agency
Travel Company
Travel Service
Tree Cutting Service
Trophies & Engraving Shop
Tuscan Restaurant
Tv Channel
Tv Network
Tv Season
Tv Show
Tv/Movie Award
Uniform Supplier
Urban Farm
Vacation Home Rental
Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurant
Video Creator
Video Game
Video Game Store
Vietnamese Restaurant
Vintage Store
Visual Arts
Vitamin Supplement Shop
Waste Management Company
Water Heater Installation & Repair Service
Water Park
Water Treatment Service
Water Utility Company
Waxing Service
Web Designer
Wedding Planning Service
Wedding Venue
Weight Loss Center
Well Water Drilling Service
Whisky Bar
Wholesale & Supply Store
Wholesale Bakery
Wholesale Grocer
Wig Store
Wildlife Sanctuary
Window Installation Service
Wine Bar
Wine, Beer & Spirits Store
Women's Clothing Store
Women's Health Clinic
Work Position
Workplace & Office
Writing Service
Yoga Studio
Youth Organization
submitted by ajlee2006 to copypasta [link] [comments]

A thousand words wasn't enough? Here's five thousand.

List acquired here.
a aa aaa aaron ab abandoned abc aberdeen abilities ability able aboriginal abortion about above abraham abroad abs absence absent absolute absolutely absorption abstract abstracts abu abuse ac academic academics academy acc accent accept acceptable acceptance accepted accepting accepts access accessed accessibility accessible accessing accessories accessory accident accidents accommodate accommodation accommodations accompanied accompanying accomplish accomplished accordance according accordingly account accountability accounting accounts accreditation accredited accuracy accurate accurately accused acdbentity ace acer achieve achieved achievement achievements achieving acid acids acknowledge acknowledged acm acne acoustic acquire acquired acquisition acquisitions acre acres acrobat across acrylic act acting action actions activated activation active actively activists activities activity actor actors actress acts actual actually acute ad ada adam adams adaptation adapted adapter adapters adaptive adaptor add added addiction adding addition additional additionally additions address addressed addresses addressing adds adelaide adequate adidas adipex adjacent adjust adjustable adjusted adjustment adjustments admin administered administration administrative administrator administrators admission admissions admit admitted adobe adolescent adopt adopted adoption adrian ads adsl adult adults advance advanced advancement advances advantage advantages adventure adventures adverse advert advertise advertisement advertisements advertiser advertisers advertising advice advise advised advisor advisors advisory advocacy advocate adware ae aerial aerospace af affair affairs affect affected affecting affects affiliate affiliated affiliates affiliation afford affordable afghanistan afraid africa african after afternoon afterwards ag again against age aged agencies agency agenda agent agents ages aggregate aggressive aging ago agree agreed agreement agreements agrees agricultural agriculture ah ahead ai aid aids aim aimed aims air aircraft airfare airline airlines airplane airport airports aj ak aka al ala alabama alan alarm alaska albania albany albert alberta album albums albuquerque alcohol alert alerts alex alexander alexandria alfred algebra algeria algorithm algorithms ali alias alice alien align alignment alike alive all allah allan alleged allen allergy alliance allied allocated allocation allow allowance allowed allowing allows alloy almost alone along alot alpha alphabetical alpine already also alt alter altered alternate alternative alternatively alternatives although alto aluminium aluminum alumni always am amanda amateur amazing amazon ambassador amber ambien ambient amd amend amended amendment amendments amenities america american americans americas amino among amongst amount amounts amp ampland amplifier amsterdam amy an ana anaheim anal analog analyses analysis analyst analysts analytical analyze analyzed anatomy anchor ancient and andale anderson andorra andrea andreas andrew andrews andy angel angela angeles angels anger angle angola angry animal animals animated animation anime ann anna anne annex annie anniversary annotated annotation announce announced announcement announcements announces annoying annual annually anonymous another answer answered answering answers ant antarctica antenna anthony anthropology anti antibodies antibody anticipated antigua antique antiques antivirus antonio anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anytime anyway anywhere aol ap apache apart apartment apartments api apnic apollo app apparatus apparel apparent apparently appeal appeals appear appearance appeared appearing appears appendix apple appliance appliances applicable applicant applicants application applications applied applies apply applying appointed appointment appointments appraisal appreciate appreciated appreciation approach approaches appropriate appropriations approval approve approved approx approximate approximately apps apr april apt aqua aquarium aquatic ar arab arabia arabic arbitrary arbitration arbor arc arcade arch architect architects architectural architecture archive archived archives arctic are area areas arena arg argentina argue argued argument arguments arise arising arizona arkansas arlington arm armed armenia armor arms armstrong army arnold around arrange arranged arrangement arrangements array arrest arrested arrival arrivals arrive arrived arrives arrow art arthritis arthur article articles artificial artist artistic artists arts artwork aruba as asbestos ascii ash ashley asia asian aside asin ask asked asking asks asn asp aspect aspects ass assault assembled assembly assess assessed assessing assessment assessments asset assets assign assigned assignment assignments assist assistance assistant assisted assists associate associated associates association associations assume assumed assumes assuming assumption assumptions assurance assure assured asthma astrology astronomy asus asylum at ata ate athens athletes athletic athletics ati atlanta atlantic atlas atm atmosphere atmospheric atom atomic attach attached attachment attachments attack attacked attacks attempt attempted attempting attempts attend attendance attended attending attention attitude attitudes attorney attorneys attract attraction attractions attractive attribute attributes au auburn auckland auction auctions aud audi audience audio audit auditor aug august aurora aus austin australia australian austria authentic authentication author authorities authority authorization authorized authors auto automated automatic automatically automation automobile automobiles automotive autos autumn av availability available avatar ave avenue average avg avi aviation avoid avoiding avon aw award awarded awards aware awareness away awesome awful axis aye az azerbaijan b ba babe babes babies baby bachelor back backed background backgrounds backing backup bacon bacteria bacterial bad badge badly bag baghdad bags bahamas bahrain bailey baker baking balance balanced bald bali ball ballet balloon ballot balls baltimore ban banana band bands bandwidth bang bangbus bangkok bangladesh bank banking bankruptcy banks banned banner banners baptist bar barbados barbara barbie barcelona bare barely bargain bargains barn barnes barrel barrier barriers barry bars base baseball based baseline basement basename bases basic basically basics basin basis basket basketball baskets bass bat batch bath bathroom bathrooms baths batman batteries battery battle battlefield bay bb bbc bbs bbw bc bd bdsm be beach beaches beads beam bean beans bear bearing bears beast beastality beastiality beat beatles beats beautiful beautifully beauty beaver became because become becomes becoming bed bedding bedford bedroom bedrooms beds bee beef been beer before began begin beginner beginners beginning begins begun behalf behavior behavioral behaviour behind beijing being beings belarus belfast belgium belief beliefs believe believed believes belize belkin bell belle belly belong belongs below belt belts ben bench benchmark bend beneath beneficial benefit benefits benjamin bennett bent benz berkeley berlin bermuda bernard berry beside besides best bestiality bestsellers bet beta beth better betting betty between beverage beverages beverly beyond bg bhutan bi bias bible biblical bibliographic bibliography bicycle bid bidder bidding bids big bigger biggest bike bikes bikini bill billing billion bills billy bin binary bind binding bingo bio biodiversity biographies biography biol biological biology bios biotechnology bird birds birmingham birth birthday bishop bit bitch bite bits biz bizarre bizrate bk bl black blackberry blackjack blacks blade blades blah blair blake blame blank blanket blast bleeding blend bless blessed blind blink block blocked blocking blocks blog blogger bloggers blogging blogs blond blonde blood bloody bloom bloomberg blow blowing blowjob blowjobs blue blues bluetooth blvd bm bmw bo board boards boat boating boats bob bobby boc bodies body bold bolivia bolt bomb bon bond bondage bonds bone bones bonus boob boobs book booking bookings bookmark bookmarks books bookstore bool boolean boom boost boot booth boots booty border borders bored boring born borough bosnia boss boston both bother botswana bottle bottles bottom bought boulder boulevard bound boundaries boundary bouquet boutique bow bowl bowling box boxed boxes boxing boy boys bp br bra bracelet bracelets bracket brad bradford bradley brain brake brakes branch branches brand brandon brands bras brass brave brazil brazilian breach bread break breakdown breakfast breaking breaks breast breasts breath breathing breed breeding breeds brian brick bridal bride bridge bridges brief briefing briefly briefs bright brighton brilliant bring bringing brings brisbane bristol britain britannica british britney broad broadband broadcast broadcasting broader broadway brochure brochures broke broken broker brokers bronze brook brooklyn brooks brother brothers brought brown browse browser browsers browsing bruce brunei brunette brunswick brush brussels brutal bryan bryant bs bt bubble buck bucks budapest buddy budget budgets buf buffalo buffer bufing bug bugs build builder builders building buildings builds built bukkake bulgaria bulgarian bulk bull bullet bulletin bumper bunch bundle bunny burden bureau buried burke burlington burn burner burning burns burst burton bus buses bush business businesses busty busy but butler butt butter butterfly button buttons butts buy buyer buyers buying buys buzz bw by bye byte bytes c ca cab cabin cabinet cabinets cable cables cache cached cad cadillac cafe cage cake cakes cal calcium calculate calculated calculation calculations calculator calculators calendar calendars calgary calibration california call called calling calls calm calvin cam cambodia cambridge camcorder camcorders came camel camera cameras cameron cameroon camp campaign campaigns campbell camping camps campus cams can canada canadian canal canberra cancel cancellation cancelled cancer candidate candidates candle candles candy cannon canon cant canvas canyon cap capabilities capability capable capacity cape capital capitol caps captain capture captured car carb carbon card cardiac cardiff cardiovascular cards care career careers careful carefully carey cargo caribbean caring carl carlo carlos carmen carnival carol carolina caroline carpet carried carrier carriers carries carroll carry carrying cars cart carter cartoon cartoons cartridge cartridges cas casa case cases casey cash cashiers casino casinos casio cassette cast casting castle casual cat catalog catalogs catalogue catalyst catch categories category catering cathedral catherine catholic cats cattle caught cause caused causes causing caution cave cayman cb cbs cc ccd cd cdna cds cdt ce cedar ceiling celebrate celebration celebrities celebrity celebs cell cells cellular celtic cement cemetery census cent center centered centers central centre centres cents centuries century ceo ceramic ceremony certain certainly certificate certificates certification certified cet cf cfr cg cgi ch chad chain chains chair chairman chairs challenge challenged challenges challenging chamber chambers champagne champion champions championship championships chan chance chancellor chances change changed changelog changes changing channel channels chaos chapel chapter chapters char character characteristic characteristics characterization characterized characters charge charged charger chargers charges charging charitable charity charles charleston charlie charlotte charm charming charms chart charter charts chase chassis chat cheap cheaper cheapest cheat cheats check checked checking checklist checkout checks cheers cheese chef chelsea chem chemical chemicals chemistry chen cheque cherry chess chest chester chevrolet chevy chi chicago chick chicken chicks chief child childhood children childrens chile china chinese chip chips cho chocolate choice choices choir cholesterol choose choosing chorus chose chosen chris christ christian christianity christians christina christine christmas christopher chrome chronic chronicle chronicles chrysler chubby chuck church churches ci cia cialis ciao cigarette cigarettes cincinnati cindy cinema cingular cio cir circle circles circuit circuits circular circulation circumstances circus cisco citation citations cite cited cities citizen citizens citizenship city citysearch civic civil civilian civilization cj cl claim claimed claims claire clan clara clarity clark clarke class classes classic classical classics classification classified classifieds classroom clause clay clean cleaner cleaners cleaning cleanup clear clearance cleared clearing clearly clerk cleveland click clicking clicks client clients cliff climate climb climbing clinic clinical clinics clinton clip clips clock clocks clone close closed closely closer closes closest closing closure cloth clothes clothing cloud clouds cloudy club clubs cluster clusters cm cms cn cnet cnn co coach coaches coaching coal coalition coast coastal coat coated coating cock cocks cocktail cod code codes coding coffee cognitive cohen coin coins col cold cole coleman colin collaboration collaborative collapse collar colleague colleagues collect collectables collected collectible collectibles collecting collection collections collective collector collectors college colleges collins cologne colombia colon colonial colony color colorado colored colors colour colours columbia columbus column columnists columns com combat combination combinations combine combined combines combining combo come comedy comes comfort comfortable comic comics coming comm command commander commands comment commentary commented comments commerce commercial commission commissioner commissioners commissions commit commitment commitments committed committee committees commodities commodity common commonly commons commonwealth communicate communication communications communist communities community comp compact companies companion company compaq comparable comparative compare compared comparing comparison comparisons compatibility compatible compensation compete competent competing competition competitions competitive competitors compilation compile compiled compiler complaint complaints complement complete completed completely completing completion complex complexity compliance compliant complicated complications complimentary comply component components composed composer composite composition compound compounds comprehensive compressed compression compromise computation computational compute computed computer computers computing con concentrate concentration concentrations concept concepts conceptual concern concerned concerning concerns concert concerts conclude concluded conclusion conclusions concord concrete condition conditional conditioning conditions condo condos conduct conducted conducting conf conference conferences conferencing confidence confident confidential confidentiality config configuration configurations configure configured configuring confirm confirmation confirmed conflict conflicts confused confusion congo congratulations congress congressional conjunction connect connected connecticut connecting connection connections connectivity connector connectors cons conscious consciousness consecutive consensus consent consequence consequences consequently conservation conservative consider considerable consideration considerations considered considering considers consist consistency consistent consistently consisting consists console consoles consolidated consolidation consortium conspiracy const constant constantly constitute constitutes constitution constitutional constraint constraints construct constructed construction consult consultancy consultant consultants consultation consulting consumer consumers consumption contact contacted contacting contacts contain contained container containers containing contains contamination contemporary content contents contest contests context continent continental continually continue continued continues continuing continuity continuous continuously contract contracting contractor contractors contracts contrary contrast contribute contributed contributing contribution contributions contributor contributors control controlled controller controllers controlling controls controversial controversy convenience convenient convention conventional conventions convergence conversation conversations conversion convert converted converter convertible convicted conviction convinced cook cookbook cooked cookie cookies cooking cool cooler cooling cooper cooperation cooperative coordinate coordinated coordinates coordination coordinator cop cope copied copies copper copy copying copyright copyrighted copyrights coral cord cordless core cork corn cornell corner corners cornwall corp corporate corporation corporations corps corpus correct corrected correction corrections correctly correlation correspondence corresponding corruption cos cosmetic cosmetics cost costa costs costume costumes cottage cottages cotton could council councils counsel counseling count counted counter counters counties counting countries country counts county couple coupled couples coupon coupons courage courier course courses court courtesy courts cove cover coverage covered covering covers cow cowboy cox cp cpu cr crack cradle craft crafts craig crap craps crash crawford crazy cream create created creates creating creation creations creative creativity creator creature creatures credit credits creek crest crew cricket crime crimes criminal crisis criteria criterion critical criticism critics crm croatia crop crops cross crossing crossword crowd crown crucial crude cruise cruises cruz cry crystal cs css cst ct ctrl cu cuba cube cubic cuisine cult cultural culture cultures cum cumshot cumshots cumulative cunt cup cups cure curious currencies currency current currently curriculum cursor curtis curve curves custody custom customer customers customise customize customized customs cut cute cuts cutting cv cvs cw cyber cycle cycles cycling cylinder cyprus cz czech d da dad daddy daily dairy daisy dakota dale dallas dam damage damaged damages dame damn dan dana dance dancing danger dangerous daniel danish danny dans dare dark darkness darwin das dash dat data database databases date dated dates dating daughter daughters dave david davidson davis dawn day days dayton db dc dd ddr de dead deadline deadly deaf deal dealer dealers dealing deals dealt dealtime dean dear death deaths debate debian deborah debt debug debut dec decade decades december decent decide decided decimal decision decisions deck declaration declare declared decline declined decor decorating decorative decrease decreased dedicated dee deemed deep deeper deeply deer def default defeat defects defence defend defendant defense defensive deferred deficit define defined defines defining definitely definition definitions degree degrees del delaware delay delayed delays delegation delete deleted delhi delicious delight deliver delivered delivering delivers delivery dell delta deluxe dem demand demanding demands demo democracy democrat democratic democrats demographic demonstrate demonstrated demonstrates demonstration den denial denied denmark dennis dense density dental dentists denver deny department departmental departments departure depend dependence dependent depending depends deployment deposit deposits depot depression dept depth deputy der derby derek derived des descending describe described describes describing description descriptions desert deserve design designated designation designed designer designers designing designs desirable desire desired desk desktop desktops desperate despite destination destinations destiny destroy destroyed destruction detail detailed details detect detected detection detective detector determination determine determined determines determining detroit deutsch deutsche deutschland dev devel develop developed developer developers developing development developmental developments develops deviant deviation device devices devil devon devoted df dg dh di diabetes diagnosis diagnostic diagram dial dialog dialogue diameter diamond diamonds diana diane diary dice dick dicke dicks dictionaries dictionary did die died diego dies diesel diet dietary diff differ difference differences different differential differently difficult difficulties difficulty diffs dig digest digit digital dildo dildos dim dimension dimensional dimensions dining dinner dip diploma dir direct directed direction directions directive directly director directories directors directory dirt dirty dis disabilities disability disable disabled disagree disappointed disaster disc discharge disciplinary discipline disciplines disclaimer disclaimers disclose disclosure disco discount discounted discounts discover discovered discovery discrete discretion discrimination discs discuss discussed discusses discussing discussion discussions disease diseases dish dishes disk disks disney disorder disorders dispatch dispatched display displayed displaying displays disposal disposition dispute disputes dist distance distances distant distinct distinction distinguished distribute distributed distribution distributions distributor distributors district districts disturbed div dive diverse diversity divide divided dividend divine diving division divisions divorce divx diy dj dk dl dm dna dns do doc dock docs doctor doctors doctrine document documentary documentation documented documents dod dodge doe does dog dogs doing doll dollar dollars dolls dom domain domains dome domestic dominant dominican don donald donate donated donation donations done donna donor donors dont doom door doors dos dosage dose dot double doubt doug douglas dover dow down download downloadable downloaded downloading downloads downtown dozen dozens dp dpi dr draft drag dragon drain drainage drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing drawings drawn draws dream dreams dress dressed dresses dressing drew dried drill drilling drink drinking drinks drive driven driver drivers drives driving drop dropped drops drove drug drugs drum drums drunk dry dryer ds dsc dsl dt dts du dual dubai dublin duck dude due dui duke dumb dump duncan duo duplicate durable duration durham during dust dutch duties duty dv dvd dvds dx dying dylan dynamic dynamics e ea each eagle eagles ear earl earlier earliest early earn earned earning earnings earrings ears earth earthquake ease easier easily east easter eastern easy eat eating eau ebay ebony ebook ebooks ec echo eclipse eco ecological ecology ecommerce economic economics economies economy ecuador ed eddie eden edgar edge edges edinburgh edit edited editing edition editions editor editorial editorials editors edmonton eds edt educated education educational educators edward edwards ee ef 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engineering engineers engines england english enhance enhanced enhancement enhancements enhancing enjoy enjoyed enjoying enlarge enlargement enormous enough enquiries enquiry enrolled enrollment ensemble ensure ensures ensuring ent enter entered entering enterprise enterprises enters entertaining entertainment entire entirely entities entitled entity entrance entrepreneur entrepreneurs entries entry envelope environment environmental environments enzyme eos ep epa epic epinions episode episodes epson eq equal equality equally equation equations equilibrium equipment equipped equity equivalent er era eric ericsson erik erotic erotica erp error errors es escape escort escorts especially espn essay essays essence essential essentially essentials essex est establish established establishing establishment estate estates estimate estimated estimates estimation estonia et etc eternal ethernet ethical ethics ethiopia ethnic eu eugene eur euro europe european euros ev eva eval evaluate evaluated evaluating evaluation evaluations evanescence evans eve even evening event events eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evident evil evolution ex exact exactly exam examination examinations examine examined examines examining example examples exams exceed excel excellence excellent except exception exceptional exceptions excerpt excess excessive exchange exchanges excited excitement exciting exclude excluded excluding exclusion exclusive exclusively excuse exec execute executed execution executive executives exempt exemption exercise exercises exhaust exhibit exhibition exhibitions exhibits exist existed existence existing exists exit exotic exp expand expanded expanding expansion expansys expect expectations expected expects expedia expenditure expenditures expense expenses expensive experience experienced experiences experiencing experiment experimental experiments expert expertise experts expiration expired expires explain explained explaining explains explanation explicit explicitly exploration explore explorer exploring explosion expo export exports exposed exposure express expressed expression expressions ext extend extended extending extends extension extensions extensive extent exterior external extra extract extraction extraordinary extras extreme extremely eye eyed eyes ez f fa fabric fabrics fabulous face faced faces facial facilitate facilities facility facing fact factor factors factory facts faculty fail failed failing fails failure failures fair fairfield fairly fairy faith fake fall fallen falling falls fame familiar families family famous fan fancy fans fantastic fantasy faq faqs far fare fares farm farmer farmers farming farms fascinating fashion fast faster fastest fat fatal fate father fathers fatty fault favor favorite favorites favors favour favourite favourites fax fbi fc fcc fd fda fe fear fears feat feature featured features featuring feb february fed federal federation fee feed feedback feeding feeds feel feeling feelings feels fees feet fell fellow fellowship felt female females fence feof ferrari ferry festival festivals fetish fever few fewer ff fg fi fiber fibre fiction field fields fifteen fifth fifty fig fight fighter fighters fighting figure figured figures fiji file filed filename files filing fill filled filling film filme films filter filtering filters fin final finally finals finance finances financial financing find findarticles finder finding findings findlaw finds fine finest finger fingering fingers finish finished finishing finite finland finnish fioricet fire fired firefox fireplace fires firewall firewire firm firms firmware first fiscal fish fisher fisheries fishing fist fisting fit fitness fits fitted fitting five fix fixed fixes fixtures fl flag flags flame flash flashers flashing flat flavor fleece fleet flesh flex flexibility flexible flickr flight flights flip float floating flood floor flooring floors floppy floral florence florida florist florists flour flow flower flowers flows floyd flu fluid flush flux fly flyer flying fm fo foam focal focus focused focuses focusing fog fold folder folders folding folk folks follow followed following follows font fonts foo food foods fool foot footage football footwear for forbes forbidden force forced forces ford forecast forecasts foreign forest forestry forests forever forge forget forgot forgotten fork form formal format formation formats formatting formed former formerly forming forms formula fort forth fortune forty forum forums forward forwarding fossil foster foto fotos fought foul found foundation foundations founded founder fountain four fourth fox fp fr fraction fragrance fragrances frame framed frames framework framing france franchise francis francisco frank frankfurt franklin fraser fraud fred frederick free freebsd freedom freelance freely freeware freeze freight french frequencies frequency frequent frequently fresh fri friday fridge friend friendly friends friendship frog from front frontier frontpage frost frozen fruit fruits fs ft ftp fu fuck fucked fucking fuel fuji fujitsu full fully fun function functional functionality functioning functions fund fundamental fundamentals funded funding fundraising funds funeral funk funky funny fur furnished furnishings furniture further furthermore fusion future futures fuzzy fw fwd fx fy g ga gabriel gadgets gage gain gained gains galaxy gale galleries gallery gambling game gamecube games gamespot gaming gamma gang gangbang gap gaps garage garbage garcia garden gardening gardens garlic garmin gary gas gasoline gate gates gateway gather gathered gathering gauge gave gay gays gazette gb gba gbp gc gcc gd gdp ge gear geek gel gem gen gender gene genealogy general generally generate generated generates generating generation generations generator generators generic generous genes genesis genetic genetics geneva genius genome genre genres gentle gentleman gently genuine geo geographic geographical geography geological geology geometry george georgia gerald german germany get gets getting gg ghana ghost ghz gi giant giants gibraltar gibson gif gift gifts gig gilbert girl girlfriend girls gis give given gives giving gl glad glance glasgow glass glasses glen glenn global globe glory glossary gloves glow glucose gm gmbh gmc gmt gnome gnu go goal goals goat god gods goes going gold golden golf gone gonna good goods google gordon gore gorgeous gospel gossip got gothic goto gotta gotten gourmet governance governing government governmental governments governor gp gpl gps gr grab grace grad grade grades gradually graduate graduated graduates graduation graham grain grammar grams grand grande granny grant granted grants graph graphic graphical graphics graphs gras grass grateful gratis gratuit grave gravity gray great greater greatest greatly greece greek green greene greenhouse greensboro greeting greetings greg gregory grenada grew grey grid griffin grill grip grocery groove gross ground grounds groundwater group groups grove grow growing grown grows growth gs gsm gst gt gtk guam guarantee guaranteed guarantees guard guardian guards guatemala guess guest guestbook guests gui guidance guide guided guidelines guides guild guilty guinea guitar guitars gulf gun guns guru guy guyana guys gym gzip h ha habitat habits hack hacker had hair hairy haiti half halifax hall halloween halo ham hamburg hamilton hammer hampshire hampton hand handbags handbook handed handheld handhelds handjob handjobs handle handled handles handling handmade hands handy hang hanging hans hansen happen happened happening happens happiness happy harassment harbor harbour hard hardcore hardcover harder hardly hardware hardwood harley harm harmful harmony harold harper harris harrison harry hart hartford harvard harvest harvey has hash hat hate hats have haven having hawaii hawaiian hawk hay hayes hazard hazardous hazards hb hc hd hdtv he head headed header headers heading headline headlines headphones headquarters heads headset healing health healthcare healthy hear heard hearing hearings heart hearts heat heated heater heath heather heating heaven heavily heavy hebrew heel height heights held helen helena helicopter hell hello helmet help helped helpful helping helps hence henderson henry hentai hepatitis her herald herb herbal herbs here hereby herein heritage hero heroes herself hewlett hey hh hi hidden hide hierarchy high higher highest highland highlight highlighted highlights highly highs highway highways hiking hill hills hilton him himself hindu hint hints hip hire hired hiring his hispanic hist historic historical history hit hitachi hits hitting hiv hk hl ho hobbies hobby hockey hold holdem holder holders holding holdings holds hole holes holiday holidays holland hollow holly hollywood holmes holocaust holy home homeland homeless homepage homes hometown homework hon honda honduras honest honey hong honolulu honor honors hood hook hop hope hoped hopefully hopes hoping hopkins horizon horizontal hormone horn horny horrible horror horse horses hose hospital hospitality hospitals host hosted hostel hostels hosting hosts hot hotel hotels hotmail hottest hour hourly hours house household households houses housewares housewives housing houston how howard however howto hp hq hr href hrs hs ht html http hu hub hudson huge hugh hughes hugo hull human humanitarian humanities humanity humans humidity humor hundred hundreds hung hungarian hungary hunger hungry hunt hunter hunting huntington hurricane hurt husband hwy hybrid hydraulic hydrocodone hydrogen hygiene hypothesis hypothetical hyundai hz i ia ian ibm ic ice iceland icon icons icq ict id idaho ide idea ideal ideas identical identification identified identifier identifies identify identifying identity idle idol ids ie ieee if ignore ignored ii iii il ill illegal illinois illness illustrated illustration illustrations im image images imagination imagine imaging img immediate immediately immigrants immigration immune immunology impact impacts impaired imperial implement implementation implemented implementing implications implied implies import importance important importantly imported imports impose imposed impossible impressed impression impressive improve improved improvement improvements improving in inappropriate inbox inc incentive incentives incest inch inches incidence incident incidents incl include included includes including inclusion inclusive income incoming incomplete incorporate incorporated incorrect increase increased increases increasing increasingly incredible incurred ind indeed independence independent independently index indexed indexes india indian indiana indianapolis indians indicate indicated indicates indicating indication indicator indicators indices indie indigenous indirect individual individually individuals indonesia indonesian indoor induced induction industrial industries industry inexpensive inf infant infants infected infection infections infectious infinite inflation influence influenced influences info inform informal information informational informative informed infrared infrastructure infringement ing ingredients inherited initial initially initiated initiative initiatives injection injured injuries injury ink inkjet inline inn inner innocent innovation innovations innovative inns input inputs inquire inquiries inquiry ins insects insert inserted insertion inside insider insight insights inspection inspections inspector inspiration inspired install installation installations installed installing instance instances instant instantly instead institute institutes institution institutional institutions instruction instructional instructions instructor instructors instrument instrumental instrumentation instruments insulation insulin insurance insured int intake integer integral integrate integrated integrating integration integrity intel intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intended intense intensity intensive intent intention inter interact interaction interactions interactive interest interested interesting interests interface interfaces interference interim interior intermediate internal international internationally internet internship interpretation interpreted interracial intersection interstate interval intervals intervention interventions interview interviews intimate intl into intranet intro introduce introduced introduces introducing introduction introductory invalid invasion invention inventory invest investigate investigated investigation investigations investigator investigators investing investment investments investor investors invisible invision invitation invitations invite invited invoice involve involved involvement involves involving io ion iowa ip ipaq ipod ips ir ira iran iraq iraqi irc ireland irish iron irrigation irs is isa isaac isbn islam islamic island islands isle iso isolated isolation isp israel israeli issn issue issued issues ist istanbul it italia italian italiano italic italy item items its itself itunes iv ivory ix j ja jack jacket jackets jackie jackson jacksonville jacob jade jaguar jail jake jam jamaica james jamie jan jane janet january japan japanese jar jason java javascript jay jazz jc jd je jean jeans jeep jeff jefferson jeffrey jelsoft jennifer jenny jeremy jerry jersey jerusalem jesse jessica jesus jet jets jewel jewellery jewelry jewish jews jill jim jimmy jj jm jo joan job jobs joe joel john johnny johns johnson johnston join joined joining joins joint joke jokes jon jonathan jones jordan jose joseph josh joshua journal journalism journalist journalists journals journey joy joyce jp jpeg jpg jr js juan judge judges judgment judicial judy juice jul julia julian julie july jump jumping jun junction june jungle junior junk jurisdiction jury just justice justify justin juvenile jvc k ka kai kansas karaoke karen karl karma kate kathy katie katrina kay kazakhstan kb kde keen keep keeping keeps keith kelkoo kelly ken kennedy kenneth kenny keno kent kentucky kenya kept kernel kerry kevin key keyboard keyboards keys keyword keywords kg kick kid kidney kids kijiji kill killed killer killing kills kilometers kim kinase kind kinda kinds king kingdom kings kingston kirk kiss kissing kit kitchen kits kitty klein km knee knew knife knight knights knit knitting knives knock know knowing knowledge knowledgestorm known knows ko kodak kong korea korean kruger ks kurt kuwait kw ky kyle l la lab label labeled labels labor laboratories laboratory labour labs lace lack ladder laden ladies lady lafayette laid lake lakes lamb lambda lamp lamps lan lancaster lance land landing lands landscape landscapes lane lanes lang language languages lanka laos lap laptop laptops large largely larger largest larry
submitted by essidus to OneWordBan [link] [comments]

[AMA] I quit my gamedev job and travelled the world (no antarctica sorry) for 18 months AMA

hi guys I wanted to do this for a while but finally convinced myself that some people might actually be interested
I'm 31 (29 when I started the trip), male, originally from Austria. I lived and worked in Germany and England as a game developer before quitting my job early 2017 to travel the world. Over the course of 18 months my trip took me to all 6 inhabited continents.
I started in southern Africa, flew to east Asia, went down to New Zealand for christmas and new years, back up to South East Asia, over to South America up the west coast from Chile to Colombia and on my (long) way home visited friends in USA, Canada, UK, Netherlands and Germany before coming back home to Austria. (amazing pic of my route)
touristy highlights included driving the coast of South Africa, seeing all kinds of animals in Botswana, amazing beaches in Fiji & NZ, getting amazed by the likes of the Shwedagon Pagoda, Angkor Wat and Borobudur, seeing otherworldy landscapes in Vietnam and especially in the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, getting a taste of the Amazon in Bolivia, hiking a lot all over the world with highlights being the 4 day Santa Cruz trek in Huaraz in Peru, the 3day Quilotoa Loop in Ecuador and 2 days in Myanmar from Kalaw to Lake Inle.
personal highlights include living with a local in the middle of nowhere in Botswana for 3 weeks, watching the GSL (Starcraft 2) finals in Seoul in Korea, playing the last game I worked on in a gaming cafe in Penang in Malaysia, conquering my fear of heights doing the 3rd highest bungee in the world in South Africa, winning over $1k in a casino in Sihanoukville in Cambodia, seeing wild dolphins (South Africa & Chile) and whales (Ecuador), and on top of all making friends from all over the world (short term, but I still msg quite a few of them regularly and semi regularly).
the top lowlight of the trip was crashing my scooter in Taitung in Taiwan with the exact low point being the paramedic answering my "am I gonna lose my finger?" question with "maybe". In Malaysia a scooter drove into the door of our Uber when I opened it which resulted in a few angry indian malay men asking me to pay for it (I did in the end, 500rm). other than that nothing really too bad happened so I guess I got kinda lucky.
I had a few points where I thought about going home early but thinking about how much I would hate myself when at home and I still had money from my budget left and thinking "what would I do at home now" always kept me going.
it was an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone. If you have any questions about any of the destinations mentioned or pretty much whatever I am more than happy to share my experience (not enough people in real life care enough anyways, so it really makes me happy to share it)
the proof I have is my blog (it's not amazing writing or anything more like so people at home know I'm alive) and my instagram
submitted by robih29 to solotravel [link] [comments]

The South Coast Metro Shopping

For a night on the town, the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, a world-famend performing arts complicated adjoining to South Coast Plaza, options stage and concert halls in addition to repertory and cabaret theaters. The concierge at South Coast Plaza may even handle securing your tickets here and to different space attractions.
On October 15, 2018, it was introduced that Sears would be closing as a part of a plan to shut 142 stores nationwide. The Sears anchor was closed permanently on January 1, 2019, making it the last unique anchor retailer to close within the mall.
Located solely steps away from Michigan Avenue, the Oak Street District continues to draw in millions of visitors every year with walkways that act as pink carpets to posh storefronts and impressed interiors. It is the gem of Chicago’s Gold Coast, one of the prestigious areas in the Midwest and the second wealthiest neighborhood in the nation.
When I was prepared for a break from shopping, I retreated to South Coast Plaza’s VIP Access Suite, a quiet, personal oasis to sit down, chill out and regroup. The concierge checked my packages and offered me with an array of refreshments. This cozy lounge also presents a non-public dressing room, where consumers can meet with a private stylist. Walking into South Coast Plaza feels different from getting into any other buying vacation spot I even have visited. The use of pure mild and a calming indoor water characteristic gave me the impression that I may simply spend greater than a day exploring here.

South Coast Metro Shopping

Walk the bridge of a WW II warship, marvel at the forty four-ft motor lifeboat plowing by way of a wave in a rescue mission. Board the Lightship Columbia, a National Historic Landmark that after guided ships to safety on the mouth of the Columbia River. If recent produce, live music, and local artwork blended with a street market environment is your concept of a weekend properly spent, then the Astoria Sunday Market is a spot you possibly can’t afford to overlook. The second largest market of its sort in Oregon, celebrating its nineteenth season and spanning four city blocks, the Astoria Sunday Market is located within the heart of downtown Astoria.

San Diego: Culture, Shopping and Attractions

Be the primary to find out about unique offers and occasions at Oregon Coast Shopping Center. Our local enterprise directory acts as a tour guide to Chicago’s premiere locations. Peek into the buying, delicacies and best motels in Chicago and browse our part on occasions to plan your schedule out completely. Whether it’s one of the best spas, hotels, accommodations, eating places or a purchasing district in Chicago, Oak Street Chicago lets you discover what you’re on the lookout for.
The LAB Anti-Mall, a longtime OC arts hangout and bohemian buying oasis, honors the pattern-loving shopper within a relaxed open air environment. Urban Outfitters, Buffalo Exchange, Eye Society, Blends, Carve, Crème Tangerine, and Crew Salon are one-of-a-sort retailers circling the LAB Living Room. From your early morning espresso repair at Cafecito Orgánico, café type ambiance at Gypsy Den and delicious vegan bites at Seabirds Kitchen, to dinner at award profitable Cuban restaurant Habana or Calipoke, The LAB eateries will fulfill any palate! While you’re right here, loosen up and spend some high quality time at the famend rust barrel fountain and fire pit, and peruse the classic trailer pop-up retailers sprinkled concerning the whimsical pathways. J. Segerstrom & Sons, based the Festival of Children Foundation in 2002.
The Vons grocery retailer signal instantly catches the eye, but Metro Town Square certainly doesn’t finish there. Convenience is key—one can pick up groceries, use the health club at LA Fitness, or utilize health and financial providers and extra all in one cease.
These Main Street areas regularly host free events for an added layer of fun. A shopping center featuring The Krave Kobe Burger Grill, Menchie's Frozen Yogurt, Mustard Cafe, Newport Fusion Sushi, Pavilions, Starbucks Coffee, Zov's Bistro and more. The SoBECA District, an acronym for South on Bristol, Entertainment, Culture, Arts celebrates fashion, dining, arts and the outside as the heartbeat of Costa Mesa, City of the Arts. The LAB Anti-Mall and the CAMP eco-campus, throughout the street from each other on Bristol, form the cornerstone of this eclectic neighborhood of unique boutiques, one-of-a-type restaurants, artwork galleries, cafés and wellness providers.

Cocoa Beach Surf Company

Showcasing 200 distributors each week with arts and crafts from the unique coastal region in addition to a rotating forged of eclectic musicians, the market is a neighborhood hub properly worth the visit for any traveler. The vibrant food courtroom and quirky vendors border a nearby waterfront stroll that's easily accessible, and the refurbished trolley system offers access to all the remainder Astoria has to offer. Outlets From designer manufacturers to Pacific Northwest adventure gear, Lincoln City Outlets has everything on your subsequent quest on the Oregon Coast. The Space Coast boasts three Historic Downtown Areas positioned in Titusville, Cocoa Village, and Melbourne. All of those districts are nice locations for eating, looking for gifts and antiques, catching a play, or simply taking an afternoon stroll.
The Avenue Viera is an open-air pedestrian friendly purchasing destination that includes premier national retailers, select local retailers and specialty eating places. For visitors in touch with their inside artists, there are artwork galleries within the downtown areas and in Eau Gallie Arts District. Looming large with purchasing on the Space Coast is Ron Jon Surf Shop, the world's largest surf store that visitors need to see to believe.

Curbside Pick-Up and No-Contact Delivery Services at Oak Street District

Park in one of our shade-coded pickup zones and call your boutique or restaurant. Check our web site day by day for probably the most present record of boutiques and eating places. Other shopping choices in North Bend embody the Pony Village Mall, The Myrtlewood Factory, and Ko-Kwel Gifts at The Mill Casino. North Bend’s quaint downtown provides shoppers a blend of gift, vintage and outfitters to select from, including, Painted Zebra, Petal to the Metal, Books by the Bay, Josies Art Lab, Fat Cat Antiques, Mossy Rose, and lots of others. Beach Books is a regionally owned book store that includes best sellers and titles by regional authors.
The basis hosts the annual Festival of Children at South Coast Plaza each September. In March 2006, the Robinsons-May retailer, historically the first retailer at South Coast Plaza because the May Company, was closed as part of its merger with Macy's and re-opened as Bloomingdale's in May 2007. Upscale Italian, progressive American, authentic Chinese and Japanese, classic steakhouse are among dining choices that indulge the senses and revive the diner, permitting more time for exploring. In the center of downtown Chicago, the Oak Street District is the town’s destination for luxurious purchasing. A neighborhood of historical buildings housing the world’s most sought-after brand names and designers, it's a mélange of each charm and culture.

Top Spots for Independent Shopping on the Coast

You’ll discover the posh way of life boutiques Chicago’s downtown district shines for and discover Chicago’s best points of interest the casual vacationer overlooks. We’ll help navigate downtown Chicago, so you'll be able to stroll confidently into one of the best restaurants, motels, hostels, accommodations and clothing boutiques the town has to supply. Browse Oak Street Chicago’s native enterprise directory for a thorough catalogue of boutique purchasing, and eating places and also you’ll know exactly what to select on your destination adventure. Simply name them to order spring fashion or meals and you’ll receive a choose up time.
Six galleries, the Great Hall, and the Lightship Columbia interpret the area's rich maritime historical past. Visitors of all ages expertise what it's prefer to pilot a tugboat, take part in a Coast Guard rescue, and stay in Astoria in the course of the height of salmon fishing. Explore marine transportation from the times of dugout canoes, via the age of sail, to the current.

Boomster Blog: Local Coffee Spots on Florida's Space Coast

Since 2007, South Coast Plaza has held "Fashion Plates", an annual 10-day Restaurant Week-like promotion of its high-finish eating places at discounted rates. After a full day of buying, prepare to be wowed by the region’s wonderful sights, such as the beaches lining the pristine coastline of Orange County. A go to to Disneyland, for example, is an expertise the entire family can enjoy.
Other surf shops dot the coast together with Cocoa Beach Surf Company in Cocoa Beach and Longboard House on Melbourne Beaches. With so few reviews, your opinion of Newport Coast Shopping Center could possibly be big. Yelp customers haven’t asked any questions yet about Newport Coast Shopping Center. embodies all the comfort of a neighborhood shopping middle, boasting a wide range of retailers and companies that assist each the native business and residential neighborhood.
Everywhere I seemed, there was one thing that caught my eye – clothing, accessories, shoes and extra – especially since I received a 10 % off Visitor Savings Pass only for being an international customer. In the cosmetics division, I obtained fantastic personal service and a makeover. Macy’s at South Coast Plaza really has a lot to be desired, including a separate store only for males. Merritt Square Mall on Merritt Island and the Melbourne Square Mall in Melbourne provide traditional shopping mall venues.
submitted by dariasss to u/dariasss [link] [comments]

Official 2019 Beale Street Music Festival Visitors Guide!

. Hello BSMF 2019 fans, we are glad you can join us at Memphis ! Memphis a great city with plenty of great food, entertainment, and sights to offer for your visit. Below you will find listings and links to some of our most popular attractions, restaurants and bars. If there is something you can’t find here, check out the search feature or the sidebar, and please feel free to ask us you need more detailed information. We hope that you enjoy your time here and can come back again soon.
Festival Info/Transportation/Contacts:
Official Beale Street Music Festival Info
BSMF Survival Guides: Guide 1 Guide 2 Guide 3
Memphis Police Non-Emergency Number 1-901-545-2677
Downtown Parking Map/Guide
Both Uber and Lyft are great around town: (be aware of surge pricing)
Official Lyft Drop off/pick up Spots and lounge map
Yellow Cab: 1-901-577-7777
MetroCab 1-901-322-2222
Memphis Area Transit Authority
Entertainment Areas:
South Main - Downtown
Cooper Young- Midtown
Overton Square – Midtown
Broad Ave Arts District – Binghampton
Crosstown Concourse - Crosstown Area
Brookhaven Circle – East Memphis
Downtown - Includes Beale Street, Pinch District, Mud Island and South Main
Memphis Sites of Interest and Attractions
Beale Street - Home of the blues. Bars, restaurants, shops. Quintessential tourist spot.
Graceland – way more expensive than you think
Stax Museum of American Soul Music
Memphis Rock and Soul Museum
National Civil Rights Museum
Sun Studio – don’t eat at the café
The Peabody Hotel – ducks in an indoor fountain in very nice lobby
Elmwood Cemetery – famous dead Memphians
Historic Court Square in Downtown Memphis
Pink Palace Museum – originally home of Piggly Wiggly founder, now museum.
National Ornamental Metal Museum - Small museum of metallurgy and active blacksmith Shop overlooking the Mississippi River, next to Chickasaw Heritage Park with burial mounds (make sure to stop and look at the entrance gate)
Brooks Museum of Art
Belz Museum of Asian and Judaic Art
Dixon Gallery and Gardens
Cotton Museum
Lists of Memphis Murals: List 1 List 2 List 3
Southland Park Gaming and Racing – West Memphis, AR (minutes from downtown) Casino, Dog track, Sammy Hager Sports Bar and Bourbon Street Grill (fine dining)
Family Attractions:
Memphis Zoo –very nice. New exhibits for Zambizi River (hippos/crocodiles)
Children’s Museum of Memphis – splash pad in summer
Bass Pro Shops at the Pyramid Official Site – amazing. Huge aquariums, shooting gallery, live alligators, bowling alley, many taxidermy animals, luxury hotel and seasonal free activities.
Memphis Botanic Gardens - nice gardens, large outdoor kids area.
Shelby Farms Park – large playgrounds, trails, lakes, paddleboats, fancy restaurant, seasonal attractions for Halloween and Christmas
Mud Island River Park
Memphis Riverboats – take a cruise on the Mississippi in an old fashioned paddle wheel boat
Outdoor Activities:
Big River Crossing – Pedestrian bridge that allows you to walk across the Mississippi River
Shelby Farms Park
Shelby Farms Greenline – network of 11 miles (and growing) of paved walking/biking trails connecting midtown to Collierville.
Overton Park – small lake, some trails
Shopping: See South Main, Cooper Young Broad Ave and Overton Square above.
Bass Pro at the Pyramid
Saddle Creek – Germantown
Oak Court Mall – East Memphis
Wolf Chase Mall – Cordova
Carriage Crossing – Collierville
Laurelwood Shopping Center - East Memphis
Live Music Listings and Events Calendars:
Memphis Flyer Live Music Listings
I Love Memphis Blog
Choose901 Blog
East Memphis Moms Blog
FedEx Forum Calendar
Tops Bar-B-Q -Multiple Locations- Ask for white chop, good burgers
Central BBQ –Multiple Locations- Nachos with house chips
Payne’s Bar-B-Que –Midtown- Slaw Dog, BBQ Baloney
One & Only BBQ - Multiple locations- BBQ Quesidilla
The Bar-B-Q Shop –Midtown- BBQ Spagetti
Corky’s Ribs BBQ –Multiple Locations- Ribs and Catfish
Cozy Corner Restaurant –Medical Center- Cornish hen and rib tips
Arnolds BBQ and Grill -Medical District- ribs
Leonard’s Pit Barbecue -Parkway Village- buffet
Eldwood’s Shack -Berclaire/Summer- lots of great stuff
Interstate Barbecue – South Memphis- BBQ spaghetti
Blues City Cafe - Beale Street -wet ribs, bit touristy
TOURIST BBQ Rendezvous BBQ –Downtown- don’t slow smoke their ribs, they grill them
*Breweries *
Meddlesome Brewing - Cordova
Boscos Restaurant and Brewing Company- Midtown
Ghost River Tap Room/Brewery –Downtown
High Cotton Brewing – Medical District
Memphis Made Brewing – Midtown
Old Domnick Distillery vodka/whiskey - Downtown
Wiseacre Brewing – Broad Ave
Crosstown Brewing Co - Crosstown Concourse
Memphis Brew Bus - Bus tour of selection of Memphis breweries
submitted by B1gR1g to memphis [link] [comments]

Conjecture Lecture: Or I suck at future predictions of the show

tldr: If participating in this subreddit has taught me anything is that I royally suck at predicting what will happen in Mr. Robot. What I do moderately well is look for patterns and recall history. I also have an insatiable need to understand another person’s creative process, since I am not one of those creative genius types. This is my attempt to highlight some of the RL historical events and people to the Mr. Robot universe and what I perceive where u/SamEsmail received his inspiration for Mr. Robot. It has also taught me that I like bullet points.
First a mini-timeline. While I am sure there are a ton more dates and events, these are the ones that have come up pretty frequently in the show.
1991 – The World Wide Web was launched at CERN; Linux was also introduced
1995 – Various browsers introduced, Windows 95 released, personal computer sales explode
2003 – 4chan launched
2004 – Thefacebook (later Facebook) was launched, Anonymous was established on 4chan
2006 - Wikileaks launched from servers in Iceland by Australian hacker, Julian Assange
2007 - Collateral Murder video and associated documents were published on Wikileaks; ChanOps started (?)
2008 – Tom Cruise’s weird propaganda video for Scientology is leaked, Anonymous launches Project Chanology against Scientology
2009 - Manning states that she started working with Wikileaks on Thanksgiving 2009 in a chat with Adrian Lamo
2010 – Anonymous launches Operation Payback in retaliation against industry attempts to stop Piratebay and WikiLeaks; Chelsea (then Bradley) Manning leaked information to Wikileaks (crucially the Collateral Murder footage and documents); Manning confides in informant, Adrian Lamo; Manning is arrested and imprisoned much of it under the Prevention of Injury status.
2011 – Arab Spring, Occupy Wallstreet, Gawker hack, emergence of LulzSec from the anon group Internet Feds, BART hack, Sony hack, Fox Network hack, UK banks hack, PBS hack, Operation AntiSec, way too many others to list; several LulzSec members arrested
2012 – This is the year that Esmail said his idea for Mr. Robot was ‘born’. More members of LulzSec arrested, NSA statement on Anonymous and power grid threats
2013 – Criminal cases finalized against several LulzSec members
2014 - Manning is provided with hormones to facilitate her gender reassignment
2015 – Mr. Robot universe; Manning is provided all necessary items to address her gender dysphoria
I speculate that Esmail was intrigued by world events that led up the arrest and conviction of LulzSec members. Perhaps he read Olson’s 2012 book, “We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency” (Olson, Parmy). Perhaps he just kept abreast of the news. It certainly was all over the web in articles and blog posts such as:
Not to mention Twitter with the associated hashtags. Even a ‘diary’ posted on (there are a number of documents cited in this link that are fascinating reading, although you may have to hunt down cached versions since the links are dead).
Okay, so where was I going with this? Oh yes, there are so many similarities to the entire history of LulzSec and the Mr. Robot Universe. For example:
Some of the people involved in LulzSec and/or satellite players seem to be inspirations for Elliot, Darlene, Angela, Kayla, Romero, Gideon, and Trenton.
Some of the iconography with LulzSec and (some) seen prominently in Mr. Robot
Early Hacker Groups and Events
Hackers on Planet Earth Convention

The Next HOPE Convention of 2010 (Well worth a look at the documentation and lineup all of the HOPE conventions.)

Hotel Pennsylvania, Manhattan, NY
I think one of the most important inspirational pieces for Esmail may have been the following essay written by Jake Davis in February 2012:
Hello, friend, and welcome to the Internet, the guiding light and deadly laser in our hectic, modern world. The internet horde has been watching you closely for some time now. It has seen you flock to your Facebook and your Twitter of the years, and it has seen you enter its home turf and attempt to overrun it with your scandals and “real world” gossip. You need to know that the ownership of cyberspace will always remain with the hivemind. The Internet does not belong to your beloved authorities, militaries, or multi-millionaire company owners. The Internet belongs to the trolls and the hackers, the enthusiasts and the extremists; it will never cease to be this way.
You see, the Internet has long since lost its place in time and its shady collective continues to shunt he fact that it lives in a specific year like 2012, where it has to abide by 2012’s morals and 2012’s society, with its rules and it punishments. The Internet smirks at scenes of mass rape and horrific slaughtering followed by a touch of cannibalism, all to the sound of catchy Japanese music. It simply doesn’t give a tuppence about getting a “job”, getting a car, getting a house, raising a family, and teaching them to continue the loop while the human race organizes its own death. Custom-plated coffins and retirement plans made of paperwork…the Internet asks why?
You cannot make the Internet feel bad, you cannot make the Internet feel regret or guilt or sympathy, you can only make the Internet feel the need to have more lulz at your expense. The lulz flow through all in the faceless army as they see the twin towers falling with a dancing Hitler on loop in the bottom-left corner of their screens. The lulz strike when they open a newspaper and care nothing for any of the world’s alleged problems. They laugh at downward red arrows as banks and businesses tumble, and they laugh at our glorious government overlords trying to fix a situation by throwing more currency at it. They laugh when you try to make them feel the need to “make something of life,” and they laugh harder when you call them vile trolls and heartless web terrorists. They laugh at you because you’re not capable of laughing at yourselves and all of the pointless fodder they believe you surround yourselves in. But most of all they laugh because they can.
This is not to say that the Internet is your enemy. It is your greatest ally and closest friend; its shops mean you don’t have to set foot outside your home, and its casinos allow you to lose your money at any hour of the day. Its many chat rooms ensure you no longer need to interact with any other members of your species directly, and detailed social networking conveniently maps your every move and thought. Your intimate relationships and darkest secrets belong to the horde, and they will never be forgotten. Your existence will forever be encoded into the infinite repertoire of beautiful, byte-sized sequences, safely housed in the cyber cloud for all to observe.
And how has the Internet changed the lives of its most hardened addicts? They simply don’t care enough to tell you. So welcome to the underbelly of society, the anarchistic stream-of-thought nebular that seeps it way into the mainstream word – your world – more and more every day. You cannot escape it and you cannot anticipate it. It is the nightmare on the edge of your dreams and the ominous thought that it claws its way through your online life like a blinding virtual force, disregarding your philosophies and feasting on your emotions.
Prepare to end to the hivemind, motherfuck.
Gosh, I can just hear Elliot saying something like this, can’t you?
submitted by aanjheni to MrRobot [link] [comments]

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